
Pain: 4B

Apr 26th, 2016
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  1. You weren’t exactly sure why you had when you’d called her.
  3. Sure she was nice, but you could say that about practically everyone else you’d met so far. Hell the only reason Akatori even stood out in your mind was because you’d hyped your hopes up on pinky before and found yourself let down by the obvious dodging which had been going down. No instead you’d met a pretty, sweet girl who’d wished you well… and you remembered her doing something small though relatively impressive.
  5. And now here you were again... you’d been hoping for some action from tall dark and sexy, but apparently he’d was taken up, busy with smoothing things over with your newest teammate. You approved of her even if she’d tried to kill you. You’d learned well enough not to hold little things like that against people, most gave up after the first time realizing you were too tough to be rid of via injury.
  7. Still such had turned your thoughts back in the direction of the red headed beauty who’d found time to check on someone who looked a bit melancholy by the wayside.
  9. Little things like that did stick out after all.
  11. And besides, you were a bit curious about her over all, so you brought up the PDA Link and made the call.
  13. “Hello?” The girls voice came up as a picture of her face hovered over the space above your wrist. “Um who is this?”
  15. “It is I!” You cheerfully announce, knowing that your grinning avatar on her side of the fence should have resolved by now, she probably didn’t immediately recall your face. You were a little disappointed by this thought, you tried to keep yourself distinctive after all. “You know Thorley? The guy from yesterday.”
  17. You could see the dawning realization come over her avatar, mimicking her own state across the line. “Oh! Right... girly gay guy!”
  19. You twitched JUST a little at that particular reference to your illustrious self. Sure you were slender and cute… but you weren’t ‘girly’ dammit.
  21. “... well anyway. I was thinking, I have the night free, most of my other friends are currently engaged in activities without me… so I figured ‘Hey! I know a lovely young lady to go spend some time getting to know!”
  23. Aww, a cute little blush ran across her avatar’s cheeks. She must not have unticked the auto-emotional recognition system. Either that or she was a more cunning actor than you’d been taking her for thus far.
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