
Borg App

Jun 11th, 2018
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  1. Multiverse Crisis MUSH - Application Form 5.5.4
  5. 1a. Who are you? What is your name or online alias, and what is your age?
  7. Marshall, 33
  9. 2a. Have you roleplayed before, and if so, who and where? If you're new, how'd you find us? If you play here or previously played here, please list all of your current or most recent characters. If you're requesting a 7th or 8th character slot, say so here.
  11. Twilight Sparkle, Bahamut, Sarracenia, Princess Luna, Solty Revant, Neuroi Girl
  13. 3a. Do you need a wiki account? If so, give us a login name (that is not itself a character name) and an e-mail address to associate with it. If you already have one and want one to preserve a secret alt, specify as much.
  15. I have one
  19. Your Profile, Advantages, and Disadvantages (Flaws) are your face on the MUSH. They tell people who you are, what you can do, and what you stumble at. Please remove all examples before submitting the application form. (For example --> Name: Your character's name. 18 character limit, no special letters. <-- should simply read --> Name: Link)
  22. 1b. Profile
  24. Name: Zarina of Borg
  26. Faction: Unaffiliated
  28. Function: Nanotech Perfectionist
  30. Series: Star Trek: Aftermath
  32. Quote: "I bring order where there is chaos, perfection to the imperfect. Your uniqueness will add to our perfection. Futile."
  34. Profile: The Borg Collective - a group of cybernetically enhanced beings linked in a hive mind - unexpectedly ended up being introduced into the Multiverse after a huge catastrophe in their universe. Separated from the rest of the Collective and their own universe, the Borg now trapped in the Multiverse accepted that they would have to become more diplomatic or face destruction. Of course, they will never admit that to anyone. They also needed a new queen, and the next in line for that was a drone who came to be known as Zarina. She and her Borg are prideful to a fault, never admitting weakness or failure even when facing imminent destruction. They see other races as resources to enhance the Borg Collective in their never-ending quest to achieve perfection. The Borg are always trying to find new technology, trying to unravel the mysteries of the universe, and trying to find new sources of drones and materials. Much like a swarm of locusts, they are prone to consuming everything of value in their path. But, severed from the old Collective, Zarina of Borg is forging a slightly different Collective. One that recognizes the importance of allies in this new and dangerous Multiverse despite their distaste for working with non-Borg. Even though they are now a handful of ships and a small population of drones, the purpose of the Borg remains constant. To bring order to the chaos that is existence, to forcibly evolve themselves toward perfection, and to share their 'gift' with any they can. As they are so fond of saying, Futile.
  37. 2b. Character Type: What kind of character are you applying for? Categories are FCs (Canon Characters), OFCs (AU takes on canon characters), and OCs (Original Characters).
  39. OC
  41. 3b. Advantages
  43. This section is divided into three categories: DEFINING, SIGNIFICANT and MINOR. To see how to fill out Advantages, read:
  46. 3b-1. Advantages: Defining
  48. We Are the Borg:
  49. Zarina is queen of a small collective of drones and ships, and she can control both with a mere thought down to the individual level.
  50. Multiple Discrete Actions: Zarina is able to split her attention between different tasks quite easily, and can direct multiple groups of drones at the same time.
  51. Attack List - Ranged: Plasma beams and explosives for typical attacks, and particle beams designed for surgical cuts. If the ground troops need more firepower they can provide precise targeting for orbital strikes from their ships.
  52. Share Powers: The Borg can share much of their technology and abilities with others if they so choose by either giving them a device or injecting them with nanoprobes.
  54. Assimilation:
  55. The Borg can inject people, machines, and computers with their nanoprobes, causing maladies and sometimes even taking control of them and physically altering them.
  56. Hacking: The Borg are able to subjugate a multitude of computerized and electrical systems and are able to break through even military grade protections.
  57. Mind-Manipulation: Nanoprobe injections can make it hard to think straight, implant compulsions to help the Collective, and in the end attempt to take full control of a being's mind and body.
  58. NPCs: Zarina controls ships and drones with all the abilities of Zarina herself. These constitute the bulk of the Borg military might. She can also create new drones and control technology through infection with her nanoprobes.
