
bn3 lucky%

Nov 4th, 2016 (edited)
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  1. Flashman:
  2. - Talk to everyone
  3. - Do Tutorial
  4. - Talk to Dex, Yai, Mayl
  5. - Go to Park, go to home, **TalkToMom**
  6. - Jack in
  7. - Zenny Goals (individual amount):
  8. - 200z before ACDC2 Shop
  9. - 2000z before ACDC Sq.
  10. - 1800z (3000z if early AreaGrab) before ACDC1 Prelims
  11. - Backup: Get Bubblers (+ AreaGrab) while getting key
  12. - Zenny leftover for next goal (SciLab Sq. HPMem + AntiDmg M | GMD Total: 2300z)
  13. - Run away from all fights **except** double Mettaur (or maybe Mettaur + Bunny) fights that you can one-turn (for chance of ShockWav)
  14. - Pick up 800z BMD in ACDC2
  15. - Shop ACDC2: Buy HPMem for 1000z
  16. - ACDC3: Don't bother running away first turn, you'll always fail
  17. - ACDC Square: Buy HPMem for 2000z
  18. - Talk to Prelim guy
  19. - ACDC3: Running from fights is now possible. Get "O" Data
  20. - Go back to ACDC Sq. and talk to Prelim guy
  21. - Jack out&in (reloads GMDs), go to ACDC2
  22. - ACDC2: Get "X" Data
  23. - Go back to ACDC Sq. again, talk to Prelim guy one last time
  24. - Jack out&in again
  25. - ACDC1: Get "X" Data
  26. - ACDC2 Shop: If enough Zenny, buy 3 Bubblers (and AreaGrab)
  27. - Go to ACDC Sq. Prelim guy
  28. - TalkToMom
  29. - Jack back in, go to Yai HP (ACDC2)
  30. - Get RegUP2 in Yai HP, talk to GutsMan, Roll, Glyde
  31. - Go to school gate
  32. - Go back home, jack in, go to ACDC2
  33. - Get CopyDmg * and Key
  34. - Note: buy Bubblers (+ AreaGrab) if you haven't done so already
  35. - Jack out, go back to school (class 5A)
  36. - Examine green container near windows, go to teacher's lounge
  37. - Jack into School Server Comp, grab HPMem and RockCube *
  38. - Go to Office, go back to main hallway, talk to Mayl
  39. - Go to 2nd floor, talk to Yai, go to class 5A, talk to Dex
  40. - Go to class 5B, get parasol, go back to principal office
  41. - Auto jack in, talk to Prog
  42. - Turn on lights in room 5B
  43. - Backtrack and pick up RegUP1 BMD
  44. - Get KeyData1, 600z BMD, KeyDataB, KeyDataC
  45. - Principal 2: Talk to Green Navi, turn on lights in lounge
  46. - Get 1200z BMD, CodeC, CodeA, HPMem, (Spreader P), Code B
  47. - Folder Edit:
  48. - Out: Recov10s < PanlOuts < SideGun S < MiniBomb S < Other MiniBombs < ShotGun = VGun
  49. - In: Bubblers < RockCube < Roll < LongSwrd < DashAtk < ShockWav < AreaGrab < CopyDmg < Spreader
  50. - Reg AirShot1/Atk+10
  51. - Beat Flashman
  52. - Go to Park, beat GutsMan (yes this is intentional)
  54. BeastMan:
  55. - Go to Metro, Talk to Mayl, Yai, then Chisao
  56. - Go to School 5A, talk to Dex
  57. - Folder Edit:
  58. - Out: ShotGun = VGun
  59. - In: GutsMan
  60. - Beat GutsMan again (slooooow fight)
  61. - Metro Scilab, jack into Door Comp
  62. - Get 700z BMD
  63. - Jack Out, go to 2F, talk to scientist near Computer Comp
  64. - Metro ACDC, go to Dex's house, jack in
  65. - Email 4 and 5
  66. - Zenny Goals:
  67. - 5800z total before SciLab Sq.
  68. - 400z before Yoka
  69. - Moderate Zenny leftover for next goal (SciLab Sq. HPMem | GMD Total: 1100z (3300z if no AreaGrab *))
  70. - Pick up GutPunch B in Dex HP (GutPunch input code = ↓ + ↓→ + →)
  71. - Pick up WideSwrd L in ACDC3
  72. - SciLab 2: Can't run away from fights just yet
  73. - Get RegUP2 BMD, go to SciLab Sq.
