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TN l0ckd0wn's Autoexec.cfg

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May 28th, 2015
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  1. // Current launch options: -console -hideconsole -novid -nocrashdialog -nojoy -noipx -nocdaudio -window -noborder -64bit +mat_forcehardwaresync 0 +m_filter 0 +m_customaccel 0 +m_rawinput 1 -w 1920 -h 1080 +cl_showfps 1
  2. // IMPORTANT: Remove -dxlevel 95 from the launch options after the first launch!
  3. //
  4. // Fullscreen: -dxlevel 95 -full -w WIDTH -h HEIGHT -console -novid -useforcedmparms -noforcemaccel -noforcemspd
  5. // Windowed: -dxlevel 95 -sw -w WIDTH -h HEIGHT -console -noborder -novid -useforcedmparms -noforcemaccel -noforcemspd
  7. // 1920x1080 example:
  8. // Fullscreen: -dxlevel 95 -full -w 1920 -h 1080 -console -novid -useforcedmparms -noforcemaccel -noforcemspd
  9. // Windowed: -dxlevel 95 -sw -w 1920 -h 1080 -console -noborder -novid -useforcedmparms -noforcemaccel -noforcemspd
  11. echo
  12. echo *** Loading (-TN-) l0ckd0wn's custom Autoexec.cfg ***
  13. echo
  14. echo Loaded Launch Options: -console -hideconsole -novid -nocrashdialog -nojoy -noipx -nocdaudio -window -noborder -64bit +mat_forcehardwaresync 0 +m_filter 0 +m_customaccel 0 +m_rawinput 1 -w 1920 -h 1080 +cl_showfps 1
  15. echo
  16. echo |====================| *** Quake3 Hitsound ***
  18. //hitsound settings
  19. cl_hud_minmode 1
  20. //play quake3.wav
  21. tf_dingalingaling "1"
  22. tf_dingaling_pitchmaxdmg "50"
  23. tf_dingaling_pitchmindmg "150"
  24. tf_dingaling_volume "2"
  25. //tf_dingaling_wav_override "quake3.wav" //Depracated. Added to custom/l0ckd0wn/sound/ui/hitsound.wav as proper replacement
  28. echo |||==================| *** Null Movement & Color Change Crosshair ***
  30. // Null-cancelling movement script + Color Change Crosshair
  31. // (prevents you from pressing two opposing directions, which causes you to stop moving)
  32. unbind "w"
  33. unbind "a"
  34. unbind "s"
  35. unbind "d"
  37. // color toggler
  38. alias dotxhaircolor "dotxhaircolora"
  39. alias dotxhaircolora "cl_crosshair_blue 0; cl_crosshair_green 255; cl_crosshair_red 0;alias dotxhaircolor dotxhaircolorb"
  40. alias dotxhaircolorb "cl_crosshair_blue 0; cl_crosshair_green 255; cl_crosshair_red 255;alias dotxhaircolor dotxhaircolorc"
  41. alias dotxhaircolorc "cl_crosshair_blue 255; cl_crosshair_green 0; cl_crosshair_red 255;alias dotxhaircolor dotxhaircolord"
  42. alias dotxhaircolord "cl_crosshair_blue 255; cl_crosshair_green 100; cl_crosshair_red 100;alias dotxhaircolor dotxhaircolora"
  44. alias +mfwd "-back;+forward;alias checkfwd +forward;dotxhaircolor"
  45. alias +mback "-forward;+back;alias checkback +back;dotxhaircolor"
  46. alias +mleft "-moveright;+moveleft;alias checkleft +moveleft;dotxhaircolor"
  47. alias +mright "-moveleft;+moveright;alias checkright +moveright;dotxhaircolor"
  48. alias -mfwd "-forward;checkback;alias checkfwd none;dotxhaircolor"
  49. alias -mback "-back;checkfwd;alias checkback none;dotxhaircolor"
  50. alias -mleft "-moveleft;checkright;alias checkleft none;dotxhaircolor"
  51. alias -mright "-moveright;checkleft;alias checkright none;dotxhaircolor"
  52. alias checkfwd none
  53. alias checkback none
  54. alias checkleft none
  55. alias checkright none
  56. alias none ""
  58. bind "w" "+mfwd" //default "+forward"
  59. bind "a" "+mleft" //default "+moveleft"
  60. bind "s" "+mback" //default "+back"
  61. bind "d" "+mright" //default "+moveright"
  63. echo |||||================| *** Lazy Ass Surfer's Jump + Duck & View Model Toggle ***
  65. //lazy jump
  66. unbind "space"
  67. alias +lazy "+jump; +duck"
