
January 12th DUN DUN DUN

Jan 12th, 2018
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  1. Covet: Felix was in the living room getting a fire put together because his dessert dwelling ass was freezing. He touched the stack of wood with the wadded up newspaper he had lit with his lighter and watched the logs light up quickly, because he may or may not have splashed some lighter fluid onto it, because he needed this now.
  2. Alexithymiaa: -Steph had been sitting on the couch in an almost catatonic transe, the minutes to midnight ticking away as she filled with dread of the approaching mark of January. She wrapped her arms around her middle, taking solice in wearing Felix's baby pink shirt. Her eyes jumped to the cablebox that read the time, swallowing hard when she realized there was less than fifteen minutes until midnight. Without a word, she pushed up to her feet, walking by him to the back door to slide it open. Stepping out into the frigid air, she walked barefoot across the wood patio, stepping onto the stone path and turning right, moving as far as she could until she was forced to stop because she'd walk into the freezing lake. She just stood there, her mind wandering off into it's own world.-
  3. Covet: Felix turned around noticing that Steph wasn't on the couch and frowned, then saw her at the door walking out in just his t-shirt. He followed her out there and pulled his pack of cigarette's out of his pocket, sticking one between his lips, but didn't light it up. Walking up to her he spoke softly, making it a point not to be quiet so he didn't spook her. "You know, it's pointless for me to light a fire if you're just going to come out here."
  4. Alexithymiaa: -Excited that the door was open because freedom, Penny bolted out into the yard, beginning to do sprinting happy laps around the pool and through the grass. Hearing Felix approach, Steph lowered her eyes to the edge of the water, staying silent.-
  5. Covet: Felix moved his arms around her using himself to keep her warm. Resting his head on top of hers, he spoke. The sound vibrating on her head, "I'll take my pants off and put them on you If you insist on staying out here. I'll risk freezing my balls off if means you don't freeze to death."
  6. Alexithymiaa: -She flinched when he wrapped his arms around her, relaxing after a moment despite still being fairly rigid. Hearing his words, she closed her eyes. "Stop."-
  7. Covet: Felix gave a frown when he felt her flinch, but he didn't take it personal. "I don't know what you want me to stop doing, but I don't think it's a good idea to be out here with no pants when it's this cold."
  8. Alexithymiaa: "It's refreshing." She spoke evenly, pulling away from him so she could sit down in the grass. Feeling the nudge of Penny at her side, she looked down at the dirty tennis ball the dog had gone and found, picking it up and chucking it as hard as she could behind her to send the dog bounding excitedly after it. Shes a simple minded doggy.-
  9. Covet: "Refreshing? Until when? Your legs go numb?" Felix mumbled and sat down next to her. "What's going on in that head of yours, Tinman? I know it's not full of straw." He asked her with a serious tone while he watched her.
  10. Alexithymiaa: -She gave a small shrug, keeping her eyes low and staring at the ground. "Can't stay distracted."-
  11. Covet: "I see. How can I help?" He asked her still looking over at her as he brought his lighter up to the cigarette and started to puff off of it. " Whatever time it is... is the really bad one, isn't it...."
  12. Alexithymiaa: -She started to nod, turning her head to look at him. She stared for a long moment before slowly lifted her hand to take the cigarette from his mouth, holding onto it for a beat before flicking it into the lake.-
  13. Covet: The look on Felix's face as she stole his cigarette and flicked it into the lake, was pure incredulous. "Excuse you... That was the only thing keeping me warm, since you won't let me cuddle with you. I have more in my pocket..." He said reaching in for the pack.
  14. Alexithymiaa: "Then go inside." She stuck her hand out to him when he reached for more cigarettes, her palm open.-
  15. Covet: "Not unless you're coming in with me." He said then looked at her hand and left his pack in his pocket, propping his knees up and rested his arms on them with a huff, fidgeting his toes in his socks. "We said not right now...." He grumbled in regards to his smoking. " have you thought anymore about your Brother's proposal?" He asked her trying to give her a distraction.
  16. Alexithymiaa: "You said not right now." She corrected him, leaning back to lay in the grass, a chill running up her spine because the ground was cold as fuck. She stared up at the black sky, her gaze held on the small amount of stars you could see. "No..."-
  17. Covet: "You agreed to not right now" He mumbled even quieter. Then watched her, just wanting to help warm her up, but didn't want to freak her out at all by making her uncomfortable. " Did you know that on this day in nineteen sixty six, Batman debuted on ABC, with the original Adam West and Burt Ward?" He asked her kind of out of the blue.
  18. Alexithymiaa: -She turned her head to the side to look at him, watching his face with actual interest. "Really? I didn't know that. Did you see that all of the Batmen showed up for Adam West's funeral services?"-
  19. Covet: "I might have done some personal research because I know that you're a fan." He told her with a soft smile, " I did, I don't think I've ever been one to cry at a funeral, but the clips and images I saw of that were getting me a little wet in the eyes. "
  20. Alexithymiaa: "That's sweet of you." She said with a smile before beginning to nod. "I was too. But then again I cry over everything so..." She trailed off, exhaling deeply. "You know.. I never used to cry. Like ever. I fractured my collar bone in two places and didn't shed one tear. Now I cry over spilled milk left and right."-
  21. Covet: "I can do that sometimes" He nodded, proud of himself. "I think that just goes to prove you have more of a heart than you care to admit. Plus, physical pain and emotional pain can cause different responses." Felix said as he scooted closer to her. "Maybe, we could pick up some DVD's of the original batman and Binge them this weekend?" He suggested to her.
  22. Alexithymiaa: "I seriously doubt that." She turned her head to stare back up at the sky, searching for the stars. "I'm sure they're all available online somewhere, but yeah. That would be kind of cool. I've seen a mixed handful of them already and they're old timey cheesy in a good way."-
  23. Covet: "I'm good with old timey cheesy. So long as you don't mind me quoting it left and right around the house." He told her then stood up offering her his hand, "Let's go inside and do that. We'll hide all the clocks and calendars and binge so hard we don't even know what day or time it is, Okay?"
  24. Alexithymiaa: -She looked up at his hand before sitting up in the grass, reaching up to put her hand in his and climbing to her feet. She wobbled a bit because she was honestly frozen from head to toe, stepping forward into him for a hug and putting her head on his chest. "Thank you."-
  25. Covet: Felix pulled her into himself and started to walk with her back towards the house trying to rub her arms to warm her back up, "I'm glad I started a fire before coming out here. You're like a frozen Stephsicle." He said with a grin and got her inside to help distract her from all the shitty shit.
  26. Alexithymiaa: "I wonder what flavor I would be..." She mumbled as she made her way back into the house, ushering Penny back inside who took the dirty tennis ball, but that was an adventure for tomorrow to get the dirty ball back outside. She headed over for the couch, pulling the couch blanket around her and being comfortable for their tv adventure.-
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