
pastebinmonday christmas day 2017

Dec 25th, 2017
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  1. 2017 man oh man
  3. play this song in another tab while you read this for *****////DRAMATIC EFFECT////*****
  6. This is the last pastebin monday of 2017 so I guess I'll write something.
  8. This time last year, mpg was still living in Atlanta with me. I miss living with him, we had fun, but I'm happy hes doing what he wants to do. I was less than a year into my current job and less than a year out of my old job. Scary to think that its almost been 2 years since I got let go from my old job. If you told me then that I'd be living in a nice apartment in a giant city like Atlanta, I would have called you crazy. I never would have been able to do it alone though. I have such an amazing group of friends its amazing. I think my boss thinks I'm involved in some sort of shady business because every time I travel for work I tell him that I know someone in that place that I want to get dinner or hang out with. It's true though. I went to another country, and was able to have a fun weekend with Cas. I've been to North Carolina and made a great trip out of it with Darkman and Knox. I noticed this weekend that a lot of people I know here in my hometown are very tied to nearby locations. I may not get to see everyone in person all the time, but I am so thankful for the friends I have made. And when we do get to see each other, it makes it even better. Special shoutouts to Bananas, Cas, mpg, Roku, Konagami, Chili and Violet for keeping me sane and creating a place where I always feel welcome. Thanks to mpg, Andy, and Violet for being amazing roommates. To everyone and anyone who played games with me or talked to me about games, the all day DBD crew, the PUBG crew, the Fortnite Crew, the 80g club, and the 14 friends. Extra thanks to all my friends who keep it real. And thanks to YOU for reading this pastebin.
  10. This year has been a year of positive changes, and hopefully the path only goes upwards from here.
  12. heres a song:
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