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Robot Expiriment Weight Gain by fatty-lovluv

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Aug 27th, 2022
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  1. Robot Expiriment Weight Gain
  2. by fatty-lovluv, Sep 19, 2017, 1:01:50 PM
  3. Literature / Prose / Fiction / General Fiction / Short Stories
  6. Warning: this story has extreme weight gain, robot weight gain, force feeding, tube feeding, clothes ripping, and slob (sweat and bits of food only) if this isn't your thing, I suggest you stop reading.
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  10. "Ok, are we ready for exprimentation." One scientist in a hazmat suit asked sternly, almost not questional.
  12. "I'd say yes we are, testing new data storage robot." Janet in her hazmat suit informed. This could change how all of technology worked, but in her opinion knew it would be a failure. No one would want a robot that would have this ability.
  14. "Booting up Fot." A scientist said.
  16. -------
  18. "What? Where am I?" The robot questioned. They then informed themselves of their name. "Fot. I am fot." Said robot had a metal neck, and attached to that was a screen for a head with the expressions on said screen. Their body looked like strange test suit clothes, so they didn't know how the true body looks like.
  20. The room looked like it had rows upon row of computers. A small data storage device came from out of their neck, ready to plug in. Fot shrugged with their humanoid body, that looked less human the more you looked at it. They walked up to the computer, and the device instantly plugged in.
  22. Fot suddenly felt a strange feeling in their mechanical body and vibration, then soon enough it stopped. They looked around, nothing had seemed to happen, and just as they sat down to rest from the strange feeling, it plugged into another computer close to them, and the strange feeling came again. This time they felt something strange go into their lap as they sat, and it felt... Good. Extremely good, like they wanted more. They looked down and almost yelled as they saw their belly resting in their lap. Their legs were forced apart by flab that stored data, their arms flabby as well, and they had the start of bits of flab on their chest that looked like breasts. Their face was unchanged luckily, but their neck seemed shorter now.
  24. "Maybe I should stop getting data..." They mumbled to themselves,"But... It feels so good..." They stood up, which took hard work from all the extra weight and with Fot at 300 pounds, but made a quick walk to the other chair and another cord along with the first one popped out and attached to the other computers. Before they could do anything the feeling came again, more intense this time and more likeable, as their robotic body started to fill with the strange data. Their legs got thicker with a layer of flab, pushing them apart. Their belly filled their entire lap, and created a double fold belly. Their robotic breasts rested on their belly as they started to grow. Fot's arms thickened with flab, along with their fingers. Their neck had grown even shorter, but their screen seemed a small bit rounder on the two bottom corners.
  26. Having found out that robots can, in fact, sweat (or at least they were designed to) as they tried to stand up from the chair, and nearly fell on to the ground from all the flab. Fot knew very well they were too big, in fact their weight was 500, but it felt so good it was like they couldn't stop. As they waddled to try and get to another computer, another part of them tried to stop in vain as the robot sat on a reinforced bench and two of those strange wires popped out, making four in total. Each connected to a computer, and the feeling felt so good this time that if they were human they would have climaxed. Their robotic body fattened even more, and their arms started to expand more and jiggle with every movement. Soon enough having reached 800 they started flailing madly, as this would be too much weight. The bench broke at 900, landing on their juggling butt. They tried to stand up, but they were immobile as their legs were buried in flab and even covered their feet. Fot's belly forced their legs apart, being even further than their legs. At 1,000, their arms were covered in rolls of flab, and so were their hands. They tried to reach to grab the cords out, but their arms were too fat and the most they could do was wiggle them at the sides. At 1,200, they were a sweaty mess and their breasts rested on the second layer of their three layer belly. At finally 1,300 pounds, their neck had completely disappeared under their body, and their scree face had become much more round and had somehow turned blob like with jowls, and three chins.
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  30. "We need to what!?" Exclaimed Janet angrily.
  32. "You heard me. At least go in a hazmat suit so you won't gain as quickly, as the stuff in there gets through the suits but not too much. You need to go in and bring computers to that blob of a robot. Your suits will feed you in order to keep you on track hopefully. Good luck." said the lead scientist to the group. Janet grumbled angrily at this. What kind of expriment was this!?
  34. As the group walked into the room, Janet gasped. This robot was huge. It looked like a blob of fat as it tried to reach toward another computer greedily, with it's screen somehow rounded and bulging with metal flab. Janet already started to feel her body bulge, and she immediately ran to get a computer and bring it to this strange robot, in which a cord attached and soon enough they became 1,500 pounds. Their strange "chins" merged into one huge one, and their body was covered with more flab.
