
Profession Classes

Sep 26th, 2019
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  1. =========================== Profession Classes ===========================
  2. ==========================================================================
  4. Architect (Req. Architect Skill 30+, Cost 5 Levels) [V +8]
  5. - Can Build Structures in 50% of the time and utilizing less Materials.
  6. - Once per Day, may Perform an Action to gain the knowledge of the nearby Layout of a Structure you're currently in. The Radius of this Ability scales with your [Architect] Skill.
  8. Building Assembler (Req. Architect Skill 75+, Cost 10 Levels) [CL +10/ML +5/V +10]
  9. - Can Build Structures in 50% of the time.
  10. - Deal 2x damage to structures.
  11. - Once per day, you can perform an action to completely restore a Building to an undamaged state. This ability fails if there isn't open space where the building is supposed to be reconstructed.
  14. Baker (Req. Baker Skill 30+, Cost 5 Levels) [V +8]
  15. - Can Bake Pastries in 50% of the time and using less Ingredients.
  16. - You can Perform an Action to Imbue a Pastry with magical essence (Or sugar), granting the person who eats it a temporary bonus to Supernatural and Physical Action Speed.
  18. Pastry Lord (Req. Baker Skill 75+ and Baker Class, Cost 10 Levels) [ML +10/CL +5/V +12]
  19. - Can Perform an Action to create a Piece of Edible Equipment out of Dough. The Data crystal Capacity and Quality of this item scales with your level, up to Legendary. An Item created this way lasts up to an Hour before becoming unusable (though still Tasty)
  20. - Once per day, you can summon a Horde of Gingerbread Warrior NPCs or one Giant Gingerbread Warrior NPC. These NPCs despawn after an hour.
  21. - Imbued Pastries now grant a Major Bonus to Supernatural and Physical Action Speed, as well as Increased Movement Speed.
  24. Barrister (Req. Barrister Skill 30+, Cost 5 Levels) [V +8]
  25. - Can Create a Contract between Two Willing Players, Compelling them to act in a certain manner. This Contract can last up to 1 Week, and if a Player Consciously Acts in a manner contrary to what the Contract Stipulates he should do, he Receives gradually increasing Negative Status Effects, up to becoming Unconscious.
  26. - Receive Increased resistance to Mental status Effects.
  28. Lawmaker (Req. Barrister Skill 75+ and Barrister Class, Cost 10 Levels) [CL +15/V +6]
  29. - Your Contracts can last up to 1 year, and the maximum Negative Status Effect inflicted is Death.
  30. - You become Immune to Mental Status Effects
  31. - When under the effects of a Contract, you receive a boost to Physical and Supernatural Action Speed, as well as Vitality and Mana Regeneration
  34. Brewer (Req. Brewer Skill 30+, Cost 5 Levels) [V +8]
  35. - Can Create Drinkable Consumables in 50% of the time and using less Ingredients.
  36. - Become Immune to the Debuffing Effects of Alcoholic Beverages, and when Consuming Alcoholic Beverages, receive a Minor Vitality Buff that scales with the Quality of the Beverage.
  38. Distiller (Req. Brewer Skill 75+ and Brewer Class, Cost 10 Levels) [CL +15/V +6]
  39. - Can Create Drinkable Consumables in 50% of the time and for 50% of the cost.
  40. - Alcoholic Beverages prepared by you Grant a Buff related to the Type of Beverage to those who consume them, scaling with its overall Quality.
  41. - Can Perform an Action to Inflict the Confused Mental Status Effect and the Slowed Physical Status Effect on a Group of Creatures.
  44. Butcher (Req. Butcher Skill 30+, Cost 5 Levels) [V +8]
  45. - May attempt to Butcher a Dead NPC/Entity, receiving extra drops based off the Entity's Level and your [Butcher] Skill.
  46. - Deal 25% increased damage with Cooking Utensils (Knives, Forks, Spoons, etc.)
