
Holy Dev 3: Initiation

Oct 28th, 2023
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  1. [11:17] Azalea remained floating near the statue that represented Alacritas; almost as if she was meant to depict the Lady's visage herself. She listens quietly, contemplatively, as petals gently began to fall upon the room.
  3. There's an approving nod as warmth slowly fills the room, wrapping each who were visiting the sermon in attendance today. A silver radiance emits from the hamadryad, arms extending outward as she speaks softly; quietly, and with copious amounts of love for those who were present.
  5. As if channeling Alacritas herself in this moment.
  7. "We are born into this life with light and love within our hearts; a love that transcends all of our lifetimes. Despair can seek to enter the cracks of our souls when we are down, at our weakest; and yet it is through the gentle caring hand of our loved ones that we can surmount even the largest troubles sent our way.
  9. Alacritas teaches us thusly;
  10. help your neighbour as if they are your family.
  11. Lend your strength to those who are in need, for She knows that we are strongest together;
  12. and fear not embracing and spreading love, as it is an extension of you and your soul."
  14. Lady Aubreens' fingers extend outwardly, and the connection to the lifestream fostered by Solais himself darts about the room; infusing all around with a reinvigoration.
  16. That tree in the center, that had only just begun to experience the pinkest petals of life, soon starts to blossom even more; showcasing how strong the devotion that the Alacritans and those alike were.
  18. "Remember, none of you are alone. It is Despair who seeks to show that you are; but Lady Alacritas and I watch over each and every one of you. As we always have--
  20. As we always will.
  22. You are important and grand in the tapestry of Life itself. Her will, Her love, Her kindness, Her charisma, Her light - it flows through each of you, and it always will.
  24. Even in the midst of darkness,
  25. even in the midst of pain and suffering...
  27. You. Are. Loved."
  28. (Azalea Aubreen)
  29. [11:17] Reeds nodded along to Sven's sermon.
  31. A little twinge of guilt.
  33. Her lapine brother in healing were speaking on personal dilemmas, of sunk costs & opportunity cost,
  35. Something that the peculiar cyborg-servitor was all too familiar with.
  37. A sigh registers from the flower-and-fluff-clad entity before raising a paw up to gingerly prod and hold onto one of the petals floating about the room.
  39. That memory of her, resting alone by the tree, with naught but Azalea and Alacritas reaching out to Reeds shines through,
  41. You could have had it all.
  43. The pixelated Mana Rune display face flashes back to her usual smile as the groupings of other various clergy began to offer their prayers in conclusion to Svengalf's sermon.
  45. A glimpse of the top of the mountain.
  47. The world weighs more heavily on you now. Try not to lose yourself, N.E.O.
  49. A dip of her head before joining in, scattering the occasional goldenrod flower & mote of faerie sparkles into the mix,
  51. "O, Lady Life, origin of all that is good, andt mother to us all..."
  53. The ether thrums in Reeds' background silhouette, bringing those crystalline simulacra of fairy wings to slowly beat behind them,
  55. "... Some believe the morals within, are the very life-blood of the First Men,"
  57. "A remnant of what the very first Divines ordained unto us all, from the very beginning..."
  59. "...Others believe it to be a turning point, a terrible decision that brings only disdain..."
  61. At long last, Reeds' own silver-blue glow within her devotion began to unravel and envelope the bounds of this crystallized wildlife preserve beneath the Heavenly Blossoms' Church,
  63. "I believe them both."
  65. "...But for many, perhaps this choice is but a personal symbol,"
  67. "One that defines you."
  69. "One that will guide you."
  71. "One where Lady Life's whims andt wills reveal all of Her great beauty across every twist andt turn..."
  73. A pause for breath.
  75. "...One can only hope for the best, andt to love, as Lady Life wouldt love you, too..."
  76. (Reeds Moraine)
  78. [11:26] As the clergy finishes their prayers and proceed to their rites, Svengalf shares this same nod of aproval and gratefullness.
  80. He makes sign whith his arms towards Azalea, Reeds, and even Tergiversation to give the signal for them to awake the prayers of those who need assistance in such.
  82. He steps forward, passing by the eastern side of the room. His presence leaves a silvery glow that seeps into those resonating with Life's Blessings in their prayers. Alas, this energy is limited... but perhaps later, such blessing can awaken again ? One may just need to ask for it.
  83. (Svengalf Sandsker)
  84. [11:31] Those who have been touched by touched by the silvery aura, could feel a presence within them, welcoming and embracing them. A parental touch, ready to carry someone's back to free their burden and recomfort them through their challenges. Their essence reflect such, and they could it feels more alive than before.
  86. The lapine smiles. Satisfied, relieved that the prayer went in peace. Hopefully, these words may inspire some hope along with the crowd.