  60. 3b-2. Advantages: Significant
  62. Borg Enhancements:
  63. Superhumanity: Zarina and her drones have enhanced strength and faster reflexes than typical people.
  64. Extraordinary Senses: The Borg can detect things most cannot. These detections are limited to energy signatures (weapons fire, magic use, radiation) and can tell when something is from another time or dimension. They also have enhanced hearing.
  65. Superior - Mental Acuity: The Borg can process large amounts of data quickly, enabling them to calculate solutions to problems with ease. Some examples are the fastest escape routes, efficient attack plans, and structural weaknesses.
  67. Borg Technology:
  68. Analysis: The Borg can use their scanners for mapping large areas, determining an object's function, determining the composition of a material, and identifying a type of energy (such as a type of magic or radiation).
  69. Environmental Protection: The Borg can survive for extended periods of time in a complete vacuum, extreme temperatures, and radiation.
  70. Field Shaping: Through the use of deployables, cutting tools, explosives, and ship-based weapons, the Borg can affect changes in a battlefield such as forming force fields, establishing a transporter point, tunneling, or destroying structures.
  72. Borg Armaments:
  73. Damage Reduction: The Borg employ thick cybernetic armor and forcefields to protect themselves against attacks. However, drones are vulnerable to things such as swords and bullets.
  74. Destruction: The Borg can cut through most walls and some fortified materials as well as disintegrate objects using their energy beams.
  75. Repair: Using their nanoprobes, fabricators, and teleporters, the Borg can quickly repair damaged electronics, replace broken walls, and get damaged vehicles up and running. Most repairs are completed in a few minutes.
  77. Borg Transporters:
  78. Borg transporters take a few seconds to move someone and as such are not able to assist in a combat capacity. They are for insertion and extraction. There are many things through which the Borg cannot see or transport.
  79. Remote Viewing: The Borg ships can observe areas at long distances using their scanners, but can't see through energy fields and fortified areas. Their transporters are then able to send people and objects to or retrieve them from locations they can observe.
  80. Flash Movement: The Borg can transport from orbit to anywhere in a city-sized radius beneath their ship and from location to location within that radius.
  81. Intangibility: During transport the Borg are able to pass through many materials and barriers. They cannot pass through things that would block EM signals or things that would survive a hit from their weapons.
  84. 3b-3. Advantages: Minor
  86. Borg Adaptations:
  87. Low Intake: Borg Drones do not need food, water, or air to survive.
  88. Agelessness: Borg cybernetic implants maintain the body at optimum health until a drone is dealt a fatal blow.
  89. Water Functionality: Although still slow underwater and not really able to swim, the Borg can operate underwater without serious impediment or risk of drowning.
  91. Borg Equipment:
  92. Flight: The Borg have ships and personal equipment that allow them to move through air and space using anti-gravity and warp fields.
  93. Immortality: The Borg do not die of old age.
  96. 4b. Disadvantages
  98. This is split into three sections: TROUBLE, SIGNIFICANT and MINOR. To see how to fill out Disadvantages, read:
  101. 4b-1. Disadvantages: Trouble
  103. We are the Borg: The Borg as a whole and Zarina in particular are a proud, self-confident and completely arrogant people. They detest working with others, hate taking advice or help from others, and think themselves superior in every way even in the face of impending defeat. The Borg are also obsessed with acquiring new technology and assimilating new races, since each new thing brings them closer to perfection. If the Borg encounter something they have not encountered before they will engage it immediately and attempt to acquire it regardless of danger to themselves or others. This brings them into constant conflict with nearly everyone they meet and can lead to danger for themselves and everyone involved when they tamper with something that's function is clear to no one.
  105. 4b-2. Disadvantages: Significant
  107. We're Ignoring You: Borg drones will ignore a person or vehicle that has presented no threat and offers no possible increase to their technological or biological sophistication. Infiltration teams have been able to delve deep into a Borg ship or complex without the Borg bothering to stop them. However, if anything is done to damage or tap into Borg or their systems, they will become instantly hostile.