  48. Meat Cleaver (Req. Butcher Skill 75+ and Butcher Class, Cost 10 Levels) [ML +15/V +14]
  49. - Deal 50% increased damage with Cooking Utensils (Knives, Forks, Spoons, etc.)
  50. - May Perform an Action on a Corpse to Inflict Fear and Revulsion on nearby Enemies.
  51. - Increases Critical Hit Chance and Doubles Critical Hit Damage.
  54. Clerk (Req. Clerk Skill 30+, Cost 5 Levels) [V +8]
  55. - Can Give and Receive items from Entities from a very large Distance. This distance Scales with your Level.
  56. -- In order to receive the item, you/the creature who is receiving must confirm the transference.
  57. - Can Perform an Action to Learn Information on a Creature you can see. The amount of information received scales with your Level.
  58. -- This Ability is treated as a Divination Spell for the purposes of resistances and interference.
  60. Administrator (Req. Clerk Skill 75+ and Clerk Class, Cost 10 Levels) [CL +15/V +6]
  61. - You may select a number of Willing creatures equal to your level/2 to Administrate. You always know the rough Position of these Creatures, with more Precision the closer they are to you, and can Telepathically Communicate with these Creatures.
  62. - You are able to cast Spells and use Abilities on Administrated Creatures regardless of Range.
  63. - Anti-Divination Spells and Abilities don't work against your Learn Information Ability
  66. Cook (Req. Cooking Skill 30+, Cost 5 Levels) [V +8]
  67. - Can Create Food Items in 50% of the time and using less Ingredients.
  68. - Food items you Create grant Additional Temporary Bonuses to those who eat them, scaling with the Quality of the Items used to make the food.
  70. Master Chef (Req. Cooking Skill 75+ and Cook Class, Cost 10 Levels) [ML +10/CL +5/V +12]
  71. - Can Create a Special Food Dish that has a Custom Effect. Scales with your Level.
  72. - Any Food you Create receives a series of Minor Bonuses related to the Type of Food
  73. - Can Identify Any Spells Imbued into a Potion or Food Dish, and gain Additional Resistances to Most Status Effects.
  76. Driver (Req. Driver Skill 30+, Cost 5 Levels) [V +8]
  77. - When Controlling a Mount or a Vehicle, you cannot be Dismounted by force.
  78. - The movement speed of any vehicle/mount you're riding on scales with its Unused Equipment Weight Limit.
  80. Vehicle Master (Req. Driver Skill 75+ and Driver Class, Cost 10 Levels) [ML +10/CL +5/V +12]
  81. - Double the Passenger Capacity of any vehicles/mounts you control. If there is no Physical Space where additional People can ride, they are slotted into a temporary pocket dimension.
  82. - While controlling a Vehicle/Mount, if it reaches 0 Vitality, it does not die. Instead it is unable to Attack or Perform Special Actions, but it can still move at a Reduced Movement Speed.
  83. - You may Issue Complex Commands to a Vehicle/Mount you control, even if it doesn't normally understand languages. The Vehicle/Mount completes the commands to the best of its capacities.
  86. Farmer (Req. Farmer Skill 30+, Cost 5 Levels) [V +8]
  87. - Produce planted by you Grow in Half the Time and are Immune to Disease and Rot.
  88. - Collect Additional Resources when Harvesting Plants or other sources of Food Products. Furthermore, You have an Increased Chance of Receiving Higher Quality Resources when Harvesting from Plants.
  90. Agriculturalist (Req. Farmer Skill 75+ and Farmer Class, Cost 10 Levels) [ML +15/V +14]
  91. - Deal 50% increased damage with Farming Tools (Scythes, Sickles, Shovels, Pitchforks, etc.)
  92. - Once per Day, you can Summon a Horde of Small Vegetable NPCs. These NPCs despawn after an hour.