  36. Janet hadn't activated her food machine as she, a health nut, believed she could get through this without gaining too much weight and that food would fuel her weight gain more. After a few minutes, Fot grew to 2,500 pounds, and now once again had giant multiple chins, as well as arms so covered in flab they couldn't move them. Their face was squished together as they sweat, their legs buried under belly flab, and their breasts reaching the ground.
  38. Meanwhile the scientists in hazmat suits had also gained, getting up to 300 at least, but Janet smugly smiled as she was 250, at least less than what she now considered them as disgusting slobs. But yet it was hard to think, as they felt extremely hungry. She brought another computer to the robot, and wires connected as they gained now 300 pounds from each computer. They quickly became 3,100 pounds, now having an enormous amount of chins on their face, and they could now only see in front of them.
  40. In Janet's haze of hunger, she somehow bit a piece of computer and swallowed it, realizing it wasn't metal at all but a different substance that was absolutely delicious. She chipped pieces of it off, storing it in her food compartment, not realizing the grave mistake she had just made.
  42. After more time, Fot was 4,300 pounds of metallic fat. They sweat heavily, the floor now a sticky river. Fot's jowls were huge, and squished their tv face as eight chins collected on their face and five rolls of fat were on their arms. Meanwhile the scientists weighed 550 pounds, causing the process to take more time as they waddled slowly and breathed heavily. sweat padded the insides of their suits, and accidentally spilled food were on their now multiple chins as the suit accondomated to their weight gain. Huge flab covered thighs rubbed against each other, and arms were hard to move around. The food machines constantly created food, luckily it was at the very least delicious, but probably not healthy as it was made in a hurry.
  44. As for Janet, she stood cluelessly on what to do as at 360 pounds, she couldn't stop thinking about food, she was starving. She finally popped the food tube into her mouth, and started slurping. But for her, the strange substance had only expanded more and more. As she drank she started to feel heavier, and in 30 minutes she grew to 500 pounds. Fot at this point was 5,500 pounds of metal fat, their chins becoming countless. Their arms had sweat poor from them, their belly could crush a building. Fot's face was covered in robotic flab, and they felt like they could barely think anymore.
  46. After an hour, the scientists had grown even more in trying to finish this expriment. At 750 pounds at least, each scientist was absolutely morbidly obese now. Sweat filled the inside of their suits, ending with a small puddle at the bottom. Food was on their face everywhere as they now greedily sucked it down. They couldn't hang down their arms all the way due to the fat, and many were left wheezing after walking the distance of what would take a person of average weight just a few seconds. Their bellies reached past their knees, and at this point everyone had huge breasts full of fat. Folds of fat went down their legs and arms, making it harder to carry the computers, and there were still so many more. All of their faces were red with exhaustion, and when gasping for air food accidentally would get on their multiple chins.
  48. Janet was the biggest of all at 780 pounds of fat and still eating from her tube. Janet was barely doing her job, too focused on her litterally never ending food that would fatten her up to impossible standards. It was the most delicious thing she had ever tasted, but as she tried to walk she huffed and wheezed as food splattered on her inside the suit. Each step was excrutiating, and her sweat already covered her feet because she made such a sweat puddle.
  50. Fot was of course the biggest at 7,623 pounds of fat. Their body was huge, and even being used as a resting spot for some workers. Their facial expression looked dizzy with a weak smile as they gained so much, their once square TV screen now look melted as they had over 20 chins, as well as huge amounts of folds over their arms and the blobs that used to be their hands. Blubber surrounded their face and it was hard to see now and robotic sweat poured from their face. Their butt was absolutely huge and anyone could easily sink into it and their belly was like a somehow soft metal ocean. Fot's breasts even dragged across the floor, and sometimes they even yelled "more!" As they had become addicted. Even breathing made their body jiggle tremendously.
  52. Two hours passed. The scientists had to use machines to move around as they sucked down more food. At 930 pounds each at least, each was basically immobile, never to walk again. The suits suprisingly could accommodate to such size but even then, it was hard to do anything. They still had to control the machines of course and the only way they could was with their fat laden arms. Their bellies went past their legs, which were both absolutely huge and laden with fat. They still sweat like no tomorrow and their legs had a layer of sweat inside the suit on them. Their face was very red with huge jowls and their necks had disappeared long ago. Even moving their arms took energy out of them which their huffing caused their faces to get messy with the food. They used two strange bars on the machine to get around, which needed their hands and some arm movements to use. Some other scientists had grown so quickly they didn't get the chance to get on a machine themselves and handed out the computers that had the fat metal mountain's food as those said people themselves struggled to stand in vain.