  68. alias -lazy "-jump; -duck"
  69. bind "space" "+lazy"
  71. //View Model Toggling
  72. bindtoggle pgup "r_drawviewmodel"
  74. echo |||||||==============| *** F9 - F12 Loadout Switcher ***
  76. //Loadout switcher
  77. unbind "F9"
  78. unbind "F10"
  79. unbind "F11"
  80. unbind "F12"
  81. alias +loadoutA load_itempreset 0
  82. alias +loadoutB load_itempreset 1
  83. alias +loadoutC load_itempreset 2
  84. alias +loadoutD load_itempreset 3
  85. alias -loadoutA slot1
  86. alias -loadoutB slot1
  87. alias -loadoutC slot1
  88. alias -loadoutD slot1
  89. bind "F9" "say_team LoadoutA; +loadoutA"
  90. bind "F10" "say_team LoadoutB; +loadoutB"
  91. bind "F11" "say_team LoadoutC; +loadoutC"
  92. bind "F12" "say_team LoadoutD; +loadoutD"
  94. echo |||||||||============| *** Loading Networking & Rates ***
  96. //Rates & Downloads
  97. rate 60000
  98. cl_cmdrate 69
  99. cl_updaterate 69
  100. cl_interp 0
  101. cl_interp_ratio 1
  102. cl_smooth 0
  103. cl_smoothtime "0.010"
  104. cl_lagcompensation 1
  105. cl_pred_optimize 2
  106. net_maxcleartime "0.045"
  107. net_splitpacket_maxrate "60000"
  109. //cl_downloadfilter "nosounds" // usage options: all none nosounds - All allows all downloads, none allows no downloads, nosounds filters out mp3s & wavs
  111. echo |||||||||||==========| *** Loading Some Super-Secret Stabby Stabby Shit ***
  113. //(-TN-) Stabby Stabby tweaks from
  115. r_shadowmaxrendered "24"
  116. mat_clipz "1"
  117. mat_envmapsize "0"
  118. mat_envmaptgasize "0"
  119. mat_forcemanagedtextureintohardware "1"
  121. //Multi-Core CVARs
  122. mat_queue_mode "2" // Try "2" and "-1" for multicore, and "1" and "-1" for Dual Core. "2" works best for my i7 920 quadcore.
  123. host_thread_mode "1" // should only affect single-player play and demo playback. Try setting to "2" for a boost or "0" if you experience crashes
  124. cl_crosshair_scale 14
  125. cl_threaded_bone_setup "0"
  126. cl_threaded_client_leaf_system "0"
  127. r_threaded_client_shadow_manager "0"
  128. r_threaded_particles "1"
  129. r_threaded_renderables "0"
  130. r_queued_decals "0"
  131. r_queued_post_processing "0"
  132. studio_queue_mode "0" // default "1". Can give a major FPS boost, but causes crashes. For some reason it is stable when viewing demos, so feel free to set to "1" when not in multiplayer
  134. //Ropes - Useless objects
  135. rope_averagelight "0"
  136. rope_collide "0"
  137. rope_rendersolid "0"
  138. rope_shake "0"
  139. rope_subdiv "0"
  140. rope_smooth "0"
  141. rope_smooth_enlarge "0"
  142. rope_smooth_maxalpha "0"
  143. rope_smooth_maxalphawidth "0"
  144. rope_smooth_minalpha "0"
  145. rope_smooth_minwidth "0"
  146. rope_wind_dist "0"
  147. r_ropetranslucent "0"
  148. r_queued_ropes "0"
  151. //End of Stabby's Recommendations
  153. echo |||||||||||||========| *** Loading Netgraph Cycler ***
  155. //Netgraph Cycling
  156. alias graph "graph1"
  157. alias graph1 "net_graphpos 3 ; net_graphproportionalfont 0 ; net_graph 4 ; alias graph graph2"
  158. alias graph2 "net_graphpos 3 ; net_graphproportionalfont 1 ; net_graph 4 ; alias graph graph3"
  159. alias graph3 "net_graphpos 3 ; net_graphproportionalfont 0 ; net_graph 1 ; alias graph graph4"
  160. alias graph4 "net_graphpos 3 ; net_graphproportionalfont 1 ; net_graph 1 ; alias graph graph5"
  161. alias graph5 "net_graphpos 3 ; net_graph 0 ; alias graph graph1"
  162. bind "p" "graph"
  164. echo |||||||||||||||======| *** Cyclic Demo Recording Script is running and ready for recording ***
  166. ///// Aliases Required for Loop /////
  167. alias overWrite "echo ""; echo "WARNING!: There are no more recording slots in the rotation. Further recording will erase previous files."; echo ""; repeatLoop";