  93. - Can perform an Action to Inflict an enemy with Slow, Nausea and Disease, Short Cooldown.
  96. Fisherman (Req. Fisherman Skill 30+, Cost 5 Levels) [V +8]
  97. - You Fish faster and have Increased Chances of Fishing Higher Quality Fishes
  98. - When Fishing, you have a chance of Fishing a treasure Drop Rather than a Fish. The Item receive from such Treasure Drop is Chosen Randomly from a predetermined list, but a higher [Fisherman] Skill results in Better Drops on average.
  100. Fisher King (Req. Fisherman Skill 75+ and Fisherman Class, Cost 10 Levels) [ML +15/V +14]
  101. - When wielding Fishing Weapons (Nets, Spears, Fishing Rods, etc) your attacks ignore any Vision Based Impairing and can Follow Enemies for a Short Distance.
  102. - Can Perform an Attack Action to Pull an enemy Closer to you, Short Cooldown. The range of this attack Scales with your Level.
  103. - Can Summon a Powerful Fish NPC, Once every 72 hours
  106. Gambler (Req. Gambler Skill 30+, Cost 5 Levels) [V +8]
  107. - Once per day, when using an Ability that involves Random Chances, you may Double the probability of receiving a certain result.
  108. - Increased chance of dealing a Critical Hit, scaling with your [Gambler] skill.
  110. Ruler of Fate (Req. Gambler Skill 75+ and Gambler Class, Cost 10 Levels) [ML +10/CL +5/V +12]
  111. - 2x overall Critical Hit chance.
  112. - All Harmful Attacks, Spells and Abilities used against you have a 10% chance of failing.
  113. - Once Per day, when using an Ability that involves Random Chances, you may Select which outcome it will result in.
  116. Gardener (Req. Gardener Skill 30+, Cost 5 Levels) [V +8]
  117. - Can issue Simple Commands to Allied Plant NPCs, and Plant NPCs are Neutral Towards you unless attacked.
  118. - Emit an Aura that Increases the Vitality Regeneration of Players and NPCs with the Plant Descriptor
  120. Plant Lord (Req. Gardener Skill 75+ and Gardener Class, Cost 10 Levels) [CL +15/V +6]
  121. - You can be considered either Planterran or your base race, and receive the Planterran ability of Regenerating Mana and Vitality Faster while in Direct Sunlight. If you are already a Planterran, you receive the First Listed Ability of a Planterran Advanced Racial Class for which you Qualify.
  122. - Can Summon a Unique Plant NPC (This NPC's Level is 70% of your level)
  123. - You are Unaffected by the Supernatural Abilities of Plant NPCs
  126. Herbalist (Req. Herbalist Skill 30+, Cost 5 Levels) [V +8]
  127. - Can Perform an Action to Increase the Effectiveness of any Consumable Item that Restores Vitality by 25%. A Consumable Item can't be affected more than Once by this Ability.
  128. - Can Create Healing Salves, consumable items that Restore Vitality and Remove Certain Negative Status Effects. The Amount of Vitality Restored and the Negative Status effects that can be removed scale with your Level and [Herbalist] skill.
  130. Herbal Miracle-Maker (Req. Herbalist Skill 75+ and Herbalist Class, Cost 10 Levels) [CL +15/V +6]
  131. - Can Perform an Action to remove all physical Negative Status effects effecting an individual.
  132. - Once per day, you may Double the Effectiveness of any Vitality Restoring Consumable.
  133. - Can Perform a Lengthy Action to create an Elixir of Life. This is a Consumable item that can restore to life an Individual killed in the past 10 minutes. Creating a second Elixir of life while another one exists causes the previous one to lose its effects.
  136. Librarian (Req. Librarian Skill 30+, Cost 5 Levels) [V +8]
  137. - Reduces usage time of Scrolls and Books by 50%
  138. - You can Perform an Action learn the complete contents of a book or piece of text instantly.
