
WriterAnon 01

Jun 3rd, 2013
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  2. <SilverCreep>
  3. (04/06/2013)
  6. >Everyone likes a nice drive through the country
  7. >Especially when its on your days off work.
  8. >but you know, deep down, this 'vacation' you're about to embark on won't be the same as another you've been on before.
  9. >Your name is Anon.
  10. >And this is your story.
  11. >You're a writer.
  12. >Well...PART TIME writer.
  13. >Can't make a living off of that anyway, so you work a day job 9-5.
  14. >It pays the bills, helps with your single-life existence in this place called Earth.
  15. >However, despite the simplicity you're not just some nobody writer.
  16. >Since you were 18, you've loved to write.
  17. >Published three books by the time you were 26, and people who've read your work have cried for more.
  18. >You were eager to give them what they wanted, but...nothing came to you.
  19. >No ideas to either continue the story or just start something new ever flourished in your mind.
  20. >You were in a stint.
  21. >Writers block was on your desk.
  23. >This of course, affected your work.
  24. >One of your co-workers, a senior position guy by the name of Steve came up to you one day.
  25. "Hey Anon?" he asked, looking into your cubical.
  26. "Hey Steve..." you reply almost uncaring as you tap away at your keyboard and make some notes.
  27. "Aye, c'mon man, whats biting you?"
  28. >You stare at him with the deadest of deadpan looks as he blinked.
  29. "Yesh need some time off, how long have you been working for?"
  30. "Been going three months straight of shifts man."
  31. " really need some time off ...have you written much?"
  32. >You pause in your typing, turning away and sighing, defeated as you let your head sag.
  33. >Steve got the hint "Ah....not much eh?"
  34. "I keep getting letters that people say I should, especially the die-hard fans of the first series."
  35. "Well..." Steve shrugged "you're going to have to give them what they want eventually."
  36. >You roll your shoulders "yeah...I did post on my blog I was on Hiatus, and people have accepted that..." you tap the mouse, going to your Facebook.
  38. "Ah..." Steve said, seeing your comment "Well...if you're out of ideas, why not take a change of scenery?"
  39. "You mean a vacation?" you ask.
  40. >Steve nods "Look, you've been going hard-line for three months, that's enough to give some good grace to get some time off...I'll talk to some associates of mine to give week off, sound good?"
  41. >You blink.
  42. "Steve....that would be epic!"
  43. "Haha, don't thank me yet, I'll double the fun for you." he pulled out his phone and started tapping on its screen.
  44. "I'll let you borrow my cottage, its brand new and everything, quiet place, cable and wi-fi, and especially a wonderful nature trail."
  45. >Steve had it good as you nodded slowly.
  46. "Sure man, I think that might help."
  48. >Now, here you were, driving down the highway, an hour almost out of the city to cottage country, to a place called "Runner's Scape Crescent", one of those new 'development' places that put several cottages in a nice spot.
  49. >As you turned down the off-ramp, you check your GPS.
  50. >A few more turns down the side road until you pulled off into a dirt path.
  51. >You felt a bit uneasy, hoping you would be able to find this place as you suddenly pull up to a large sign.
  52. >"Runners Scape Crescent" it said along a wooden frame with a horse-shoe hanging from the center.
  53. >You blink a bit before checking your phone, seeing the e-mail Steve sent.
  54. "3rd house on the left, keys are in the mailbox at the end of the drive-way."
  55. >You pull up to the third driveway and what a view you see.
  56. >It was a nice cottage, rather....long, two stories and what could be seen as a lower section below it as you stopped at the edge of the drive way.
  58. >You clamber out of the car and walk over to the mailbox, opening it to see the pair of keys inside as you take them and drive to the back end of the lot, pulling up to the stairs going to the main door.
  59. >Taking your suitcase and backpack, you ease up the stairs, unlocking the door...and almost step into another world.
  60. >Steve's cottage was indeed modern, it had a very 'rural' look to it, stone and wooden log walls with carpet.
  61. >To your right was the fireplace, encompassing a part of the living room in front of you and going into the den to the far right.
  62. >To your left was the stairs going up and down.
  63. >To your further left was the kitchen, stove, sink, fridge, all nice and new with tile flooring as you walked towards the stairs, going up to see the second floor.