  168. alias repeatLoop "alias demo_recording demo_01";
  170. ///// The Main Recording Section /////
  171. alias demo_recording "demo_01";
  172. // Demo File #01 //////////
  173. alias demo_01 "echo ""; echo "Demo File #01"; echo "-------------"; beginRecord_01";
  174. alias beginRecord_01 "record "demo_01"; alias demo_recording endRecord_01";
  175. alias endRecord_01 "stop; alias demo_recording demo_02";
  177. // Demo File #02 //////////
  178. alias demo_02 "echo ""; echo "Demo File #02"; echo "-------------"; beginRecord_02";
  179. alias beginRecord_02 "record "demo_02"; alias demo_recording endRecord_02";
  180. alias endRecord_02 "stop; alias demo_recording demo_03";
  182. // Demo File #03 //////////
  183. alias demo_03 "echo ""; echo "Demo File #03"; echo "-------------"; beginRecord_03";
  184. alias beginRecord_03 "record "demo_03"; alias demo_recording endRecord_03";
  185. alias endRecord_03 "stop; alias demo_recording demo_04";
  187. // Demo File #04 //////////
  188. alias demo_04 "echo ""; echo "Demo File #04"; echo "-------------"; beginRecord_04";
  189. alias beginRecord_04 "record "demo_04"; alias demo_recording endRecord_04";
  190. alias endRecord_04 "stop; alias demo_recording demo_05";
  192. // Demo File #05 //////////
  193. alias demo_05 "echo ""; echo "Demo File #05"; echo "-------------"; beginRecord_05";
  194. alias beginRecord_05 "record "demo_05"; alias demo_recording endRecord_05";
  195. alias endRecord_05 "stop; alias demo_recording demo_06";
  197. // Demo File #06 //////////
  198. alias demo_06 "echo ""; echo "Demo File #06"; echo "-------------"; beginRecord_06";
  199. alias beginRecord_06 "record "demo_06"; alias demo_recording endRecord_06";
  200. alias endRecord_06 "stop; alias demo_recording demo_07";
  202. // Demo File #07 //////////
  203. alias demo_07 "echo ""; echo "Demo File #07"; echo "-------------"; beginRecord_07";
  204. alias beginRecord_07 "record "demo_07"; alias demo_recording endRecord_07";
  205. alias endRecord_07 "stop; alias demo_recording demo_08";
  207. // Demo File #08 //////////
  208. alias demo_08 "echo ""; echo "Demo File #08"; echo "-------------"; beginRecord_08";
  209. alias beginRecord_08 "record "demo_08"; alias demo_recording endRecord_08";
  210. alias endRecord_08 "stop; alias demo_recording demo_09";
  212. // Demo File #09 //////////
  213. alias demo_09 "echo ""; echo "Demo File #09"; echo "-------------"; beginRecord_09";
  214. alias beginRecord_09 "record "demo_09"; alias demo_recording endRecord_09";
  215. alias endRecord_09 "stop; alias demo_recording demo_10";
  217. // Demo File #10 //////////
  218. alias demo_10 "echo ""; echo "Demo File #10"; echo "-------------"; beginRecord_10";
  219. alias beginRecord_10 "record "demo_10"; alias demo_recording endRecord_10";
  220. alias endRecord_10 "stop; overWrite";
  222. ///// F# Key Bind Summary /////
  223. // Reminder: DEMO RECORDING F1
  224. bind "F1" "demo_recording";
  226. //Reminder: SCREENSHOT IS F2 for ingame and STEAM
  228. //Status in Console F3
  229. alias "DisplayStatus" "status"
  230. bind "F3" "DisplayStatus"
  232. //Admin Menu
  233. alias "DisplayAdminMenu" "sm_admin"
  234. bind "F4" "DisplayAdminMenu"
  236. //Listen to enemy chat/voice
  237. alias "EnemyChatVoice" "sm_enemyvoice; sm_enemychat"
  238. bind "F5" "EnemyChatVoice"
  240. //Reminder: SAVE REPLAY IS F6
  241. //Reminder: ABUSE SCREEN SHOT IS F8
  242. echo |||||||||||||||||====| *** Loading Chris's Top Secret FPS Config ***
  244. //Chris's FPPS Tweaks
  245. cl_allowdownload "1" // def. "1" # Allow client downloads customization files.