  140. Legendary Bookworm (Req. Librarian Skill 75+ and Librarian Class, Cost 10 Levels) [CL +15/V +6]
  141. - Using a Scroll consumes no Mana for you. Furthermore, there is a 25% chance that the Scroll won’t be consumed upon use.
  142. - Gain additional Mana Regeneration and Supernatural Action Speed based on the number of Unique Books you have in your Inventory.
  143. - Once per day, you may consume a Scroll to Permanently Learn the Spell it contains. If the Spell learnt is not of your Tradition, this ability has a 1-week cooldown.
  146. Merchant (Req. Merchant Skill 30+, Cost 5 Levels) [V +8]
  147. - Can Sell Anything to any NPC Vendor, regardless of what Items they usually Buy/Sell.
  148. - Unlocks Special Items in NPC Vendor Shops.
  150. Shekel Lord (Req. Merchant Skill 75+ and Merchant Class, Cost 10 Levels) [ML +10/CL +5/V +12]
  151. - You may Sell Items to Vendors for the same price they would Sell it to you (No Markups or Devaluation)
  152. - Receive Extra Money from Abilities and Enemy Loot
  153. - All Persuasion Attempts related to Haggling or Commerce have a High Success Chance.
  156. Miner (Req. Miner Skill 30+, Cost 5 Levels) [V +8]
  157. - Receive Additional Resources when Mining and have Increased Chances of Receiving Higher Quality Resources when Mining.
  158. - Can Detect the Quality and Distance of Nearby Ores and Minerals. The range of this ability Scales with your Level
  160. Mythical Prospector (Req. Miner Skill 75+ and Miner Class, Cost 10 Levels) [ML +10/CL +5/V +12]
  161. - Can Consume raw Minerals to receive permanent Buff related to the Mineral consumed. You can only have One Bonus from this Ability at once, and Eating another Ore causes you to Loose your previous Buff.
  162. -- This buff ranges from Physical Action Speed, Supernatural Action Speed, Increased resistances, Increased Mining Speed, etc.
  163. - Once per day, You can combines ore of a certain Tier into Ores of a Tier one Higher.
  164. -- The conversion rate for such exchange is 5:1, as in 5 ingots of an ore into an Ingot of a Higher Level Ore.
  165. - Receive a Mineral Golem NPC, whose level can be up to 70% of Your Level.
  168. Porter (Req. Porter Skill 30+, Cost 5 Levels) [V +8]
  169. - Any Ability that can steal Items/Equipment has a 50% chance of not working when used on you.
  170. - Your Carry Weight Limit is considered 2x higher.
  172. Master Hauler (Req. Porter Skill 75+ and Porter Class, Cost 10 Levels) [ML +15/V +14]
  173. - Only Equipment and Consumables count towards your Carry Weight Limit. (Ingredients, Junk, Materials and etc. do not count towards your Weight Limit)
  174. - You become Immune to any Item/Equipment stealing ability.
  175. - Your movement speed scales with your total Carry Weight Limit.
  178. Sailor (Req. Sailor Skill 30+, Cost 5 Levels) [V +8]
  179. - You can Climb and Swim as easily as Walking.
  180. - Have Increased Resistance to Physical Status Effects. Furthermore receive Immunity to the Diseased and Nauseated Status Effects while at Sea.
  182. Admiral (Req. Sailor Skill 75+ and Sailor Class, Cost 10 Levels) [ML +10/CL +5/V +12]
  183. - Can Commandeer a Maritime Vessel on your own, without the need of a crew.
  184. - The Weapons of Maritime Vessels you Control are considered Magical, and deal Additional Damage.
  185. - Can Summon a Powerful Aquatic NPC, Once every 72 hours
  188. Scribe (Req. Scribe Skill 30+, Cost 5 Levels) [V +8]
  189. - Can Create Scrolls in Half the Time and using less Materials.