  74. - Buy HPMem + AntiDmg M
  75. - Folder Edit:
  76. - Out: ShotGun = VGun < Sword < AreaGrab L (if AreaGrab *)
  77. - In: AntiDmg M < GutsManV2 G < GutPunch B < WideSwrd L < Misc.
  78. - Reg: RockCube *
  79. - Talk to prelim guy, 3 virus fights
  80. - Go to SciLab 1 Heel Navi (Running is now possible)
  81. - Go to SciLab 2 Heel Navi, virus fight
  82. - Go back to SciLab Sq. prelim guy
  83. - Back to SciLab Sq. prelim guy, jack out, go to Yai PC
  84. - Go to ACDC2, fight Orange Guy Navi, 3 virus fights
  85. - Leave through Yai's PC, go to sleep
  86. - Go to school, appear in Yoka
  87. - Buy Untraps
  88. - Go into Inn, go to the room back exit
  89. - Examine gate, cutscenes
  90. - Read Email 6, setup navicust:
  91. - UnderSht: Middle Left
  92. - Atk+1: Top-Right
  93. - Spd+1: Bottom-Right
  94. - Talk to Tamako, beat MetalMan
  95. - Pro Strat: Add for RockShot + AntiDmg M
  96. - Go to Zoo, talk to Dex and animals, ending with lion
  97. - Run to back exit of inn, jack into hotel TV for Unlocker
  98. - Go to Zoo Entrance, jack into Panda Cage Panel
  99. - Michael Bay Comps, nothing makes sense
  100. - Reminder to talk to viruses before progs
  101. - Zoo 1: Get 1000z BMD -> Virus -> Cat Prog (near entrance) -> Virus -> Snake Prog (upper branch)
  102. - Zoo 2: Virus -> Rabbit Prog (middle) -> Charge+1 -> 600z BMD -> Virus -> Banana Prog (platform closest to Virus, right Prog) -> (CopyDmg * BMD) -> Virus -> Bouncy Ball Prog (rightmost) -> Virus -> Otter Prog (middle) ->
  103. - Zoo 3: Virus -> Beaver Prog (2nd branch relative to virus) -> Cannon C -> Viruses -> Bamboo Prog (top-right) -> Tire Prog (top-left) -> SneakRun
  104. - Navicust + Folder intermission:
  105. - Navicust:
  106. - SneakRun: Compress (RLB↓↓↓), Bottom-Middle
  107. - Charge+1: Space between Spd+1 and Atk+1 (on Command Line)
  108. - Folder Edit:
  109. - Remove: Cannon A (mandatory) > ShotGun = VGun > AreaGrab L (if AreaGrab *) > Sword > One Cannon B
  110. - Add: MetalMan M > Cannon C > RockCube * > (CopyDmg *)
  111. - Zoo 3: Virus -> Cobra Prog (left-top) -> Virus -> Octopus Prog (right-top)
  112. - Zoo 4: Viruses -> Virus -> Tongue-Twister Prog (near BMD) -> Walnut Prog (top-left) -> Chestnut Prog (bottom-left) -> Triple Virus -> Dog Prog (far-left) -> Tiger Prog (right Prog on mesh platform) -> Sheep Prog (upper-right) -> (BeastMan)
  114. BubbleMan:
  115. - Appear at School, talk to Dex, Yai, Mayl
  116. - Read e-mail 8, go to Higsby's
  117. - Jack into Numberman Sign, get HPMem
  118. - Lotto Codes:
