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a guest
Feb 22nd, 2018
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  1. -leakerscript v1-
  2. on *:start: {
  3. //timestamp -f 14<05 $+ HH $+ 14:05 $+ nn $+ 14:05 $+ ss 05tt14>
  4. echo -a 14(4leaker14@4script14) 1: Hello, $me $+ , Thank you for using leaker script!
  5. echo -a 14(4leaker14@4script14) 1: If you need any more help, try to seek me in Quakenet in the channel #leaker
  6. echo -a 14(4leaker14@4script14) 1: Enjoy leakerscript v1!
  7. //username LeakerscriptV1
  8. if (%afkm == ON) { set %afkm OFF }
  9. if (%ignorepm == ON) { set %ignorepm OFF }
  10. }
  11. on *:connect: {
  12. if (%mpx == ON) { //mode $me +x }
  13. if (%mpr == ON) { //mode $me +R }
  14. if (%mpi == ON) { //mode $me +i }
  15. if (%mpw == ON) { //mode $me +w }
  16. if (%Qa) && (%Qp) && ($Network == Quakenet) { .msg AUTH %Qa %QP }
  17. if (%Qa) && (%Qp) && ($serverip == %bnc-server) { .msg AUTH %Qa %Qp }
  18. if ($Network == quakenet) { .timer 1 3 join #leaker-script }
  19. if ($serverip == %bnc-server) { .timer 1 3 join #leaker-script }
  20. set %sver v1 BETA
  21. fullname Leaker@script
  22. //username LeakerscriptV1
  23. }
  25. on *:open:*: {
  26. if (!%open) {
  27. var %rc =  $+ $r(2,13)
  28. if (%AML1) && (!%AML2) && (%ignorepm !== ON) && (%afkm !== ON) && (!%kflood) { .timer 1 2 msg $nick 14« 5 $+ %AML1 14» | .timer 1 3 msg $nick 14« 5By The Way.. I Am Using Leakerscript V1 14» }
  29. if (%AML1) && (%AML2) && (%ignorepm !== ON) && (%afkm !== ON) && (!%kflood) { .timer 1 1 msg $nick 14« 5 $+ %AML1 14» | .timer 1 2 msg $nick 14« 5 $+ %AML2 14» | .timer 1 3 msg $nick 14« 5By The Way.. I Am Using Leakerscript V1 14» }
  30. if (%AML1) && (!%AML2) && (%ignorepm !== ON) && (%afkm == ON) && (!%kflood) { msg $nick 14« 5Sorry 14 $+ $nick $+ , 5I am currently 3AFK5. Please try to msg me later. 14» | .timer 1 1 msg $nick 14« 5By The Way.. I Am Using Leakerscript V1 14» }
  31. if (%AML1) && (%AML2) && (%ignorepm !== ON) && (%afkm == on) && (!%kflood) { msg $nick 14« 5Sorry 14 $+ $nick $+ , 5I am currently 3AFK5. Please try to msg me later. 14» | .timer 1 1 msg $nick 14« 5By The Way.. I Am Using Leakerscript V1 14» }
  32. if (%AML1) && (!%AML2) && (%ignorepm == ON) && (!%ipmflood) { msg $nick 14« 5Sorry 14 $+ $nick $+ 5, 5I am currently 4IGNORING 5Private messages, please pm me later. 14» | .close -m $nick | .timer 1 3 .close -m $nick | .timer 1 6 .close -m $nick | .timer 1 1 msg $nick 14« 5By The Way.. I Am Using Leakerscript V1 14» }
  33. if (%AML1) && (%AML2) && (%ignorepm == ON) && (!%ipmflood) { msg $nick 14« 5Sorry 14 $+ $nick $+ 5, 5I am currently 4IGNORING 5Private messages, please pm me later. 14» | .close -m $nick | .timer 1 3 .close -m $nick | .timer 1 6 .close -m $nick | .timer 1 1 msg $nick 14« 5By The Way.. I Am Using Leakerscript V1 14» }
  34. set -ut %kflood 1
  35. set -u5 %open 1
  36. set -u3 %ipmflood 1
  37. }
  38. }
  40. On !*:Text:*:?:{
  41. if ($nick == %GBotNick) && ($dialog(leakergth)) {
  42. var %gms $remove($strip($1-),«,»,[,])
  43. did -ra leakergth 32 %gms
  44. }
  45. if (%pmsound == ON) && (%ignorepm !== ON) && (%afkm !== ON) && (!$dialog(leakergth)) && ($nick !== $Active) { splay Message.wav }
  46. var %rc =  $+ $r(2,13)
  47. if ($nick !== $Active) && (%ignorepm !== ON) && (%afkm !== ON) && (!$dialog(leakergth)) {
  48. echo -ta 3• 99( $+ %scriptcolor $+ Message1) %scriptcolor $+ A %scriptcolor $+ M14essage %scriptcolor $+ F14rom %scriptcolor $+  $+ $nick $+ : $1- $+
  49. }
  50. elseif (%afkm == ON) { aline @Away ( $+ $time $+ ) ( $+ $nick $+ ) (Message: $1- $+ ) | close -m $nick }
  51. }
  54. -leakerscript on inputs-
  56. on *:input:*: {
  57. if ($1- == :D) { var %rc =  $+ $gettok(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12,$r(1,11),32) | msg $target $replace(:D,:D,: $+ %rc $+ D) | haltdef }
  58. elseif ($1- == :P) { var %rc =  $+ $gettok(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12,$r(1,11),32) | msg $target $replace(:P,:P,: $+ %rc $+ P) | haltdef }
  59. elseif ($1- == :S) { var %rc =  $+ $gettok(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12,$r(1,11),32) | msg $target $replace(:S,:S,: $+ %rc $+ S) | haltdef }
  60. elseif ($1- == $+(:,$chr(41))) { msg $target $replace(: $+ $chr(41),: $+ $chr(41),: $+ $chr(3) $+ $gettok(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12,$r(1,11),32) $+  $+ $chr(41)) | haltdef }
  61. elseif ($1- == $+(:,$chr(40))) { msg $target $replace(: $+ $chr(40),: $+ $chr(40),: $+ $chr(3) $+ $gettok(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12,$r(1,11),32) $+  $+ $chr(40)) | haltdef }
  62. if ($target ischan) {
  63. var %rc =  $+ $gettok(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12,$r(1,11),32)
  64. if ($1 == %ssign $+ bantag ) { msg q ban $active $2 $+ *!*@* }
  65. if ($1 == %ssign $+ unbantag ) { msg q unban $active $2 $+ *!*@* }
  66. if ($1 == %ssign $+ qnet) { .msg Q chanlev $active $2 $3 }
  67. if ($1 == %ssign $+ qban ) { /msg q permban $active $2 $3- }
  68. if ($1 == %ssign $+ qbanclear) { /msg Q banclear $active }
  69. if ($1 == !r) { msg # %r | halt }
  70. if ($1 == %ssign $+ getq) { /msg R requestbot $active }
  71. if ($1 == %ssign $+ chanmodes ) { /msg q chanmode $active $2 }
  72. if ($1 == %ssign $+ chanflags ) { /msg q chanflags $active $2 }
  73. if ($1 == %ssign $+ closepme) { close -m | haltdef | msg $chan 15« %Scriptcolor $+ All pm's closed. 15»15 }
  74. if ($1 == %ssign $+ fishbot ) { /invite fishbot $active }
