
Madox's Trivia

Jul 8th, 2012
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  1. Madox's favorite food is beef chewables
  2. Madox enjoys swimming in pools of dead fish
  3. During his tirade as Hitler, Madox secretly made a secret forum, dubbed "Mein Fuhrer German Gefreiter", or MFGG
  4. When making soup, Madox chooses to add 2 spices instead of none
  5. Madox once threw an Xbox 360 off a cliff, climbed down, picked up anything left of it, climbed back to the top, and did it again
  6. Madox has wondered multiple times if we have ever seen a cat's eyes in the dark, and wondered what they were.
  7. Madox is actually Morgan Freeman wearing make up, a wig, and a fatsuit.
  8. Madox never sleeps, for he is too busy patrolling the internet, making sure evil-doers will never attack his favorite forums
  9. Madox likes to sing songs with his nipples.
  10. Madox wants his parakeet to eat his bad wolf.
  11. Although the above trivia states he is Morgan Freeman, he is also apparently the disembodied Mario head from the infamous game, Mario Teaches Typing.
  12. Madox's name spelt backwards is Xodam, which is a brand of soap in the Netherlands. Therefore, if one were to read a post made by Madox backwards, you're reading a post made by a bar of soap.
  13. While Maddox made the "Best Page In The Universe", Madox made the "Save My Box Of Kellogs", a donation page to save Madox's favorite cereal from eternal extinction.
  14. Madox has no soul; just a winky
  15. If you PM Madox the phrase "whats the secret", he will reply "1993"
  16. Madox's motto in life is "When all else fails, nipple songs"
  17. Madox loves rubbing his cheeks in people's thighs
  18. Madox was once constipated in his nose. He had to get a nosejob that involved robots and shark guts
  19. Madox's real name isn't Damian. It's Madox.
  20. Whenever Madox makes a fangame, Don Knotts raises from the dead and does the Electric Slide with Elton John
  21. Madox used to have a pet dog he dubbed "Adventure Dog", for it followed him whenever he went outside and fought ferocious dragons and deadly soup bowls. It died tragically in a fire while someone was eating it's eyeballs with a fork and stick. RIP Adventure Dog.
  22. Madox actually wrote all of this trivia himself. With his flamethrowers. And a child's bike.
  23. Whenever a wild biased opinion appears from the tall grass, Madox KOs it with rational thought and chicken nuggets.
  24. Madox has a collection of hats worn by an unidentified Asian lady. He says they all "smell like sweet meatloafs"
  25. Madox has been known to sniff his own eyes to make sure they're looking correctly.
  26. Madox likes to feel the sunshine, oh oh yes
  27. Whenever Madox interrupts your conversations, it's a good idea to just throw apples at him. He hates apples being thrown at him.
  28. Madox has no hands. Only flamethrowers.
  29. Madox once invented a time machine just so he could go back in time and avenge Adventure Dog retroactively. When that failed, he traveled in time to when he built a time machine so he could watch himself make it and fail to use it for the intended purpose. Because of this, Madox single flamethroweringly invented the term "The Paradox Paradox", for use in dictionaries and encyclopedias referencing the event.
  30. Madox may not be well known on MFGG, but in an alternate universe, he made the site.
  31. Whenever Madox discovers a lack of beef chewables in his fridge, he leaps tall buildings to retrieve a new supply from the only place they can be gotten: a supermarket in Switzerland.
  32. Madox is a very humble person, and will rarely acknowledge anything he's achieved publicly. For instance, he refuses to admit that he is actually JFK, who was merely hiding this whole time, and now lives in an underground community where he browses MFGG and collects stamps with the scent of burning carrots.
  33. Madox used to be best friends with Thunder Dragon's second cousin thrice removed (and is now a landlord going by the name of [REDACTED]). A falling out involving special chocolate flavored beef chewables ended their short lived friendship. Madox had even stated he was going to propose... to an unrelated person.
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