
RE: Europe's Libya Intervention: Spain Released on 2012-09-

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  153. RE: Europe's Libya Intervention: Spain
  154. Released on 2012-09-02 23:00 GMT
  156. Email-ID 1739708
  157. Date 2011-04-05 23:57:09
  158. From
  159. To
  160. The Falklands had also, at that time, only a symbolic value and still were
  161. the source of a war for internal political reasons, which would play a
  162. very significant role in the case of Spain were something similar to ever
  163. happen with Ceuta and Melilla.
  167. Besides that, you are right about the LNG capacity, which was partially
  168. developed to diminish our dependence on Algerian gas.
  172. Best,
  176. Camilo
  180. Camilo Villarino-Marzo
  182. Political Counselor
  184. Embassy of Spain
  186. 2375 Pennsylvania Ave., NW
  188. Washington, DC 20037
  190. Tel. (202) 728 2351
  192. Fax (202) 833 5670
  196. --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  198. De: Marko Papic []
  199. Enviado el: martes, 05 de abril de 2011 15:51
  200. Para: Villarino Marzo, Camilo
  201. Asunto: Re: Europe's Libya Intervention: Spain
  205. Dear Camilo,
  207. Interestingly, even if Morocco was to have a regime change and take out
  208. Ceuta and Meililla -- which by the way, do not fall within NATO's purview
  209. from what I understand -- it would be only a cosmetic loss for Spain. The
  210. two are fairly symbolic and are not really strategic anymore.
  212. Overall the energy issue is a big concern for sure. But Spain does have
  213. considerable LNG capacity and could replace piped gas with an expansion of
  214. LNG facilities. Either way, any interruption to Algeria's exports due to
  215. crises would be temporary as whatever political entity came to power there
  216. would at the end of the day need to pay its bills one way or another.
  218. I included the Ceuta/Melilla issue in my analysis, as well as a more
  219. general issue of increased migration from Morocco due to some Tunisia
  220. styled instability.
  222. Cheers,
  224. Marko
  226. P.S. No problem about your answer, I thought it was quite thorough! Thank
  227. you as always
  229. On 4/5/11 2:43 PM, Villarino Marzo, Camilo wrote:
  231. Dear Marko,
  235. You are right that Spain does not face two many conventional threats
  236. nowadays. Accession to NATO was considered more an instrument for Spanish
  237. integration in the West (and Armed Forces' transformation), once Franco
  238. was dead, than an instrument to strengthen our defense interests. Our
  239. former "enemies" (mainly the French in the XVI and XVII centuries and the
  240. Brits in the XVIII) are today our allies. Nevertheless, in today's defense
  241. planning, it could be said that our potential conventional threats come
  242. basically from the South:
  246. First, Morocco, in case a future more aggressive regime could try to take
  247. by force the two Spanish towns which are in the North Africa Mediterranean
  248. coast: Ceuta and Melilla. These two towns are very difficult to defend
  249. without a major counterattack on Moroccan soil or defense assets.
  253. Second, Algeria, if a change of regime could affect our gas supply.
  257. For the rest, Russia is too far away from us, although our interests would
  258. be affected if Russia could one day dictate EU foreign policy. So is
  259. China, unless it interferes with international free trade of energy
  260. supplies, rare earth materials, food, etc., which I doubt. In any case,
  261. for all those other risks, our alliance with the US through NATO is the
  262. cornerstone of our defence posture.
  266. Best,
  270. Camilo
  274. P.S. Sorry for this short answer but I have to rush into a meeting.
  280. Camilo Villarino-Marzo
  282. Political Counselor
  284. Embassy of Spain
  286. 2375 Pennsylvania Ave., NW
  288. Washington, DC 20037
  290. Tel. (202) 728 2351
  292. Fax (202) 833 5670
  296. --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  298. De: Marko Papic []
  299. Enviado el: martes, 05 de abril de 2011 13:46
  300. Para: Villarino Marzo, Camilo
  301. Asunto: Re: Europe's Libya Intervention: Spain
  305. Dear Camilo,
  307. Thank you very much for your detailed reply. You are very correct that the
  308. toll, in terms of personal losses, has been relatively small from ETA in
  309. Spain in comparison to IRA in the U.K. I would just say that my point was
  310. that the internal security threat in the wider political sense was more
  311. existential to Spain than to any other West European country. If London
  312. lost Northern Ireland, what would be the end result? Not much... So in
  313. terms of the overall impact to the integrity of the state, Basque Land and
  314. Catalonia are of greater importance to Spain than Northern Ireland is to
  315. the U.K. The two Spanish regions are economically far more important than
  316. Northern Ireland is to the U.K. -- in fact, Northern Ireland is a drain on
  317. resources. Therefore, even though the actual deaths/murders were fewer,
  318. the importance of keeping the threat contained was greater.