  190. - Once per day, can Create a Scroll of a spell you do not know. This spell must be of a Level you can Cast, but it can be of any Tradition.
  192. Scroll Composer (Req. Scribe Skill 75+ and Scribe Class, Cost 10 Levels) [CL +15/V +6]
  193. - Can Create Scrolls in Half the Time and using even less Materials.
  194. - You may include a Metamagic Effect in the scrolls you craft, without altering the casting time or mana cost.
  195. - Can imbue multiple spells in the same scroll. Using the scroll casts all spells at once, with the Casting Time being that of the imbued spell with the longest Casting Time.
  196. -- The combined level of these spells cannot surpass 12th level, and they must affect the same type of target (Self, a point in space, etc.)
  199. Soldier (Req. Soldier Skill 30+, Cost 5 Levels) [V +8]
  200. - Slightly increase the effects of All Auras affecting you.
  201. - Receive Increased Resistances to Mental Status Effects.
  203. General (Req. Soldier Class and Either Soldier Skill 75+ or Leadership 100+, Cost 10 Levels) [ML +15/V +14]
  204. - Your Auras have Greatly Expanded Areas of effect. Furthermore, you can benefit from the effects of your own auras.
  205. - Increase the Resistances and the Physical Attack of nearby Allies who are of a Level lower than yours.
  206. - Allies can Understand your Words Regardless of Battlefield Conditions.
  209. Stable Master (Req. Stable Master Skill 30+, Cost 5 Levels) [V +8]
  210. - Can bond with an Allied Beast NPC, granting it additional Vitality and Movement Speed, scaling with your Level.
  211. - Emit an aura that Increases Vitality Regeneration and Stamina Regeneration of nearby Rideable NPCs.
  213. Horse Lord (Req. Stable Master Skill 75+ and Stable Master Class, Cost 10 Levels) [ML +10/CL +5/V +12]
  214. - Increases the number of Beasts you can Bond with to 5, and grant them additional Physical and Supernatural Resistances, scaling with your Level.
  215. - You can communicate with Beast NPCs and may issue Complex Commands to Bonded NPCs, and Simple Commands to Non-Bonded Allied NPCs.
  216. - Once per day, you may Teleport all your Bonded Beasts to your side. They appear in the available space closest to you.
  219. Trapper (Req. Trapper Skill 30+, Cost 5 Levels) [V +8]
  220. - Can create Traps that Deal Damage or Inflict Status Effects. The Effectiveness of these traps increase with your Level and [Trapper] Skill.
  221. - Receive a 50% Improvement to your Trap Detection. Furthermore, you can Disarm Traps Faster and with halved failure chance
  223. Master Baiter (Req. Trapper Skill 75+ and Trapper Class, Cost 10 Levels) [ML +10/CL +5/V +12]
  224. - Traps created by you are Immune to Spells and Abilities that may reveal their location, and are harder to be found by regular means.
  225. - You can Perform an Action to create a Jury-Rigged Trap. This Trap has only one use and is easier to detect.
  226. - You may create one trap that provokes Instant Death. This trap may take any shape, but has a 1-hour cooldown between Death Effects. You may only have one trap of this kind active at once, and it is Considerably easier to detect
  229. Woodcutter (Req. Woodcutter Skill 30+, Cost 5 Levels) [V +8]
  230. - Collect Additional Materials when Cutting Trees or other sources of Wood. Furthermore, You have an Increased Chance of Receiving Higher Quality Resources when Foraging.
  231. - Can Perform an Action to Fell all trees in a certain Range, once per day. The range of this Ability Scales with your [Woodcutter] Skill.
  233. Lumberjack (Req. Woodcutter Skill 75+ and Woodcutter Class, Cost 10 Levels) [ML +15/V +14]
  234. - Deal Additional Damage to Plant Creatures.