  119. - For Reference:
  120. - 0: →
  121. - 1: ↑→
  122. - 2: ↑↑→
  123. - 3: ↑↑↑→
  124. - 4: ↑↑↑↑→
  125. - 5: ↑↑↑↑↑→ or ↓↓↓↓↓→
  126. - 6: ↓↓↓↓→
  127. - 7: ↓↓↓→
  128. - 8: ↓↓→
  129. - 9: ↓→
  130. - 15789208 (↑→↑↑↑↑↑→↓↓↓→↓↓→↓→↑↑→→↓↓): AirShot3 *
  131. - [01697824 (→↑→↓↓↓↓→↓→↓↓↓→↓↓→↑↑→↑↑↑↑): CopyDmg *]
  132. - [56892168 (↑↑↑↑↑→↓↓↓↓→↓↓→↓→↑↑→↑→↓↓↓↓→↓↓): FullEnrg]
  133. - [99826471 (↓→↓→↓↓→↑↑→↓↓↓↓→↑↑↑↑→↓↓↓→↑): FullEnrg]
  134. - 95913876 (↓→↑↑↑↑↑→↓→↑→↑↑↑→↓↓→↓↓↓→↓↓↓↓): GutStrgt S
  135. - 03284579 (→↑↑↑→↑↑→↓↓→↑↑↑↑→↑↑↑↑↑→↓↓↓→↓): HeroSwrd P
  136. - 21247895 (↑↑→↑→↑↑→↑↑↑↑→↓↓↓→↓↓→↓→↑↑↑↑↑): HiCannon *
  137. - 87824510 (↓↓→↓↓↓→↓↓→↑↑→↑↑↑↑→↑↑↑↑↑→↑→): LockEnmy
  138. - 65497812 (↓↓↓↓→↑↑↑↑↑→↑↑↑↑→↓→↓↓↓→↓↓→↑→↑↑): Salamndr *
  139. - 77955025 (↓↓↓→↓↓↓→↓→↑↑↑↑↑→↑↑↑↑↑→→↑↑→↑↑↑↑↑): SpinWht
  140. - 31549798 (↑↑↑→↑→↑↑↑↑↑→↑↑↑↑→↓→↓↓↓→↓→↓↓): Spreader *
  141. - 76889120 (↓↓↓→↓↓↓↓→↓↓→↓↓→↓→↑→↑↑→): StepCros S
  142. - (If Kilios) [54390805 (↑↑↑↑↑→↑↑↑↑→↑↑↑→↓→→↓↓→→↑↑↑↑↑): Bolt *]
  143. - 88543997 (↓↓→↓↓→↑↑↑↑↑→↑↑↑↑→↑↑↑→↓→↓→↓↓↓): Fountain *
  144. - 35331089 (↑↑↑→↑↑↑↑↑→↑↑↑→↑↑↑→↑→→↓↓→↓): Unlocker
  145. - 63997824 (↓↓↓↓→↑↑↑→↓→↓→↓↓↓→↓↓→↑↑→↑↑↑↑): VarSwrd F
  146. - 41465278 (↑↑↑↑→↑→↑↑↑↑→↓↓↓↓→↑↑↑↑↑→↑↑→↓↓↓→↓↓): WpnLV+1
  147. - Talk to Higsby, go to Metro, talk to Man, go to Yoka, jack in Tamako's HP
  148. - Folder Edit + Email 9:
  149. - Out: 7 shitchips (Cannon A = Cannon C < Roll R < 2 Swords < LongSwrd < ShockWavs < AreaGrab L < Cannon Bs)
  150. - In: VarSwrd F, StepCros S, Spreader *, HiCannon *, HeroSwrd P, GutStrgt, AirShot3 *
  151. - Read Email 9
  152. - Pick up 900z BMD, Get Wind *, DON'T USE LOCKENMY
  153. - Go to Inn Room, examine table parallel to door
  154. - Metro ACDC, talk to man, back to Higsby, jack in to home PC
  155. - ACDC 1: Fight Heel Navi, jack out, back to Higbsy
  156. - Jack in Yai PC, take Yai Shortcut
  157. - Scilab 2: Talk to Pink Navi near billboards
  158. - Jack out, back to Higsby's, back to Yai PC, take Yai shortcut, talk to yellow girl navi
  159. - Net Metro Yoka, talk to prelim guy, jack out
  160. - Fight 5 Fake Navis:
  161. - One near the back of Yai's house
  162. - One in Teacher's Lounge near Server Comp
  163. - One in Yoka Spa
  164. - One in Zoo near alternate exit
  165. - One in SciLab near vending machine
  166. - Jack in SciLab port, net metro Yoka
  167. - Talk to prelim guy, 3 virus fights
  168. - Go home and sleep
  169. - Wake up, go to Mayl's
  170. - Walk back in Mayl's house, talk to Higsby, cutscenes
  171. - Jack in Mayl's HP, switch folder + unlock PMD for HPMem
  172. - Read email 12 in ACDC1
