
Chicks Dig Giant Robots, Norman (Oneshot)

Oct 13th, 2013
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  1. >Be Norman, time: 10:37 A.M.
  2. >What the heck was so important that you had to get up before noon?
  3. >You wouldn’t know, Nolan never bothered to actually tell you in the text
  4. >All he wanted was for you to get your ass to Equestria High as fast as possible
  5. >You still have no clue as to why he never just tells you to go to his house instead
  6. >A part of you is eager to finally get to see what he’s been working on this whole time
  7. >It’s been around, what, five to six months since you last saw him?
  8. >Whatever it is, you’re prepared to be either utterly amazed or extremely disappointed
  9. >You take a breath, and hastily turn the corner to gaze at the school
  10. >In the parking lot, polishing a slim, purple car, is Nolan
  11. >Unless that thing was built with his own two hands, you doubt that it’s the “project”
  12. >It just seems too… underwhelming when compared to how excited he was
  13. >”Yo, Norman!” He calls, waving you over as he tosses the white rag of polishing +1 aside
  14. >”Enjoying the view of my new ride?” he asks, a smug smirk on his face
  15. "Come on dude, you and I both know that this can’t be it."
  16. >It’s like he thinks you’re a fool or something
  17. >He raises an eyebrow, tapping twice on the slim vehicle
  18. >”Oh really? What makes you think that?”
  19. "Nothing much, just the fact that I know better by now."
  20. >His amused look fades off
  21. >”What if I told you that this really was what I’ve been working on?” He inquires, opening the driver’s door and gesturing you to get in the passenger’s seat
  22. >You open the car door, silently hoping that Nolan knows how to drive well
  23. "I’d call bullshit, especially since you seem to want to take me somewhere"
  24. >Click, the doors are locked
  25. >Your fate has been sealed Norman, abandon all hope.
  26. >His head shakes as he chuckles, hands gripping the wheel
  27. >”Both yes and no, Norman. Both yes and no.”
  28. >What the hell does that even mean?
  29. >He holds up his right hand, in it is a small box with a giant red button
  30. >He pushes it
  31. >Nothing happens
  32. >At least, nothing happened for a second or two
  33. >You feel the world shake as Nolan grins like a maniac
  34. >You can’t even say anything as suddenly you are riding an elevator that is falling, but upside down
  35. >You almost fly out of the car when the ascent of terror stops
  36. >He’s still grinning, but you’ll get to him after your heart stops beating 1000 m/s
  37. "Nolan, what the fuck was that?"
  38. >”You afraid of heights?”
  39. >He fucking didn’t
  40. "No..."
  41. >”Look over the side then, don’t fall out now.”
  42. >Your gaze goes over to where you hoped solid ground would be
  43. >Unfortunately for you, solid ground is several stories below
  44. >In place of what you wanted to be solid ground is, instead, a giant arm of metal
  45. >He fucking did
  46. "...Nolan"
  47. >You don’t even want to know how, the words come sputtering out of our mouth before you can even process them
  48. "Nolan, why? Why would you build this?"
  49. >He opens the glove compartment and leans back in his chair
  50. >Its contents contain a single pair of sunglasses, which Nolan dons upon retrieval
  51. >”Because” he states, hands gripping the wheel once more
  52. >”Chicks dig giant robots Norman”.
  53. >Your life hasn’t been the same since.
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