  109. Obsessive Recovery: Borg will try to recover their fallen or debris from their technology and ships. Having Borg technology is a guaranteed way to draw out the Borg, and an easy way to lead them into a trap. If the Borg cannot recover their lost drones or technology they will attempt to destroy them regardless of how valuable they might be.
  111. 4b-3. Disadvantages: Minor
  113. Co-dependent - The Borg rely on subspace communication to keep their drones linked to the main collective at all times. Individual drones who are cut off from the collective will recover their individuality in a short amount of time. They work hard to ensure their communications cannot be interrupted, but it is possible to do so by destroying the subspace nodes of a drone. It is also possible to isolate a drone using an energy field tuned to Borg frequencies. Drones who become individuals are dangerous to the collective. The individuality can 'infect' other drones, causing chaos within the local Borg population that can become so severe that entire ships will self-destruct.
  115. 5b. Themelisting
  117. If a +themelisting does not already exist for your character, you will have to write one yourself. This should be a concise description of the setting from which the character comes, and if it is a modified/non-canon theme it should usually explain how it diverges from the original. Additionally, we'd be interested in knowing if there are any series -- preferably but not necessarily existing in our standing +themelists -- that you'd be interested in seeing your theme mixing with as neighbors in the Multiverse.
  119. Star Trek: Aftermath
  121. This theme is based after the events of Star Trek: Voyager.
  123. The Borg Collective was a force comprised of thousands of ships and trillions of cybernetically-enhanced people all forcibly linked in a hive mind with their free wills locked away. They had existed for thousands of years, slowly spreading and indoctrinating other races. They were able to accomplish this through what they called Assimilation. It is a process that adds to the Collective by using nanites to forcibly adapt minds, bodies, and technology to Borg needs. Their purpose: to impose order and perfection on the universe by any means necessary.
  124. This all nearly came to an end when a Terran captain named Kathryn Janeway from the United Federation of Planets destroyed almost the entire Collective along with its queen. The Borg were left greatly weakened and had to pull back from many of their borders to ensure that the Collective would survive. The destruction within their transwarp network forced those Borg ships that were not destroyed to exit wherever they could.
  125. One of those ships carried the next in line for Borg Queen. The Borg remaining in normal space are in disarray as they continue to rebuild, giving the other races in the universe a bit of breathing room. The Borg Queen was killed and the would be queen was lost in the transwarp conduits only to emerge in the Multiverse. Here she has is now working from her small flotilla to once again expand Borg influence. In this new Multiverse, cut off from the rest of the original Collective, the new Collective has had to adapt to the many powerful individuals and worlds, making them less aggressive as a matter of survival. But, as always the Borg are determined to move forward. They continue to learn, assimilate, and extend their reach. Like a plague, they are always working to spread.
  129. 1c. Personality
  131. This section describes your character in terms of their personality, motivations, quirks, fears and aspirations. Give us a good idea of why your character is invested in the Multiverse, how they get themselves into RP, and why they’re fun to play with. Each section must be answered in 100 words or more, ideally less than 400. If in need of inspiration, take a look at Nathan Hall's personality guide.
  134. 1c-1. Response to the Multiverse
  136. If you are applying for an FC: How has the Multiverse changed your character or challenged them in new and different ways? If they’re totally new to the Multiverse at the point of application, how do you expect them to react to the reality of new environments and challenges, and how do you think it will change them?
  138. If you are applying for an OC: What do you feel is the driving force behind the character that would bring them out into the Multiverse, instead of staying within their own theme? What compels them to leave and see what the Multiverse has to offer?
  140. The Borg are driven by two powerful motivations. First, the search for perfection, which in the Borg's eyes is the seamless integration of biology and technology to form an unstoppable force. It is a motivation developed when the first Borg Queen realized the potential of combining technology and biology to create the perfect being. This gives them an insatiable curiosity and thirst for knowledge that will not be quenched until there is literally nothing else to learn, which constantly drives them to explore new places, meet new people, and acquire and experiment with new technology.
  141. The second is to bring order to the chaotic multiverse. They do this by forcing their 'perfection' on anyone they meet through the process of Assimilation. This desire for order also causes them to look for populations, countries, and even worlds to add to their collective. The Borg consider everyone else inferior, and as such are always trying to impose their kind of order on everyone they meet.
