
The final rant

Jan 20th, 2017
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  1. Dear @realDonaldTrump
  3. #congratulations , #enjoy your #Inauguration
  4. This is an #antitrump #protest
  6. I have particularly mixed feelings about you, angry, then happy. Let me get hte angry stuff out of the way first, so I can focus on the happy stuff. this is going to sting just a bit, but at this point? why fucking kid ourselves?
  8. You will be the worst fucking president in theh istory of presidents. Seriously, you're an impulsive child with his first cell phone, snapping at every single person who has a bad thing to say at you. You fucking inpotent idiot, you salivating, power drunk idiot, you maligned, malignant cancerous tumor in dire need of removal. You are the fifth horseman of the apocalypse, utter fucking incompetence. I hope someone throws a vat of west Nile infected nats into the white house and they get to you, that's how angry I am at you. That's how fucking furious I am at your fucking thin skinned nature, HOW FUCKING DARE YOU KILL OFF FUNDING FOR THE ARTS AND MUSIC YOU FOUL ORDER SNIFFING CRAP STAIN FILLED TUBE SOCK!
  10. Jesus fucking Christ, it's fucking easy to just lose control and say whatever the fuck you want, isn't it!? You do it all the time, but now that you're President of these UNITED States of America, you have a fucking duty to uphold to the public.
  11. We are your god damned bosses, whether you want to admit or not.
  12. You HAVE to take a presidential pension of at least a dollar, because regardless of how much you take, we pay that through our taxes.
  13. Which means we are paying YOU.
  14. Don't ever forget that, you god damned drone.
  16. Look, I'll be the first to admit that while this is your day to smile with your fat lipped, orange skinned, tiny handed self in self congratulations for being the go soaked dirty grease rage that you truly are, I'm also kind of pissed. No, not just KIND OF, really fucking pissed off at you. You elected into your cabinet a bunch of bogey persons that don't believe in work breaks, that believe that Special Education doesn't need to be funded, that marriage equality only belongs to straight men and women, and more to the point, You OPENLY FUCKING ADMITTED THAT YOU FUCKING CHEATED THE ELECTION YOU FAT SACK OF DETERIORATING DEAD CHIMP SHIT!
  18. Then you had the fucking balls to believe that you're actually going to fucking be in that house, that most sacred of offices, reserved for people that were elected for and by the citizens of the United States of America!? You're going to lead us into a fucking nuclear winter you day glow dickhead, you realize that!? With your just angry posturing, your twitter presence, your lack of fucking decorum, and every thing else, you will kill us all.
  20. Putin has made you into the fuck Manchurian Candidate, twisting you left and right, trying to make you into the fucking sleeper cell we ALL KNOW YOU REALLY ARE. Fuck! You fucked us over, you're going to kill us all by pissing off the wrong people and no matter what Donald, no matter fuck what, it'll all be on your hands because you've done nothing but surround yourself with a bunch of fucking Yes Man and women who'll just suck your ego's cock like it's their fucking paycheck!
  22. Good god, I can't believe this is a thing that's happening, yes, it happened, but now it's the Darkest Reality, where this demented twisting of all things metaphysical has come to fucking halt, because there really can't be a worse outcome than this, there just can't be! and now you're going to fucking take over the NATO, because in your own god damned words, You're not happy with it in its current form, you stupid fuck!
  23. You god damned fucked asshole! you keep shrinking away from everything you're supposed to play the dominant, not the Submissive you stupid fucking prick!
  25. Look, my main point is that without the fucking funding for Special Ed, kids with mental and physical disabilities won't be able to keep up in classes and fall far behind. Hell you'll have us bringing back all the asylums, because thanks in part to your fucking idiocy, and your fucking bed wetting fetish you sick fuck, you'll have sent us back fifty years, never mind about fucking healthcare, you're purposefully trying to turn back the god damned clock to when you were happiest.
  27. Look, if you think the words are too strong, even for you? than come at me, personally, and we can has this the fuck out, because I want you to sell me on this idea that you'll actually be good for our country, not just some fucking fly by night one night stand leaving us with a kid on the way and debt collectors at our fucking doorstep.
  29. And I have a damned feeling that's what the fuck you're going to do to us, I really do, you are just so ill fitting, so out of place, out of your fucking depth that you really have no clue what the fuck you're going to do, and that fact terrifies the shit out of you, so you keep repeating the same damned lines over and over, because you really can't handle the fire that the media is giving you.
  31. All you can do is scream at the top of your fucking lungs that any anti-trump news is fake news!?
  32. I'm sorry, but are you a god damned reporter!?
  33. Do you have several years of reporting experience under your belt!?
  34. Have you been in any war zones, or have taken in the totality of the Grave of the Unknown Soldier!?
  35. No!?
  36. You haven't!?
  38. Well fuck me sideways and call me fucking bozo the clown you stupid, ignorant, out of shape fuckhead! You really believe that you're going to make america great again, but all you're doing is playing into the enemies hands, that's all you've ever been doing!