  88. The crystals float in the room, the waters shine their reflection, and birds nesting in this room sing. Buds of flowers blossom once more. Winter feels to be like a memory of yesterday at this point.
  90. Retaking place, the lapine observes now the crowd, asking softly :
  91. "After our prayers, does anyone have any questions related to today’s subject, the alacritan faith or other similar subjects before we can proceed through the program ?"
  92. (Svengalf Sandsker)
  94. [11:43] The lapine turns towards the Sirenian, raising one hand to bring attention to her. He returns back towards Sunsets as she asks her question. He ponders for a bit, before answering.
  96. "It is not necessarily a bad thing. While of course, we will face many challenges ahead in life, this is not a competition to see who has been suffering the most in comparaison, far from it."
  97. He shakes his head, as he continues.
  98. "While some may be more fortunate than others, we must not hold ourselves into our laurels and boast about our fortune. On the contrary, one should be willing to share his fortune to assist and help others to grow. Like a sun, that helps some sprouts to grow."
  99. He offers a smile, then his expression darkens.
  100. "Alas, I could also say that, not being able to experience difficulties, may risk to expose yourself to be more sensitive when such dilemma may appear later."
  102. He nods.
  104. "In short ? It's not a bad thing.As long, you stay altruist and considerate for others, while also acknowledging that difficulties still exist to prepare yourself the day they come. But this is not an excuse either, to risk yourself. Does it answer to your question ?"
  106. He smiles, then returns towards Arista as he raises her hand.
  108. "Yes, Arista?"
  109. (Svengalf Sandsker)
  110. [11:48] The lapine offers a smile towards Arista, a he hums a little chuckle.
  112. "Of course, but do not worry. There will be a proper moment for such in due time."
  114. He offers a reassuring smile, before nodding towards Sunsets, sharing the same smile.
  116. He returns to the assembly, asking.
  118. "Any other questions?"
  119. (Svengalf Sandsker)
  120. [11:56] New Resolutions, and the choices between Dilemmas.
  122. This was a subject the little Kitsune teenager felt all so familiar with. Her own decisions impacted the way her current flow of life was advancing - the side effects of Fantasia, steeling away from the temptation to consume another, all because she halted a witch's efforts for her friend, the immense headache overwhelming her temple, and the now lesser injury of another's mana leeching prowess that rendered her feeling futile.
  124. They were all decisions that had to be made. For herself, for Jiuweihu, and for her family. Tough decisions with consequences, but by going through these ordeals? Hina knew she may triumph under her deity's guidance.
  126. 'It's through these challenges in which we grow to stand strong willed to live and remain hopeful against despair.'
  128. Sven's words touch her deeply, igniting that lost hope she had felt earlier; a tinge of reassurance.
  130. 'You are important and grand in the tapestry of life itself.
  131. Even in the midst of darkness,
  132. even in the midst of pain and suffering...
  134. You. Are. Loved.'
  136. Those words of Azalea touch even further, and in those very moments where the silvery glow of Sven seeped into those resonating with Life's Blessing in their prayers, Hina's holds fold before her, and she bows her head, taking it in - accepting those energies and prayers gifted upon them by those of Frontier.
  138. She could feel her circuits further replenishing in this spiritual force, almost as if it could be negating the opposing effects she's feeling, and in the midst of it all? She'll pray.
  140. 'Solais and you have heard my wishes, Jiuweihu, so- will you hear my prayer now, too? To be one of your chosen, blessed children one day? Are you watching me grow? Life has been so rough, but I know that I'll always follow you under your guidance.' She pauses then, allowing her forward dipped head to come back up and glance towards the ceiling as if seeing through the fauna growth to stare at the sun.
  142. 'Thank you, Jiuweihu. You, Solais, and Lady Alacritas' blessings, these people, for helping me push through it. I won't disappoint you. I won't disappoint them. I am loved.' Those thoughts cease now, and despite her stance of prayer remaining, eyes glancing along the parties before her, a smile is offered.
  143. (Hina Lam)
  144. [11:59] The lapine nods. He offers a smile, as no other questions have been asked. He continues.
  146. "Excellent then. Now, for those who have been attentive and curious about Lady Alacritas, the Heavenly Blossom Church is open to welcome new initiates in their ranks. If you feel yourself attuned to her tenets, to protect and save Life, to respect it, help it grow, and spread this unconditional love and kindness to your neighbors without fearing to express it to others ? Then come forward in front of us, as the rite of initiation will start should anyone feel interested."
  148. He stands ready, observing the crowd. There are some eyes focused on certain people, offering a smile for those who need some encouragement. Notably, there is a little wave towards Arista.
  149. (Svengalf Sandsker)
  150. [12:00] Regalus says, "A shame Ahwul isn't here. If I'm not mistaken, she too is interested in such..."
