
Main Units

Mar 18th, 2023
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  1. Kale - Mercenary
  2. The legendary scourge of the sea, Kale, the greatest pirate of all time.
  3. Troian - Pegasus Knight
  4. Kale's most bitter rival. A worthy opponent with a capable crew of pirates.
  5. Caspian - Pirate
  6. Another of Kale's most bitter rivals. Despite her ire, adores Kale.
  7. Reya - Thief
  8. Kale's least bitter rival. Perhaps a friend? One can never be too careful.
  9. Kalath - Scrapper
  10. Not exactly sure who this is... But, she claims to know Kale, and that's good enough.
  11. Elle - Archer
  12. For some reason no longer uses axes or has red hair. Pretends to not know Kale.
  13. Quinn - Mage
  14. Kale's young protege who pretends to dislike his company. Poor boy is blind.
  15. D'ryn - Soldier
  16. No idea who this is, however, additional hands are always welcome in Kale's crew.
  17. Om'bel - Wolf
  18. Kale's old friend from lands unknown. Seriously, no one knows where he's from.
  20. Lester - Soldier
  21. One of Kale's medium bitter rivals. Something about selling water in the desert, his motivations are unclear.
  22. Chadwick - Myrmidon
  23. A doppelganger of the legendary scourge of the sea! Wields his sword incorrectly.
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