
Kanto Episode 4

Oct 22nd, 2017
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  1. Kanto Episode 4
  3. The sun peeks through the blinds of the room as Jalen wakes up, remembering last night as he look at the back of Severa's head, he let go of her from the hug and walk to the bathroom to wash up. Spending a good 10 mins in the shower and coming out, he dress up and look at Severa who's still sleeping. He write a note on a piece of paper and leave it along with some money(500G). He leaves the room and head downstairs to the center to pick up his Pokemon. While doing so, he look over and see a shady-man selling some kid a Magikarp. Rolling his eyes at this, he walk over there and basically intimidates the man with a stare....Said man runs off as Jalen inform the kid that he can just fish for a Magikarp if he want one. The kid thanks him and walk elsewhere while Jalen leave the center.
  5. He stand before the entrance of Mt. Moon. A notorious dungeon that, for those who started from Pewter, Viridian, or Pallet, is such a gatekeeper that some of the trainers never get past them. But Jalen don't seem to be scared, nay...some will say that he looks forward to this cave! Just as he step towards the place....he feels a hand on his shoulder. He whirls around and come face to face with Severa.
  6. [Hold it! You can't possibly be thinking of going in there......That's stupid! Look, Here's the deal...Since YOU fucked me last night, I'm making you pay me back by.....That's right, escorting ME through this cave! What do you say?....Ha! Like you even have a choice in this matter.]
  8. {RISING STAR Severa joins the party!!!} Those words float behind Severa as she smirks at Jalen, who shrugs and turn back around to the entrance of the cave.
  9. [So...What's the plan, just head in and run for the exit?......There's some Pokemon you wanna catch in there?.....Fine, but don't daddle in them too long! I wanna get my 2nd badge sometime before I grow old!]
  11. The 2 teens walk in and begin to traverse through the cave. Severa stays close to Jalen, being behind him by inches, around them they can see many Rock, Ground Pokemon such as Geodudes, Sandshrews, Roggenrolas, and Rockruffs. There's also the bat pokemons, Zubats and Woobats flying around.
  12. [Jesus fuck, there's a lot of fucking Pokemon in here....Am I gonna get a Pokemon in here? Nah, no mons in here I wanna catch. You?....Rockruff, huh? They are cute, but I don't care much for their Midnight form....ofc you want that form.....]
  14. Jalen ignores her as he search around the cave, looking for a Rockruff. With a short amount of time, he finds one minding it's own business. Jalen check it's stats and see it's a Male, Jolly. Happy to see that, he sends out his Shroomish to help catch it. Starting off with a Stun Spore and Leech Seed, Shroomish dodges a Bite Attack as Jalen throws a Pokeball at it.....1......2.....3.....CLICK! He fistpumps as he pick the ball up.
  16. Severa claps sarcastically behind him.
  17. [Congrats, you got a Cute puppy that will evolve to a ravenous combative pro-Wait where are you going?? ANSWER ME! WHY ARE YOU HEADING TO THE ENTRANCE!!??!]
  19. Jalen ignore her and go to the Center to heal Rockruff...checking the level, he sees it's Level 14...Not a bad start to Frogaider's 18, Staravia's 16 and Shroomish's 15. He head back to where he left Severa who stomps the ground at him
  20. [How dare you leave me, a poor maiden, in here all by myself! I could had gotten hurt and mu-Annnd you're just ignoring me...great.....]
  22. Severa shakes her head as Jalen lead them towards the next floor...while on the way their, they encounter trainers that the both of them battle against and win against. Jalen using his Rockruff and Shroomish to gain EXP as Severa seems content with using Houndour and her Taillow(The one Pokemon Jalen didn't fought against). Perhaps cause of the next gym, Severa is trying to get EXP for her other Pokemon. As for the wild Pokemon, Jalen's Shroomish and Severa's Prinplup is doing quite well against them.
  24. [Ha! This isn't so bad! I guess others got chicken-foot and head home!....Wait, what the hell...]
  25. Severa pull Jalen back and position him behind her as the 2 peek over the corner and see 4 figures dressed in black uniforms with....
  26. [Oh shit...Rockets!....You know what they are, right?]
  27. YES and NO floats next to her....Jalen nods, selecting YES
  28. [Good, I don't have to explain why they are bad people what are they here for...]
