

Apr 27th, 2014
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  1. James Ivan Mathers the Mad Prophet
  3. James lived within a small druid colony off the northern Coasts, the weather was harsh and the lands deadly but his people made a living none the less, being even hardier than the land itself. Each family came from different race, with two being human, the Mathers descending from one of the human families, however they all worked together and founded the village to escape the corruptions of society. Their village was built on top of a cliff and stairs were carved out of the rock leading to the beaches below from where they fished for fish and whale and used the forests behind the clearing on their cliff for hunting game and wood. James lived within a small circular hut within the middle of town, a home built by his grandfather in the original founding of the village. Most people helped as they could, working on a few jobs at once. James himself worked as both a alchemical student and enchanter, dabbling where he could between seasons. In status in the village he made prestige of sorts as his family had been one of the original five families to found the village itself and his father himself took time as a mayor for a few years. The other four families were the Kethars, of Elven Descent, the Human Smiths, the Orcish Drath. The Last family were natives of the land before everyone else, and had greeted the four families and helped them survive, a tribe of Ice Dragonborn, who's heir daughter, having taken a human name "Claudia", was to be suited to James. He learned from her and her father, a master druid by the name of, the ways of their people so that their families may prosper together. However James now lived alone, having had his parents and fiancee die with a bad storm ruining the crops just that year as well as a spread of disease. It had nearly cut the population of the year in half that year and the winter had yet to arrive.
  4. One day as winter descended, a peasant drifted through town from within an unusually large snowstorm, dropping nearly dead on the doorstep of Jame's house. James dragged him in and nursed him near the fire, not waking for four days later right as the snows had stopped. The Man babbled on about a strange plant that had grown in the forests and a disaster that would follow it's blooming. The man had babbled for the rest of the day about the town having to evacuate and that the illness was further proof of his mumbles. To cure the man of his madness the local priest of Lilliah, a man by the name of Jarem Smith, was called him. He listened to the man and declared him mad corrupted by the Festering Prince Suza but the man spat in his face speaking words that would echo through Jame's head for the rest of the week, "Do not speak the name of the reclaimers, they are just the calmness that follows the storm. The head of the beast hides the heart and the stomach from where true power seeps." Both men thought nothing of it and later that day they had the peasant hanged with his last words being, "Your city shall crumble and your people shall burn just as all heathens sha-"
  5. These words shook the town as the winter followed, harsher than before as the animals within the forest were far and few between, almost spooked. Winter was never plentiful, but this was eerily so. As well the fish and whales within the sea had disappeared as well. James had thought over what the peasant had said, calling him a heathen himself from within his mind, but knew of a story told by the dragonborns of an evil that sleeps dormant below the winter's ice as a seed of a new world. However both him and rest of the townfolk, including the dragonborn themselves played it off as children's stories. However the townsfolk did became more secretive. To breath life into the town again James was to marry his dead fiancee's youngest sister, Catherine. This also brought James new hope in life from their relationship. He was to be wed within the coming spring. However tragedy struck as bandits hit the town, destroying everything in their path. As they left, having his fiancee clutched in his arm to protect her the cliff they built their village on collapsed in a fury of flames leaving James unconscious.
  6. In what seemed to be months from within his mind James only heard the echoing of the heathen man on the coming storm and their downfall. He had thought that the man was right and this prison within from which he can't awake was punishment for not heading the man's world, but he would awaken anyway to the sight of his new father in law and a trail of blood into the rubble covering his own body. James yelled out, "Catherine, is she safe!?! Tell me!" and the man merely shook his head and let a tear. "She gave you her life so you may live... I begged her not to, not to waste the flesh our forefathers gave. But, she said she had to do it for her sister..." James then looked at his arm and found it was his fiancee's. "Please forgive me, you're arm was crushed and frostbitten and you are the last to survive, to know our heritage of both of our families..." The man spoke, coughing up blood. "Leave this place and tell others of what happened and our history, there is no hope for me..." James merely stood up dumbstruck by his own life as the heathen's words echo further, only being interrupted as the Dragonborn yelled. "LEAVE! There is nothing more for you here, we have failed you and your families..." The dragonborn then lays his head in mourning over the curse that has struck their village and blaming himself for the evil that had taken it over.
  7. James, leaving the man to mourn the loss of both of his daughters, left the wreckage of the town behind, traveling into the forests, braving the winters alone. He would walk for a solid week straight, nearly dying from frostbite and starvation, before coming before a massive strange plant in a form of oasis within the frigid snows. The plant gave off a sort of heat, melting the snow around it and had fruit hanging from it's bottom branches. The fruit revived the withered man almost instantly as James ate all that he could reach until a single fruit left hanging, the largest and ripest of them all. It stood just out of reach and when James went to grab it a strange voice spoke from within his ear. "I had killed all that you held dear so you could find me." James looked around, yelling for who was speaking and all he heard back was, "I am the tree that had given you life as well as the being that gave your people death. You've tread in my land and sought out to stray from corruption, but all it's given you is grief." James yelled at the first, "IT is you who had killed my loves, it's you to BLAME!" "It was not me, I merely sent my message it is your own fault for the tragedy, your own ignorance in the world. It could of been prevented, but you burned him at the stake, lighting the flames to your own funeral pyre. But, you are resilient just as all heathens are... I can teach you to instead survive, thrive, live on. I can get rid of your pain, be the life that sustains you. Just as my fruit has done to your body I can guide your soul to do the same!" And with that James fell to the floor, accepting the fruits gift to him as the tree's branch lowered down putting the fruit, now an orange sapphire the size of a pear, into his palms. From there on James would begin traveling, heading the orange's words to seek out power for himself so he can prevent further tragedy as well as garner followers to the orange so they may see their heathen ways.
  9. Gear:
  10. His Grandfather's sword, a relic past down from his forefathers.
  11. A large Orange Sapphire, very cloudy and dark within it's center, that speaks and guides him.
  12. The armor of the Dragonborn, a rough-hide armor, with a necklace of dragonscale made for the wearer of the head shaman of their tribe.
  13. Dragonborn Staff, a staff used for the usage in rituals, built the same as the armor but out of twisted, knotted wood with beads of dragon teeth built around it's head.
  14. His second fiancee's right arm.
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