  246. cl_allowupload "1" // def. "1" # Allow client uploads customization files. Spraylogo mainly
  247. cl_downloadfilter "all" // def. "all" # Download everything except custom soundfiles
  248. cl_showhelp "0" // def. "1" # Set to 0 to not show on-screen help -- maybe a useless command
  249. cl_showpluginmessages "1" // def. "1" # Allow plugins to display messages to you -- maybe a useless command
  250. // fog_enable 0
  251. // fog_override 1
  252. fps_max 100
  253. r_shadowrendertotexture 1
  254. cl_detaildist 0
  255. cl_detailfade 0
  256. cl_drawmonitors 0
  257. cl_ejectbrass 0
  258. cl_jiggle_bone_framerate_cutoff 1 // Turns off jigglebones
  259. cl_show_splashes 0
  260. func_break_max_pieces 0
  261. glow_outline_effect_enable 1 // Cart glow effect.
  262. lod_transitiondist 0
  263. mat_bumpmap 1 // Controls bumpmapping. Setting this to 0 on dx9 will cause
  264. // a strange `shine' effect to appear on all players.
  265. mat_colcorrection_disableentities 1
  266. mat_colorcorrection 0
  267. mat_disable_bloom 1
  268. mat_disable_fancy_blending 1
  269. mat_disable_lightwarp 1
  270. mat_envmapsize 8
  271. mat_envmaptgasize 8
  272. mat_filterlightmaps 1
  273. mat_filtertextures 1
  274. mat_forceaniso 1
  275. mat_hdr_level 0
  276. mat_max_worldmesh_vertices 512
  277. //mat_monitorgamma 2.0 // Controls brightness, try 1.8 to make it brighter or 2.2
  278. // to get it darker. Only works in fullscreen.
  279. mat_motion_blur_enabled 0
  280. mat_parallaxmap 0
  281. mat_picmip -1 // Higher = more mipmapping. Without `sv_cheats 1', you're looking
  282. // at a range from -1 to 2, -1 being the best quality, 2 being the
  283. // worst.
  284. mat_reducefillrate 1
  285. mat_reduceparticles 1
  286. mat_specular 1 // Controls specularity. Setting this to 0 will make ubers
  287. // non-shiny, and will remove some specular effects from in-game
  288. // entities which 1support it. Setting this to 1 on dx8 will
  289. // result in some strange `fire' textures replacing their
  290. // appropriate counterparts, especially on medals, and certain
  291. // hats.
  292. //mat_trilinear 1 //Forces trilinear filtering
  293. mat_viewportscale 1 // Almost no performance gain from viewport upscaling.
  294. mat_viewportupscale 1
  295. mat_wateroverlaysize 1
  296. mp_decals 9 // `9' is a good value to still see the spread pattern from a
  297. // scattergun without any real performance loss.