  29. the 2 teens earhustle to listen....the 1st thing they notice is that there are 3 girls and 1 boy. The boy is a blonde with a soft-looking face and wearing a hat(Like the others). The 3 girls are pretty different looking tho. One have pigtails like Severa, but her's have more loose ends unlike Severa's straight ends with brown hair. She seems to have a bubbly personality as well judging by her fidgeting. The other one next to her is a bit thicc(Jalen swore he can see a bit of belly fat, licking his lips) as she pull her shirt down to hide her stomach and push her glasses up. She have short curly brown hair. The other have what seems to be short blue hair, but as Severa point out to Jalen, it's actually long and she just tuck the rest into her hat. She seems more serious than the other 2 judging by how she's wearing pants and the other 2 isn't.(edited)
  30. "Allright, Siegbert.....We're here for the fossils and so we should split up to cover more head towards the west, Rhiannon, To the south. Siegbert...stay here and stand guard while I head north."
  31. |OKIEDOKIE!|
  32. ~Allright, Luci.~
  33. ^Wait....Why are YOU in charge? It should be me in cha-!!!!^
  35. Jalen and Severa wince as they can see from Siegbert's terrified look that Lucina is glaring the fuck at Siegbert.
  36. "Just cause you're Boss Rocket's son, doesn't mean that you're the leader of me....especially considering you're the newest member of Team Rocket for the last 3 weeks...You're with me, noob!"
  38. She walk past a stunned and scared Siegbert who turn and follow her towards the exit far away.
  39. "I expect results from us all on this mission."
  41. |Got it captain! Let's go, my crusaders of Rockets!!!|
  42. Cynthia take off with her arms in front and make car noises towards the West...
  44. ~Very well, I hope to find some good fossils....~
  45. Rhiannon walk towards the east, taking a bar of chocolate out of her pocket and munching it down with a soft smile...Jalen check her out and licks his lips again..finding the next prey for him. Severa turn to him with a frown.
  48. [So I vouch that we ignore them....why? Cause they are TR!! Duh! You REALLY wanna tango with them?....Jalen, we could fucking get HURT dealing with them!...I do-]
  49. Jalen scowls and pull his pants down a bit to reveal his dick towards her to make her submit...Severa gasps and pull his pants up.
  51. [Who-whoa there cowboy....That's a fucking nuclear weapon you're packing down there....Allright fine....We'll go be 'heroes' and stop them! I'll handle Captain Nerd that went towards the west and you go handle the Miltank Cosplayer to the east. We'll meet up at the north....Be careful, ok?.....And would it hurt ya to speak up more?!?...Urgh, nevermind. Just go do you, Ok?]
  53. Jalen nods and make his way towards the Chubby TR Member as Severa follows the cloudcookoolander...Sometime later, Jalen arrive in a dead end where Rhiannon is munching on chocolate while sitting on a rock....he hide behind a rock and look over at her...studying her body and seeing how many Pokemon she have...2 on her, it seems...Healing up his mons with Potions. He step out from behind the rock and confront the chubby girl. An exclamation point pop up above her as she hides her chocolate and stand up.
  55. ~Wh-what?!? Who are you!?!? You better run! For I'm part of Team Rocket!...I-I take your silence as you being scared! Prepare yourself, Go Charmeleon!!!~
  57. A Charmeleon pops out of her Pokeball with the data showing that SHE is level 18 and is quite strong...nevertheless, Jalen is quite confident in himself as he send out his Frogaider against it. The battle starts with Charmeleon using Mega Punch with her fist glowing brightly and trying to hit Frogaider with it. Frogaider avoid the attack with jumping around here and there as she chase him down.
  58. ~Damnit, we gotta hit him....Smokescreen!~
  60. Charmeleon breath in sharp intakes of air and let loose a black smoke out of her mouth...covering the room...However, this hinders her as well since Frogaider is hiding on the ceiling now and is silently charging a Water Pulse....due to the flame on her tail, Frogaider can see her quite easily from his vantage point. With Jalen's command, he let loose a Water Pulse from his hand and hit Charmeleon with it. Koing it with one well-aimed hit. The smoke clear up to reveal the fainted Charmeleon...
  62. ~Gah! Charmeleon! Damnit...I gotta get my other Pokemon out...~
  63. Jalen see time have stop and he have a new choice....'BREED?'
  65. Nodding and selecting that, he returns his Frogaider and walk towards Rhiannon who is trying to get her 2nd Mon out, when he grab her hand and pull her in to kiss her...
  66. ~Mmmph!?~
  68. Jalen breaks the kiss and push her on the ground...he pull her shorts down and expose her bare and thicc ass. He grab it and pull his pants down and begin to viciously plow into her, Rhiannon is caught off guard so hard that she barely make a sound as she rest on all fours, Her pussy working overtime to wet itself to make this all the more pleasurable as she endures this
  69. ~Fu-Fu-Fuck! What the hell came over you!?!.....Why aren't you saying anything!!!~
  71. Jalen decides to shut her up by taking his shoes off and rest his foot on her head to press her against the soft ground, unaware that he's pushing all the kinks of this TR Grunt. Pounding her in an odd angle make it kinda difficult, but it's all the same to him as soon he cums inside of her...the sounds of his liquid seed hitting her walls echo in the room. Rhiannon too begin to cum on his dick, the 2 sources of cum mixing on the ground into a puddle as Rin hang her tongue out in a daze...Jalen pull out of her and marvel at his work on her with a smile. She slowly get out of her daze and glare at him.