  235. - Deal Additional Damage with Axed Weapons (Axes, Halberds, Greataxes, etc)
  236. - Can Perform an Action to Knock Down one enemy, Inflicting the Prone and Stunned Status Effects, Short Cooldown.
  238. ============================ Knowledge Classes ===========================
  239. ==========================================================================
  241. Arcanist (Req. Knowledge (Arcana) 25+, Cost 10 Levels) [CL +10/V +8]
  242. - Have Arcane Spellcasting (Int) and Mana Regenerates 25% faster, but cast spells at double Mana Cost.
  243. - Receive an Additional Magic Spell for every Knowledge (Arcana) Rank.
  244. -- All spells learned through this must be of a level you can cast.
  245. - Can Perform an Action to Identify a Spell Effect or a Spell being Cast.
  248. Dungeon Delver (Req. Knowledge (Dungeoneering) 25+, Cost 10 Levels) [ML +10/V +16]
  249. - Know how to use Martial Weaponry (Notably Daggers and Shortwords)
  250. - Improved Trap Detection.
  251. - While in a Dungeon, can Perform an Action to detect Hidden mechanisms, doors and traps within a radius scaling with your Knowledge (Dungeoneering) Skill.
  252. -- This ability does not reveal the content nor specific location of such hidden entities, only their existence and their direction from the player.
  255. Machinist (Req. Knowledge (Engineering) 25+, Cost 10 Levels) [ML +10/V +12]
  256. - Know how to Create and Use Ranged Weaponry (Notably Firearms)
  257. - Deal Increased Damage to Constructs and Buildings
  258. - Can Perform an Action on a Construct to inflict either a Minor Detrimental Status effect or a Minor Beneficial Status effect.
  261. Explorer (Req. Knowledge (Geography) 25+, Cost 10 Levels) [ML +10/V +12]
  262. - Know how to Use Ranged Weaponry (Notably Crossbows)
  263. - You are Immune to Environmental Hazards
  264. - - While in the wilderness, can Perform an Action to detect Hidden objects, mechanisms, and spaces within a radius scaling with your Knowledge (Geography) Skill.
  265. -- This ability does not reveal the content nor specific location of such hidden entities, only their existence and their direction from the player.
  268. Historian (Req. Knowledge (History) 25+, Cost 10 Levels) [CL +10/V +8]
  269. - Have Arcane Spellcasting (Int) and Mana Regenerates 25% faster, but cast spells at double Mana Cost.
  270. - Once per Week, you can look into the past of a Location you are currently in. This allows you to see events as if you were present, but you are not able to influence them in any way.
  271. -- In Game, this ability is limited to going back 1 week into the past.
  272. - Can Perform an Action to learn Information about a Place, Person or Object you can See. The Amount and Rarity of the Information known scales with your Knowledge (History) Skill.
  273. -- You can only use this once per Place, Object or Person.
  274. -- This works as a Legend Lore Spell, with your Knowledge (History) Skill determining your Familiarity with the Object.
  277. Folklorist (Req. Knowledge (Local) 25+, Cost 10 Levels) [CL +10/V +8]
  278. - Have Arcane Spellcasting (Int) and Mana Regenerates 25% faster, but cast spells at double Mana Cost.
  279. - Can Summon a Powerful Ancient Spirit NPC, once every 72 Hours. Its Power scales with your Level.
  280. - You can use your Knowledge(Local) Skill as a substitute for all Perform Skills.
  283. Monster Hunter (Req. Knowledge (Monster Lore) 25+, Cost 10 Levels) [ML +10/V +16]
  284. - Know how to use Martial Weaponry (Notably Swords)
  285. - Select Two of the following as Favored Enemies: Aberrations, Angels, Constructs, Demons, Dragons, Elementals, Fey, Humanoids, Plants, and Undeads. You have increased Resistances to the Physical and Supernatural Abilities of your Favored Enemies.
  286. - You can Perform an Action to Identify the Weaknesses, Resistances and Immunities of a Favored enemy you can See.