  173. - (Folder Edit if Markro: take out something add RollV2)
  174. - Zenny Goals:
  175. - 7000z (8200z if no AreaGrab *) before SciLab BubbleMan Heel Navi Fights
  176. - Plenty of zenny for next goal (Charge+1 and Fish | GMD Total: 6300)
  177. - Net Metro Yoka
  178. - Note: Use Untraps whenever you go to Yoka 2 in order to try and get GutPunch Es. Other codes may work out, but E flows the best
  179. - Go to Yoka 1 Press Path (Untrap), jack out
  180. - Metro SciLab, go to SciLab 2F, jack in computer at far end of room
  181. - Pick up 1000z BMD, talk to Prog
  182. - Back to Mayl's, talk to Higsby, exit Mayl's, Cossak cutscene
  183. - Go to Yai's, jack in Yai PC, take shortcut to Scilab Sq. (Untrap)
  184. - Navicust Edit:
  185. - Remove UnderSht
  186. - Add Press where UnderSht was
  187. - Move Charge+1 to bottom-left
  188. - Net Metro Yoka, follow path to Bubbleman, jack out and in
  189. - ACDC2: Fight Heel Navis (only one fight), GotWood
  190. - ACDC2 Shop: HPMem (+ AreaGrab) for 3000z (4200z)
  191. - Jack out and in, take Yai Shortcut (Untrap)
  192. - SciLab Sq.: HPMem for 4000z
  193. - Go to lower Scilab 1, fight Heel Navis again
  194. - Net Metro Yoka, go to Yoka 2, get HPMem BMD
  195. - Go to Yoka 1 where you left off, final Heel Navi fight
  196. - Go to Yoka 1 dead end, fight BubbleMan
  197. - Sleep
  199. Desertman:
  200. - Jack in Home PC (Untrap), go to Mayl's HP, talk to Roll at end of middle row, pick up 500z BMD
  201. - Go to Yai's HP, talk to Glyde
  202. - Go to ACDC Sq., use Dex shortcut, pick up 200z BMD, TALK TO SEMI-HIDDEN PROG
  203. - Net Metro Yoka, go to Yoka 1 Heater, talk to GutsMan
  204. - read Email 16, backtrack to Yoka Sq., Net Metro Beach
  205. - Note: you will need a Yo-Yo1 G from here at minimum. Open the NaviCust and bug SneakRun by moving it off the Command Line. Once you get an encounter with a Yort (preferably double Yort), defeat the encounter and LockEnmy immediately. After getting Yo-Yo1 G, keep bugged SneakRun in to farm Yo-Yo1 Es (take damage once, custgauge not empty)
  206. - Buy Untraps at Beach 2 Shop
  207. - Go to Beach Sq., talk to Girl Yellow Navi, buy Fish + Charge+1 (10000z)
  208. - Go to Beach 1
  209. - Beach 1: Fight your way through Heel Navis, Pick up BMD Charge+1 on the way
  210. - Take warp to main-ish section, cutscene + auto-sleep
  211. - Appear in ACDC, metro SciLab
  212. - Go to 2nd floor, talk to dark brown hair male scientist in lab coat
  213. - Back to 1st floor, take topmost job (Rare chips for cheap!)