  64. >You end up on the landing, peering down the hall to see four doors, two on the right, one on the left, and a single door at the end of the hallway.
  66. >You walk towards the first door, opening it to find a single bedroom.
  67. >The next door over on the right was a bathroom.
  68. >The door on the left was a study, and the door further down the hall was the master bedroom with a connecting bathroom.
  69. >not wanting to be rude, you take the spare bedroom and plop your shit down, easing onto the soft bed as you look up at the wooden ceiling.
  70. "This is nice..." you muttered as you catch a few z's for the time being.
  72. >You wake up an hour or so later.
  73. >or at least, you think an hour.
  74. >its hard to tell, you didn't check the time as you looked at the clock.
  75. >8pm
  76. >Hrmm...maybe something to eat will help.
  77. >You shuffle downstairs, cracking the fridge open to see...
  78. >Nothing... a few cans of coke, beer, some fruit and veggies, but nothing worth 'eating'
  79. >Well of course, they probably didn't buy much since they probably were't coming back for awhile.
  80. >you crack the freezer, seeing several frozen meals, mostly TV dinners.
  81. >Well, you wouldn't starve, but some grocery shopping would be good.
  82. >Perhaps tomorrow you'll go down to the town nearby and pick up some grub.
  83. >for now...its Hamburger Helper, meat n'taters with corn nibblets.
  84. >Its University all over again.
  85. >Slapping that shit into the microwave, you walk out to the back door opposite of the front down to the porch.
  87. >You certainly had a view, a nice backyard was a few steps below you and further down was the lake your co-worker mentioned.
  88. >pretty swanky place he got, he must be loaded more than you thought.
  89. >DING
  90. >Dinner's ready.folded lawn chair and sitting on the balcony watching the sun drift down for the night as you watch the sky, seeing the stars slowly come out as you notice...
  91. >something...flying above.
  92. >You can't make it out, looks like some sort of dark blue bird.
  93. >You blink, slowly shaking your head before you look back, not seeing that thing anymore.
  94. "Strange..." you muttered "almost looked like a pegasus....haha" you laugh "maybe I am stressed."
  95. >You sigh, digging into the shotty hamburger helper and potatoes as you gobble it down with a can of soda and sigh.
  96. >Maybe you would get some writing done after this.
  98. >Dinner was done, you clamber back inside and up the stars, grabbing your backpack as you tug your laptop and note-pad from inside, heading off to that study room and sitting down inside it.
  99. >You get Word loaded, and then...
  100. >Nothing...
  101. >not even a peep of an idea.
  102. >You grip your forehead and sigh, landing your face on the keyboard.
  103. >God...pathetic.
  104. >You sit up, tapping your keys for a moment before you close your computer and looked at the clock.
  105. >9pm...
  106. >Sigh...
  107. >Perhaps tomorrow you will get some ideas, you DID just arrive here.
  108. >Sitting up, you unplug your computer before turning out the lights and leaving the room.
  109. >Unaware that a pair of light blue eyes watched you leave.
  111. >Outside your window, a certain alicorn hovered with glee.
  112. "Oh yes, it is him!" she exclaimed softly, floating over the roof of the home to follow the humans movements.
  113. "Long have I sought him, and only now have I been granted such power to do so!" she thought "ah Sister, thy should be envious of our skill!"
  114. She gently landed outside the 'bedroom' window, slowly easing close to watch the light flick on as she zipped below the lower lip, hiding herself as she could hear the human muttering to himself, shuffling in the room as he got changed and then slipped into bed, turning off the light.
  115. >The Alicorn slowly rose her head above the lip again, eying the darkened room as she closes her eyes as she vanishes in a flash.
  116. >Only to re-appear in the room as she looked about, seeing the human sleeping on the bed as she tip-toed close to him.
  118. " is certainly him." she spoke softly as she began to giggle, holding back a squee.
  119. "Oh yes, such a chance to have!" she said a bit louder "to meet thy author of such a riveting tale~"
  120. >You stir in bed as the Alicorn meeps, stepping back as she watches your form fidget, then relax as she sighed.
  121. "Thou hast gone to sleep, bother, such is not what we had hoped for..."