  288. Witcher (Req. Monster Hunter, Knowledge (Monster Lore) 75+ and CON 15+, Cost 5 Levels) [ML +5/V +10]
  289. - Have Weak Arcane Spellcasting (Con)
  290. - Your Attacks against Favored Enemies bypass 25% of their Elemental and Physical Resistances.
  293. Naturalist (Req. Knowledge (Nature) 25+, Cost 10 Levels) [CL +10/V +8]
  294. - Have Nature Spellcasting (Int) and Mana Regenerates 25% faster, but cast spells at double Mana Cost.
  295. - Passively Detect Poison and Diseases around you. The radius of this Ability Scales with your Level.
  296. - Can Perform an Action to Identify a Plant or Beast NPC. The maximum Level of the creature you can Identify Scales with your Knowledge(Nature) Skill.
  299. Local Lord (Req. Knowledge (Nobility) 25+, Cost 10 Levels) [ML +10/V +16 or CL +10/V +12]
  300. - Know how to use Martial Weaponry (Notably Swords and Shields) or Have Arcane Spellcasting (Int, Wis or Cha) and Mana Regenerates 25% faster, but cast spells at double Mana Cost.
  301. - Receive Servant NPCs whose Total Combined Levels can reach Up To your Level. No single Servant NPC's Level can be over 30% of Your Level.
  302. - Can Perform an Action to Demoralize a Target, Temporarily Inflicting him with Fear and Slowing his Physical and Supernatural Action Speed.
  304. High Noble (Req. Local Lord [Any] and Knowledge (Nobility) 75+, Cost 5 Levels) [ML +5/V +8 or CL +5/V +6]
  305. - Your Servant NPCs Total Combined Levels can reach Up To Twice your Level and their Level Cap increases to 50% of your Level.
  306. - Can Perform an Action to Inflict Charm or Fascination on a Target with lower Knowledge (Nobility) Skill. The Duration of the Effect scales with the Difference between Your Knowledge (Nobility) and the Target's.
  309. Theologian (Req. Knowledge (Religion) 25+, Cost 10 Levels) [CL +10/V +8]
  310. - Have Divine Spellcasting (Int) and Mana Regenerates 25% faster, but cast spells at double Mana Cost.
  311. - Choose a Domain related to your Deity. Cast spells from that Domain at Halved mana Cost.
  312. - Can Perform an Action to Identify an Angel or Demon NPC. The maximum Level of the creature you can Identify Scales with your Knowledge(Religion) Skill.
  314. Divine Scholar (Req. Theologian, Knowledge (Religion) 75+ and Karma Above 250, Cost 5 Levels) [CL +5/V +6]
  315. - Spell Mana cost is no longer doubled and Mana Pool maximum is increased by 25%
  316. - Can Summon an Angel NPC, once every 24 Hours. Its Power scales with your Level.
  318. Diabolist (Req. Theologian, Knowledge (Religion) 75+ and Karma Below -250, Cost 5 Levels) [CL +5/V +6]
  319. - Spell Mana cost is no longer doubled and Mana Pool maximum is increased by 25%
  320. - You become Bonded with a Demon NPC, whose level cannot exceed 60% of your level. You can Issue Complex Commands to this NPC.
  323. Evangelist (Req. Knowledge (Religion) 25+ and Oratory 25+, Cost 10 Levels) [CL +10/V +12]
  324. - Your Oratory Skill is Considered 2x Higher.
  325. - All targets that hear your Oratory Skill are inflicted by either Charm or Fascination.
  326. - Can Temporarily Edit an NPCs Combat Setting through Speech. The Duration of this Edit depends of how Low the Target's Vitality is (Lower Vitality = Longer Duration)
  328. ============================== Other Classes =============================
  329. ==========================================================================
  331. Butler (Cost 5 Levels) [ML+5/V+8 or CL+5/V+8]
  332. - May Assign a Player as your Master. You can always Communicate with your Master Telepathically, regardless of distance.