  143. If you are applying for an OFC: What did the changes to the original theme do to make the character different from their source material? Answer the above question for OCs as well.
  146. 1c-2. Motivation
  148. What best motivates your character to visit other worlds? What sort of things do they react to by getting out the door and pursuing them? What kind of things excite and intrigue them? What kind of things frighten them or give them pause?
  150. The Borg are at their heart explorers and scientists. They are motivated simply by the thrill of discovery and the power that comes with it. The Borg are attracted to new technology and new discoveries like moths to a flame, and can be just as easily burned by their discoveries. The Borg fear very little, and what they do fear intrigues them at the same time. They also seek to share their gifts as they see it, forcibly expanding their holdings and incorporating new people and technologies into their Collective. This need to bring order to a chaotic existence drives them to continue on their crusade even when the entire Collective is on the edge of destruction.
  152. 1c-3. Good Side
  154. What would you call the brightest point of your character’s personality? Where do they excel as a person, and what are the upsides of knowing them?
  156. The Borg are masters of science and technology. Every drone is very capable in most areas of science and math. They make formidable allies with their wide array of technology and analytical capabilities. Personality-wise, they are stalwart, strong, pragmatic, and scientific. They rarely back down once they have a goal in mind. Those that manage to ingratiate themselves to the Borg gain access to cutting edge technology and an ally that is used to subjugating large populations, as well as some of the most advanced research and development outside of the factions.
  158. 1c-4. Bad Side
  160. What would you call the lowest point of your character’s personality? What qualities of theirs are less than ideal? Do they recognize these low points? How do they feel about them? Most importantly, why is this side of their personality fun for other players to play off of?
  162. The Borg are prideful to a fault, believing themselves superior to all other lifeforms. The typical drone has little in the way of personality, but Zarina herself is a cunning, calculating, and loves to hear herself talk. The Borg do not see these traits as low points at all, but merely a quality of their superiority. In a scene, the Borg will be fun to play off of when they are the antagonists because of their Terminator-like determination. When with allies or somehow the protagonists, Zarina's prideful banter should provide some with a character they love to hate and others with a strong personality that makes for a good conversation, not to mention that she and the Borg rarely consider the damage that could be caused by their actions.
  164. 1c-5. Faction Relations
  166. Why is your character in the faction that they’re in, or failing that, why aren’t they in a faction at all? If you’re in a faction, what sort of conflict might your character have with that faction’s ideology, and how might it be resolved in play?
  168. Zarina and her Borg have not joined a faction since none of them would approve of Borg tactics or techniques nor the enslavement of entire populations against their will. The Paladins would obviously be a terrible match since the Borg don't believe in any law other than their own. The Watch wouldn't fit due to the Borg's complete lack of concern for individual rights. The Concord could possibly work since the Borg do believe that they should be in control because they are superior and endeavor for scientific advancement regardless of the danger or nature of the field of study, but only if the Borg gave up a few of their practices such as no longer Assimilating entire populations into their Collective against the will of said population.
  170. 2c. Background
  172. Give us a brief, concise overview of your character's background.
  174. For OCs and OFCs: Three major moments of your character’s life that shaped them as an individual, explaining how each are important.
  176. 1. Elaine Marie Prescott is born on July 27th, 2346 to John and Sara Prescott. She develops an interest in space and science at an early age and enters Starfleet as soon as she is able. She focuses on cybernetics after learning about Data (an android) and the Borg. Her competency gains her a place on an isolated science outpost where sensitive projects are carried out, including experiments involving Borg technology.
  177. 2. Elaine is assimilated when her research station attracts the Borg thanks to experiments they were conducting to reverse-engineer Borg technology. The other scientists escape thanks to Elaine using the station to shield their escape pods from sensors. She does not resist assimilation since learning about the Borg was her goal and she can see the benefits of what they are offering. This causes her to be flagged as a possible queen.