  320. And yes, I completely agree that the threat has to a large extent passed
  321. (we wrote about it a few years ago:
  323. So the point of the analysis was not that the threat was necessarily
  324. contemporary, but more in the context of how Spain has perceived threats
  325. -- internal/external -- since the democratic transition. How it has
  326. evolved to think of threats.
  328. And this really brings up an issue that has been to a large extent
  329. puzzling me for years. What is Spain threatened by? I would say that other
  330. than the latent internal security issues and potentially Morocco spilling
  331. over the Straits in some near apocalyptic scenario, there is not much.
  332. This is why Spain is the only country to have ever held a referendum on
  333. NATO as a member state (in 1986). This is a luxury that a country with
  334. very few conventional external threats can have.
  336. What are your thoughts on that? (As always, completely off the record)
  338. Cheers,
  340. Marko
  342. On 3/30/11 4:45 PM, Villarino Marzo, Camilo wrote:
  344. Dear Marko,
  348. I do have a comment, although it does not concern your perception of
  349. Spanish international position in relation to Libya (to which I could
  350. basically agree with some minor remarks), but your opinion on the internal
  351. situation in Spain in relation to the Basque and Catalan nationalist
  352. movements (see below texts in bold letters and underlined). I am somehow
  353. surprised to read (it is not the first time I have read it in STRATFOR)
  354. that you speak about these movements as a "security threat". There is, of
  355. course, the terrorist group ETA, but even when it was more powerful
  356. (beginning of the 80's) it never was able to go beyond 80 deaths (murders)
  357. per year: extremely delicate from a political point of view, yes, no doubt
  358. about it; source of many internal security problems, indeed, but "an
  359. internal threat" even bigger than the Irish question in the UK? ETA has
  360. never been a "guerrilla" force, but a terrorist organization with an
  361. impact similar to that of the the Brigate Rosse in Italy, although
  362. prorogued in time due to the support of 15%-20% of the population of the
  363. Basque Country, a support very much diminished today. The Catalan case is
  364. a very different, since violence has almost been inexistent there.
  368. A different case is that of the support that independence may have (or
  369. does have) in the Basque Country and Catalonia. Although it remains a
  370. minority position, it is a very relevant one from a political point of
  371. view. But not a security threat.
  375. Best regards,
  379. Camilo
  383. Camilo Villarino-Marzo
  385. Political Counselor
  387. Embassy of Spain
  389. 2375 Pennsylvania Ave., NW
  391. Washington, DC 20037
  393. Tel. (202) 728 2351
  395. Fax (202) 833 5670
  399. --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  401. De: Marko Papic []
  402. Enviado el: miercoles, 30 de marzo de 2011 12:06
  403. Para: Villarino Marzo, Camilo
  404. Asunto: Fwd: Europe's Libya Intervention: Spain
  408. Dear Camilo,
  410. Would greatly appreciate your criticism and comments if you have any. Your
  411. email helped me focus in on some key issues for this.
  413. Feel free to disseminate this one to your colleagues in the Embassy and
  414. Foreign Ministry.
  416. Cheers,
  418. Marko
  420. -------- Original Message --------
  422. Subject: Europe's Libya Intervention: Spain
  423. Date: Wed, 30 Mar 2011 07:36:49 -0500
  424. From: Stratfor <>
  425. To: allstratfor <>
  428. Stratfor logo
  429. Europe's Libya Intervention: Spain
  431. March 30, 2011 | 1218 GMT
  433. Europe's Libya
  434. Intervention:
  435. Germany and
  436. Russia
  440. Editor's Note: This is the final installment in a five-part series
  441. examining the motives and mindset behind the current European intervention
  442. in Libya. We began with an overview and follow with an examination of the
  443. positions put forth by the United Kingdom, France, Italy, Germany, Russia
  444. and Spain.
  446. Spanish Foreign Minister Trinidad Jimenez said March 29 that the option of
  447. exile is still available to Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi since he has not
  448. been charged with any crimes. Madrid has therefore backed Rome's position
  449. that exile should be an option to end the conflict in Libya. Spain is
  450. participating in the international coalition by providing airbases for
  451. U.S. AWACS and refueling missions. It also has sent four F-18 fighter jets
  452. and a refueling aircraft as part of its contribution to enforce the no-fly
  453. zone, along with an Aegis-capable frigate and a submarine to participate
  454. in the enforcement of the arms embargo.