  75. if ($1 == %ssign $+ steamid) { var %cl =  $+ $r(1,15) | .timer -m 1 0.3 msg # 14« %cl $+ %steamid 14» 14( $+ %cl $+ Leaker@Script $+ 14) }
  76. if ($1 == %ssign $+ lock) { .msg Q permban $active *!*@* }
  77. if ($1 == -amno) { .msg q chanlev $active $2 -amno }
  78. if ($1 == %ssign $+ beep) { msg $chan %rc $+ 14[ $+ %rc $+ B14ee $+ %rc $+ P $+ %rc $+ 14] %rc $+ $left($snicks,1) $+ 14 $+ $mid($snicks,2,$calc($len($snicks) -2)) $+ %rc $+ $right($snicks,1) $+ %rc 14[ $+ %rc $+ B14ee $+ %rc $+ P $+ %rc $+ 14] | halt }
  79. if ($1 == %ssign $+ respect) { msg $chan %rc $+ «15Respect $+ %rc $+ » 14 $+ «15Respect $+ %rc $+ » | halt }
  80. if ($1 == %ssign $+ nick) { msg $chan 1« $+ %rc $+ $snicks $+ 1» :: $2- | halt }
  81. if ($1 == %ssign $+ amno) { .msg Q chanlev # $2 +amo | set -u8 %giveowner on | .timer 1 1 .msg q giveowner # $2 | set %qqOWNER # $2 | /mode # +o $2 }
  82. if ($1 == %ssign $+ amo) { .msg Q chanlev # $2 +amo }
  83. if ($1 == -amo) { .msg Q chanlev # $2 -amo }
  84. if ($1 == %ssign $+ ao) { .msg Q chanlev $active $2 +ao }
  85. if ($1 == %ssign $+ b) { .ban # $2 $+ *!*@* }
  86. if ($1 == -b) { .mode $chan -b $2 $+ *!*@* }
  87. if ($1 == -ao) { .msg Q chanlev $active $2 -ao }
  88. if ($1 == %ssign $+ av) { .msg Q chanlev $active $2 +gv }
  89. if ($1 == %ssign $+ o) && ($2) && ($me isop #) { var %x 1 | while ($nick(#,%x,r)) { var %y $v1 | if (* $+ $2 $+ * iswm %y) { mode # +o %y } | inc %x } }
  90. if ($1 == -o) && ($2) && ($me isop #) { var %x 1 | while ($nick(#,%x,o)) { var %y $v1 | if (* $+ $2 $+ * iswm %y) { mode # -o %y } | inc %x } }
  91. if ($1 == %ssign $+ v) && ($2) && ($me isop #) { var %x 1 | while ($nick(#,%x,r)) { var %y $v1 | if (* $+ $2 $+ * iswm %y) { mode # +v %y } | inc %x } }
  92. if ($1 == -v) && ($2) && ($me isop #) { var %x 1 | while ($nick(#,%x,v)) { var %y $v1 | if (* $+ $2 $+ * iswm %y) { mode # -v %y } | inc %x } }
  93. if ($1 == -av) { .msg Q chanlev $active $2 -gv }
  94. if ($1 == %ssign $+ welcome) { .msg Q chanflags $active +w | .msg Q welcome $active $2- }
  95. if ($1 == %ssign $+ qtopic) { .msg Q settopic $active $2- }
  96. if ($1 == %ssign $+ bc) { .mode $active -b *!*@* }
  97. if ($1 == %ssign $+ rop) { .msg R requestop $Active }
  98. if ($1 == %ssign $+ snailbot) { /invite snailbot $active }
  99. if ($1 == %ssign $+ catbot) { /invite catbot $active }
  100. if ($1 == %ssign $+ i) { /invite $2 $active | /msg $active  $+ %rc $+ $2 H14as %rc $+ B14een %rc $+ I14nvited %rc $+ T14o  $+ %rc $+ $active }
  101. if ($1 == %ssign $+ qt) { msg Q settopic $active $2- }
  102. if ($1 == %ssign $+ triviabot ) { /invite triviabot $active }
  103. if ($1 == %ssign $+ wowbot ) { /invite wowbot $active }
  104. if ($1 == %ssign $+ t ) { topic $active $2- }
  105. if ($1 == %ssign $+ me ) && (Q ison #) { msg q chanlev $active $me }
  106. if ($1 == %ssign $+ mode) && ($2) {
  107. mode # + $+ $2
  108. msg $chan 14« $+ %rc $+ Mode $+ 14 $+ » 14 $+ $2- 14« $+ %rc $+ Mode $+ 14 $+ »
  109. halt
  110. }
  111. }
  112. }
  114. alias checkb {
  115. if ($readini(musers.ini,black,$address($nick,2))) {
  116. var %rc =  $+ $gettok(2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12,$r(2,11),32)
  117. ban # $address($nick,2)
  118. kick # $nick %rc $+ B14lacklisted %rc $+ D14etected $+ %rc $+ ! 14— $+ %rc $+ › 14( $+ %rc $+ $nick $+ 14) 14¬ 14( $+ %rc $+ $wildsite $+ 14) %rc $+ R14eason: $+ %rc $readini(musers.ini,black,$address($nick,2)) 14( $+ %rc $+ Leaker14@ $+ %rc $+ Script $+ 14)
  119. }
  120. }
  121. alias checkf {
  122. if ($readini(musers.ini,friend,$address($nick,2)) == 1) {
  123. var %rc =  $+ $gettok(2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12,$r(2,11),32)
  124. msg # %rc $+ F14riend %rc $+ D14etected $+ %rc $+ ! 14— $+ %rc $+ › 14( $+ %rc $+ $nick $+ 14) 14¬ 14( $+ %rc $+ $wildsite $+ 14) ( $+ %rc $+ L14eaker14@ $+ %rc $+ S14cript $+ 14)
  125. }
  126. }
  129. on !*:join:#:{
  130. var %w = $ini(infolines.ini,$address($nick,2))
  131. if (%w) && (!%flood) {
  132. var %xc = $chr(3) $+ $gettok(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12,$r(1,11),32)
  133. var %c1 = $wildsite
  134. if (users.quakenet isin %c1) {
  135. var %c2 $remove(%c1,*!*@,
  136. var %c3 14*!*@ $+ %xc $+  $+ %c2 $+
  137. }
  138. var %a = $infonum1(%w) , %y = $r(1,%a)
  139. msg # %xc $+ I14nfoline — $+ %xc $+ › 14( $+ %xc $+ $nick $+ 14) 14¬ ( $+ %xc $+ %c3 $+ 14) 14[ $+ %xc $+  $+ %y $+ 14/ $+ %xc $+  $+ %a $+ 14] : $+ %xc $readini(infolines.ini,$address($nick,2),$ini(infolines.ini,%w,%y)) 14( $+ %xc $+ L14eaker14@ $+ %xc $+ S14cript14)
  140. unset %wild
  141. }
  142. set -u3 %flood 1
  143. if ($readini(musers.ini,friend,$address($nick,2)) == 1) && (!%flood1) {
  144. var %rc = $chr(3) $+ $gettok(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12,$r(1,11),32)
  145. var %a1 = $wildsite
  146. if (users.quakenet isin %a1) {
  147. var %a2 $remove(%a1,*!*@,
  148. var %a3 14*!*@ $+ %rc $+  $+ %a2 $+
  149. }
  150. msg # %rc $+ F14riend %rc $+ D14etected $+ %rc $+ ! 14— $+ %rc $+ › 14( $+ %rc $+ $nick $+ 14) 14¬ 14( $+ %rc $+ %a3 $+ 14) ( $+ %rc $+ L14eaker14@ $+ %rc $+ S14cript $+ 14)
  151. unset %wild
  152. unset %rc
  153. }
  154. set -u3 %flood1 1
  155. if ($readini(musers.ini,black,$address($nick,2))) && (!%flood2) && ($me isop #) {
  156. var %rc =  $+ $gettok(2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12,$r(2,11),32)
  157. var %v1 = $wildsite
  158. if (users.quakenet isin %v1) {
  159. var %v2 $remove(%v1,*!*@,
  160. var %v3 14*!*@ $+ %rc $+  $+ %v2 $+
  161. }
  162. ban # $address($nick,2)
