
PC Goddess Chapter 9

Jul 22nd, 2018
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  1. PC Goddess Chapter 9 PC방 여신들          짜식
  2. This is an app. base TL Accuracy is not Good
  3. {Thinking} "TextBubbles" [Narration] (Speculation) *Description*
  4. FMC: Yoon Yeon Seo "Black" / Sara "Blonde" / Yoonhee Red/Noona / Soojung/Crystal 'Blue' /
  5. MC: Ahn Tae Hyun ☆ / Hyuksoo MC Friend "Hyung" / 'Chief' of the PC room / ლ(´ڡ`ლ)
  7. ᵔᴥᵔᵔᴥᵔᵔᴥᵔᵔᴥᵔᵔᴥᵔᵔᴥᵔᵔᴥᵔᵔᴥᵔᵔᴥᵔᵔᴥᵔᵔᴥᵔᵔᴥᵔᵔᴥᵔᵔᴥᵔᵔᴥᵔᵔᴥᵔᵔᴥᵔᵔᴥᵔᵔᴥᵔᵔᴥᵔᵔᴥᵔᵔᴥᵔᵔᴥᵔᵔᴥᵔᵔᴥᵔᵔᴥᵔᵔᴥᵔᵔᴥᵔᵔᴥᵔᵔᴥᵔᵔᴥᵔᵔᴥᵔᵔᴥᵔᵔᴥᵔᵔᴥᵔᵔᴥᵔᵔᴥᵔᵔᴥᵔᵔᴥᵔᵔᴥᵔᵔᴥᵔᵔᴥᵔᵔᴥᵔᵔᴥᵔᵔᴥ
  10. Chapter start with the view of the Goddess PC room building in the inside. An evil laugh of a motherfucker holding a rifle threatens the people working and playing. Mofo tells them "ALL OF YOU GET OUT!!" .... Male costumer's freaking out shouting "Move you motherfucker!!" In the entrance colliding with each other just to escape the situation. Fatso tells them "Get out2x".."Please leave!".."This place is occupied by us, so please get out of here!" ...*Hyung approach Taehyun*... Hyung speaks "We should go out too".."Hurry follow me" ..*They begin to walk*... Sara mutter with Noona telling her "Unni go faster!" Noona tells her "Ookay"
  12. When they are about to go out. The Mofo tells them "So far so good!".."We need a minimum hostage. You people I need you to stay".."You fuckers! will be the pillar of the entrance!" ...*Fatso come over and salute*... Fatso tells him "Aye aye!, sir!" ...*Moments Later*... They are now a hostages. Mofo calmly sitting watching over them. Fatso approach and give him food telling him "Sir"."The cup ramen is ready" That Mofo "Smirk" Fatso offer it, to him and say "HaHa".."Its all done you can eat it right away"...*While eating that ramen Fatso tells him*..."Sir, This is a perfect place just like heaven".."I mean with snacks and drinks there's a lot to eat.We got a bunch of computers nothing is missing"
  14. Mofo tells him "쉐끼You Bastard".."That's why we came here don't you think" Fatso tells him "HaHaHa ... As expected you are wise!".."And~" ...*Fatso got fired up looking at the Goddesses*... Telling them "There's another good things here".."What I mean is you"...*Goddess taken aback scared of him*...
  16. ...*Outside of the PC room*...
  17. Someone saying "Ha, those Bastard".."They went in there and create troubles" ...*Revealing a group of Army*... The Captain ask "Ms. Kim, How about a sniper?" She tells him "Yes, On the opposite roof of the building. They place themselves".."PC room window's are all covered" ...*Sniper View while someone saying*... "The inside situation is not visible at all".."It looks like it's midnight".."These Bastard. What exactly do they asking for?" That Lady soldier whisper. Telling him "That's".."What they want is~"
  19. ...*Change Scene*...