  456. Related Special Topic Page
  458. The Libyan War: Full Coverage
  460. Special Series: Europe's Libya Intervention
  462. The Spanish decision to intervene in Libya has not garnered much attention
  463. in the global press. However, it stands out as Spanish Prime Minister Jose
  464. Luis Rodriguez Zapatero's most notable foreign policy decision, one made
  465. only weeks after being elected, involved pulling Spanish troops out of
  466. Iraq in April 2004. The Iraq pullout strained Madrid's relations with
  467. Washington, as the U.S. perceived it as hasty and pandering to public
  468. opinion panicked by the Madrid train bombings, which took place
  469. immediately before March 2004 general elections. In reality, Rodriguez
  470. Zapatero had campaigned throughout 2004 on an anti-Iraq War platform and
  471. thus used the Madrid attack merely as a trigger for a decision he probably
  472. would have made regardless.
  474. The decision to intervene in Libya can thus be seen as a way to revitalize
  475. Spain's image as a country capable of international activism when the need
  476. arises - especially in the Mediterranean, its area of national interest -
  477. but also as a last-ditch effort by an unpopular government to raise its
  478. profile ahead of elections in early 2012.
  480. Europe's Libya
  481. Intervention:
  482. Spain
  484. (click here to enlarge image)
  486. The Luxury of Isolation
  488. Spain has often stayed aloof from European geopolitical entanglements.
  489. Geography makes this choice possible. Essentially, Spain dominates the
  490. Iberian Peninsula. The Pyrenees leave it geographically isolated from core
  491. Europe. Its colonial linguistic and cultural links to this day provide it
  492. access to a large and lucrative Latin American market where its goods and
  493. services (especially financial) can out-compete its European rivals,
  494. giving it easier markets than the rough competition in Europe proper.
  495. Throughout its last century, Spain has been more self-absorbed than most
  496. large European nations. Catalan and Basque agitation for autonomy and
  497. independence, Madrid often has had no choice but to focus solely on
  498. internal threats - giving it fewer resources with which to address foreign
  499. issues.
  501. This geographic and political aloofness combined with uniquely strenuously
  502. internal security requirements for a major European power (even greater
  503. than those imposed on the United Kingdom by the Irish question!) have made
  504. Madrid's place in the Trans-Atlantic security establishment one of the
  505. most ambivalent. Rodriguez Zapatero's about-face on Iraq from the stance
  506. of his predecessor, Jose Maria Aznar Lopez, is therefore unsurprising.
  507. Because of its isolation and because the Trans-Atlantic alliance matters
  508. less for Madrid than for others in Europe, Spain is probably the only
  509. major country in Europe that has the luxury of pursuing such dramatically
  510. opposed policies purely on the domestic political calculus of its leaders.
  512. For Spain, the security benefits of NATO membership therefore never really
  513. have been clear. Focused on internal security - for which NATO membership
  514. is of little use - Madrid's only true international concerns have been its
  515. proximity to North Africa and the subsequent ill effects of organized
  516. crime and smuggling. NATO's security guarantees do not apply to the
  517. Spanish exclaves of Ceuta and Melilla, across the Strait of Gibraltar from
  518. Spain and surrounded by Morocco, which claims the territories. One could
  519. still argue that Spain's NATO membership certainly would be at least a
  520. psychological reason for Morocco to reconsider plans to seize the two
  521. territories.
  523. Europe's Libya
  524. Intervention:
  525. Spain
  527. (click here to enlarge image)
  529. Therefore, Spanish NATO membership ultimately is about being accepted into
  530. the club of Western European states, which was still in serious doubt in
  531. the immediate years following the Franco dictatorship when Madrid joined
  532. the alliance in 1982. Joining the alliance at the time was a simple way to
  533. reassure Madrid's European allies that Spain would not renege on its
  534. commitment to democracy and that it would use NATO membership to begin
  535. reforming its military leadership. Madrid joined the European Union four
  536. years later in 1986. Spain has used its membership in NATO and often-close
  537. alliance with the United States to balance against the France- and
  538. Germany-dominated European Union. Spain often feels sidelined by the
  539. Franco-German leadership duo and has never been able to form a counter to
  540. it by allying with the United Kingdom or Italy. Spain's relationship with
  541. the United States has therefore proven useful in keeping Berlin and Paris
  542. on notice that Madrid's acquiescence to all things agreed upon by
  543. Continental powers is not a given.
  545. Precisely because Spain's NATO membership was more about international
  546. assurances and the balancing of its U.S. and European commitments - and
  547. not about its core security interests - Madrid has had the luxury of
  548. ambivalence, as indicated by the extreme change of policy between Aznar
  549. and Zapatero on Iraq. This ambivalence was further exemplified by the 1986
  550. referendum, organized by a Socialist government, to see Spain withdraw
  551. from NATO, the first and only such referendum by a NATO member. The
  552. referendum was handily defeated by a popular vote, but the very act of
  553. holding it illustrated Spain's attitude toward the alliance: A country
  554. truly threatened by adverse geopolitical conditions and therefore truly in
  555. need of a security alliance would not seek to depart such an alliance.