  72. ~Yo-you...brute...How dare you defile me in such a manner....~
  74. Jalen can't help but notice that she don't sound as mad as she should considering that he basically raped her, tho he don't realize that she liked it deep down. Nevertheless, he throw down some money on her to compensate the raping and walk off, all the while Rhiannon getting feelings back in her legs and trying to stand up, her pussy leaking super hard of Jalen's cum in her..
  75. ~Wai-wait!~ She almost slip in the puddle before stopping herself ~Come back and face my wrath as a member of Team Rocket!~
  77. Jalen ignores her and eventually head to the northern exit of Mt. Moon, where he sees the blue-haired girl with the blonde boy. He hides behind a rock and peers over it.
  78. [Psst, Jalen!]
  79. He hears Severa and look around...he sees her behind another rock and crawl over there..
  81. [Dude, I crushed that nerd!]Severa smirks and gloats as Jalen sighs in relief...[Her mons? Pah, nothing but a Pawniard and a Mankey that my team was able to handle!!!]She fistpumps while Jalen check her mons in the Pokeballs...seeing them a level higher.[So! How about you?....Chubbs had a Charmeleon?]Severa nods [I suppose that Frogaider did well if it beaten my Houndour]Jalen tell her what he did to Rhiannon afterwards with Severa opening her mouth in shock[.....Oh wow, you actually fucked her right there?....Damnit, I should had gone with you to videotape it....]
  82. The 2 teens peer over the rock at the other 2 Grunts..
  84. [So....How do we get past them? I don't know about you, but my mons don't have much stamina on them...] Looking at her balls show that her mon's HPs are in the Yellow or Red. [.....Glad that your mon are doing quite well, but I doubt you could take 2 people on at the same time.]
  86. Suddenly, the blue-haired get a call on her walkie talkie....
  87. "Rhiannon, what's wrong?....Damnit, THAT happened?!?!....Shit...I'm on my way!"
  89. ^What's wrong?^ The blonde boy appeared confused as the blue haired growl and head towards where Rin is "She got fucked by some black guy and need help getting the seed out! You go check on Cynthia!"
  90. The blonde boy nods and head towards the opposite direction...Both Jalen and Severa blink at the turn of events...
  92. [Well....that happened......Yh, no need to look into the Rapidash's mouth...Let's go!]
  93. the 2 teens run towards the exit and eventually, they are outside in the moon's light!!! Over there in the distance, the buildings of Cerulean City shine brightly with their lights on....Severa looks very happy at this as Jalen sit on a rock and collect his breath..
  95. [Oh sweet salvation!! Civilization!! We fucking made it!!]
  96. Jalen nods at this, proud of his accomplishment...Severa look at him with an inquisitive look and walk to him. Placing her hands on her hips, she stand over him.
  98. [Hey, we make quite a team back in there.....Yeah, well you CLEARLY need someone who gonna do the talking lest you just stand there being all silent and shit...ok, you speak SELDOMLY!...Listen!..My point is....] She blushes and look elsewhere... [I was would team up and travel together...]
  100. 'YES' and 'NO' float nexts to her as Jalen consider the answers...having no one with him would be very lonely...but he wouldn't need to wait up on the same time, while having someone to wait up would be annoying...he can....well...LISTEN to someone talk to him....he is debating the options when...
  102. [....I'll also let ya fuck me every night....No-Not that I like it or anything...I just know someone with a libido like yours need help with it...]
  103. Time stops as she look at him, but Jalen couldn't mash 'YES' harder if he tried...almost feeling like he was gonna break it with the amount of times he was pressing on it. Eventually time resumes and he tell her his answer.
  105. [Oh wow, really?!?] She smiles widely...something that Jalen never thought he would see on her...Before assuming her smug stance with her nose held up high and a small smug smile. [Of course you say yes, Not only are you traveling with the daughter of the great Cordelia Cramoisi, but you get a very pretty girl to travel with you!]
  106. Grabbing his hand and dragging him towards Cerulean City....Jalen does his best to keep up with the redhead.
  108. [C'Mon! We need to get a room damnit!....Listen, would you rather fuck me in a tent? or on a bed?]
  109. Jalen picks her up and run towards the center. Arriving in the center, they buy a room and finally get in it as they wash up in the bathroom, fuck like Lopunnies on the bed(Severa losing her mind once more) and sleep in the room. Looking forward to tomorrow.
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