  214. - Metro ACDC, go to Yai's House, jack in Yai's telephone
  215. - Fight Navi in Phone Comp (Team Viruses a shit)
  216. - Sleep
  217. - Wake up, Metro Beach
  218. - Buy ModTools for 5600z
  219. - Go to TV Station, talk to Tora, lose to Kingman
  220. - Go to stadium, read email 19 and 17
  221. - NaviCust: <insert image here>
  222. - Fish Compression Code: (LR↓↑←→)
  223. - ModTools EX Code: XBCJF2RI
  224. - Friendly reminder to talk to Sunayama before going on the boat
  225. - Appear at Hades Isle, get HPMem on boarding ramp
  226. - go to cave, auto-jack in
  227. - (Fight ColdHeads for IceBall M)
  228. - HadesKey -> Gate -> BlkBomb1 P -> VictData
  229. - Auto-jack out, walk to upper floor, take right-most door
  230. - Beat MetalMan Alpha (Burner strats)
  231. - Exit Grass Room, exit Cave
  232. - Get N1-FldrD from man at the side of the cave
  233. - Go back to upper floor, talk to Scientist at bottom-left corner for Snake Folder
  234. - BathroomSplits
  235. - Fight GutsMan Alpha
  236. - Take elevator to top of isle, take boat back to Beach, go to TV Station
  237. - Talk to Ribitta, go outside, talk to Chaud, go back in Stadium
  238. - Beat Kingman
  239. - Leave TV Station, walk to Dex & Mayl, go back to Stadium, take elevator up to Production Studio
  240. - Fight Desertman
  241. - Auto-Sleep
  243. Tora Jobs:
  244. - Metro Beach
  245. - Go to Hospital, talk to receptionist, go to 2F far room, talk to Yai
  246. - Go back to 1F, jack into Vending Machine, get 9000z BMD, jack out, examine Vending Machine
  247. - Go outside to (actual) beach, talk to Mamoru, go back inside, go to 2F far room, talk to Yai
  248. - Metro ACDC, go home to room, Tora cutscene, auto-sleep
  249. - Go to ACDC Park, talk to Dex
  250. - Higsby Order, buy:
  251. - Bubbler
  252. - HeatShot
  253. - (Burner if no Heat-V from triple Spikey fight)
  254. - AntiDmg
  255. - (Early Bubbleman if enough Zenny (Must have minimum 11400z))
  256. - Metro SciLab, do Tora Jobs:
  257. - Take bottommost Tora Job, metro ACDC, talk to man in green shirt in ACDC Park
  258. - Jack in Dex's PC, (Untrap), Net Metro Yoka
  259. - Go to Yoka 1, travel across press path, talk to green navi
  260. - Jack out, metro Yoka, go to Tamako, fight MetalMan Alpha
  261. - Go to Zoo, talk to Zoo Scientist near entrance, go back to ACDC
  262. - Talk to man in green shirt in ACDC Park
  263. - Back to SciLab, take next job from the bottom
  264. - Jack in SciLab Sq. (Untrap), net Metro Beach
  265. - Go to Beach 1, go to orange navi near yellow warp
  266. - Folder Edit:
  267. - Out: Cannons > Swords > GutPunch B > WideSwrds > Spreader
  268. - (Special Case for Mega Chips): GutsMan = RollV2
  269. - In: AntiDmg S > Invis * > Yo-Yo1 Es > GutPunch > RockCube > Misc.
  270. - 5 Virus Fights
  271. - Jack out, go back to SciLab main lobby, take next job
  272. - Metro Beach, go to TV Station, talk to DNN Blue Shirt Man
  273. - 3 Heel Navis:
  274. - One in DNN Van
  275. - One in Stadium NetBattling Machine
  276. - One in Panel next to door of Editing Room
  277. - In editing room, jack into Control Room Comp and pick up HPMem
  278. - Talk to DNN Man
  279. - Go back to SciLab, take last job
  280. - Metro ACDC
  281. - Go to School, go to Teacher Lounge
  282. - Talk to principal, go to Yai's House, jack in Yai's PC, take Yai Shortcut
  283. - Go to Upper SciLab 1, talk to Prog near WWW Gate
  284. - Jack out and in, take ACDC2 Warp
  285. - Talk to purple guy navi in large section, trade Yo-Yo1 G, jack out
  286. - Go back to School, go to teacher lounge, talk to Principal
  287. - Enjoy SloGauge * Kappa