  163. kick # $nick %rc $+ B14lacklisted %rc $+ D14etected $+ %rc $+ ! 14— $+ %rc $+ › 14( $+ %rc $+ $nick $+ 14) 14¬ 14( $+ %rc $+ %v3 $+ 14) %rc $+ R14eason: $+ %rc $readini(musers.ini,black,$address($nick,2)) 14( $+ %rc $+ Leaker14@ $+ %rc $+ Script $+ 14)
  164. unset %wild
  165. }
  166. set -u1 %flood2 1
  167. }
  169. -leakerscript design-
  170. on ^*:join:#: {
  171. if ($nick == $me) { echo -t # 3• %scriptcolorrr $+ ( $+ %scriptcolor $+ Join $+ %scriptcolorrr $+ ) %scriptcolor $+ Y14ou %scriptcolor $+ H14ave %scriptcolor $+ J14oined %scriptcolor $+  $+ $chan $+  | haltdef }
  172. elseif ($nick != $me) { echo -t # 3• %scriptcolorrr $+ ( $+ %scriptcolor $+ Join $+ %scriptcolorrr $+ ) %scriptcolor $+ $left($nick,1) $+ 14 $+ $mid($nick,2,$calc($len($nick) -2)) $+ %scriptcolor $+ $right($nick,1) 14( $+ %scriptcolor $+  $+ $+($gettok($address,1,64),@,$gettok($address,2-,64),) $+ 14) %scriptcolor $+ H14as %scriptcolor $+ J14oined %scriptcolor $+  $+ $chan $+  | haltdef }
  173. }
  175. on ^*:part:#: {
  176. if ($nick == $me) { var %c8 $r(1,15) | .msg $chan  $+ %c8 $+ I14m  $+ %c8 $+ U14sing  $+ %c8 $+ L14eaker  $+ %c8 $+ S14cript  $+ %c8 }
  177. if ($nick == $me) { echo -t # 4• %scriptcolorrr $+ ( $+ %scriptcolor $+ Part $+ %scriptcolorrr $+ ) %scriptcolor $+ Y14ou %scriptcolor $+ H14ave %scriptcolor $+ L14eft %scriptcolor $+  $+ $chan $+  | haltdef }
  178. elseif ($nick != $me) { echo -t # 4• %scriptcolorrr $+ ( $+ %scriptcolor $+ Part $+ %scriptcolorrr $+ ) %scriptcolor $+ $left($nick,1) $+ 14 $+ $mid($nick,2,$calc($len($nick) -2)) $+ %scriptcolor $+ $right($nick,1) 14( $+ %scriptcolor $+  $+ $+($gettok($address,1,64),@,$gettok($address,2-,64),) $+ 14) %scriptcolor $+ H14as %scriptcolor $+ L14eft %scriptcolor $+  $+ $chan $+  | haltdef }
  179. }
  181. on ^*:rawmode:#: {
  182. if ($nick == $me) && (($1 != +v) || ($1 != -v) || ($1 != +o) || ($1 != -o)) {
  183. echo -t # 3• %scriptcolorrr $+ ( $+ %Scriptcolor $+ Mode $+ %scriptcolorrr $+ ) %scriptcolor $+ Y14ou %scriptcolor $+ H14ave %scriptcolor $+ S14et %scriptcolor $+ M14ode: %scriptcolor $+ $iif(+ isin $1,$1-,$1-) | haltdef }
  184. if ($nick = $me) && ($1 == +v) {
  185. echo -t # You have voiced $2- | haltdef
  186. }
  187. if ($nick != $me) && (($1 !== +v) || ($1 !== -v) || ($1 !== +o) || ($1 !== -o)) {
  188. echo -t # 3• %scriptcolorrr $+ ( $+ %scriptcolor $+ Mode $+ %scriptcolorrr $+ ) %scriptcolor $+ $nick %scriptcolor $+ S14et %scriptcolor $+ M14ode: %scriptcolor $+ $iif(+ isin $1,$1-,$1-)
  189. haltdef }
  190. }
  192. on ^*:quit: {
  193. var %z 1
  194. while (%z <= $comchan($nick,0)) {
  195. if ($nick == $me) { echo -t $comchan($nick,%z) 4• %scriptcolorrr $+ ( $+ %scriptcolor $+ Quit $+ %scriptcolorrr $+ ) %scriptcolor $+ Y14ou %scriptcolor $+ H14ave 4QUIT %scriptcolor $+ T14he %scriptcolor $+ N14etwork: %scriptcolor $+ $network $+ 14 | inc %z }
  196. elseif ($nick != $me) { echo -t $comchan($nick,%z) 4• %scriptcolorrr $+ ( $+ %scriptcolor $+ Quit $+ %scriptcolorrr $+ ) %scriptcolor $+ $left($nick,1) $+ 14 $+ $mid($nick,2,$calc($len($nick) -2)) $+ %scriptcolor $+ $right($nick,1) $+ %scriptcolor ( $+ %scriptcolor $+  $+ $+($gettok($address,1,64),@,$gettok($address,2-,64),) $+ 14) %scriptcolor $+ H14as %scriptcolor $+ Q14uit 14( $+ %scriptcolor $+ R14eason: %scriptcolor $+ $1- $+ 14) | inc %z }
  197. }
  198. haltdef
  199. }
  201. on ^*:text:*:*: {
  202. if ($1 == !credits) && (!%flood) { msg # » %scriptcolor $+ Leakerscript V1 1» | set -u5 %flood 1 }
  203. if (*#* iswm $1-) && ($nick isreg #) && ($me isop #) && ($nick !isvoice #) && ($nick !isop #) && (%security == on) && ($nick !== $me) { ban -k # $nick 1Please do NOT Advertise here. }
  204. if ($target ischan) && ($target == $chan) {
  205. if ($nick != $me) {
  206. if ($nick isop $chan) { echo -t $chan 1< $+ 12 $+ @ $+ %Scriptcolor $+ $left($nick,1) $+ 14 $+ $mid($nick,2,$calc($len($nick) -2)) $+ %scriptcolor $+ $right($nick,1) $+ 1> $1- | haltdef }
  207. elseif ($nick isvoice $chan) { echo -t $chan 1< $+ 4 $+ + $+ %Scriptcolor $+ $left($nick,1) $+ 14 $+ $mid($nick,2,$calc($len($nick) -2)) $+ %scriptcolor $+ $right($nick,1) $+ 1> $1- | haltdef }
  208. else { echo -t $chan 1< $+ %Scriptcolor $+ $left($nick,1) $+ 14 $+ $mid($nick,2,$calc($len($nick) -2)) $+ %scriptcolor $+ $right($nick,1) $+ 1> $1- | haltdef }
  209. }
  210. }
  211. }
  213. raw 311:*:{ echo - 14 $2 $3 $+ @ $+ $4 $5 $6- | haltdef }
  214. raw 332:*:{ echo -at 3• %scriptcolorrr $+ ( $+ %scriptcolor $+ Topic $+ %scriptcolorrr $+ ) %scriptcolor $+ $2 T14opic %scriptcolor $+ I14s 1" $+ %scriptcolor $+ $3- $+ $chr(15) $+ 1" | haltdef }
  215. raw 333:*:{ echo -at 3• %scriptcolorrr $+ ( $+ %scriptcolor $+ Topic $+ %scriptcolorrr $+ ) %scriptcolor $+ $2 T14opic %scriptcolor $+ S14et %scriptcolor $+ B14y %scriptcolor $+ $gettok($3,1,33) | haltdef }
  216. raw 401:*:{ echo -t %scriptcolor $+ N $+ %scriptcolorrr $+ o such nick %scriptcolor $+  $+ $2 | haltdef }
  217. raw 403:*:{ echo -t %scriptcolor $+ N $+ %scriptcolorrr $+ o such channel %scriptcolor $+  $+ $2 | haltdef }
  218. raw 404:*:{ echo -at %scriptcolor $+ C $+ %scriptcolorrr $+ annot send to channel ( $+ %scriptcolor $+  $+ $2 $+ %scriptcolorrr $+ ) 14: %scriptcolor $+ C $+ %scriptcolorrr $+ hannel is muted or you are banned. | haltdef }
  219. raw 405:*:{ echo -t %scriptcolor $+ C $+ %scriptcolorrr $+ annot join channel ( $+ %scriptcolor $+  $+ $2 $+ %scriptcolorrr $+ ) 14: %scriptcolor $+ T $+ %scriptcolorrr $+ oo many channels are open. | haltdef }