  151. [12:00] The eel immediately gets up, walking across the water on her way to stand before Svengalf. Still blushing, a bit nervous, but also excited. Judging by the way she softly bounces on her heels. More than happy to take this step forward in her life. Ready to dedicate herself to Alacritas.
  152. (Arista)
  153. [12:00] Azalea Aubreen smiles warmly.
  154. (Azalea Aubreen)
  155. [12:01] Giving a nod to Ookami beside him, Akkor gets up from his seat on the grass and walks forward.
  156. Already having spoken with Svengalf on this, how he felt at most peace within Lady Alacritas embrace.
  158. He gives a smile towards Svengalf, and as he spies his fellow soon to be initiate, he gives her a pat on the shoulder- something to ease her nerves even a little before putting his hands together in front of him once more.
  159. (Akkor Hibiscea)
  160. [12:05] As the ranks of potential initiates form, the blonde lapine observes them with glee. Young souls who march upon the same steps as he did initially.
  161. He rolls up the sleeve on his right arm, revealing some intricate crystalline tattoo depicting silver vines intertwining his arms along with pink lotuses spread upon. As the lotus mark on the cheek glows, so the lotuses on his arm do. The lapine pinches the heart of one of the lotuses, as an aura of silver and pink lights glow from the skin. Pulling them some metaphorical flower buds made from his mana and cultivated faith. Each of these buds float in front of the potential initiates, awaiting.
  163. "Lady Alacritas, Silver Constant of Life,
  165. Those in front of us wish to be wrapped in your kind embrace, and learn under your name your tenets on Life.
  167. Under your name, they wish to protect Life. They wish to share your kindness and goodwill. They wish to nurture and defend the will to Live and the Hope within other souls. To act as an extension of your will and your charisma. To show the world the beauty of life and the Divines’ Creation."
  169. He marks a pause, then returns back to them.
  171. "To you, Children of Alacritas.
  173. Are you ready to embrace this journey of discovery along with the Lady Silver of Life ? To be true to your beliefs and display it without shyness? To protect the world and the Nature created, and deepen your connection to her Lady? And most importantly, are you ready to join her embrace without any remorse and regret, and doing it willingly with your true self?"
  175. He offers a smile to them, awaiting now an answer.
  177. (Svengalf Sandsker)
  179. [12:12] The bud floats before her, and she reaches out to poke at the bud curiously, gently. She nods her head, and then she speaks up, speaking slowly and making sure she's speaking clearly. "I am ready, Svengalf. I have spent years.. Thinking about this.. And my heart has chosen. I will dedicate myself.. To The Silver Lady.. To Lady Alacritas. To be true to my beliefs.. To display them without being shy.. To protect the world and Nature.. To deepen the connection my.. Heart feels with Her.. I am ready to embrace Her.. Without remorse.. With regret.. I will do it willingly with all I am.. All I know.."
  181. She is determined and hopeful.
  182. (Arista)
  183. [12:12] Svengalf Sandsker offers a nod towards Nera.
  184. (Svengalf Sandsker)
  185. [12:12] Nera whispers something.
  186. [12:12] Nera whispers something.
  187. [12:12] In his heart, the question wasn't even needed, he had steeled himself for this, focused on setting down this path. Akkor gave a nod of his head.
  189. "I am more than ready to delve deeper into her Lady's bounty, to protect that which surrounds us and learn everything I can about her and her gift to us. I have no lingering regrets, except maybe that I didn't come here sooner. I wish to not only find myself within this path but also help guide those that hide themselves to find their own truth. I am willing, and awaiting this step."
  191. Clasping his hands, with a slight twitch of his ear, the Lapine is smiling in full, happy to make this move, to go after what Svengalf had laid out for him.
  192. (Akkor Hibiscea)
  193. [12:14] Nera whispers something.
  194. [12:20] To protect and save life. To respect it. To help nurture it and grow. To spread this unconditional love and kindness to your neighbors without fearing to express it to others?
  196. They were principles and philosophies that the little Jiuweihu Kitsune aligned with deeply. To join one's church not of her own faith; was it doable?
  198. She didn't know if joining or not was the right thing.
  200. The virtues of her own faith aligned well with those of Lady Alacritas' own: Kindness, Respect, and Understanding. Three that were important to the little one's life ambitions.
  202. But would Jiuweihu approve of her objective to learn about the church of the settlement she resided within? Her family was important. These people of Frontier? While she didn't truly know them on depths that a pair of twin siblings may have for one another, the girl perceived these peoples as her family.
  204. 'For new paths to form, one must forge them anew, intertwining one’s fate with another to form a new destiny.' Such is the family aspect of her faith. It felt appropriate and reasonable to Hina - to want to learn and practice these fundamentals of their faith and the ones of her own.