  288. - Go back to SciLab, talk to Tora
  289. - Sleep
  291. Plantman:
  292. - Go to School Class 5A
  293. - Talk to everyone
  294. - Sad Cutscene, go to Dex's house
  295. - Appear in room, Metro Beach
  296. - Go straight to Beach near Hospital (do not go inside Hospital)
  297. - Talk to Mamoru, go to Hospital 3F, talk to Scientist at end of hallway, go back to Beach, talk to Mamoru again
  298. - go to Hospital 2F, go to 1st room, give IceBall M to Mamoru
  299. - Exit Hospital, Metro ACDC, sleep
  300. - Metro Beach, go to Hospital 2F, walk inside first patient room, talk to Mamoru
  301. - Go to 3F, examine Tree, go to Operation Room Door
  302. - Cutscene, go to 1F
  303. - Go back to 3F, go to vines
  304. - Auto-Jack in
  305. - Hospital Comp 1: Talk To Prog -> Navicust + Folder Edit
  306. - Navicust:
  307. - Out: Fish
  308. - In: Energy Change
  309. - Mod Tools EX Code: XBCJF2RI
  310. - Folder Edit:
  311. - Open Folder 2
  312. - Take out IceWave1s, Pawn, Atk+10*, (WideSwrd E)
  313. - Open Folder 1
  314. - Out: Chips mentioned in earlier Folder Edits > Non-Regged RockCubes > HiCannon *
  315. - Hospital Comp 1: Burn Tree near entrance -> Take warp -> Burn right Tree at fork -> Virus Battle
  316. - Swag Strat: Put RockCube in Middle, try to lure vine into RockCube (standing directly below works best)
  317. - Take stairs to 2F, go to far patient room, examine window
  318. - Appear outside, try to enter door at Beach, go inside Hospital
  319. - Talk to Nurse, go back to door
  320. - Walk to main part of Hospital basement, auto-jack in
  321. - Hospital Comp 2: (Pick up GutsStraight Q) -> Take right path warp -> Pick up HPMem -> Go to left platform with vines -> Burn bottom and top vines (in order) -> Go to control panel -> Goofball battle
  322. - Swag Strat: Use RockCube to break the Goofball's shield
  323. - Go to 3F, walk to Operating Room Door
  324. - Auto-Jack in
  325. - Hospital Comp 3: HeatSide T BMD -> Burn left tree -> 1600z BMD -> Go down to find more vines -> Burn leftmost one -> Burn Right Tree -> Go to platform with vines -> Burn upmost vinepatch -> Burn vinepatch left of bottommost vine -> Take warp -> Go to left platform -> Burn bottom vinepatch -> Go back to main path -> Burn right tree
  326. - Hospital Comp 4: Go to bottom-left vinepatch out of all four -> Burn bottommost vine -> Go to upper-left vinepatch -> Burn middle-left vine -> Burn upmost vine -> 2000z BMD -> Go back to platform near entrance -> Take right path -> Burn tree in way -> Burn leftmost vine -> Burn 2nd vine from the right -> Do not burn tree -> FullEnrg BMD -> Warp
  327. - Hospital Comp 5: Take left path -> Charge+1 BMD -> Back to main path -> Burn left tree -> Go to upper platform -> Burn middle-right vine -> Burn middle-left vine -> HPMem -> Warp -> Go to lower platform -> Burn middle-left vine -> Go to main circle -> Go to single-row dead end -> Burn middle vine -> Burn right tree -> Burn top-middle of "I" shaped vine structure -> Go back to entrance -> Take warp -> Plantman
  328. - Auto-Sleep
  329. - Appear in Park, metro SciLab
  330. - Talk to Cossak, go to SciLab HP Room
  331. - Go back to lobby, Mr. Match cutscene, jack in SciLab HP (Untrap), net metro Yoka
  332. - Fight two Heel Navis in Yoka 2, net metro Beach
  333. - Beach Shop: Buy 3 Untraps (max), (FullEnrgs if Lucky)
  334. - Fight Heel Navi near Beach Sq warp, go to Beach 1, fight Heel Navi near PMD, fight Heel Navi near lower warp
  335. - Jack out and in, fight Heel Navi in upper SciLab 1
  336. - Jack out and in, take Yai shortcut backwards to ACDC2, go to ACDC Sq.
