Guest User


a guest
Aug 13th, 2018
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  1. nickname=Nickname
  2. username=e-mail address
  3. userpass=Password
  4. picture=Profile picture
  5. pointsGameWin=Points for a Win
  6. pointsGameDraw=Points for a Draw
  7. pointsTipp=Points for a correct Tip
  8. pointsTippDiff=Points for the difference
  9. minutesBeforeTipp=Minutes before the tip ends
  10. confirm.message=A confirmation email has been sent to your e-mail address. Please click on the link listed there.
  11. validation.required=%s must not be empty
  12. a valid email address
  13. validation.equals=Confirmation does not match
  14. validation.minSize=%s is to short
  15. validation.maxSize=%s should be a maximum of %2$d characters
  16. validation.userNotExists=This e-mail does not exist
  17. validation.invalidLogin=Incorrect e-mail address and / or wrong password
  18. validation.checkFileLength=Profile picture file is too large
  19. validation.isValidTimezone=Invalid Timezone
  20. validation.isValidDatestring=Invalid Date format
  21. validation.isValidLanguage=Invalid Language
  22. controller.auth.newpassword=Information to reset your password has been sent to your e-mail address.
  23. controller.auth.repass=A new password has been sent to your e-mail address.
  24. controller.auth.logout=You've been logged out.
  25. were successfully saved!
  26. controller.tipps.bonussaved=Your bonus tips have been successfully saved!
  27. controller.tipps.tippsstored=Your tips have been successfully saved!
  28. controller.tipps.twitter.bonus=has placed bonus tips
  29. placed a tip
  30. controller.tipps.novalidtipps=There were not saved any tips because no valid tips were given.
  31. controller.users.invalidtoken=Invalid confirmation code. Please try again.
  32. controller.users.accountactivated=Your account has been successfully activated! You can login now with your username and password!
  33. controller.profile.updateusername=Information to change you e-mail address has been sent to your e-mail address.
  34. controller.profile.updatepassword=Your password was successfully changed.
  35. controller.profile.updatepicture=Your profile picture has been updated successfully.
  36. controller.profile.updatepicturefail=When storing your profile picture, an error has occurred. Please try again!
  37. controller.profile.updatenickname=Your nickname was changed successfully.
  38. controller.profile.notifications=Your notification settings were successfully changed.
  39. controller.auth.resenderror=Your input is either incorrectly or the user does not exist.
  40. controller.users.emailexists=The e-mail address already exists
  41. controller.users.nicknamexists=The Nickname already exists
  42. controller.users.twitter=has registered
  43. controller.users.changedusername=Your e-mail address has been changed successfully. Please log in with your new credentials.
  44. controller.users.changeduserpass=Your password was successfully changed. Please log in with your new credentials.
  45. controller.users.forgotuserpass=A new password has been sent to your e-mail address.
  46. controller.users.setuperror=YML-File not found
  47. controller.setup.setup=Initial setup was successful.
  48. controller.setup.dateerror=Bonus Tip End dates must be in the format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.
  49. few tips
  50. mails.subject.registration=Your Registration
  51. mails.subject.reminder=Tip reminder
  52. mails.subject.newpassword=Your new password
  53. mails.subject.newuser=New User
  54. mails.subject.updatefailed=Result updates failed
  55. mails.subject.confirmusernamechange=Username (e-mail address) is changed
  56. mails.subject.changeusername=Change e-mail address
  57. mails.subject.changeuserpass=Change password
  58. mails.subject.forgotuserpass=I forgot my password
  59. mails.subject.activate=Your Registration
  60. mails.message.activate=To complete your registration, please follow this link:
  61. mails.message.changeusername=To complete the change of your e-mail address, please follow this link:
  62. mails.message.forgotuserpass=In order to receive a new password, please follow this link:
  63. mails.message.changeuserpass=To complete the change your password, click on the link below:
  64. model.user.tipped=Tip submitted
  65. Game
  66. Game
  68. model.user.point=Point
  69. model.user.points=Points
  70. helper.first=First
  71. helper.second=Second
  72. helper.third=Third
  73. helper.fourth=Fourth
  74. helper.fifth=Fith
  75. helper.six=Six
  76. helper.seventh=Seventh
  77. helper.eight=Eigth
  78. helper.ninth=Nineth
  79. helper.tenth=Tenth
  80. helper.tweetscore=Results updated:
  81. in.second=in %s Second
  82. in.seconds=in %s Seconds
  83. in.minute=in %s Minute
  84. in.minutes=in %s Minutes
  85. in.hour=in %s Hour
  86. in.hours=in %s Hours
  87. %s Day
  88. in.days=in %s Days
  89. in.month=in %s Month
  90. in.months=in %s Month
  91. in.year=in %s Year
  92. in.years=in %s Years
  93. in.ended=Ended
  94. view.user.point=You have <b>%s Point</b> and are at <b>Place %s</b> from %s
  95. view.user.points=You have <b>%s Points</b> and are at <b>Place %s</b> from %s
  96. extratips=Bonus tips
  97. game=Game
  98. betending=Predictions ends
  99. pleasechoose=Please choose
  100. date=Date
  101. time=Time
  102. location=Venue
  103. hometeam=Homw
  104. awayteam=Away
  105. regulartime=After 90 Min.