  298. r_3dsky 0
  299. r_ambientboost 0
  300. r_ambientfactor 0
  301. r_ambientmin 0
  302. //r_avglight 0 //Can't use unless server has sv_cheats 1
  303. r_cheapwaterend 1
  304. r_cheapwaterstart 1
  305. r_decals 9
  306. r_decalstaticprops 0
  307. r_decal_cullsize 15
  308. r_drawdetailprops 0
  309. r_drawmodeldecals 0
  310. r_drawflecks 0
  311. r_dynamic 0
  312. r_flashlightdepthtexture 0
  313. r_forcewaterleaf 1
  314. r_lightaverage 0
  315. r_maxnewsamples 2
  316. r_maxsampledist 1
  317. r_propsmaxdist 0
  318. r_renderoverlayfragment 0
  319. r_staticprop_lod 4
  320. r_waterdrawreflection 0
  321. r_waterdrawrefraction 1
  322. r_waterforceexpensive 0
  323. r_waterforcereflectentities 0
  324. tf_particles_disable_weather 1 // Disable weather effects on maps supporting
  325. // it, for example, setting this to `1'
  326. // disables rain effects on *_sawmill.
  327. //tracer_extra 0 //Not sure what this does.
  328. violence_ablood 1 // Setting ablood/hblood to 1 actually improves perf usually
  329. violence_hblood 1
  330. m_rawinput 1
  331. //r_fastzreject -1
  333. //Sound Stuff
  334. dsp_enhance_stereo 0
  335. dsp_slow_cpu 1
  336. snd_async_fullyasync 1
  337. snd_pitchquality 0
  338. snd_spatialize_roundrobin 1
  339. cl_threaded_bone_setup 0
  340. cl_threaded_client_leaf_system 0
  341. r_queued_decals 0
  342. r_queued_ropes 1
  343. r_queued_post_processing 0
  344. r_threaded_client_shadow_manager 1
  345. r_threaded_particles 1
  346. r_threaded_renderables 1
  347. cl_forcepreload 1
  349. //Takyahud
  350. //tf_hud_target_id_alpha 255
  351. //tf_hud_target_id_disable_floating_health 1
  353. echo |||||||||||||||||||==| *** Loading Connection Aliases ***
  355. alias Home "connect" // (-TN-) PLR
  356. alias hyp "connect" // Hyperion PLR
  357. alias purple "connect" // Lazy Purple's Server
  358. alias mge "connect" // (-TN-) MGE
  359. alias match "connect" // (-TN-) Match Server
  360. alias doom "connect" // (-TN-) Doomsday
  361. alias cp "connect" // (-TN-) Control Point
  362. alias foundry "connect" // (-TN-) Foundry
  363. alias koth "connect" // (-TN-) KOTH
  364. alias bad "connect" // (-TN-) Badwater
  365. alias plr "connect" // (-TN-) PLR
  366. alias dust "connect" // (-TN-) Dustbowl
  367. alias turbine "connect" // (-TN-) Turbine
  369. echo |||||||||||||||||||||| *** Loading Final Configuration Settings ***
  371. tf_remember_activeweapon 1
  372. cl_forcepreload 1
  373. cl_new_impact_effects 0 //Set to 0 if invisible player models start happening in game 3/
  375. bind "f" "+use_action_slot_item"
  376. bind "MOUSE3" "inspect"
  377. bind "F2" "screenshot"
  378. bind "F6" "save_replay"
  379. bind "F7" "abuse_report_queue"
  380. unbind "MWHEELDOWN"
  381. unbind "MWHEELUP"
  382. unbind "MOUSE1"
  383. unbind "MOUSE2"
  384. unbind "MOUSE4"
  385. unbind "MOUSE5"
  386. unbind "MWHEELDOWN"
  387. unbind "MWHEELUP"
  388. unbind "r"
  389. unbind "q"
  390. bind "\" "exec spectator.cfg"
  392. echo *******COMPLETE******* *** (-TN-) l0ckd0wn's autoexec.cfg loaded successfully ***
  393. echo
  394. echo
  395. echo
  396. echo
  397. echo
  398. echo
  399. echo
  400. echo ...And now for the beautiful PC Master Race deity, the gaben...
  401. echo
  402. echo
  403. echo
  404. echo
  405. exec gabe.cfg
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