  39. You're taking America away from the focus of the world by being a hiding, scared, scarred, paranoid little freak.
  41. Closing off our borders?
  42. Stripping down our military!?
  47. Gang violence and mass shootings will be on the rise.
  48. Protest groups that were previously peaceful, will become virulent, violent, and more aggressive.
  49. crime will rise.
  50. The police will be overworked.
  51. Riots will break out.
  53. All because the cast of Hamilton was polite to Biden.
  55. You vengeful peace of shit, what the fuck is wrong with you!?
  57. I can't even imagine a monster of your nightmarish stature! You... you're just fucking indescribable.
  58. Donald, while your #Inauguration is taking place, there are far more entertaining Anti-Trump #Inauguration shows happening with a far better line up then you'll ever have.
  60. You want to know why that is?
  62. Because while, yes, you have the house, the senate, and the white house?
  63. WE have the country.
  64. WE sign your paychecks with our taxes, our blood, sweat, and tears.
  65. WE are not afraid of you.
  67. We've dealt with bullying, harassment, social torture, and we've dealt with enough of YOUR kind to know that you are just a scared little boy, reaching out for attention in the worst way possible, trying to make yourself into a God-King because you're going to let the power (By the way, ASSHOLE, you're just a fucking figurehead, you get to soak up the anger, hate, and resentment that would otherwise be aimed at the Cathor (Congress and the House of Representatives)) You STUPID stupid fuck. Not to mention their going to fucking cock block you from grabbing the genitals of every american and tripping them up in a horrendously horrible way.
  69. We need programs for the Arts and Music so that kids at risk can have a way to properly funnel their energy. Also, you're killing Sesame Street, oh wait, no you're not. You killing PBS which housed Sesame Street, but Big Bird and Co will be going to HBO kids, so you weren't able to molest the greatest educational children's programming of all time, You fucking dick hole.
  71. You stealing the future of children everywhere by depriving them of education programming that would better their overall schooling! With such great lessons as acceptance, sharing, friendship, learning math, science, and the numbers and alphabet, you are going to, with a single handed going to turn this country into one of the least educated masses.
  72. Yes, I realize that parents aren't stupid, that they'll find other places to teaches their kids and newborns these lessons and more.
  74. What about the newer parents that can't afford to do these things?
  75. What about the struggling single mother or father who's only saving grace was the family oriented programming that PBS offers?
  76. There is so much wrong with you that what is right is very much overshadowed, you truly are the worst of the worst, I mean, just what the fuck are you even thinking anymore?
  77. Are your thoughts on autopilot?
  78. Are you being force fed intrusive and subliminal instructions by Putin in order to fuck us over in the long term?
  79. Are you seriously trying to screw us over in the long run?
  81. I'm asking and ranting as a concerned citizen, that while, yes, I am against you, I didn't vote for you, and personally, I think you really shouldn't step foot into the Oval Office because whatever darkness you carry in your head is going to taint and turn the office forever more into the worst kind of practical joke ever.
  83. There has to be a point in which you finally come to the realization that you're going to be out of your league on so many issues that regardless of who you surround yourself with, no matter what kind of publicity you set out to repair the utter damage you've done to yourself, that you ultimately are unable to sever the emotional and psychological trauma you've inflicted upon the American psyche with this... Utter joke of a Trumpresidency. I wish I could summon up the anger to start ranting again, and I'm sure I will in due time, but Donald, and I will NEVER address an illegitimate president as such, because you we're not elected legitimately.
  85. You raped the system.
  86. You cheated the system.
  87. You are the clown under the bed, and your supporters have believed in you to such an extent that they let you escape, creating a slideshow of horrors that have yet to visit us.
  89. This is me reacting to a bunch of things at once, it is not a threat on your life, is it not a summons or an encouragement for other to take up arms against you, I am merely venting my frustration, my rage, my anger, and this is me expressing myself in the way that I see best suits my talents.
  91. Donald, why did you run at all?
  92. Why couldn't you have tried running back when you were confident that you'd take the presidency in 1996?
  93. What horrible thing happened to you between that point and this, to where you decided this was the most opportune time to do so?
  95. We had the promise of a better america, we had our chosen one, our Heroine of Time, and she would've done absolutely amazing things, simply absolutely amazing things. I'm out of anger, I'm writing this because I'm going to keep writing out what rage I have at the time.
  97. As promised, I will now deliver on the happy portion of this. Because I am nothing if not a man of my word.
  99. First off, let me start by congratulating you on winning the white house, it was truly a horrific journey to watch unfold.
  100. But, I digress.
  101. You must be so excited to walk into the oval office for the first time and discover all the little secret passages and whatnot!
  102. Are you going to ask for any additions to the white house?
  103. Did you know that you can do that? What are you going to name the pets if you have them in there with you?
  105. Let me state, clearly, that I do not wish for you to fail, I want you to succeed, but without gutting what already makes America great.
  106. Build upon the greatness others, and you shall see ever further from the success you create.
  108. Please for the love of god, do not kill us all in a hail of nuclear fire.
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