  20. In a building a lot of moaning sound can be seen revealing a Blue Haired woman doing a Fellatio. That Nigga goes "AhWoooooo!" while enjoying it. Telling her "AH~ THIS YOU REALLY SUCK SO GOOD" ...*Licking her in the ear*...Fucker tells her "YOU LITTLE".."With this much" ...*Revealing a threesome*... Fuckers tells her "Is the life here more chewy?".."KEUahhHHh" ...*Behind the back view*... Fucker tells her "Our Soojung".."with this hole I heard a lot of people".."Want to taste this even once. Those Bastard".."Will never get it"
  22. ...*Showing her ass full of bruises*...
  23. Fucker spank her. Blue scream "AHH!!" Fucker in front tells her "By the way our Soojung. On the side of the fence I mean".."Your so poor because you can do it all. As long as the man have money to give you. KEkeKe".."Hey, come on man wrap it up and come out.I want to put my 'D' in there, too" ... Fucker from behind tells him "If your in hurry just wrap it in her mouth".."Ah, right.Let's see who wins"
  25. ...*TV News report*...
  26. *The police and military forces are working together to solve the hostage taking incident in a PC room*
  27. *The military's top priority is to ensure the safety of hostages through the gunman.Somehow, the civilian victims are in a position to be taken down* ...*Blue stop after hearing the news and wipe her lips*... However the fucker bring her mouth back to his 'D'
  28. *NEWS: (*Also,The testimony of my associate colleagues. The cost of this is a Lover quarrel the leader of the hostage taking Shin Il Go admitted it*)  ...*Hearing that news Soojung got a shocking expression*... Thinking of {Il Go?}
  30. ...*Blue stop the fellatio*...
  31. Blue looks on the TV and hears about the news *Its getting late but the military needs to make sure of the situation especially for those family member who is suffering*..*We are focusing on identifying the Leader lover's identity and whereabouts for now*
  33. ...*When the Fucker notice Soojung is not focusing. Fucker spank her again and bang her harder*...
  34. Blue moans "Hayang!" Fucker ask her "Our Soojung. Do you have any ideas what happening in the TV News?"
  35. Fucker2 tells her "Hey there Soojung ... What are you doing now? your not playing with my stuff"
  36. Blue scream "Agh! Agh!!".."AH!".."AHK!!" Fucker1 smirk and says "Soojung what's wrong?".."Is that spot hurt?"
  37. Blue looks from behind and says "AHG!!".."Oo~Oppa".."I think I should go somewhere" Fucker1 tells her "NO!"
  38. Fucker2 cries and says "Eh? Ahh? Fucker1 tells her "Soojung, What is it all of a sudden pulling out!"
  40. ...*Soojung put her panties back*...
  41. Soojung tells them "Sorry oppa".."Lets do it again the next time"
  42. Soojung looks back and tells them "This".."I think it would be something that other cannot be solve unless there is me"
  43. ...*She's talking about the news here*...
  45. ...*Back to the outside of the PC ROOM*...
  46. The Chief appears and ask the army "Why are you just watching?"
  47. They got startled That Lady thinks {Ah} {WHY} That man {What is this person}
  48. That Lady tells him "Look.. now we are even willing".."US-Civilians in Operation Area".."So get out of the operational place"
  49. Chief tells her "I'm the owner of the PC room".."I'll go and fix it"
  50. That lady speak "WHAT!!"
  52. That Lady scolded someone "Hey, what are you guys doing ?! Dont let civilians go through here understand?"
  53. Chief hold her, She goes "AH!" and blushes. Chief tells her "I told you".."I will solved it right?"
  54. That Lady tells him "What that's~" Chief tells her "Its will only cause me 1 minute"
  55. That Lady tells him "Even so, I cant lets a civilian go inside!!"
  57. ...*Soojung arrive*...
  58. Soojung shout "WAIT A MINUTE!!"
  59. Soojung approach them and says "I'm" .. "Very sorry" .. "Me" .. "May you let me in and take a look inside?"
  60. Soojung face the Chief.
  62. TBC
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