  333. - Once per day, your Master may call for you, Teleporting you to his side.
  334. -- You must accept his call in order to be Teleported, but denying it removes this Player as your Master and you may not Assign another Player as your Master for 1 Week
  335. -- NPCs automatically accept their Master's Call.
  338. Maid (Cost 5 Levels) [ML+5/V+8 or CL+5/V+8]
  339. - Can Clean Areas and Objects 50% faster.
  340. - May Assign a Player as your Master. Receive Bonus Physical and Supernatural Action Speed when near your Master.
  341. - +500% Cuteness
  344. Smith (Req. Any Craft Skill 30+, Cost 5 Levels) [ML+5/V+8 or CL+5/V+8]
  345. - Choose a Craft Skill. Can Craft items of this type in Half the Time and using less Materials.
  346. - Can Perform a Lengthy Action to Improve the Data Crystal Capacity of an Item by one step. The length of the action scales with the items’ current Data Crystal Capacity and your [Craft] skill associated with this item.
  347. -- This skill cannot increase an item past Divine Tier, and increasing an item from Legendary to Divine Tier can take a few months.
  349. =============================== WIP Classes ==============================
  350. ==========================================================================
  352. Courtesan (Req. Courtesan Skill 30+, Cost 5 Levels) [V +8]
  353. - Your Charm Effects last Twice as Long and are Harder to Resist
  354. - When Performing a Check with your Persuasion Skill, you may receive a bonus to it Scaling with a Profession, Knowledge or Performance Skill of your choice.
  355. -- In game, selecting an appropriate Profession, Knowledge or Performance skill could unlock special Dialogue Options with NPCs.
  357. Concubine (?) (Req. Courtesan Skill 75+ and Courtesan Class, Cost 10 Levels) [CL +10/ML +5/V +10]
  358. - You can Perform an Action to Charm a Target, One per Hour.
  359. - Your Social Interaction Checks Automatically Succeed against Charmed Targets, and have an Increased Success rate against Non-Charmed Target.
  360. -- This Includes Insight, Persuasion, Intimidation, Deception, Performance and any other Appropriate Skills.
  361. - Your Attacks, Abilities, and Spells are 50% more effective against Creatures Charmed by you
  363. Dominatrix (Req. Courtesan Skill 75+ and Courtesan Class, Cost 10 Levels) [ML +15/V +14]
  364. - Your Attacks have a chance to apply the Restrained Condition on Targets
  365. - Your Charm Effects aren't broken by you dealing damage or attacking the Charmed Creature
  366. - Your Critical Hit chance is doubled against Charmed Creatures
  369. Innkeeper (Req. Innkeeper Skill 30+, Cost 5 Levels) [V +8]
  370. -
  371. -
  373. ? (Req. Innkeeper Skill 75+ and Innkeeper Class, Cost 10 Levels) [CL +10/ML +5/V +10]
  374. -
  375. -
  376. -
  380. Midwife (Req. Midwife Skill 30+, Cost 5 Levels) [V +8]
  381. -
  382. -
  384. Breeder (?) (Req. Midwife Skill 75+ and Midwife Class, Cost 10 Levels) [CL +15/V +6]
  385. -
  386. -
  387. -
  390. Shepherd (Req. Shepherd Skill 30+, Cost 5 Levels) [V +8]
  391. -
  392. -
  394. ? (Req. Shepherd Skill 75+ and Shepherd Class, Cost 10 Levels) [CL +10/ML +5/V +10]
  395. -
  396. -
  397. -
  400. Tanner (Req. Tanner Skill 30+, Cost 5 Levels) [V +8]
  401. -
  402. -
  404. ? (Req. Tanner Skill 75+ and Tanner Class, Cost 10 Levels) [ML +10/CL +5/V +12]
  405. -
  406. -
  407. -
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