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Jun 27th, 2017
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  1. - Don't force the player out of a raided map once the fighting is done. The player should be able to decide when and where to leave, especially if his colonists are wounded.
  3. - Categorize wounds/dismemberments by the limb they're attached to, and not sort by the type of dismemberment. Its slightly confusing to see "left finger, right finger, left femur, right shoulder". A menu with a body sillouhette showing what limbs are missing would be helpful
  5. - Bigger, more intricate NPC colonies and camps. As they are now, they seem tiny and disappointing. They don't have to be bustling hubs of trade or intimidating walled fortresses, but it would be nice to have more to them (bustling hubs of trade and intimidating wall fortresses would be cool too, though).
  7. - Faction "capitals". Each faction should have a larger, better defended location to serve as their capital, with better trade options and better fortifications. Destroying it would affect morale for every other settlement, and in a few days time, another capital on the world map could be designated for that faction.
  9. - Arresting an NPC who started a social fights either becomes less likely to do it again, or all the other colonists get a mood buff. Currently nothing out of the ordinary happens when you arrest an NPC for a fight. Something significant should happen when enforcing the "law" for settlers.
  11. - Retool the "infestation" event so that mountain bases can be viable. Currently there is a huge, unavoidable threat of bugs in bases built inside mountains. You can do nothing to stop bugs from spawning. Also, in mountainous maps where there is more mountain than actual land, you have very few options when choosing a location for your base. Digging out a base is just too risky and unreliable, and that should not be the case.
  13. - Add more traps besides deadfall and IED. The variety of traps in Rimworld seems really underwhelming. Some ideas are pitfall traps, bear traps, or possibly swinging log traps.
  15. - NPC factions should not lose goodwill if the player was not involved in their NPC's death. Several times I've had visiting NPCs die for reasons out of my control, like a fire or manhunter pack. I couldn't stop any of those things, so I shouldn't lose goodwill because of it.
  17. - Combine "colored lights" with "microelectronics basics". Colored lights is only aesthetic and doesn't seem important enough to be its own research item.
  19. - Add camping tents, an alternative to beds when on the go. Best used when caravaning, exploring, or raiding bases. They should be lighter and easier to pack up, are inferior in quality to actual beds, and should automatically block the "slept outside" mood debuff.
  21. - Allow NPCs to tend to others without the need for a bed or sleeping spot by selecting a doctor, right-clicking a standing NPC, and choosing "tend to".
  23. - Rebalance sandbags to be either cheaper to make or more effective at cover than walls. It doesn't make sense when sandbags cost 5-6 metal per placement and give 65% cover, when wood walls give 75% and can be made out of wood. Plus, it doesn't make sense that SANDbags are made out of metal.
  25. - Lower sterile tile cost. 15 silver per tile is pretty ridiculous, and doesn't seem to be worth the cost in the long run. A medium(ish) hospital room could cost up to $2,500 or more in silver to make. 10-12 silver per tile (or lower) would be more reasonable.
  27. - More combat-based challenges in Rimworld. This could be a variety of things, like answering calls for help from friendly factions (i.e. helping break a siege on their camp, attacking a huge mechanoid/bug hive that has spawned on the world map, etc.). Besides animals, mechanoids, and raids, combat events in Rimworld aren't utilized as much as they could be.
  29. - Conquest mode. Instead of wanting to leave the planet, why not fight for it? You could fight rival clans for territory, fend off aliens/mechanoids/bugs, encroaching off-world PMCs, and secure your land for your faction.
  31. - Underground maps. Rimworld is based solely on a flat map currently. Why not add a smaller, more condensed underground map where more treasures can be found? They could even be populated by bug hives or troglodyte mutants. It would add an interesting spin to the game, and would be a combat-based challenge, as stated above.
  33. - Reduce the time it takes for moisture pumps to increase their radius. Seriously. Moisture pumps run at the speed of smell, and they're extremely inconvenient when expanding your camp isn't possible, due to running into mud or water.
  35. - Add an option to allow pawns to turn stone ground into farmable earth. Should be an easy thing to add, and is perfectly sensible. I'm constantly being forced to work around stone ground when planting, and this would fix that entirely.
  37. - Allow pawns to haul more than one drug item to the crematorium. I noticed they only grab one at a time, and it wastes time.
  39. - Have an option to make hydroponics plants automatically designate themselves to be harvested when all plants in them are fully grown. Kinda like a kitchen timer when the plants is done "cooking". I find myself forgetting about my indoor hydroponics often, and this would help fix that.
