

Mar 1st, 2020
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  1. An extremely positive person, Azumi brings light to the life of most of the people she meets, particularly [PROTAG], who is her upperclassman and best friend, and they've been friends together ever since Azumi joined the school two years ago, to the point one might often mistake Azumi for being part of the same group as [PROTAG] and the other protagonists, though overall [PROTAG] spends more time with them even if Azumi is her best friend. Despite this, she doesn't really get jealous, as jealousy is not in her character (indeed, as you'll see in her next paragraph, you'll see she directs most of her relationship angst at herself), and is just happy to spend her time with [PROTAG] whenever she can. She has positive relationships with the other girls, though she considers [NORMAL] to be rather creepy and weird, even before her secret dark side is revealed in the Jane Family arc. In particular, she gets along with [MAGE] and [PRINCE] in particular. She has crushes on both [PROTAG] and [PRINCE], but her crush on [PROTAG] is far more pronounced in comparison, seeming like she's truly in love with her, whereas her attraction to Prince is more a general crush that many of the girls in the school share, after all. She has deep and great faith in all her friends, and will often tell them to believe themselves when they think they can't handle a particular circumstance, especially [PROTAG], but even somebody who creeps her out like [NORMAL] as well, and holds that she knows her friends can handle any threat that comes to menace them no matter what it is, and will often attempt to protect her friends at the cost of her life against strong enemies if necessary, even, or especially when they sharply outlevel her. Thankfully, she has enough good fortune that these savior moments never end up GENUINELY costing her life, but hey, A for effort and all. She's pretty bad at making jokes herself, and even worse at recognizing good humor, often responding with genuine laughter towards whatever intentionally bad joke [OCCULT] says around her. Unlike the main girls, she doesn't care much about Hiro, and even questions why they're so concerned with him even though they basically never knew him and he was in a coma for several years, though she's never outright rude or harsh about it - she just finds it odd. She at least takes comfort in the fact that none of them seem to actually be interested in him romantically. Despite how she'd never hurt a fly, she often puts on a gas mask and ill-fitting baseball cap to try and blackmail [MOB] into dating him, completely unaware of the fact they're already interested in each other, in hopes that she can keep him away from [PROTAG] - which is ironic, considering she's the girl least interested in him, never having gotten a route in the original game.
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