  220. raw 421:*:{ echo -t %scriptcolor $+  $+ $2 $+  U $+ %scriptcolorrr $+ nknown command. | haltdef }
  221. raw 431:*:{ echo -t %scriptcolor $+ N $+ %scriptcolorrr $+ o nick was given. | haltdef }
  222. raw 432:*:{ echo -t %scriptcolor $+  $+ $2 $+  I $+ %scriptcolorrr $+ nvalid nickname. | haltdef }
  223. raw 433:*:{ echo -t %scriptcolor $+  $+ $2 $+  N $+ %scriptcolorrr $+ ick already in use. | haltdef }
  224. raw 437:*:{ echo -t 14( $+ %scriptcolor $+  $+ $2 $+ %scriptcolorrr $+ ) 14: %scriptcolor $+ C $+ %scriptcolorrr $+ annot change nick while channel is muted or you are banned on channel. | Haltdef }
  225. raw 438:*:{ echo -a $me : Nick change too fast, please wait $9 seconds | haltdef }
  226. raw 439:*:{ echo -a Target change too fast, please wait $9 seconds. | haltdef }
  227. raw 441:*:{ echo -t %scriptcolor $+  $+ $2 $+  %scriptcolorrr $+ ( $+ %scriptcolor $+  $+ $3 $+ %scriptcolorrr $+ ) %scriptcolor $+ T $+ %scriptcolorrr $+ hey aren't on that channel. %scriptcolor $+ (1Invalid target $+ %scriptcolor $+ ) | haltdef }
  228. raw 442:*:{ echo -a %scriptcolor $+  $+ $me $+  %scriptcolorrr $+ ( $+ %scriptcolor $+  $+ $2 $+  $+ %scriptcolorrr $+ ) 14: %scriptcolor $+ Y $+ %scriptcolorrr $+ ou are not on that channel. | haltdef }
  229. raw 451:*:{ echo -at $me : Please register first | haltdef }
  230. raw 471:*:{ echo -t %scriptcolor $+ C $+ %scriptcolorrr $+ annot join channel  $+ %scriptcolor $+ $2 $+  14: %scriptcolor $+ C $+ %scriptcolorrr $+ hannel is full. %scriptcolor $+ (1+l $+ %scriptcolor $+ ) | haltdef }
  231. raw 474:*:{ echo -t %scriptcolor $+ C $+ %scriptcolorrr $+ annot join channel  $+ %scriptcolor $+ $2 $+  14: %scriptcolor $+ Y $+ %scriptcolorrr $+ ou are banned from this channel. %scriptcolor $+ (1+b $+ %scriptcolor $+ ) | haltdef }
  232. raw 473:*:{ echo -t %scriptcolor $+ C $+ %scriptcolorrr $+ annot join channel  $+ %scriptcolor $+ $2 $+  14: %scriptcolor $+ I $+ %scriptcolorrr $+ nvite only. %scriptcolor $+ (1+i $+ %scriptcolor $+ ) | haltdef }
  233. raw 485:*:{ echo -t Cannot join to channel : ( $+ $2 $+ ) | Haltdef }
  235. on ^*:action:*:#: {
  236. if ($nick isop $chan) { echo -t $chan 3• %scriptcolorrr $+ ( $+ %scriptcolor $+ Action $+ %scriptcolorrr $+ ) 12@ $+ %scriptcolor $+ $nick S14ays : $1- | haltdef }
  237. elseif ($nick isvoice $chan) { echo -t $chan 3• %scriptcolorrr $+ ( $+ %scriptcolor $+ Action $+ %scriptcolorrr $+ ) 4+ $+ %scriptcolor $+ $nick S14ays : $1- | haltdef }
  238. else { echo -t $chan 3• %scriptcolorrr $+ ( $+ %scriptcolor $+ Action $+ %scriptcolorrr $+ ) %scriptcolor $+ $nick S14ays : $1- | haltdef }
  239. }
  241. on ^*:error:*: { echo -st 4• 1( $+ %scriptcolor $+ Error1) :1 $2- | haltdef }
  242. on ^*:notice:*:#: { echo -t # 3• %scriptcolorrr $+ ( $+ %scriptcolor $+ Channel Notice $+ %scriptcolorrr $+ ) %scriptcolor $+ $nick %scriptcolor $+ S14ays : 1 $+ $1- | haltdef }
  243. on ^*:notice:*:?: { echo -at %scriptcolorrr $+ ( $+ %scriptcolor $+ Private Notice $+ %scriptcolorrr $+ ) %scriptcolor $+ $nick %scriptcolor $+ S14ays : 1 $+ $1- | haltdef }
  244. on !*:op:#:{
  245. if ($opnick == $me) && (!%flood) {
  246. var %rc =  $+ $r(3,12)
  247. inc %ops
  248. //msg # $checkos
  249. set -u1 %flood 1
  250. }
  251. }
  253. on !*:voice:#:{
  254. if ($vnick == $me) && (!%flood) {
  255. var %rc =  $+ $gettok(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12,$r(1,11),32)
  256. inc %voices
  257. //msg # $checkvs
  258. set -u1 %flood 1
  259. }
  260. }
  262. -leakerscript menus-
  263. menu * {
  264. -
  265. Main { dialog -m main main }
  266. -
  267. }
  268. menu nicklist {
  269. Add
  270. .Infoline {
  271. var %x $address($$1,2)
  272. var %y $$?="Infoline"
  273. writeini -n infolines.ini %x Info $+ $calc(1-1+$infonum(%x)) %y
  274. }
  275. .Friend {
  276. var %x $address($$1,2)
  277. writeini -n musers.ini friend %x 1
  278. }
  279. .Black {
  280. var %x $address($$1,2)
  281. var %y $$?="Reason"
  282. var %g $$!
  283. .writeini -n musers.ini black %x %g
  284. .kick # $$1 You have been added to my blacklist.
  285. }
  286. }
  288. -leakerscript dialogs-
  290. dialog leakermd {
  291. title "Multi Friend/Black/Infoline list Dialog - leakerscript-v1"
  292. size -1 -1 181 137
  293. option dbu
  294. tab "Friend list", 9, 1 1 177 132
  295. button "Add QAcc", 10, 20 20 37 12, tab 9
  296. button "Delete", 11, 70 20 37 12, tab 9
  297. button "Add", 12, 120 20 37 12, tab 9
  298. list 14, 10 36 157 62, tab 9 size vsbar
  299. button "OK", 15, 69 101 37 12, tab 9
  300. text "Friend list by leaker - dont change credit!", 16, 14 118 145 8, tab 9 center
  301. tab "Black list", 1
  302. button "Add QAcc", 2, 20 20 37 12, tab 1
  303. button "Delete", 3, 70 20 37 12, tab 1
  304. button "Add", 4, 120 20 37 12, tab 1
  305. list 6, 10 36 157 62, tab 1 size vsbar
  306. button "OK", 7, 69 101 37 12, tab 1
  307. text "Black list by leaker - dont change credit!", 8, 14 118 145 8, tab 1 center
  308. tab "Infoline", 5
  309. list 13, 3 17 118 56, tab 5 size vsbar
  310. list 17, 3 74 118 46, tab 5 size vsbar
  311. text "Multi Infoline By Leaker And Nix", 19, 44 122 105 9, disable tab 5 center
  312. button "Add QAcc", 20, 132 19 37 12, tab 5
  313. button "Delete", 21, 132 35 37 12, tab 5
  314. button "Add", 22, 132 50 37 12, tab 5
  315. button "Add Info", 23, 132 83 37 12, tab 5
  316. button "Delete Info", 24, 132 99 37 12, tab 5
  317. }
  319. on *:dialog:*:*:*:{
  320. if ($devent == sclick) {
  321. if ($dname == update) {
  322. if ($did == 1) {
  323. update
  324. did -ra update 4 Updating leakerscript..