  54. Janet had grown even bigger, now a blob of fat at 1,340 pounds. She hadn't noticed that the tube had grown even bigger, or that the suit was getting excessively tight. Having ignored eating so long as well as putting the strange substance in the tube ending up with her gaining more than anyone, her still growing even if she wasn't eating anything. Her breasts rested on a layer of belly, and she has sweating enough for half of her fat laden legs to be covered in it. Her chins had become one, and she didn't even try to move as she just sucked for more and more food. Her hands had even become blob like.
  56. Fot was nothing more but a blob. At 11,758 pounds all they wanted was more and more. Their face was covered in fat with countless chins and their belly was four layers of fat. Fot's arms had so much fat that even as they were forced upwards their flab drooped to their belly, with countless rolls of fat on them. Their breasts poured onto the ground like puddles of fat, and their expression was one of greed and lust they wish they could feel as they got more and more data and became fatter and more obese. Sweat came off of them in massive amounts that the sweat reached over people's legs as they sat in their own flab.
  58. Another hour passed. The scientists were bigger than ever thought possible. 1,450 was the smallest weight in the room, and at this point everyone was greedily eating food and trying to even breath as everyone's faces were red from exhaustion. Their suits groaned as they tried to contain them, and they could barely move their arms enough to control the machine. Their breasts and bellies blocked their view of everything, and at this point they were merely pushing the countless computers to the robot.
  60. Janet was huge. She had grown to 3,775 pounds, and her suit sounded like it was going to pop open. She was huge, her legs having disappeared under blubber. She would never move her arms or hands again, the only thing possible to move being her face or head. Her jowls were huge and forced her to see straight ahead, but she couldn't see anything much past her breasts or belly. The tube had gotten even bigger and somehow was fitting in her mouth. Suddenly the noises of popping heard as she continued to eat in a haze, and then suddenly holes appeared all over her suit, revealing clothes that had been ripped apart long ago underneath. Fat poked through the holes and only made them expand more, and the hazmat suit mask had burst off from fat, but still she had the tube in her mouth. The exposure to the same substance that completely covered the room caused her to suddenly gain weight even faster, gaining every second. And becoming even more of a blob.
  62. Fot also had grown to enormous proportions, now being 24,826 pound of nothing but blubber. They looked shapeless, and at every breath or blink, they jiggled like an earthquake. They had so many chins that it would take quite a long time to count them all. Their jowls forced them to barely see through a hole in order to see anything. Trying to move their arms made them sweat even more and the room looked like it had just been flooded. 1,700 pound scientists sat in a lake of sweat as all they did was get fatter.
  64. All the movement from the other scientists soon enough ripped their clothes and the hazmat suits apart and fat pushed through. As they tried to somehow stop it, it proved to be useless as they started to gain per second. Just as this happened so did Fot's strange testing suit as they packed in more data, and they to started to gain per second.
  66. After two hours, everyone were huge blobs of fat, as they were tooken over by the substance into the room. Machines had broken long ago, and everyone was unrecongizable. Scientists were 9,022 pounds at least, and squashed into each other with their massive fat as they still sucked down food. Sweat was everywhere in the room, and would have been up to a normal person's neck, but the fat had also made them taller. Some tried to still move in vain, merely only exhausting themselves as others embraced gluttony and others had given up. Janet had grown to 25,375 pounds as also due to the strange substance constantly bursting into her mouth. It was also all over her face, and the tube was bigger than the size of a bus, and yet it fit in her mouth. Fot was a constantly growing blob, now 1,436,026 pounds of nothing but fat. Their face was buried in flab, and you could barely see their face at all. Their arms were so big it looked like they didn't have any and it was fusing with their belly.
  68. -------
  70. It had been a full week, and it was impossible to tell anyone's weight anymore. They all were just blobs of sweaty and food ridden fat that squish and squashed against each other as they all had red huffing faces as they tried to move and even blinking was too much work. Their faces were unrecongizable and most couldn't see that well because of their jowls. Their tubes had somehow grown huge to the point of the size of a ship yet fit into their mouths as food blasted through. Some had stopped thinking all together, especially Janet. Janet's was the biggest of all, her tube being bigger than entire buildings yet fitting in her mouth as food constantly poured through at fast speed. Janet had stopped thinking, even about food, as her eyes looked empty but she was still alive. Fot was the biggest and growing, having become so big that looking around was absolutely exhausting and their body constantly jiggled. Everyone had fountains of sweat pouring from them constantly, and had food all over their face.
  72. The lead scientist wrote "success" on a clipboard while smiling.
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