  41. - There should be a "forage" option for caravans, allowing them to stop off in a randomly generated map to collect food. Doesn't make much sense how caravans just run out of food and can't find any along the way. Foraging could even have risk involved, such as provoking an animal or raider attack.
  43. - Downed/sleeping animals seem WAY harder to shoot than normal. Not sure if this was an intended feature, but its silly to watch an experienced hunter shoot 20+ shots at a downed or sleeping animal and miss them entirely.
  45. - Add a "Victory!" mood buff when the colonists fend off a raid/siege, or destroy a raider outpost. Colonists should feel good about winning and/or defending their home.
  47. - Add an "organize items" command to order pawns to stack similar items together on the same tile up to the maximum. This would help save space in stockpile zones.
  49. - Add an "edit caravan inventory" to allow the player to correct any mistakes in caravan preparation. I've found numerous times that I forgot something when packing up for a caravan, and I can't fix it without disbanding the entire caravan and having to start over.
  51. - Add a "recraft" option for items with quality modifiers, allowing the pawns to reconstruct the item (hopefully with a better quality), but without having to tear the entire thing apart and waste resources.
  53. - Buff Component Assembly Bench in some way (reduce crafting time maybe?). Components are very scarce mid-late game once you've mined out all the compacted machinery, and you won't have a reliable way to generate more components besides trading. The Rimworld wiki page even says "Players in search of components are generally better off purchasing them from traders or establish caravans to trade with nearby settlements."
  55. - Add a "banish colonist" option, for when you want to get rid of someone, but don't want to directly send them to their death. Could even open up plot points where the banished colonist has a chance to join a pirate faction, and then returns to sack your home with said pirates.
  57. - Nerf animal pack revenge in some way. Animals can be aggressive, but its unrealistic to have herds of herbivores become bloodthirsty when shot at with a loud, scary rifle. It only ends up maiming colonists, and especially the hunters themselves, since the game doesn't coordinate hunting parties (they always hunt alone, or at most with an animal companion). Most hunters will be downed when faced with 3 or more animals attacking them at once. Its simply too much punishment for trying to get food. Also, if individual animal species don't have their own "revenge" chance value, then they should.
  59. - Setting IEDs next to a crashed ship part should not alert the mechanoids within. How is it that colonists can literally rub their faces on the ship and not cause a mechanoid attack, but the second they build something next to it, all hell breaks loose? IEDs are meant for strategic placement. It effectively makes IEDs vs crashed ships useless, since you can't place them adjacently to said ship to go off when the mechanoids come out.
  61. - Lengthen the time it takes for a drafted NPC to undraft themselves. Its EXTREMELY frustrating when you're trying to position your pawns around, say, a crashed ship part or ancient cryocaskets, and pawn(s) decide to get ADHD and leave right in the middle of you setting up.
  63. - Increase the detection radius for fire poppers to go off. It seems very wasteful to have to build so many fire poppers to defend a wall or building from potential fire. It should have a 1x1 or 2x2 detection radius, instead of triggering only when fire touches the popper itself.
  65. - Add an option (somewhere) to always toggle pawns to "rest until healed". I don't like it when injured pawns get out of bed after being patched up by a doctor, and its annoying to have to micromanage them back to bed to heal themselves up.
  67. - Add an option for doctors to surgically fix shattered ribs/femurs/etc, either with surgery or adding a splint. To my knowledge, there's no way to fix those kinds of broken bones.
  69. - Add a cheaper, less effective version of the personal shield belt for early/mid game melee pawns. It seems silly that you have to wait so late into the game to get something that's so beneficial to melee users. This item could even be a forged shield, made in a smithy.
  71. - NPCs should repeat a prioritized action more before returning to their regular AI path. This means if I prioritize one pawn to chop down a tree, it should do more than just chop one tree before getting ADHD and running off. This is one of the most frustrating parts of Rimworld currently.
  73. - NPCs should be able to lock up mental breakees without having to arrest them. If someone has a breakdown in real life, you don't put them in jail like a criminal - you give them treatment. It would make more sense (and be more efficient) if they are taken to a medical bed instead of prison.
  75. - You should be able to prioritize an NPC to sleep. Too many times I've seen an NPC exhausted, but still continue to work, even if they don't have an action prioritized for them. Currently there is no way to tell an NPC to go to bed and avoid "tired" mood debuffs.
