
Teatime's Best Foot

Mar 26th, 2017
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  1. 13:20 - You are now in #sSs
  2. 13:20 - ChanServ set mode: +o Blitz
  3. 13:20 <ChanServ whispers>[#armada] ALL FEAR THE SENTINEL!
  4. 13:20 <TheHelten>Blitz: CODE 737
  5. 13:20 <Tea>Hello Blitz
  6. 13:20 <TheHelten>Available.
  7. 13:21 <Tea>I have been trying to have this conversation with you and Ermac since several days
  8. 13:21 <Blitz>I am on Teamspeak.
  9. 13:21 <Tea>1) Ermac is never available
  10. 13:21 <Tea>2) I cannot launch Teamspeak
  11. 13:21 <Blitz>You were on teamspeak before
  12. 13:21 <Blitz>You lie
  13. 13:21 <Tea>pardon ?
  14. 13:21 <Tea>TS started with the installation
  15. 13:21 <Blitz>Terrorist doesn't approve of you taking the clan like this, he's a cofounder, just like you.
  16. 13:21 <Tea>I need Ermac
  17. 13:22 <Tea>I don't trust you
  18. 13:22 <Tea>and I was right
  19. 13:22 <TheHelten>ErmacMKIII logged into Teamspeak3: 7 hours ago.
  20. 13:22 <Tea>you stole the channel
  21. 13:22 <Blitz>Ermac and myself don't permit you to take the clan from under us either.
  22. 13:22 <Tea>you left the clan to die
  23. 13:22 <Blitz>The entirety of the previous clan leadership doesn't agree with you
  24. 13:22 <Blitz>You're 1 guy
  25. 13:22 <Tea>I am the leader
  26. 13:22 <Tea>you don't have authority
  27. 13:22 <Tea>no
  28. 13:22 <TheHelten>Tea. I'm here. No robot anymore.
  29. 13:22 <Blitz>And you do?
  30. 13:22 <Tea>yes
  31. 13:22 <Blitz>You were nowhere to be found for 5 years
  32. 13:22 <Tea>I was
  33. 13:22 <Blitz>Your authority is nonexistent
  34. 13:22 <TheHelten>You have no jurisdiction. And yet you claim we hijacked the channel, you just tried to operate with !flags
  35. 13:22 <Tea>Ermac could join me
  36. 13:22 <Blitz>Ermac will not
  37. 13:22 <Tea>I have
  38. 13:23 <Blitz>Terrorist is a cofounder
  39. 13:23 <Blitz>And he forbids your actions
  40. 13:23 <Blitz>And condemns them
  41. 13:23 <Tea>troll
  42. 13:23 <TheHelten>Tea, it is entirely out of your hands.
  43. 13:23 <Blitz>As the last leader, I have jurisdiction
  44. 13:23 <Blitz>This is my channel, and my clan
  45. 13:23 <Blitz>You have no power here.
  46. 13:23 <Tea>you aren't
  47. 13:23 <Tea>the clan was dead
  48. 13:23 <Blitz>And I do not approve of you taking my clan's name.
  49. 13:23 <TheHelten>At Blitz' discretion you will be removed.
  50. 13:23 <Tea>meaning there was only one member at that time
  51. 13:23 <Blitz>Uh, Ermac and myself.
  52. 13:23 <Blitz>Terrorist
  53. 13:23 <Blitz>Truth
  54. 13:24 <Blitz>There was more than just me
  55. 13:24 <Tea>OK STOP TROLLING
  56. 13:24 <Blitz>Come on teamspeak and make me, little bitch.
  57. 13:24 <Tea>sorry for the caps
  58. 13:24 <Blitz>You talk like a child
  59. 13:24 <Blitz>And bitch out after 100 seconds
  60. 13:24 <Tea>I told you I can't
  61. 13:24 <Blitz>Talk like a man
  62. 13:24 <Blitz>Face to face
  63. 13:24 <TheHelten>Tea
  64. 13:24 <Tea>I can
  65. 13:24 <TheHelten>What prevents you from booting teamspeak
  66. 13:24 <Tea>stop being an idiot Blitz
  67. 13:24 - Tea left (Kicked by TheHelten with the foliowing reason: -)
  68. 13:24 <TheHelten>Just saying.
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