  122. >She looked about, hoping to find something as she trotted over towards the door, not noticing the suitcase and backpack still propped nearby as she takes one step in the wrong direction and FWUMP.
  123. >In a loud whump of impact, your eyes open, hearing the sudden crumple of something over something else.
  125. >You blink, looking at the clock.
  126. "3am?" you mutter, turning your attention to the doorway where your luggage was now toppled over.
  127. "Strange..."
  128. >You huff, easing back down to bed as you look up at the ceiling, giving a content sigh.
  129. >You suddenly see the dark blue flowing mane as you look to your left to see....
  130. >What the heck is that?
  131. "Hail thee good sir!" she said quiet loudly "Are thou the famous Anonymous!?"
  132. >You blink, sitting upright as you see a mid a horn and wings standing by your bed.
  133. >Her mane flowed like water, covered in the twinkle shimmer of stars of the night as you blink a few times.
  134. >Rub rub rub your eyes.
  135. >Nope, she's still there.
  136. "Well? Are thou sir Anonymous, writer of the tale so grand thy stars shimmer for your work?"
  137. >You've dealt with fans before...but couldn't comprehend.
  139. >Slowly, you slip from the bed, backing away from this insane thing standing there as you slip over your luggage and out of the room, closing the door behind you.
  140. >You huff...opening it...seeing the mare still standing there before closing it again.
  141. "Maybe I need a face wash...must be dreaming..." you mutter as you step into the bathroom, turning on the light as you waddle over to the sink and turn on the water.
  142. >Wash wash wash, clean your face with that cold water as you look up into the mirror to see the mare at the entrance to the bathroom.
  143. >She smiled, her eyes twinkling "Has thou thought of new works to write? We have enjoyed the story greatly thus far and wonder if thy has provided more works!"
  144. >Nope...not working.
  145. >You turn, grumbling a bit as you walk out of the bathroom, moving past this creepy thing as you close the lights and door on her...again.
  146. >Maybe something to eat will help as you make your way downstairs to the kitchen.
  147. >You were lucky they had bananas' as you take one from the rack and peel its skin, nomming the long fruit as you look at the stairway.
  148. >For a moment you don't see anything.
  149. >Was she really a figment of your imagination gone away? She looked...oddly familiar.
  150. >You could have sworn she reminded you of something from a cartoon, but the sheer fact she LOOKED like one did help.
  152. >You exhale, turning to the side of the kitchen...and low and behold, she is standing there, the biggest grin make upon her face.
  153. "Why has tho continued to ignore us? We seek only to compliment thy ability to write, has thou lost the tongue to speak?"
  154. > can't really convince yourself you're dreaming...then how.
  155. "Uh....okay, let me just go and...check my planner." you mutter, not really too keen on what you just said as you quickly grabbed your car keys and lept out of the damn house quicker than a butter sliding fat person.
  156. >Getinnacarandgo!
  157. >okay, new plan, perhaps some ancient ghost has decided to make residence in Steve's cottage.
  158. >No...she didn't look like a ghost, and she seemed 'whole' not transparent.
  159. >Maybe some alien?
  160. >She's a fucking HORSE...with wings...and a horn.
  161. >I think they call them Alicorns, but those are something of myht.
  162. >Maybe sh-
  164. >You can't finish your thought as your car comes to a complete halt as you were about to pull away from the crescent.
  165. >You press the gas, finding the wheels spinning, but....wait.
  166. >Spinning?
  167. >You look out the window, seeing that you're not...on the road, and being pulled back.
  168. >Back to your cottage.
  169. >Your car is brought right back to the start and dropped gently down as you see the Alicorn mare standing at the doorway.
  170. >She seemed a tad concerned, perhaps hiding the fact you rudly just left on her.
  171. "Have we don wrong to thee?" she called, trotting over to the driver side and looking in at you.
  172. "We mean harm to thee sir Anon, we only..." she looked down as you sigh, slowly turning off the car and opening the door.
  173. >She steps away as you exit the car.
  174. "Hrmmm, alright, we got to talk a few things over first miss..."
  175. >She looked up at you "Luna...Princess Luna."
  176. "Alright Luna... well, why don't we go back inside and set up some tea, I think I need to get my head around something first."
  177. >Fucking Princess.
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