  325. }
  326. }
  327. elseif ($dname == leakeras) {
  328. if ($did == 2) { did -ra $dname 3 Sleeping! }
  329. if ($did == 5) { did -ra $dname 3 Eating }
  330. if ($did == 6) { did -ra $dname 3 In school. }
  331. if ($did == 12) { dialog -x leakeras leakeras }
  332. if ($did == 1) {
  333. set %AFT $time
  334. set %ATC $did(9)
  335. nick $did(13)
  336. set %ARA $did(3)
  337. .timeraway 0 $calc(%ATC * 60) ame 15« 5I am still AFK! Since: %AFT $+ , Reason: %ARA 15» 14(5Leaker14@5Script14)
  338. ame 15« 5I am now AFK! Reason: %ARA 15» 14(5Leaker14@5Script14)
  339. }
  340. if ($did == 4) {
  341. .timeraway off
  342. unset %ara
  343. unset %atc
  344. unset %AFT
  345. }
  346. }
  347. elseif ($dname = leakersnc) {
  348. if ($did == 2) {
  349. if ($did(2).state != 0) { scriptcolor GREEN }
  350. }
  351. if ($did == 3) {
  352. if ($did(3).state != 0) { scriptcolor RED }
  353. }
  354. if ($did == 4) {
  355. if ($did(4).state != 0) { scriptcolor ORANGE }
  356. }
  357. if ($did == 5) {
  358. if ($did(5).state != 0) { scriptcolor PURPLE }
  359. }
  360. if ($did == 6) {
  361. if ($did(6).state != 0) { scriptcolor BLACK }
  362. }
  363. if ($did == 7) {
  364. if ($did(7).state != 0) { scriptcolor CYAN }
  365. }
  366. if ($did == 8) {
  367. if ($did(8).state != 0) { scriptcolor BLUE }
  368. }
  369. if ($did == 9) {
  370. if ($did(9).state != 0) { scriptcolor ORIGINAL }
  371. }
  372. if ($did == 13) { dialog -m vstyles vstyles }
  373. if ($did == 14) { dialog -m ostyles ostyles }
  374. if ($did == 11) {
  375. if ($did(11).state != 0) { set %pmsound ON }
  376. else { set %pmsound OFF }
  377. }
  378. }
  379. elseif ($dname == inb) {
  380. if ($did == 8) { dialog -m mhelper mhelper }
  381. if ($did == 11) { unset %AML1 | unset %AML2 | set %AML1 $did(3).seltext | set %AML2 $did(4).seltext }
  382. if ($did == 5) {
  383. if ($did(5).state != 0) { set %bncm ON | set %afkm OFF | set %ignorepm OFF | did -ra $dname 12 Bnc mode is now ON. }
  384. else { set %bncm OFF }
  385. }
  386. if ($did == 6) {
  387. if ($did(6).state != 0) { set %afkm ON | .timer 1 3 dialog -m leakeras leakeras | set %bncm OFF | set %ignorepm OFF | did -ra $dname 12 Opening afk custom dialog.. }
  388. else { set %afkm OFF }
  389. }
  390. if ($did == 7) {
  391. if ($did(7).state != 0) { set %ignorepm ON | set %pmsound OFF | set %bncm OFF | set %afkm OFF | did -ra $dname 12 Ignore PM Is now ON. }
  392. elseif ($did(7).state = 0) { set %ignorepm OFF }
  393. }
  394. if ($did == 10) {
  395. if ($did(10).state != 0) { set %afkm OFF | set %bncm OFF | set %ignorepm OFF | did -ra $dname 12 Everything is now OFF! (Bnc, AFK, Ignore pm) }
  396. else { set %bncm OFF | set %afkm OFF | set %ignorepm OFF }
  397. }
  398. }
  399. elseif ($dname == ostyles) {
  400. if ($did == 1) && ($did(6).state != 0) {
  401. set %opstyle 1
  402. did -ra $dname 4 Thanks
  403. }
  404. if ($did == 2) {
  405. set %opstyle 2
  406. }
  407. if ($did == 3) {
  408. set %opstyle 3
  409. }
  410. }
  411. elseif ($dname == qacci) {
  412. if ($did == 11) {
  413. if ($did(11).state != 0) { set %mpx ON }
  414. else { set %mpx OFF }
  415. }
  416. if ($did == 12) {
  417. if ($did(12).state != 0) { set %mpr ON }
  418. else { set %mpr OFF }
  419. }
  420. if ($did == 13) {
  421. if ($did(13).state != 0) { set %mpw ON }
  422. else { set %mpw OFF }
  423. }
  424. if ($did == 14) {
  425. if ($did(14).state != 0) { set %mpi ON }
  426. else { set %mpi OFF }
  427. }
  428. if ($did == 2) { msg hello $did(1) $did(1) | did -ra $dname 3 Done! Secssuesfully opened a Q Account with the email ' $+ $did(1) $+ ', Please go verify it from your own email. }
  429. if ($did == 16) && (!%Qa) && (!%Qp) { set %Qa $did($dname,8) | set %Qp $did($dname,7) | did -ra $dname 3 Done! Q Account is set to ' $+ %qa $+ ' And Q Password is set to ' $+ %qp $+ ' $+ ! }
  430. elseif ($did == 16) && (%Qa) && (%Qp) { did -ra $dname 3 Q Account and Password are already set! Please unset them before setting new q account and password. }
  431. if ($did == 17) && (%Qa) && (%Qp) { unset %Qa | unset %Qp | did -ra $dname 3 Q Account and Password are unset! You can set new ones now. }
  432. elseif ($did == 17) (!%Qa) && (!%Qp) { did -ra $dname 3 There are no Q Account and Password set! Please set any Q Account and Password before unsetting. }
  433. }
  434. elseif ($dname == Main) {
  435. if ($did == 14) { dialog -x main main }
  436. if ($did == 6) { dialog -m leakermd leakermd }
  437. if ($did == 7) { dialog -m leakergth leakergth }
  438. if ($did == 9) { dialog -m leakersnc leakersnc }
  439. if ($did == 10) { dialog -m qacci qacci }
  440. if ($did == 11) { dialog -m credits credits }
  441. if ($did == 12) { dialog -md update update }
  442. if ($did == 8) { dialog -m inb inb }
  443. }
  444. elseif ($dname == leakermd) {
  445. if ($did == 15) { dialog -x leakermd leakermd }
  446. if ($did == 7) { dialog -x leakermd leakermd }
  447. if ($did == 18) { dialog -x leakermd leakermd }
  448. if ($did == 10) {
  449. writeini -n musers.ini friend *!*@ $+ $$?="QAccount:" $+ 1
  450. did -a leakermd 14 *!*@ $+ $$! $+
  451. }
  452. if ($did == 13) && ($did($dname,13).seltext) {
  453. var %x = 1
  454. did -ra $dname 17
  455. did -d $dname 17 1
  456. while ($ini(infolines.ini,$did($dname,13).seltext,%x)) {
  457. var %y = info $+ %x
  458. did -a $dname 17 $readini(infolines.ini,$did(13).seltext,%y)
  459. inc %x
  460. }
  461. }
  462. if ($did == 20) {
  463. var %x = *!*@ $+ $$?="Q Account" $+
  464. var %y = $$?="Infoline"
  465. writeini -n infolines.ini %x Info $+ $calc(1-1+$infonum(%x)) %y
  466. did -a $dname 13 %x
  467. }
  468. if ($did == 22) {
  469. var %x = $$?="Full Host (including *!*@)"
  470. var %y = $$?="Infoline"
  471. writeini -n infolines.ini %x Info $+ $calc(1-1+$infonum(%x)) %y
  472. did -a $dname 13 %x
  473. }
  474. if ($did == 21) && ($did(13).seltext) {
  475. var %x $did(13).seltext
  476. remini infolines.ini %x
  477. did -d $dname 13 $did(13).sel
  478. did -r $dname 17
  479. }
  480. if ($did == 23) && ($did(13).seltext) {
  481. var %x = $did(13).seltext
  482. var %y = $$?="Infoline"
  483. writeini -n infolines.ini %x Info $+ $calc(1-1+$infonum(%x)) %y
  484. did -a $dname 17 %y
  485. }
  486. if ($did == 24) && ($did(13).seltext) {
  487. var %x = $did(13).seltext
  488. var %y = $did(17).seltext
  489. remini infolines.ini %x info $+ $did(17).sel
  490. did -d $dname 17 $did(17).sel
  491. }
  492. if ($did == 2) {
  493. var %x $$?="Q Account"
  494. var %y $$?="Reason?"
  495. if (%x !== $null) {
  496. writeini -n musers.ini black *!*@ $+ %x $+ %y
  497. did -a leakermd 6 *!*@ $+ %x $+ —› %y
  498. }
  499. }
  500. if ($did == 11) && ($did(14).seltext !== $null) {
  501. remini musers.ini friend $did(14).seltext
  502. did -d $dname 14 $did(14).sel
  503. }
  504. if ($did == 3) && ($did(6).seltext !== $null) {
  505. remini musers.ini black $did(6).seltext
  506. did -d $dname 6 $did(6).sel
  507. }
  508. if ($did == 12) {
  509. var %x $$?="Host"
  510. writeini -n musers.ini friend %x 1
  511. did -a leakermd 14 %x
  512. }
  513. if ($did == 4) {
  514. var %y $$?="Host"
  515. var %x $$?="Reason?"
