
Life Improvement 2016

Jan 18th, 2016
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  1. So ive been doing a little thinking lately and this is gonna be sort of a thing to keep me motivated regarding SoF2016/LifeImprovement2016/GetAJob2016.
  3. I have a few goals that I want to accomplish in the next few months to a year. Number one is get a job that Im happy with. Number two is to get back in shape again. Number 3 is figure out a plan to move out, preferably moving in somewhere with my friends.
  5. Getting a job is pretty self explanatory, but since I am eligible for unemployment starting tomorrow, I need to really get on that job search grind. Instead of setting a hard number for applications (ie 1 app a day or something). I will spend at least 2-3 hours every weekday (2-3 hours of productivity too not 20 min of prod 40 min of slacking), actively searching for and applying for jobs. My ideal goal at this point would be to get a contract position somewhere for 6-9 months and then make a move to Atlanta (tying in with goal number 3). I honestly want to start streaming more as well, while im not sure exactly what I want to stream, i think i want to try having a pseudo schedule.
  7. Getting in shape is arguably more difficult than getting a job for me. I want to also take it a step further and start eating healthier. Theres a 10k in richmond in the spring and I want to sign up for it. Thats my first step. In my 3rd year of college my left lung collapsed and while im basically fully recovered, my endurance took a huge hit and more importantly my ability to build up endurance is now hindered by my condition. At first i basically used that as an excuse to not run anymore but in reality i should have no problem getting out there and running more. My long term goal is to run a marathon in the next year or two. I know its possible for me to do it and its something ive always wanted to do. Ive run 20 miles in one sitting before and im not really worried by the distance. I would like to get sub 4 hours but i would be extremely happy just finishing without walking (walking at water stops briefly doesnt count). This weekend were supposed to get like 2 feet of snow lmao but I want to start running again, even if i have to start at like one mile. So as soon as theres a day where the temperature is above 45 degrees im gonna get out there and run at least one mile. My training schedule at this point would be to increase my distance by a mile every other day or every three days peaking for now at 5-6 miles. Once i get past the 10k race, i would really like to set up a real plan to run a marathon.
  9. Finally, getting to a place that im happy with living situation wise. while this relies heavily on job status, i think i can work a plan out where i move somewhere (atlanta is the most likely location) with friends and really start my life on my own. I am happy living at home in a lot of aspects but i feel like im losing out on my 20s bigtime by not moving out. I want to feel comfortable being myself in my own home but i want to go somewhere where i can have a truly fresh start. Go to new places, meet new people, (while still having a few friends so im not lost in the big city).
  11. I hope that I can reach these goals. I guess this is basically a delayed new years resolution but its more than just a few things that i want to do. These are the things that I feel like if i do them I will put myself in a place where im truly happy.
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