  337. - Talk to guy orange navi near boards
  338. - Jack out, Metro Beach
  339. - Go to Hospital 2F, go to Mamoru's room, talk to Mamoru
  340. - Metro SciLab, go to SciLab HP room, talk to Match, jack in SciLab PC
  341. - Friendly Reminder to talk to Match a lot
  342. - Talk to Prog in Upper SciLab 1
  343. - Jack out, TALK TO MATCH, go to vending machine, TALK TO MATCH, jack in and talk to Prog
  344. - Jack out, TALK TO MATCH, go to 2F, TALK TO MATCH, jack into main computer, talk to Prog, TALK TO MATCH
  345. - Metro ACDC, go back home, go back to SciLab, talk to guy in front of SciLab entrance
  346. - Folder Edit:
  347. - Out: Bubblers
  348. - In: Chips taken out from before = (WideSwrd E)
  349. - Metro ACDC, jack in home PC
  350. - ACDC Fires:
  351. - ACDC 1:
  352. - One at platform closest to entrance
  353. - One blocking the main path
  354. - ACDC 2:
  355. - One near first branch going down-right
  356. - One near Yai's HP
  357. - One near path to ACDC2 Shop
  358. - ACDC 3:
  359. - One near place where LongSwrd E BMD was
  360. - One near alternate path near ACDC Sq. warp
  361. - One near Panl1Out * BMD
  362. - ACDC 1:
  363. - One blocking path to Metro
  364. - Net Metro Yoka
  365. - Buy HPMem (4000z)
  366. - Yoka Fires (Untrap):
  367. - Yoka 2:
  368. - One near end of alternate Press Path to Yoka 1
  369. - Yoka 1:
  370. - One near entrance to alternate Yoka 1
  371. - Yoka 2:
  372. - One near press path to dead end circle
  373. - One near path to Yoka 1 main
  374. - Yoka 1:
  375. - Take upper path near heater, at large platform
  376. - One at Bubbleman boss fight
  377. - Higsby intermission:
  378. - Go to Higsby's, chip order:
  379. - 4x Bubbler (2000z)
  380. - BublSide (1500z)
  381. - Pawn (4000z)
  382. - (BubbleMan if enough zenny to afford) (7000z)
  383. - (Yo-Yo1 E if enough zenny to afford) (2800z)
  384. - (Folder Edit if bought both BubbleMan (and Yo-Yo1 E if wanted))
  385. - Out: Chips that were thrown in while taking
  386. - In: Pawn > Yo-Yo1 E > GutPunch E > BubbleMan > WideSwrd E > GutStrgt Q
  387. - Go to Yai's house, jack in, take Yai shortcut
  388. - SciLab Fires:
  389. - SciLab 2:
  390. - One near Virus King Battle
  391. - One near dead-end after conveyor belts
  392. - SciLab 1 (upper):
  393. - One near dead-end coming from 6 square platform
  394. - One near dead-end at branch before Upper SciLab large platform
  395. - Jack out and in
  396. - SciLab 2:
  397. - One near platform with counter-like object
  398. - SciLab 1 (lower):
  399. - One at SciLab 1 lower main platform
  400. - Metro Beach (Untrap)
  401. - Beach Fires:
  402. - Beach 1:
  403. - One near left path after going down stairs
  404. - One near platform gotten to via lower Beach 1 Warp
  407. - One at platform gotten to via upper Beach 1 Warp
  408. - Beach 2:
  409. - One near main Press Path
  410. - One on platform with Beach Sq. warp
  411. - One near WWW Gate
  412. - Talk to Tally Heel Navi, go to Undernet 1
  413. - Pick up 1600z BMD
  414. - Follow path to Undernet 3
  415. - Note: You cannot run away in Undernet 3 until you pick up the HPMem
  416. - Go to Bass Cutscene, go back to Heel Navi, virus fight (save if Wood)
  417. - Follow path to FlamMan
  418. - Beat FlamMan, die to Bass
  419. - Higsby Order (if chips still needed):
  420. - BubbleMan (7000z)
  421. - Yo-Yo1 E (2800z)
  422. - Metro SciLab, go to 2F, Go to Dad
  423. - Appear in Hospital, Metro ACDC, Sleep
  424. - Wake up, Metro Beach, go to Hospital 2F, go to far room
  425. - Talk to Dad, exit hospital, metro SciLab
  426. - Go to SciLab HP Room, talk to Chaud, jack in SciLab PC
  427. - Net Metro Beach, take warp to Undernet, go to Heel Navi blocking path to Undernet HP