  516. if (%x !== $null) {
  517. writeini -n musers.ini black %y %x
  518. did -a leakermd 6 %y —› %x
  519. }
  520. }
  521. }
  522. }
  523. elseif ($devent == init) {
  524. if ($dname == update) {
  525. did -ra update 2 leakerscript version : %sver
  526. }
  527. elseif ($dname == leakersnc) {
  528. if (GREEN isin %scriptcolorr) { did -c $dname 2 }
  529. if (RED isin %scriptcolorr) { did -c $dname 3 }
  530. if (ORANGE isin %scriptcolorr) { did -c $dname 4 }
  531. if (PURPLE isin %scriptcolorr) { did -c $dname 5 }
  532. if (BLACK isin %scriptcolorr) { did -c $dname 6 }
  533. if (CYAN isin %scriptcolorr) { did -c $dname 7 }
  534. if (BLUE isin %scriptcolorr) { did -c $dname 8 }
  535. if (ORIGINAL isin %scriptcolorr) { did -c $dname 9 }
  536. if (%pmsound == ON) { did -c $dname 11 }
  537. }
  538. elseif ($dname == inb) {
  539. if (%AML1) { did -ra $dname 3 %AML1 (Message 1) }
  540. if (%AML2) { did -ra $dname 4 %AML2 (Message 2) }
  541. if (%ignorepm == ON) { did -c $dname 7 }
  542. if (%bncm == ON) { did -c $dname 5 }
  543. if (%afkm == ON) { did -c $dname 6 }
  544. if (%afkm == OFF) && (%bncm == OFF) && (%ignorepm == OFF) { did -c $dname 10 }
  545. }
  546. elseif ($dname = qacci) {
  547. if (%mpx == ON) { did -c $dname 11 }
  548. if (%mpr == ON) { did -c $dname 12 }
  549. if (%mpw == ON) { did -c $dname 13 }
  550. if (%mpi == ON) { did -c $dname 14 }
  551. if (%Qa) && (%Qp) { did -ra $dname 8 %Qa | did -ra $dname 7 %Qp }
  552. }
  553. elseif ($dname == vstyles) {
  554. if (%voicestyle = 1) && (%voicearrows = 0) {
  555. did -ra $dname 4 Thanks (Nick ¬ Address) For The - num - Voice!
  556. }
  557. if (%voicestyle = 2) && (%voicearrows = 0) {
  558. did -ra $dname 4 Tnx Nick For The num Voices!
  559. }
  560. if (%voicestyle = 3) && (%voicearrows = 0) {
  561. did -ra $dname 4 Thank You nick - For The - num - Vo+ce!
  562. }
  563. }
  564. elseif ($dname == Main) {
  565. checktime
  566. checktime
  567. checktime
  568. .timerc 0 1 checktime
  569. }
  570. elseif ($dname == leakermd) {
  571. var %x = 1
  572. while ($ini(musers.ini,friend,%x)) {
  573. did -a leakermd 14 $v1
  574. inc %x
  575. }
  576. var %x = 1
  577. while ($ini(musers.ini,black,%x)) {
  578. did -a leakermd 6 $v1 —› $readini(musers.ini,black,$v1)
  579. inc %x
  580. }
  581. var %xa = 1 | while (%xa <= $ini(infolines.ini,0)) { did -a $dname 13 $ini(infolines.ini,%xa) | inc %xa }
  582. }
  583. }
  584. elseif ($devent == close) {
  585. if ($dname == Main) {
  586. .timerc off
  587. }
  588. }
  589. }
  591. dialog main {
  592. title "Leakerscript V1"
  593. size -1 -1 70 266
  594. option dbu
  595. box "Informaiton", 1, 3 1 65 109
  596. text "nick", 2, 7 9 57 8, disable center
  597. text "network", 3, 7 19 57 8, disable center
  598. text "time", 4, 7 29 57 8, disable center
  599. text "script ver", 5, 7 39 57 8, disable center
  600. button "Friend/Black/Infoline", 6, 3 111 65 12
  601. button "Gather Dialog", 7, 3 126 65 12
  602. button "Basic Informaiton", 8, 3 141 65 12
  603. button "Script Colors/Sounds", 9, 3 156 65 12
  604. button "Q Dialog", 10, 3 171 65 12
  605. button "Credits", 11, 3 186 65 12
  606. button "Update Dialog", 12, 3 201 65 12
  607. button "Help / Commands", 13, 3 216 65 12
  608. button "Close Dialog", 14, 3 252 65 12
  609. text "Ops", 15, 7 49 57 8, disable center
  610. text "Voices", 16, 7 59 57 8, disable center
  611. text "Uptime:", 17, 7 69 57 8, disable center
  612. text "$uptime(mirc,2)", 18, 7 79 57 8, disable center
  613. text "Internet IP:", 19, 7 89 57 8, disable center
  614. text "(Hidden)", 20, 7 99 57 8, disable center
  615. button "Away System", 21, 3 231 65 12
  616. }
  618. dialog qacci {
  619. title "Q Account window"
  620. size -1 -1 141 212
  621. option dbu
  622. edit "Enter in your email address here", 1, 7 8 128 20, center
  623. button "Open Q Acc", 2, 52 31 37 12
  624. edit "Status", 3, 7 46 128 36, read multi center
  625. box "Auto Q Login", 5, 7 82 128 126
  626. edit "Q User", 4, 18 112 50 10, read center
  627. edit "Q Password", 6, 72 112 50 10, read center
  628. edit "Q Password Here", 7, 72 127 50 10, center
  629. edit "Q User Here", 8, 18 127 50 10, center
  630. edit "Auto Q Login", 9, 44 96 50 10, read center
  631. edit "Auto Self Modes ", 10, 44 172 50 10, read center
  632. check "+x", 11, 49 186 19 10
  633. check "+R", 12, 74 186 23 10
  634. check "+w", 13, 49 196 22 10
  635. check "+i", 14, 74 196 22 10
  636. box "Q Window", 15, 1 0 139 211
  637. button "Set Pass and User", 16, 36 141 67 12
  638. button "Unset Pass and User", 17, 36 156 67 12
  639. }
  641. dialog leakergth {
  642. title "(Leakerscript V1) Gather window"
  643. size -1 -1 109 323
  644. option dbu
  645. edit "Leakerscript Gather Window", 1, 16 3 76 10, disable center
  646. edit "GBot User", 2, 5 22 42 10, read center
  647. edit "", 3, 48 22 55 10
  648. edit "GBot Pass", 4, 5 34 42 10, read center
  649. edit "", 5, 48 34 55 10
  650. box "Login Details", 6, 3 15 104 32
  651. box "Community Details", 7, 3 47 104 43
  652. edit "GBot #Chan", 8, 5 54 42 10, read center
  653. edit "GBot #Crew", 9, 5 66 42 10, read center
  654. edit "GBot Nick", 10, 5 78 42 10, read center
  655. edit "", 11, 48 54 55 10
  656. edit "", 12, 48 66 55 10
  657. edit "", 13, 48 78 55 10
  658. edit "Map (Shortcuts: dd2/inf/nuke)", 15, 5 160 100 10, center
  659. edit "Sign (!/@/+ And so on)", 14, 5 172 100 10, center
  660. box "Gather Informaiton", 16, 3 152 104 33
  661. box "Gather (Admin/master/owner) Helper", 17, 3 186 104 56
  662. edit "Admin/Master/Owner Level", 18, 5 194 100 10, center
  663. edit "Admin/Master/Owner Username", 19, 5 206 100 10, center
  664. edit "Admin/Master/Owner Password", 20, 5 218 100 10, center
  665. edit "Admin/Master/Owner STEAMID", 21, 5 230 100 10, center
  666. box "Buttons", 22, 3 243 104 79
  667. button "Login", 23, 5 264 48 12
  668. button "Logout", 24, 56 264 48 12
  669. button "Set my own info", 25, 5 250 99 12
  670. button "Run Gather", 26, 5 278 99 12
  671. button "Stop Gather", 27, 5 292 99 12
  672. button "Add User", 28, 5 306 48 12
  673. button "Delete User", 29, 56 306 48 12
  674. box "Status", 30, 3 91 104 60
  675. edit "- Status Line -", 31, 5 98 100 10, read multi center
  676. edit "Messages From Gatherbot", 32, 5 110 100 39, read multi center