  77. - You should be able to manually prioritize multiple NPCs at once. Say you have to collect a resource at an urgent pace. Highlighting multiple NPCs and prioritizing them all to the same action would be helpful. They don't necessarily need to be able to work at the same source (like all three cutting the same tree, mining the same rock, etc). It'd be much more convenient to be able to assign multiple prioritizations at once instead of micromanaging each one at a time.
  79. - NPCs should automatically ceasefire if they risk hitting another NPC. Several times I've had a worker maimed by a hunter or soldier because they mindlessly walked into their bullets. Friendly fire is a big hassle in Rimworld.
  81. - NPCs in medical beds should not get "disturbed sleep" debuff from doctors. It doesn't make sense to me why a critically wounded soldier would suffer bothered sleep by the doctor that's operating on them. Its like insult to injury. They already have enough mood debuffs as it is.
  83. - NPCs should not drop the item they're hauling when reprioritized; i.e. when ordered to pick up another of said item, or when they're prioritized to use that item on someone. For example, a doctor holding medicine will drop their medicine when prioritized to a different patient, or a pawn hauling wood will drop the wood when prioritized to pick up more wood.
  85. - An optional addition of fog of war on the map (like in Age of Empires), to add more of an exploration feel to the game.
  87. - Non-combatant NPCs should automatically avoid the combat area when a Raid, Siege, Manhunter Pack, or other dangerous event is triggered. Too many times I've focused on fighting off attackers and a worker NPC trots out and gets maimed because of it.
  89. - An additional option for NPC outfit presets to prevent them from wearing deadman's clothing. I get sick of having to micromanage NPCs because they wear deadman's clothing and get a mood debuff from it.
  91. - Nemesis system. This would be a complicated thing to implement, but would be very interesting. This would involve enemy NPCs (or animals) escaping from a fight and retreating off the map, only to have them return a few months later with a "nemesis" buff, which could add damage/armor/etc, and offer better equipment or rewards for killing or capturing them. Killing or capturing them could also net a mood buff.
  93. - Remove the "Area Revealed" notification for areas that are 1x1 or 2x2 in size. I get sick of having my miners open up uselessly tiny areas with nothing in them and having the game announce them as something important.
  95. - Add a deadman's apparel toggle for stockpile zones. There's currently an "allow non-deadman's apparel", but no "allow deadman's apparel", which complicates keeping deadman's apparel out of stockpile zones. We should have both as tickable options, not either or.
  97. - Nerf or remove prisoner execution mood debuff. I don't think there should be an execution mood debuff if the NPC captured is still designated as "considered guilty". If they tried to attack the base, they should be able to be executed without remorse, especially in a harsh environment like Rimworld. If the player can't recruit them or keep them around, and doesn't really want to release them (to risk having them come back in another raid), they shouldn't get a debuff for executing them. The only other alternative would be to simply not capture downed enemies, which isn't in the spirit of the game.
  99. - Doors (or just autodoors) should automatically open if set to "hold open", and should automatically shut when not set to hold open.
  101. - Add more "reinstall" functions for most built items. Some items can be reinstalled, like lights, beds, and turrets, but other items like generators, crafting stations, and deep drills aren't reinstallable. Having to break them down to move them is annoying and a waste of time and resources.
  103. - Show NPC efficiency percentages next to "overview" stats. NPC efficiency should be there at a glance instead of having to hover over their stats every time. For example, instead of Manipulation just saying "poor", it should say 45% right next to "poor". This would make managing NPCs easier.
  105. - Show skill efficiency with "overview" stats calculated in. Currently I've had to judge an NPCs skill in cooking/crafting/etc by their respective skill level, but their stats like sight, smell, hearing, manipulation, etc. are all factored in to their success rate of that skill. The game doesn't show this on the character page. Currently you can only guesstimate or have to tab out to the wiki to figure it out.
  107. - Fix pod launching. There's a bunch of things wrong with pods that makes it a hassle and confusing to use. NPCs are inefficient at loading pods, because some will load their pod, and then themselves, and just sit there when other pods need help being loaded. NPCs should help each other load all the pods in the launch group and then load themselves in last. This would make it much more efficient, and eliminate the problem of pod loading taking exponentially longer to finish up (the same can be said for forming caravans, too).
  109. - NPCs should not shoot "Berserk" NPCs. Berserk NPCs don't shoot at colonists, and neither should the person trying to subdue them. Shooting only maims the colonist you're trying to "help".
  111. - A simple "Hope" mood buff to all NPCs when a rocket piece is built. Can apply to only one piece built or multiple pieces built.
  113. - Mid to late game plastic surgery to (partially?) fix disfigurement, like shot off ears and noses.
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