  206. However, the little Kitsune does opt to step forward towards Sven and present herself. Her person wasn't quite well at a glance; the Kitsune did look sickly given her present set of injuries, but that doesn't stop her from presenting herself before those of Lady Alacritas' faith - her family.
  208. "The ideals of the faith align with some of my own, and.. well, I'm not sure it'd be appropriate to be part of your church while worshipping the deity of the Kitsune, Jiuweihu, but-" There's a brief pause as the girl huffs out a laugh - perhaps an adult more acknowledged on faith and such could enlighten her troubled perspective on the matter. "-I still want to learn of Lady Alacritas' ways and be part of Frontier's family."
  209. (Hina Lam)
  210. [12:27] The girl was met with a serious question to herself as well. Should she or not? Being puzzled, and lost in the question herself much akin to the Nera, she was confused on what she must do.
  212. Looking at the others, lined up in front, she has decided that not currently at very least. She knew too little of this religion, she was just there for Nera. Granted Nera was the opposite of her, she spent a lot of time with them, and with this religion, so she tried to hint to her that she should pursue it, maybe, if she desires.
  214. However the girl herself was not ready for it. This wasn't the path she wanted to take just yet, she was not as committed currently to this religion than some other people.
  215. (Antella Del Lumix)
  216. [12:31] The lapine smiles, proud of them.
  218. There is a surprise to notice Hina stepping forward, unexpected. But a welcome one. He answers calmly, with his warm usual tone :
  219. "Jiuweihu, the Spirit of the Sun, Matron of the Kitsunes. When Nyssa and Alacritas created the Lifestream, many Lifeforms emerged from it. From a simple flower, to a magnificiant tree. To the simple, until the powerfull elementals and spirits, passing by the loyal wolves or the cunning fox. Humanity, only arrived late. But even through these spirits created from the Lifestream, many of them have seeked to bless some of the humans. Leonaus, Asena... and so on.
  220. The Heavenly Blossom Church welcomes you if you wish to learn and understand how Life was made, and its consequences in our universe. Perhaps, it will also help you understand better the tenets of your matron too. Life, is an universal tenet after all. Even in the Pantheon, some of the Primordials reflect some aspects of Life. Such as Nature by Nemea, the creativity by Mestra or even Caius' love.
  222. In these ideas, do you still want to join our ranks, Hina?"
  223. (Svengalf Sandsker)
  224. [12:34] Nera rubs her head with a hand. fiath talks always confusing
  225. (Nera)
  226. [12:42] Such was the fate of the Kitsune construct under Jiuweihu's guidance. An entity of great spiritualism born from the very essence of Eternia's lifestream.
  228. Just like she had mentioned to Eivor before, and under the words she's heard by another - this was something akin to the butterfly effect. Where one force here has impact on a force elsewhere.
  230. For Hina to be here today, under the guidance of her patron, those previous events had to occur. For those samurai to be blessed by Jiuweihu to free her from Kunlun mountain, sealed by a fallen angel.
  232. And for that to happen? She had to emerge from the highest entity of their world - the Lifestream.
  234. The little Kitsune closes her eyes and dips her head some, pondering. To be welcomed to their church to learn and understand how life was made, and how their choices had consequences. To understand her tutelary.
  236. But she doesn't take long for Hina to think it over as her dipped head turns upward towards Sven, eyes glancing, and visage exhibiting contentment.
  238. "The story of the lifestream and how the spirits made is beautiful, and learning more about the world itself? How Nyssa and Alacritas created the lifestream? I would love to join and learn more about it, so- yes." Her smile widens, sincere in nature to join the Church and learn of its faith and be part of the family.
  239. (Hina Lam)
  240. [12:45] The lapine smiles to her. As before, he plucks from his tattoo a budding of the lotuses drawn on his skin. It floats towards her direction too.
  242. The buds float in their chest, and softly become absorbed into their essence. As it does, they can feel something opening within them. Like a nerve extending from their being to somewhere unseen. It feels shy for now, barely noticeable.
  244. "And so forth, by accepting this lotus’bud, I baptise you under the Lady of Silver’s name, Constant of Life, as initiates of the Alacritan faith. For now, this gift is only a little bud, waiting to grow from your experiences and your understanding towards Life. Pay attention to the world around you. To the Nature surrounding us. And to the cry of the Living needing your help. Pray under her tenets, and your bud will one day blossom as your link to Alacritas deepens."
  246. Green mana wraps his hands, as a pentagonal shape opens in the air. Each corner connects to each other. A portal opens, and withdrawing from it, white silvery cowls are retrieved. He holds them for now, smiling.