  677. }
  679. dialog ostyles {
  680. title "Op Styles"
  681. size -1 -1 155 81
  682. option dbu
  683. button "Thanks (Nick ¬ Address) For The - num - @p! ", 1, 2 3 151 12
  684. button "Tnx Nick For The num @p!", 2, 2 17 151 12
  685. button "Thank You nick For The - num - @p!", 3, 2 31 151 12
  686. edit "%opstyle", 4, 2 69 151 10, center read
  687. text "Current Op Style Msg:", 5, 37 59 73 8, disable center
  688. check "Include «,» In Op Styles", 6, 37 47 151 10
  689. }
  691. dialog vstyles {
  692. title "Voice Styles"
  693. size -1 -1 155 81
  694. option dbu
  695. button "Thanks (Nick ¬ Address) For The - num - Voice! ", 1, 2 3 151 12
  696. button "Tnx Nick For The num Voice!", 2, 2 17 151 12
  697. button "Thank You nick For The - num - Vo+ce!", 3, 2 31 151 12
  698. edit "%voicestyle", 4, 2 69 151 10, center read
  699. text "Current Voice Style Msg:", 5, 37 59 73 8, disable center
  700. check "Include «,» In Voice Styles", 6, 37 47 151 10
  701. }
  703. dialog inb {
  704. title "Informaiton and Basics"
  705. size -1 -1 93 202
  706. option dbu
  707. edit "Informaiton and basics", 1, 7 6 77 10, read center
  708. edit "Auto Messages", 2, 21 17 50 10, read center
  709. edit "Message 1 here", 3, 7 56 77 33, multi center
  710. edit "Message 2 here", 4, 7 90 77 33, multi center
  711. radio "BNC MODE", 5, 22 142 50 10
  712. radio "AFK MODE", 6, 22 152 50 10
  713. radio "IGNORE MODE", 7, 22 163 50 10
  714. button "Modes Helper", 8, 19 186 49 12
  715. box "Informaiton and basics", 9, 1 -1 91 202
  716. radio "Normal MODE", 10, 22 173 50 10
  717. button "Set Messages", 11, 7 125 76 12
  718. edit "Status Line", 12, 7 29 77 26, read multi center
  719. }
  721. dialog mhelper {
  722. title "Mode Helper"
  723. size -1 -1 118 95
  724. option dbu
  725. edit "Mode Helper - leakerscript v1", 1, 3 3 112 10, read center
  726. text "- BNC Mode is when wanting to disconnect from mirc and setting your bnc on.", 2, 3 16 112 17, center
  727. text "- AFK Mode is when you want to go away from keyboard and mark yourself as away.", 3, 3 35 112 17, center
  728. text "- IGNORE Mode is when you want to disable your private messages and sounds.", 4, 3 54 112 17, center
  729. text "- Normal Mode - Self Explanitory, works like all normal mirc versions .", 5, 3 73 112 17, center
  730. box "", 6, 1 -1 116 95
  731. }
  733. dialog leakeras {
  734. title "Leakerscript v1 - Away system"
  735. size -1 -1 130 146
  736. option dbu
  737. button "Start away", 1, 63 115 49 12
  738. button "Stop away", 4, 63 129 48 12
  739. button "Sleeping", 2, 11 64 37 12
  740. button "Eating", 5, 11 79 37 12
  741. button "In school", 6, 11 94 37 12
  742. box "Away reasons", 7, 7 56 115 54, disable
  743. text "Show Away Message Every", 8, 9 44 68 8, disable center
  744. edit "x", 9, 79 44 13 10, center
  745. text "Minutes", 10, 93 44 25 8, disable center
  746. box "Away timer", 11, 7 36 115 20, disable
  747. button "Close dialog", 12, 23 116 37 25
  748. edit "Away Nick", 13, 11 14 106 20, center
  749. box "Away nick", 14, 7 7 115 29, disable
  750. box "Away system", 15, 2 0 125 145
  751. edit "Away reason", 3, 51 63 67 44, center multi
  752. }
  754. dialog leakersnc {
  755. title "Script sounds / script colors (Leakerscript V1)"
  756. size -1 -1 70 174
  757. option dbu
  758. edit "Script Colors", 1, 9 5 50 10, disable center
  759. radio "Green", 2, 10 16 50 10
  760. radio "Red", 3, 10 27 50 10
  761. radio "Orange", 4, 10 49 50 10
  762. radio "Purple", 5, 10 38 50 10
  763. radio "Black", 6, 10 71 50 10
  764. radio "Cyan (Light blue)", 7, 10 60 50 10
  765. radio "Blue", 8, 10 82 50 10
  766. radio "LS.V1 (Red'N'Grey)", 9, 10 92 72 11
  767. edit "Script sounds", 10, 9 104 50 10, disable center
  768. check "PM Sound", 11, 10 118 50 10
  769. edit "Voice & Op Styles", 12, 9 129 50 10, disable center
  770. button "Voice Styles", 13, 9 143 50 12
  771. button "Op Styles", 14, 9 158 50 12
  772. }
  774. dialog Credits {
  775. title "leakerscript-v1 Credits"
  776. size -1 -1 113 44
  777. option dbu
  778. box "Credits", 1, 1 -1 111 44
  779. text "leaker/FeelTired - script creator, all scripting", 2, 11 9 92 8, center
  780. text "Nix - Dialog helper/Multi Infoline", 3, 11 19 92 8, center
  781. text "syconn - Design, Update script.", 4, 11 29 93 8, center
  782. box "", 5, 7 4 99 36
  783. }
  785. -aliases-
  787. alias infonum {
  788. var %x = 1
  789. while ($ini(infolines.ini,$1,%x)) {
  790. inc %x
  791. }
  792. return %x
  793. }
  795. alias infonum1 {
  796. var %x = 1
  797. while ($ini(infolines.ini,$1,%x)) {
  798. inc %x
  799. }
  800. dec %x
  801. return %x
  802. }
  804. alias main { dialog -m main main }
  806. alias version { set %version 1 }
  808. alias checkvs {
  809. var %rc = $chr(3) $+ $gettok(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12,$r(1,11),32)
  810. if (%voicestyle = 1) && (%voicearrows = 0) {
  811. return %rc $+ T14hanks ( $+ %rc $+ $nick 14¬ $+ %rc $wildsite $+ 14) %rc $+ F14or %rc $+ T14he 14- $+ %rc %voices 14- %rc $+ V14oice! 14( $+ %rc $+ L14eaker@ $+ %rc $+ S14cript)
  812. }
  813. if (%voicestyle = 2) && (%voicearrows = 0) {
  814. return %rc $+ T14nx %rc $+  $+ $nick F14or %rc $+ T14he $+ %rc %voices %rc $+ V14oice! 14( $+ %rc $+ L14eaker@ $+ %rc $+ S14cript)
  815. }
  816. if (%voicestyle = 3) && (%voicearrows = 0) {
  817. return %rc $+ T14hank %rc $+ Y14ou  $+ %rc $+ $nick 14- %rc $+ F14or %rc $+ T14he - $+ %rc %voices 14- %rc $+ V14o4+14ce! 14( $+ %rc $+ L14eaker@ $+ %rc $+ S14cript)
  818. }
  819. if (%voicestyle = 1) && (%voicearrows = 1) {
  820. return %rc $+ « T14hanks ( $+ %rc $+ $nick 14¬ $+ %rc $wildsite $+ 14) %rc $+ F14or %rc $+ T14he 14- $+ %rc %voices 14- %rc $+ V14oice! %rc $+ » 14( $+ %rc $+ L14eaker@ $+ %rc $+ S14cript)
  821. }
  822. if (%voicestyle = 2) && (%voicearrows = 1) {
  823. return %rc $+ « T14nx %rc $+  $+ $nick F14or %rc $+ T14he $+ %rc %voices %rc $+ V14oice! %rc $+ » 14( $+ %rc $+ L14eaker@ $+ %rc $+ S14cript)
  824. }
  825. if (%voicestyle = 3) && (%voicearrows = 1) {
  826. return %rc $+ « T14hank %rc $+ Y14ou  $+ %rc $+ $nick 14- %rc $+ F14or %rc $+ T14he - $+ %rc %voices 14- %rc $+ V14o4+14ce! %rc $+ » 14( $+ %rc $+ L14eaker@ $+ %rc $+ S14cript)
  827. }
  828. }
  830. alias checkos {
  831. var %rc = $chr(3) $+ $gettok(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12,$r(1,11),32)