  557. In the Libya intervention, Madrid accordingly seeks to illustrate its
  558. solidarity with the United States and the other main European powers. For
  559. Rodriguez Zapatero in particular, the intervention is a way to illustrate
  560. that Madrid does not shy from international military action, especially as
  561. Spain already participates in international efforts in Afghanistan -
  562. thereby absolving Spain of its departure from Iraq. Also important for
  563. Rodriguez Zapatero is proving that despite its considerable economic
  564. crisis - and fears that Spain could be the next eurozone economy after
  565. Portugal to require a bailout - Madrid can still play an important foreign
  566. policy role.?
  568. The Domestic Component, Energy and Morocco
  570. There is also an important domestic political component in terms of how
  571. Madrid is pursuing the intervention. The center-right People's Party (PP)
  572. remains firmly ahead of the governing Socialist Party in national polls,
  573. having enjoyed a steady 13-point lead for the past six months. Rodriguez
  574. Zapatero is worried that government's austerity measures - imposed to curb
  575. Spain's budget deficit and comply with demands from Berlin - are losing
  576. him the support of his base among the center-left in Spain. Due to the
  577. legacy of the Franco years, the left in Spain tends to be generally
  578. anti-interventionist, with as much as 91 percent opposed to the country's
  579. participation in Iraq. Therefore, while the Socialist government is trying
  580. to raise Madrid's profile internationally, it must do so quietly, without
  581. much fanfare at home to avoid further erosion of its support from its
  582. base. That said, the intervention is thus far popular due to its
  583. multilateral nature. The danger for Rodriguez Zapatero, however - as it is
  584. for other European governments that have entangled themselves in the
  585. Libyan intervention - is that public support for a humanitarian
  586. intervention will not distract from economic austerity too long,
  587. especially if the intervention starts looking drawn out and inconclusive.
  589. Europe's Libya
  590. Intervention:
  591. Spain
  593. (click here to enlarge image)
  595. On top of all this, Spain does have strategic interests in Libya, albeit
  596. not as great as Italy's. Spanish energy company Repsol YPF extracted 8.3
  597. percent of its overall oil production from Libya in 2009, not an
  598. insignificant amount and comparable to the 10.7 percent that Italian
  599. energy giant ENI extracted. Spanish imports of oil from Libya are
  600. comparable to those of France, with 9 percent of total Spanish consumption
  601. coming from Libya, nowhere close to the almost 25 percent of its
  602. requirements that Italy imports. French firm Total does extract more oil
  603. from Libya, but as a larger company than Repsol, Libya is smaller as a
  604. share of the French company's total. As such, Repsol was not necessarily
  605. dissatisfied with the Gadhafi status quo in Libya and probably will look
  606. askance at the French and British moves.
  608. Europe's Libya
  609. Intervention:
  610. Spain
  612. Finally, as a Mediterranean country in close proximity to the 32 million
  613. people of Morocco, Madrid must consider what Libyan instability means for
  614. the region. Protests have occurred in Morocco, although the situation is
  615. thus far still under control and violence has been sporadic. Madrid cannot
  616. oppose the international intervention in Libya because it does not want to
  617. set a precedent that it may need to reverse shortly. Regime change in
  618. Morocco, for example, could place Madrid's North African exclaves in an
  619. untenable situation or could produce an exodus of migrants that Spain will
  620. have to counter with aggressive naval force interdiction - as Italy is
  621. threatening to begin doing with migrants streaming from Tunisia and Libya.
  622. That said, Morocco is nowhere near the point of Libyan instability or even
  623. Tunisian/Egyptian-style unrest.
  625. Madrid definitely has an interest in joining in the intervention if for no
  626. other reason than to have a say in the post-intervention diplomatic
  627. resolution - when Paris and London may seek to use their patronage of the
  628. eastern Libyan rebels to enhance their respective positions. Madrid is
  629. wary of the French and British activism and is becoming far more aligned
  630. with Rome on the intervention than with Paris and London. This became
  631. clear in a meeting of European, American, African and Arab leaders in
  632. London on March 29, with Spain, Germany and Italy favoring an option of
  633. exile for Gadhafi to facilitate a conclusion to the intervention while
  634. France and the United Kingdom continued their strong demands for regime
  635. change.
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  646. --
  648. Marko Papic
  650. Analyst - Europe
  654. + 1-512-744-4094 (O)
  656. 221 W. 6th St, Ste. 400
  658. Austin, TX 78701 - USA
  660. --
  662. Marko Papic
  664. Analyst - Europe
  668. + 1-512-744-4094 (O)
  670. 221 W. 6th St, Ste. 400
  672. Austin, TX 78701 - USA
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