  248. "And these cowls will be your canevas that will bear new colors as you progress through our ranks in the church. Life is a vast subject, and even Alacritas’ tenets are numerous, one may feel closer to three of our precepts : The order of Healing for those who dedicated themselves in saving and caring for Nature and Life. The order of Protectors, for those dedicated to the combative arts to protect the community and those attuned to the Lifestream against the Fel. And the order of Scholars, for those who study the sciences and mysteries hidden in our Universe."
  250. He wraps his hand with a silver colored light, with hints of pink towards the cowls. Their names are written at the cowl's collar through a thread of pink. And the cowls are then presented.
  252. "Wear these cowls with pride to represent your new told oath. May your learnings eterneally blossom in a garden of Hope, Life, and Kindness."
  254. He offers a smile, before turning to the faithfulls.
  256. "And now, let us applause our new initiates : Arista, Akkor and Hina !"
  257. (Svengalf Sandsker)
  258. [12:49] {Item} You picked up Alacritain's Initiate's Cowl. Dropped by Svengalf Sandsker..
  259. [12:54] Regalus clapped as he watched closely the proceedings. He was quite interested in the lotus bud which Svengalf had materialized mid air, especially curious in it's property of baptism. Was it simply a symbolism, or did it truly do something?
  261. And in that, he remembered something he had heard and noted in his book. Something said to initiate one into the path of the occult...
  263. "A black seed..." he mumbled under his breath, not quite enough for those around him to catch... maybe.
  265. Nonetheless, he paid no heed to this curious question of his, not quite the right circumstance. Instead, he merely continued to record.
  267. 'Year 2080AC 2 new initiates entered into the Church of Alacritas. A bud of Lotus baptizing them and a cowl symbolizing their oath as they entered.
  269. Three orders offered: Of Healing, Of Protectors, and Of Scholars... Scholars... how interesting... I wonder if they have a library I could gander.'
  270. (Regalus)
  271. [12:56] The fox watches the proceedings with gentle, respectful interest. He knew a handful of the faces here as good people, and for them to take on greater happiness and knowledge through faith was quite literally a blessing.
  273. Svengalf's explanation of the precepts, and the ceremony in general were proving to be an invaluable font of first hand information. Despite not deciding to commit his life to the deity that held power her, the serenity of Alacritas was felt and appreciated.
  275. As well as the satisfaction more knowledge brought. The giddy sensation of peeling back the skin of the world to discover what lay within.
  277. Asa clapped politely.
  278. (Asa)
  279. [13:00] Nera waves over towards Regauls
  280. (Nera)
  281. [13:01] Regalus gleefully returns the wave~
  282. (Regalus)
  283. [13:01] The bud connects to her, becoming a part of her. And her hands reach up to embrace the bud gently. Smiling softly down at the bud, thin teeth, like needles. All angled differently within her mouth, a natural thing. Yet the glow of her amber eyes is soft, hopeful. "Thank you, Svengalf."
  285. She is still taking her time, speaking clearly despite the struggle behind it. This is too important to mess up, and she will not take any risks of messing this up. "I will be sure and study hard.. To learn lots.. To grow with this bud.. To care for this bud.. Like I care for Coral."
  287. She looks over toward the silver Bream with pink fins, swimming happily away in the waters of Life. "You remember.. Years ago.. My first visit.. When I gave Coral to the Church.. Cause back then, it made sense to me.. To give something alive.. To a place dedicated to Life. To me, back then, it was the best gift I could give.. And since then Coral has been thriving.."
  289. That smile of hers grows, and she gestures to the Bream, living their best life. She reaches into her pockets, pulling out an array of flowers and herbs. All kept alive and at the peak of health by the wellspring contained within her pockets. "So please.. Take these lives, precious as they are.. Kept safe within my pockets.. For this moment.. As an offering to the Church. Life, for Life."
  291. The eel bows then, taking and donning the cloak with a happy hum. "I am happy to take this step. To learn more about the Lady of Life.. To dedicate myself to her.. Because Her Home, is the one place.. I have always.. Felt the safest.. Ever since that day I released Coral.. So long ago.. Every day I come here.. Even when no Magi are around.. And spend time in the comfort freely offered.. I am happiest when I am here.."
  293. As for the three paths offered, she looks thoughtful. "Once I would have chosen the Protectors, without hesitation.. But I have changed.. I have grown since then.. So I will choose the Order of Healing. As I feel best working with Nature and Life."
  294. (Arista)
  295. [13:01] The budding of a lotus afloat towards the Kitsune's direction is spectated and accepted, sewing itself within her essence by the chest. It was like a subtle growth within her, opening a vent of feelings she couldn't quite explain in those immediate moments, but the sensation was good.