  428. - NaviCust:
  429. - Out: EngyChng
  430. - In: BlckMind
  431. - (No ModTools EX Code)
  432. - Talk to Heel Navi on platform reached with an upside-down U-turn going right
  433. - NaviCust (+ Folder Edit):
  434. - <insert image here>
  435. - FstGauge Compression Code: B↓AR←R
  436. - ModTools EX Code: CNJDU2EM
  437. - (Alternate ModTools EX Code: GJHURIE2 (HP+350 instead of HP+1000, no poison))
  438. - Folder Edit if stuff to add:
  439. - Out: Stuff
  440. - In: BubbleMan (+ YoYo1 E)
  441. - Use FullEnrg
  442. - Talk to a Heel Navi (doesn't matter), four virus battles
  443. - Go to Undernet 1, fight Heel Navi at end of platform
  444. - Go to Undernet 2 Main, fight Heel Navis
  445. - One on upper blue platform above non-Heel Navi
  446. - One near warp closest to stairs taken from fighting earlier Heel Navi
  447. - One near entrance
  448. - Go to Undernet 1 Main, fight Heel Navis
  449. - One near stairs leading to Undernet 2 Main
  450. - One at platform at bottom of stairs leading to Undernet 2 Main
  451. - Cutscene, jack out, metro Beach
  452. - Go to Hades, jack in Hades thing, fight rank 10 guy, jack out
  453. - Metro Yoka, jack in Zoo Comp
  454. - Go to beginning of Zoo Comp, four virus fights
  455. - Jack out, go to Tamako's shop, jack in
  456. - Read E-Mail 24, take Beach Shortcut, go to warp where PMD was
  457. - warp to Hospital Comp, talk to Rank 9
  458. - Jack out and in, go to Undernet Warp, go to Undernet 2 FlamMan fight
  459. - Fight BeastMan (Rank 8)
  460. - Jack out, metro ACDC
  461. - Go to School, jack in Principal Comps
  462. - Go to Principal 2, talk to Rank 7 near Spreader P BMD
  463. - Jack out, exit school, metro Beach
  464. - Go to hospital, go to Mamoru's room
  465. - Examine Origami, exit hospital, metro ACDC
  466. - Go back to school, jack in Principal Comps, talk to Rank 7
  467. - Read E-Mail 35
  468. - Jack out, go to Yai's House, jack in Yai PC
  469. - Go to ACDC Sq., read left BBS top post
  470. - Take Dex shortcut backwards to ACDC1, net metro Beach
  471. - Go to Undernet Warp, make way to Undernet 4
  472. - (Note: you can't run here unless you took the liberty to buy an Extra HPMem)
  473. - Go to Undernet 4 Dead end, CopyMan fight
  474. - Jack out, Metro Beach, go to Stadium
  475. - Jack in Stadium Comp, fight BowlMan
  476. - Jack out, Metro Yoka, go to Hot Spring
  477. - Enter side of rock, walk to giant server, lots of cutscenes
  478. - Panic, exit server room, jack in Tamako HP
  479. - Take Beach shortcut, net metro SciLab
  480. - Go to upper SciLab 1
  481. - Take SciLab Undernet 5 warp
  482. - (Note: you can't run from fights until you pick up the secret HPMeme, and you've bought two HPMems)
  483. - Grab secret HPMeme, make way to DrillMan
  484. - Beat DrillMan
  486. Alpha:
  487. - Wake up, go to Metro, talk to Yai
  488. - Go to Park, talk to Mayl
  489. - Go to School, Talk to Dex
  490. - Email 36
  491. - Jack in Yai's PC, take shortcut, buy HPMem, talk to ProtoMan
  492. - Jack out, metro SciLab, go to 2F, talk to Chaud
  493. - Metro ACDC, go to tank, auto-jack in
  494. - Pick up HPMem BMD, fight Alpha Bug
  495. - Metro Beach, go to Hospital 2F, go to far room
  496. - Talk To Mom, Examine Bed, exit Hospital, metro SciLab, go to 2F
  497. - Enter Secret door, cutscene, metro Beach
  498. - Go to Boat, metro ACDC, go to Yai's house, talk to Yai
  499. - Sleep
  500. - Read E-mail 37, Folder Edit:
  501. - Out: GutsManV2
  502. - In: RollV3 (Kappa)
  503. - Metro Beach, go to Boat
  504. - Boss rush
  505. - w
  506. - i
  507. - n
  508. - g
  509. - i
  510. - t
  511. - Don't be afraid to add (especially 1 chip adds)
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