  106. finalresult=after extra time / penalty shootout
  107. result=Result
  108. team=Team
  109. games=Games
  110. gameswon=W
  111. gamesdraw=D
  112. gameslost=L
  113. goals=Goals
  114. goalsdiff=Diff
  115. notset=Is not fixed yet
  116. save=Save
  117. topthree=The Top 3
  118. tipper=Player
  119. nickname=Nickname
  120. points=Points
  121. extrapoints=Bonus points
  122. totalpoints=Total points
  123. lastgames=The last games
  124. yourbet=Your tip
  125. nogamesyet=No games have been played yet.
  126. twitternews=Twitter News
  127. nextgames=The next games
  128. tendence=Trend (W/D/L)
  129. nomoregamesyet=Currently there are no more games.
  130. login.legend=Please enter your user information
  131. email=e-mail
  132. place=Place
  133. emailconfirmation=Confirm e-mail
  134. password=Password
  135. passwordconfirmation=Confirm Password
  136. send=Send
  137. forgotten=Did you forget yor Password?
  138. pleaselogin=Please login
  139. login=Login
  140. groups=Groups
  141. firstround=Group stage
  142. playoffs=Playoffs
  143. registrationsuccsesfull=Registration successful!
  144. create.message=Your registration was successful and an e-mail to your e-mail address is on the way. <br /> Please click on the link in the e-mail to confirm your e-mail address.
  145. myprofile=My Profile
  146. settings=Settings
  147. results=Enter results
  148. logout=Logout
  149. dashboard=Dashboard
  150. tournament=Tournament Overview
  151. tips=Place tips
  152. overview=Tip Overview
  153. standings=Standings
  154. rules=Rules
  155. extraquestion=Bonus question
  156. youranswer=Your answer
  157. firstpage=First
  158. pageback=Back
  159. pagebefore=Forward
  160. lastpage=Last
  161. login=Login
  162. registration=Registration
  163. error=Error
  164. erroroccured=A processing error has occurred!
  165. warning=Warning
  166. info=Info
  167. tiped=Tip placed
  168. pointsperbet=Points per Tip
  169. placedbets=Submitted Tips
  170. correctresults=Correct results
  171. correctdifferences=Correct differences
  172. correcttendence=Correct trends
  173. betquote=Tip-rate
  174. correctresultsquote=correct tips
  175. attention=Attention
  176. yes=Yes
  177. no=No
  178. setupattention=The setup has already been executed! A Re-run of the setup will erase ALL exsiting data!
  179. setup.legend=Please enter your betting game settings
  180. game Name
  181. name of the betting game. Will be used in e-mails.
  182. setup.pointsgamewin=Points for a Win
  183. setup.pointsgamedraw=Points for a Draw
  184. setup.pointsbet=Points for a correct Tip
  185. setup.pointsbetdiff=Points for a correct difference
  186. setup.pointsbettrend=Points for a correct trend
  187. setup.minutesbefore=Minutes before the game starts, before a tip has to be placed
  188. setup.extratipending=Bonus tip ends on
  189. date must be in the format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss in your time zone.
  190. setup.timezone=Timezone
  191. setup.timezonelang=Timezone Language
  192. setup.datestring=Date format
  193. setup.timestring=Time format
  194. setup.maxpicturesize=Max. Profile picture size in Bytes
  195. setup.countfinalresult=Count tips<br/>Results after...