  297. And she'll listen to her mentor, the one who's pushed her to new aspirations for so long, comforting her when in dire need - he was something of a fatherly figure to the girl, and she looked up to Sven greatly.
  299. The bud within rests upon her, now baptized under the faith of the Heavenly Blossoms Church. To be under the guidance of not only Jiuweihu, but to experience the eyes and guidance of their faith under Lady Alacritas was welcoming and comfortable.
  301. Again she'll watch as the Lapine man's Wayfinding capabilities are formed, dropping in several cowls of a silver hue, words to follow, weaving of their names upon these objects, and presented - Hinatakes it wholeheartedly, scrutinizing the piece of clothing with genuine expression of happiness lacing her features.
  303. She knew, of the three precepts that the order of Protectors was one she situated with most - To dedicate oneself to the combative arts to protect the community and those attuned to the Lifestream against the Fel arts. But for the others? Her objectives were quite close-knit, and principles she'd uphold for Frontier.
  305. Hope. Life. Kindness. Understanding. Respect.
  307. To protect. To live and teach. To present herself and understand those around her. To respect the lives of those aligned with the natural order of the world.
  309. The powerful confidence was overwhelming enough to feel as though all opposing factors on her person were negated despite their ever-present riddles still tacking on her vitality.
  311. "Thank you, Sven," she nods, taking off the red priestly robes she's worn as a blanket for so long to place the cowlon around herself, accepting it all as it was.
  312. (Hina Lam)
  313. [13:02] Taking the lotus bud within, that mix of mana and spirit that now joined with him. The warmth that washed over him, his chest now burning almost, with the foreign mana now taking root as he opened up to her growth that would spawn within him.
  315. Taking the Cowl, he wrapped it around himself, bearing the colors of the faith. Clothes did not make the man, not in Akkor's eyes, yet this symbol of unity amongst the church, that did appeal to him.
  316. He gave a bow towards Svengalf,
  317. "Thank you Sven, not only will I wear this with pride, I'll do my part to make sure those not within the church can respect this cloth."
  318. His hands not held themselves against his chest.
  320. "Not only that- through prayer and dedication I shall let this seed given to me grow, allow it's blossoming to not only be tied to my growth, but to that of those around me. That my journey not only be to find my true self, but to ensure that I share this journey with my fellowinitiates and those that will lend their ear."
  321. Another bow was given, as the smile on his face seemed to only grow.
  322. (Akkor Hibiscea)
  323. [13:04] Malibu applauds with her arms above her head!!
  324. (Malibu)
  325. [13:10] Malibu whispers something.
  326. [13:12] Asa quietly looks down at the water, he threads one of his ears through his fingers.
  327. (Asa)
  328. [13:12] The lapine smiles affectively towards all three new Initiates. All of them, he was familiar with in some way.
  330. Towards Arista. He takes care of the bouquet gifted, carefully. Quite an interesting selection, even with the Briarwood present. He nods, smiling.
  331. "The first time you arrived at the sermon, you were indeed a little small sirenian. Many years have passed, and look at yourself now : a grown adult. Confident and brave. I am glad, to see you are flying from the nest with your own wings." A tap on her shoulder, then his attention returns towards Hina.
  333. Towards the Kitsune, he was quite even amazed that she was still standing determined and willing to step forward. A warm smile is given, as he adds.
  334. "While you have not yet reached adulthood, you are already facing the challenges that is often reserved to them. And yet, you do not flinch. I can see your passion burning within you. May you keep this path, even if often we attribute the Fire to a destructive element, it can be a source of life and purification too." Another tap on her shoulder, and his attention turns to Akkor.
  336. A warm smile is given to his Lapine brother. Solidarity is what he could feel at the moment for him. "When I see you, I recall myself when I was younger. Lost and clueless in this vast world. And today, I am proud to see you are also growing and following the same steps as I do. The happiness of others is important for sure. But yours is also valid. How can someone unhappy be able to help others? Step forth, Akkor, and be proud of such step." A tap on his shoulder too, as he nods mentions them to stand up and join his side.
  338. "And now that the initiations are completed, I will let my Sisters of Faith follow with promotions, and other announcements !"
  339. He turns towards Azalea and Reeds, letting his spot to them.
  340. (Svengalf Sandsker)
  341. [13:17] Malibu whispers something.
  342. [13:21] The Spring Maiden and the Voice of Life had been quietly watching the proceedings handled by Svengalf with a warm and proud smile. The initiations were conducted and completed, and her arms slowly open as if to embrace them.
  344. A radiance pulses through the room, and all present would feel momentarily connected to the world at large.
  345. "Lady Alacritas has ever watched over each of you before, and she will ever watch over you now as you seek to embody her beliefs and her teachings.
