

Jun 4th, 2016
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  1. Gohan's sudden acceleration caught Nyx completely off guard. She let out a grunt of pain and winced when Gohan stomped on her, although she managed to hold her ground against the attack. She lept back and extended her right hand, a blue aura surrounding her. A similar aura appeared around Gohan, locking him in place. [color=cyan]"Your speed is impressive, and your hit wasn't bad either. But now I have you right where I want you, boy. I'll have you experience what a [b]real[/b] attack feels like."[/color] All around them, pieces of the arena and the ground around the stadium were rising into the air, hovering there as if waiting for some signal.
  3. [color=cyan]"I wouldn't use this much force on you if I knew you couldn't handle it. You admitting that you can do that transformation put me at ease: you'll be able to survive direct hits like this. I'm going to make you do your very best sooner or later in this fight. If I can't force you to transform, then all that training I've done would have been for naught." [/color] Nyx thrust out her left hand towards Gohan, and the projectiles rained down opn him, speeding at him at a velocity rivaling only by speeding bullets.
  5. [spoiler=Battle Sequence]
  6. 1] Evasion Phase: No action: 288,370 damage taken.
  10. 2.] Action Phase: Psychic Spark: Ki= 10% of Maximum Ki /[Combat] Psychic Spark is a strong telekinetic technique. It is used to incapacitate the opponent for an opening for attack. This technique applies Restraint upon your opponent. You can only use Tier 1 or below [Leg] Martial Arts Techniques or [Projectile] Telekinetic Techniques while they're incapacitated this way. This only lasts the turn you use it on. This can only be used once every 5 turns. (Requires Telekinesis to learn and use)
  12. Ki Used: 500,000
  14. 4.] Attack Phase: Psychic Throw: AD= 25% / [Projectile] The psychokinesis attack is the ability of lifting multiple objects with your mind and then launching them at your opponent.
  16. Ki Used: 1,250,000
  17. Damage if successful: 1,265,714
  19. [/spoiler]
  21. [table=11,STATS][center][b]Power Level[c]Life Force[c]Ki[c]Strength[c]Attack Power[c]Defense[c]Destructive Power[c]Guard[c]Stamina[c]Power up Rating[c]Armor Rating[c]10,000,000[c]5,000,000[c]1925000[c]5,000,000[c]1,000,000[color=cyan]+50%[/color][c]1,000,000[c]1,000,000[color=cyan]+1000%[/color][c]1,000,000 [color=cyan]+50%[/color][c]71pts[c]0%[c]5000 pts[/b][/center][/table]
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