  196. setup.informontipper=Inform Admin(s) on new registrations
  197. setup.ninetyminutes=Result after 90 minutes
  198. setup.finalresult=Final result (including extra time / penalty shootout)
  199. setup.enableregistration=Registration enabled
  200. to the setup have been saved successfully
  201. GroupA=Group A
  202. GroupB=Group B
  203. GroupC=Group C
  204. GroudD=Group D
  205. Poland=Poland
  206. Greece=Greece
  207. Russia=Russia
  208. CzechRepublic=Czech Republic
  209. Netherlands=Netherlands
  210. Denmark=Denmark
  211. Germany=Germany
  212. Portugal=Portugal
  213. Spain=Spain
  214. Italy=Italy
  215. RepublicofIreland=Republic of Ireland
  216. Croatia=Croatia
  217. Ukraine=Ukraine
  218. Sweden=Sweden
  219. France=France
  220. England=England
  221. Kiev=Kiev
  222. Donetsk=Donetsk
  223. Kharkiv=Kharkiv
  224. Lviv=Lviv
  225. Warsaw=Warsaw
  226. Gdansk=Gdansk
  227. Wroclaw=Wroclaw
  228. Poznan=Poznan
  229. FirstRound=First round
  230. SecondRound=Second round
  231. ThirdRound=Third round
  232. Quarterfinals=Quarterfinals
  233. Seminfinals=Seminfinals
  234. Final=Final
  235. WhowillbeEuropeanChampion=Who will be European Champion?
  236. EuropeanChampion=European Champion
  237. WhowillbeVice-EuropeanChampion=Who will be Vice-European Champion?
  238. Vice-EuropeanChampion=Vice-European Champion
  239. WhowillbegroupwinnersinGroupA=Who will win Group A?
  240. WhowillbegroupwinnersinGroupB=Who will win Group B?
  241. WhowillbegroupwinnersinGroupC=Who will win Group C?
  242. WhowillbegroupwinnersinGroupD=Who will win Group D?
  243. WinnerGroupA=Winner Group A
  244. WinnerGroupB=Winner Group B
  245. WinnerGroupC=Winner Group C
  246. WinnerGroupD=Winner Group D
  247. pleasecoose=Please choose
  248. rules.legend=Here you can find all the rules at a glance
  249. Information
  250. tips of the other players are visible from the start of the game.
  251. the tip Overview, tip number in parentheses indicates the number of points for this tip.
  252. tendence on the Dashboard will be displayed if there are at least 4 tips for the game.
  253. rules.nintyminutesinfo=If player places a tip on a team's victory after 90 minutes and this team wins after extra time and / or penalties, the player receives only the points for a correct tendence.
  254. rules.points.playoffs=Tip-count in the playoffs
  255. rules.points.extras=Placing bonus tips
  256. a tip
  257. %s minutes before kickoff
  258. NationalStadium=National Stadium
  259. warsaw=Warsaw
  260. PGEArena=PGE Arena
  261. gdansk=Gdansk
  262. MunicipalStadium=Municipal Stadium
  263. wroclaw=Wroclaw
  264. poznan=Poznan
  265. OlympicStadium=Olympic Stadium
  266. kiev=Kiev
  267. DonbassArena=Donbass Arena
  268. donetsk=Donetsk
  269. MetalistStadium=Metalist Stadium
  270. kharkiv=Kharkiv
  271. ArenaLviv=Arena Lviv
  272. lviv=Lviv
  273. changenickname=Change Nickname
  274. newnickname=New Nickname
  275. changepicture=Change profile picture
  276. profilepicture=Profile picture
  277. maxprofile=(max. 162x162)
  278. changepassword=Change password
  279. newpassword=New Password
  280. newpasswordconfirm=Confirm new password
  281. changeemail=Change e-mail address
  282. newemail=new e-mail
  283. stayloggedin=Remember me
  284. newemailconfim=Confirm new e-mail
  285. changenotifications=Change notifications
  286. betreminder=Tip reminder
  287. overtime.nv=a.e.
  288. mails.reminder.header=You want to be reminded when tips are to be submitted.
  289. following tips should be placed today
  290. mails.reminder.extratips=The following bonus tips should be placed today
  292. mails.reminder.deactivate=You can disaple this notice at any time under "My Profile".
  293. mails.newuser.header=A new user just registered
  294. hello=Hello
  296. notips=No tips
  297. notextratips=No bonus tips
  298. placedbets.value=%s from %s possible tips
  299. mailservice.newuserpass.body=Your password has been reset and you can now login with the following password:
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