  347. It is Alacritas who is the first to reach an extended hand to those in need, to those seeking redemption, especially at the end of their life. And so it is through us, Her Children, that we must seek to do the same whilst they are still alive.
  349. And in my belief, in my eyes, all three of you have done Her proud and will continue to do so while you flow so freely throughout Her divine circle of life.
  351. Well done - each and every one of you."
  352. A gentle hum reverberates through the air, and a calmness finds it's way into their hearts. Azalea speaks not with the whimsicality of the dryad, but with the gentleness and mindset of something more.
  354. "As you are Her children, you are also mine. Never forget that should you seek for advice, you may pick my brain...
  356. Now, Reeds..."
  358. Pink eyes shift to gaze over at Reeds, smiling softly.
  360. "You've hit a pinnacle, haven't you?"
  361. (Azalea Aubreen)
  362. [13:27] Reeds' Faerie-charged magitech wings thrum with the sheer potential left over from this sermon's grander connection to the Lifestream, writ al.
  364. Tiny numbers flash across the Mana Rune display face.
  366. You feel stronger, warmer, somehow.
  368. A little head-pivot when the initiations & Sven's main course conclude.
  370. Reeds' pixelated mouth emotes opening a few times, but no sound comes out.
  372. Prismatic light & random Mana wisps write an ephemeral, floral passage in her wake, and Wellspring steam vents from the securing bolts.
  374. It's time.
  376. She shares a strange look to Azalea's remark;
  378. "Solais."
  380. "...Afterward. Just to take that one last step."
  382. Reeds' chest rises and falls with the distant ocean waves. Breathe in.
  384. Like she were holding back the energy to explode with whatever power were being channeled at any given moment. Azalea's own radiative calmness might be the only thing preventing issues.
  385. (Reeds Moraine)
  386. [13:29] Andes clears his throat and... Well, shuffles on out of the religious event due to legal matters. Oopsies.
  387. (Andes Moraine)
  388. [13:31] The lapine joins the sides, taking a deep breath to gather his thoughts from the emotions. Drying some tears, he observes now Azalea and Reeds taking the relay. Their presences and satisfaction were a delight and relief to notice.
  389. The blessing provided by Azalea to conclude the initiation was welcome, nodding in approval too. It was a grand day.
  391. But it didn't finish yet, as he observes now Reeds, in awe from the energy around her. He stood in silence, curious and intrigued.
  392. (Svengalf Sandsker)
  393. [13:31] Azalea Aubreen exclaims, "Then, it seems we move beneath Solais!"
  394. [13:32] Nera tilts her head to the side, watching her fairy, fluffy, huhable friend reeeds
  395. (Nera)
  396. [13:32] Azalea Aubreen exclaims, "Don't forget to take the snacks!"
  397. [13:32] Asa tilts his head, both concern for and interest in Reed's situation plain on his face.
  398. (Asa)
  399. [13:32] Svengalf Sandsker exclaims, "Today, the snacks have been prepared by Malibu !"
  400. [13:33] Azalea Aubreen exclaims, "Come along, everyone!"
  401. [13:33] {Item} You picked up Heavenly Pancakes. Dropped by Svengalf Sandsker..
  402. [13:33] {Item} You picked up Malibu's Pancakes!. Dropped by Arista..
  403. [13:33] Svengalf Sandsker exclaims, "Courtesy of her work !"
  404. [13:33] {Item} You picked up Malibu's Pancakes!. Dropped by Arista..
  405. [13:33] {Item} You picked up Malibu's Pancakes!. Dropped by Arista..
  406. [13:33] Malibu exclaims, "That's right!!"
  407. [13:33] Akkor Hibiscea whispers something.
  408. [13:33] Svengalf Sandsker says, "Ah there you go"
  409. [13:33] Antella Del Lumix says, "About everything that was said"
  410. [13:33] Antella Del Lumix says, "I go visit sally"
  411. [13:33] Asa says, "Hm. Regal. And large..."
  412. [13:33] Nera says, "Before"
  413. [13:33] Nera says, "You go"
  414. [13:33] Nera says, "Meet"
  415. [13:34] Svengalf Sandsker exclaims, "I've got you now Akkor, welcome to the three new initiates !"
  416. [13:34] Antella Del Lumix says, "Uh Hello. Im Antella"
  417. [13:34] Luna Oir-Naofa Sun says, "Nice to meet you..Im Luna"
  418. [13:34] Antella Del Lumix says, "Nice to meet you Luna"
  419. [13:35] Luna Oir-Naofa Sun says, "Uhh yea...."
  420. [13:35] Antella Del Lumix asks, "So you're the child of Nera?"
  421. [13:35] Luna Oir-Naofa Sun says, "Yup."