  178. 3. The drone formed from Elaine becomes queen of a small collective by default when the trans-warp network the Borg depend on is destroyed by Kathryn Janeway and Elaine ends up trapped in the Multiverse. The new queen calls herself Zarina of Borg, and thanks to her Federation upbringing and the loss of the previous queen she establishes her collective as more temperate in an attempt to ensure survival.
  180. For FCs: A quick rundown of “the story so far” in your own words, in full or bullet point format, and justify your portrayal of the personality you intend through the most significant moments.
  183. 3c. Combat
  185. This section informs us about your character's ability pertaining to combat RP.
  188. 3c-1. Archetype
  190. Which Archetype do you think fits your character best? For a list of Archetypes, refer to: Archetypes and Quirks. Optionally, you can leave this space blank and let staff pick one. You can have staff’s choice changed to your own later on.
  192. I think perhaps the Aegis is the most appropriate archetype for Zarina.
  194. 3c-2. Role What role does fighting play in your character’s narrative, and what role do they play in the larger context of their theme’s combat narrative? For example, is your character the flagship protagonist of a combat heavy plot? The team head who leads the heroes to save the world? The scrappy underdog who triumphs through smarts and resourcefulness? The ultimate final boss who seeks world domination? The renegade who gets in everyone’s way, hero and villain alike? Are they a supporting character who rarely fights themselves? Are they from a series where combat barely or never happens? Are they from a series that is overwhelmingly focused on combat? Furthermore, how does this role pan out in the context of MCM as a setting? Is it altered or recontextualized?
  196. The Borg's role in their theme ranges from steady antagonist to final boss in a fairly combat heavy theme. Although they rarely actually defeat the primary protagonists, they are presented in every instance as an enemy that could overwhelm the protagonists if even one mistake is made.
  198. 3c-3. Style Where would you say your character’s specialties lie if you had to evaluate them up or down? Is your character glass cannon? A big, slow, heavy hitter? Hard to hit but very fragile? A tank/turtle? Are they just balanced across the board? If they are, where would you say their biggest strength is anyways?
  200. Although dangerous in all aspects, The Borg's biggest strength in combat is their ability to adapt to damage as well as their sheer numbers in terms of drones and their ship's ability to regenerate quickly. This makes them in my opinion a tank-type character, winning by outlasting their opponents rather than hitting hard.
  202. 3c-3b. Stats Optionally, split 100 points between Power (how much damage your character can dish out, Precision (how accurate and consistent your character’s attacks are), Endurance (how well your character can resist damage), and Mitigation (how well your character can actively reduce exposure to attacks). The numbers you assign are to inform staff only, and do not translate directly into anything.
  204. Power: 20
  205. Precision: 20
  206. Endurance: 30
  207. Mitigation: 30
  211. 4c. Why? (OPTIONAL): This question must only be answered if you're applying for a Restricted concept, or if Staff prompts you to answer it. Why do you want to play this character? What do you want to do with them that you can't get out of something else, or something more simple? Can you handle it if it doesn't work out? What do you want to get out of it RP-wise, and what do you expect other people to get out of it in turn?
  213. I want to play this character for a few reasons. First, the Borg are the kind of antagonist that provides for everything from mindless enemy to cunning opponent, and despite appearances they have an intricate, well-developed personality. Second, I think many would find it unexpectedly enjoyable to have the Collective actually helping them. No one expects the mindless drone controlled by a malevolent entity to save them or to sacrifice itself to further the cause. And third, the Borg and their tendency for exploration and assimilation makes them very easy to get into most any scene as well as provides a good base for developing plots and creating deep RP.
  214. I envision the type of scene where you have the uneasy alliance with the entity that you know could turn on you at any moment but swaps out between being threatening and showing a strange sort of nobility. Or the scene where the super smug entity has to admit that they need your help. Interactions where you start out with the seemingly mindless drones that are like Terminators and then you find out they are actually intricate people who are still people beneath all the mind-control and cybernetic enhancements.
  216. 5c. Miscellaneous: This is just a miscellaneous field. If you have any notes or special requests (potential defection notices, for example), this is the place to put them.
  219. Once you're done filling the application form out, submit it in the body of an e-mail to with a subject line of: Character Application - NAME - FACTION
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