

Dec 30th, 2015
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  1. After the wreckage from the main event cleared, we saw Shawn Michaels in the ring.
  3. "All right, everybody shut up. I know what you're thinking. You think I came out here to dance for you, to be your puppet. Well guess what. I ain't dancing on your strings, you goddamn socialist leeches. I got better things to do with my time than kill myself trying..."
  5. [url=""]Owen Hart comes out with a mic.[/url]
  7. "Shawn, nobody out here wants to hear you feel sorry for yourself. Nobody out here wants to hear you blame them for your problems! You got a problem with me, well you better believe I got a problem with you. I may not be facing the champ at Wrestlemania, but I have every intent of ripping "Mr. Wrestlemania" apart at In Your House! How about it, Shawn? You gonna face me man to man? Or are you gonna whine and cry and duck me some more?"
  9. Shawn's energy vanishes, his shouts reduced to a hollow cadence.
  11. "Owen, you know why I'm standing in this ring instead of being a leading man in Hollywood? Do you know why I spent my life trying to entertain ingrates instead of being a high powered executive in a Fortune 500 company somewhere, or the hottest male model on the scene? You all saw my Playgirl spread, you know I got it. But I'm here because once upon a time being out here made me smile. Being Shawn Michaels, The Showstopper, The Main Event, The Heartbreak Kid, it made me happy. Entertaining the fans gave me meaning and purpose. But now, Owen, I'm out here, I'm dealing with you, and I'm not smiling. My smile is gone. You stole it from me, and odd as it sounds, beating the crap out of you isn't going to bring it back. I need some 'me' time Owen, so no, I will NOT be wrestling you or anybody else at DDT4. So if you'll excuse me, "The Heartbreak Kid" is leaving the damn building."
  13. Michaels walked back up the ramp. The audience expected Owen to attack him, but he just shook his head in utter contempt as Shawn went backstage.
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