  832. if (%opstyle = 1) && (%oparrows = 0) {
  833. return %rc $+ T14hanks ( $+ %rc $+ $nick 14¬ $+ %rc $wildsite $+ 14) %rc $+ F14or %rc $+ T14he 14- $+ %rc %ops 14- %rc $+ @14p! 14( $+ %rc $+ L14eaker@ $+ %rc $+ S14cript)
  834. }
  835. if (%opstyle = 2) && (%oparrows = 0) {
  836. return %rc $+ T14nx %rc $+  $+ $nick F14or %rc $+ T14he $+ %rc %ops %rc $+ @14p! 14( $+ %rc $+ L14eaker@ $+ %rc $+ S14cript)
  837. }
  838. if (%opstyle = 3) && (%oparrows = 0) {
  839. return %rc $+ T14hank %rc $+ Y14ou  $+ %rc $+ $nick 14- %rc $+ F14or %rc $+ T14he - $+ %rc %ops 14- 12 $+ @14p! 14( $+ %rc $+ L14eaker@ $+ %rc $+ S14cript)
  840. }
  841. if (%opstyle = 1) && (%oparrows = 1) {
  842. return %rc $+ « T14hanks ( $+ %rc $+ $nick 14¬ $+ %rc $wildsite $+ 14) %rc $+ F14or %rc $+ T14he 14- $+ %rc %ops 14- %rc $+ @14p! %rc $+ » 14( $+ %rc $+ L14eaker@ $+ %rc $+ S14cript)
  843. }
  844. if (%opstyle = 2) && (%oparrows = 1) {
  845. return %rc $+ « T14nx %rc $+  $+ $nick F14or %rc $+ T14he $+ %rc %ops %rc $+ @14p! %rc $+ » 14( $+ %rc $+ L14eaker@ $+ %rc $+ S14cript)
  846. }
  847. if (%opstyle = 3) && (%oparrows = 1) {
  848. return %rc $+ « T14hank %rc $+ Y14ou  $+ %rc $+ $nick 14- %rc $+ F14or %rc $+ T14he - $+ %rc %ops 14- 12 $+ @14p! %rc $+ » 14( $+ %rc $+ L14eaker@ $+ %rc $+ S14cript)
  849. }
  850. }
  852. alias checktime {
  853. did -ra main 2 Nick: $me
  854. did -ra main 3 Network: $network
  855. did -ra main 4 Time: $time
  856. did -ra main 5 Script Ver: %sver
  857. did -ra main 15 Ops: %ops
  858. did -ra main 16 Voices: %voices
  859. did -ra main 18 $uptime(mirc,2)
  860. did -ra main 20 $ip
  861. }
  863. alias F2 {
  864. var %breason $iif($input(Enter Ban Reason,e,leakerscript v1),$v1,0) | if (%breason) {
  865. var %rc =  $+ $r(3,12)
  866. .ban $address($$1,2)
  867. kick # $$1 14« %rc $+ F14ast %rc $+ B14an %rc $+ :: %rc $+ R14eason: %rc $+  $+ %breason $+  14( $+ %rc $+ L14eaker14@ $+ %rc $+ S14cript14) 14»
  868. }
  869. else {
  870. var %rc =  $+ $r(3,12)
  871. .ban $address($$1,2)
  872. kick # $$1 14« %rc $+ F14ast %rc $+ B14an 14( $+ %rc $+ L14eaker14@ $+ %rc $+ S14cript14) 14»
  873. }
  874. }
  876. alias checkalevel {
  877. if ($did(leakergth,18) == admin) { set %gthl admin | set %gtha !add-a }
  878. if ($did(leakergth,18) == master) { set %gthl master | set %gtha !add-m }
  879. if ($did(leakergth,18) == owner) { set %gthl owner | set %gtha !add-owner }
  880. if ($did(leakergth,18) == manager) { set %gthl manager | set %gtha !add-manager }
  881. }
  883. alias F1 { var %rc =  $+ $r(3,12) | kick # $$1 14« %rc $+ F14ast %rc $+ K14ick ( $+ %rc $+ L14eaker14@ $+ %rc $+ S14cript14) 14» }
  885. alias checkb {
  886. if ($readini(musers.ini,black,$address($nick,2))) {
  887. var %rc =  $+ $gettok(2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12,$r(2,11),32)
  888. ban # $address($nick,2)
  889. kick # $nick %rc $+ B14lacklisted %rc $+ D14etected $+ %rc $+ ! 14— $+ %rc $+ › 14( $+ %rc $+ $nick $+ 14) 14¬ 14( $+ %rc $+ $wildsite $+ 14) %rc $+ R14eason: $+ %rc $readini(musers.ini,black,$address($nick,2)) 14( $+ %rc $+ Leaker14@ $+ %rc $+ Script $+ 14)
  890. }
  891. }
  893. alias checkf {
  894. if ($readini(musers.ini,friend,$address($nick,2)) == 1) {
  895. var %rc =  $+ $gettok(2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12,$r(2,11),32)
  896. msg # %rc $+ F14riend %rc $+ D14etected $+ %rc $+ ! 14— $+ %rc $+ › 14( $+ %rc $+ $nick $+ 14) 14¬ 14( $+ %rc $+ $wildsite $+ 14) ( $+ %rc $+ L14eaker14@ $+ %rc $+ S14cript $+ 14)
  897. }
  898. }
  900. alias scriptcolor {
  901. if ($1 == Green) { set %scriptcolor 3 | set %scriptcolorr 3GREEN | set %scriptcolorrr 99 | echo -a Script color is now : 3GREEN }
  902. if ($1 == Red) { set %scriptcolor 4 | set %scriptcolorr 4RED | set %scriptcolorrr 99 | echo -a Script color is now : 4RED }
  903. if ($1 == Purple) { set %scriptcolor 6 | set %scriptcolorr 6PURPLE | set %scriptcolorrr 99 | echo -a Script color is now : 6PURPLE }
  904. if ($1 == Orange) { set %scriptcolor 7 | set %scriptcolorr 7ORANGE | set %scriptcolorrr 99 | echo -a Script color is now : 7ORANGE }
  905. if ($1 == Yellow) { set %scriptcolor 8 | set %scriptcolor 8YELLOW | set %scriptcolorrr 99 | echo -a Script color is now : 8YELLOW }
  906. if ($1 == Cyan) { set %scriptcolor 11 | set %scriptcolorr 11CYAN | set %scriptcolorrr 99 | echo -a Script color is now : 11CYAN }
  907. if ($1 == Black) { set %scriptcolor 1 | set %scriptcolorr 1BLACK | set %scriptcolorrr 99 | echo -a Script color is now : 1BLACK }
  908. if ($1 == Blue) { set %scriptcolor 12 | set %scriptcolorr 12BLUE | set %scriptcolorrr 99 | echo -a Script color is now : 12BLUE }
  909. if ($1 == Original) { set %scriptcolor 5 | set %scriptcolorr 14« 5Original (LeakerScript V1) 14» | set %scriptcolorrr 14 | echo -a Script color is now : 14« 5Original (LeakerScript V1) 14» }
  910. }
  912. on *:Notice:*do this, type*:?: if ($nick == Q) { .msg Q $4- }
  914. on *:sockopen:update:{
  915. if (!$sockerr) {
  916. var %a = sockwrite -tn $sockname | unset %myupdate | .remove update.txt
  917. %a GET /leaker/update.txt HTTP/1.1
  918. %a Host:
  919. %a Connection: close
  920. %a Accept: */*
  921. %a User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.00; Windows 98)
  922. %a
  923. }
  924. }
  925. on *:sockread:update: var %z | sockread %z | if (%myupdate) { .write update.txt %z } | if (%z == [start]) { inc %myupdate }
  926. on *:Sockclose:update: .copy -o update.txt leakerscript.mrc | .reload -rs leakerscript.mrc | .timer 1 2 did -ra update 4 The script is secssuesfully updated! Reconnecting to the server.. | .timer 2 3 server | .timer 1 4 dialog -x update update | .timer 1 1 .remove update.txt
  927. alias update .sockclose update | .sockopen update 80 | .timer 1 6 .dialog -x update update | .timer 1 1 checkupdate
  928. alias checkupdate $iif(!$exists(update.txt),.did -ra update 4 Connection to the server FAILED! Please try again later.)
  929. dialog update {
  930. title "leakerscript update"
  931. size -1 -1 105 60
  932. option dbu
  933. button "UPDATE", 1, 33 44 37 12
  934. edit "leakerscript Version :", 2, 6 31 91 10, read center
  935. box "Update Menu", 3, 1 1 103 58
  936. edit "leakerscript Update Menu", 4, 6 8 91 21, read multi center
  937. }
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