
Unclear report

Jun 23rd, 2014
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  1. Monday, June 23, 2014
  2. 16:01 - [FFP2] Rage End's Boy's: hi
  3. 16:01 - [FFP2] Rage End's Boy's: i have reporte to almir but non new
  4. 16:01 - Forblaze: hm?
  5. 16:01 - [FFP2] Rage End's Boy's: ?
  6. 16:01 - Forblaze: you reported to almir but the report isn't new?
  7. 16:02 - [FFP2] Rage End's Boy's: yes
  8. 16:02 - Forblaze: Okay
  9. 16:02 - [FFP2] Rage End's Boy's: and this player no ban?
  10. 16:02 - Forblaze: I don't know?
  11. 16:03 - [FFP2] Rage End's Boy's: why you can't ban player?
  12. 16:03 - Forblaze: I don't know who it is or what they did
  13. 16:03 - [FFP2] Rage End's Boy's: i reporte to steam?
  14. 16:04 - [FFP2] Rage End's Boy's: yes no?
  15. 16:03 - Forblaze: Are you asking if you should report him to steam?
  16. 16:04 - [FFP2] Rage End's Boy's: no
  17. 16:04 - Forblaze: So you've already reported him to steam?
  18. 16:04 - [FFP2] Rage End's Boy's: i go to reporte to steam
  19. 16:05 - Forblaze: If it's something that happened in game, I don't think Valve would care.
  20. 16:06 - [FFP2] Rage End's Boy's: i have report to steam
  21. 16:06 - Forblaze: I'm not clear on what it is you're reporting or why you're telling me you've reported it.
  22. 16:07 - [FFP2] Rage End's Boy's: now i have report
  23. 16:07 - [FFP2] Rage End's Boy's: to steam
  24. 16:07 - Forblaze: Okay
  25. 16:08 - [FFP2] Rage End's Boy's: you finck this player tomorow is bann or not?
  26. 16:08 - Forblaze: I have no idea. I still don't know what you're reporting.
  27. 16:11 - [FFP2] Rage End's Boy's is now Offline.
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