  422. [13:36] Luna Oir-Naofa Sun says, "Not the only child ,but yea im one of them"
  423. [13:36] Antella Del Lumix exclaims, "Everyone in your family is cute and so are you. Always remember this!"
  424. [13:36] Antella Del Lumix says, "Hehe"
  425. [13:37] blushed lightly at the compliment
  426. "Thanks! Ill make sure to always keep that in mind."
  427. (Luna Oir-Naofa Sun )
  428. [13:40] Regalus watches silently, the idea of faith always of interest of him... and a path he wishes to undertake himself. Though the one he wishes to follow is not Lady Alacritas, it still is a matter of extreme interest to him. Not to mention his curiosity towards Reeds to begin with.
  429. (Regalus)
  430. [13:41] Svengalf Sandsker whispers: Now ! How are you all feelings, initiates?
  431. [13:41] Hina Lam whispers: Does.. invigorated count as a feeling?
  432. [13:42] Svengalf Sandsker whispers: Of course !
  433. [13:42] Arista whispers something.
  434. [13:42] Svengalf Sandsker whispers: Renewed by life.
  435. [13:42] Hina Lam whispers: That's how I'm feeling right now.
  436. [13:42] Hina Lam smiles widely.
  437. (Hina Lam)
  438. [13:42] Svengalf Sandsker offers a smile towards the initiates around him.
  439. (Svengalf Sandsker)
  440. [13:42] Akkor Hibiscea whispers: I'm feeling.. almost overwhelmed, I've been looking forward to this so much.
  441. [13:43] Svengalf Sandsker whispers: I hope at least, it is overwhelmed with positive emotions !
  442. [13:44] Arista whispers something.
  443. [13:44] Svengalf Sandsker whispers: With Coral reading to cheer upon you ?
  444. [13:44] Arista whispers something.
  445. [13:44] Akkor Hibiscea whispers: Of course positive emotions, I'm very, very happy.
  446. [13:44] Svengalf Sandsker nods.
  447. (Svengalf Sandsker)
  448. [13:45] Svengalf Sandsker whispers: After the sermon, do you all have time for some presentations and formalities with your new roles?
  449. [13:45] Antella Del Lumix says, "Im back. Couldnt find sal, so sent her a letter"
  450. [13:45] The fox had, just minutes ago, been freed from a force that made it nearly impossible for him to sleep. He wasn't sure if it was the service pushing the whispers back or his own body's natural healing processes pushing the foreign corruptive energy out of his circuits, but with the relief, tiredness hit Asa like a wave.
  452. Still, he didn't want to drift until he saw the conclusion of all this. He sat against the wall, holding his knees in his arms.
  453. (Asa)
  454. [13:45] You sold 55 Coppers for 385 coins.
  455. [13:45] You sold Copper for 385 coins.
  456. [13:49] And soon, the gathering adjusts to move outside where they may rest beneath the canopy of Solais. The branches shift, the golden and holy star-dusted leaves shimmering softly; all of the previous flowers with the wishes from Solais' birthday ever in bloom as the day they had merged with him.
  458. Azalea's blossoming flowers upon her own body and vines extend outward, and as they do so, some semblance of Solais' branch seeks to gently wrap around the synthetic herself; as if a renewal or a rebirth was in process, here.
  460. Like a butterfly coming out of it's cocoon.
  461. "For many years, Reeds, you've worked tirelessly almost without end for the sake of Mankind. To see that their injuries are mended; that their minds are at ease, their spirits at peace...
  463. You've healed, you've listened, you've prayed, you've embodied all there is to embody of Lady Life and her teachings - and in doing so, She has seen your work and your kindness for all that it is."
  464. A small procession of faith and holy energy is being channeled into Reeds for this moment; portions of Azalea's own energy, intermingling with the priestess' as the pinnacle of her work and faith reaches it's conclusion.
  466. There is a warm, gentle light shining upon Reeds as flowers blossom ever more around them; nature reaching it's own pinnacle, responding to the gentle feeling of the Aubreens' own heart and her own power. This was simply a way to help Reeds unlock the final, latent potential that each Priest and Priestess can experience.
  468. And it was warm,
  469. it was kind,
  470. it was loving,
  471. it was gentle,
  472. it was peaceful.
  474. Like being touched upon the shoulder by Lady Alacritas' herself. As if those soft eyes were upon them all now, watching with pride upon ones' accumulation of will and faith.
  475. "You, who walk through Her divine circle of life with no remorse; you, who engage in life lovingly and happily, even should there be darkness present upon our doorsteps.
  477. You, who seek to spread Her light through your own.
  478. She sees, and she rewards; and through this feeling, allow yourself to reach ever higher potential..."
  479. Azalea focuses more, now. The gentle chiming of Solais' voice, quiet in the back of all present; but it was there.
  480. (Azalea Aubreen)
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