
Lich Doctor Chapter Seven

Jan 17th, 2013
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  1. >As the battering on your chamber doors and the yelling outside grows in intensity, you gather yourself up off the floor. Nothing was damaged from your verbal assault by Luna except your pride.
  2. >And your hearing.
  3. >But mostly your pride.
  4. >However, that was of no concern to you.
  5. >Your mind was currently reeling from the recent development with Luna.
  6. >The things she told you about Anonymous. Could they be true?
  7. >You think back across all the years of your life back to that day when Discord told you of how he came to be here.
  8. >You didn't believe him at first, and for good reason. But hearing Anonymous confirm that he summoned Discord himself in a moment of weakness...
  9. >You blew up at him.
  10. >You tried to banish him with the very powers he helped create.
  11. >You were so sure about his evil the moment Anonymous voiced his guilt, but now your resolve was not so strong.
  12. >Was Anonymous really the evil being you thought he was? Was he really dangerous?
  13. >As you vacillate in your thoughts, your chamber doors are broken down.
  14. >Shining Armor and ten other guards rush inside to secure the room.
  15. >Shining Armor runs up to you with great concern chiseled into his features.
  16. >”Princess Celestia! What happened?!”
  17. >As Shining Armor begins to batter you with questions that you are barely aware are being asked, you continue your downward spiral in the whirlpool that is your mind, circling the hole that once was where your conviction was.
  18. >As your mental tailspin persists, one small thought manages to push all of the other thoughts out of the way.
  19. >'They...are...all...LIES!!!'
  20. >You latch onto this one thought and snap back to reality, your conviction restored.
  21. >You knew now what must done.
  23. “Shining Armor.”
  24. >Shining Armor is taken aback by your abrupt change in demeanor and stammers at hearing your voice.
  25. “Let it be known immediately that Princess Luna has chosen to forsake her people. Princess Luna has sided with Anonymous and is at this very moment actively seeking him out to aide his endeavors. We will march on the Everfree to defeat Anonymous in three hours. I expect you to be ready by then. I also expect you to have a nation wide announcement made that Princess Luna is now hereby declared an Enemy of the Kingdom of Equestria.”
  26. >The entire room fills with stunned silence as Shining armor and the other guardspony look at you as if you had suddenly grew two more horns.
  27. >Shining Armor manages to find his voice after several failed attempts.
  28. >”Uhh...P-princess, With all due-”
  29. >You shoot Shining Armor an icy glare that freezes him to the spot.
  30. “Did I stutter?”
  31. >All Shining Armor could get out was a barely audible “No, Princess.”
  32. “Then GO! ALL OF YOU!!!”
  33. >Everypony rushes out of your chamber door as fast as their hooves could propel them, leaving you to ruminate in your thoughts.
  34. >You would show Luna the error of her ways, just as you always had in the past.
  35. >Just like a good sister should.
  37. >You are Luna
  38. >And have just teleported in front of Twilight's residence to start your search for Anonymous. Several ponies appear shocked at your sudden arrival. Several start bowing at you while most others run away, but you pay them no mind.
  39. >You knew that Twilight was out of the Library, but her dragon should still be in. Hopefully Spike will know where Twilight went.
  40. >You enter the Library to find Spike lying in the middle of the Library looking very exhausted. The library, however, is practically sparkling clean.
  41. >You think that even Canterlot's Royal Library might not be this clean.
  42. >You can't help but be impressed at the little dragon's dedication to cleanliness.
  43. >You wipe your hooves on the doormat out of respect and trot over to Spike.
  44. “Good morning Spike, we wish to ask thee for the location of Twilight Sparkle.”
  45. >You remembered not to speak in your Royal Canterlot voice this time! See? You were getting better!
  46. >Spike takes a glance at you before returning his gaze to the ceiling.
  47. >“Sure thing Princess. Ask away.”
  48. “...But we just did.”
  49. >”Oh...right. Twilight went in to the Everfree to go meet some freaky thing called Anonymous. Don't know where in the Everfree though. Twilight never said.”
  50. “Very well. We thank thee Spike, and wish thee a good day. We shall take our leave.”
  51. >You Leave the Library, closing the door behind you as you exit.
  52. >Inside, Spike suddenly realizes he was addressing Royalty and facepalms hard.
  53. >”Oh man, I hope Princess Luna doesn't tell Twilight about this. She'll kill me...”
  55. >You make your way towards the Everfree from Twilights Library, thinking you can find somepony that knows where Anonymous may be located at.
  56. >You try to ask some of the residents of Ponyville, but nearly everypony runs off. The ones that did stay and speak with you did not know where Anonymous was.
  57. >After about the twenty ninth group of ponies fled from you, it began to get a little annoying.
  58. >This trend continues for a while longer until you come across Applejack and Rarity having a heated discussion over tea outside of Carousel Corner.
  59. >The mares do not hear or see you approach. It also seems that they are discussing Anonymous. A stroke of luck it seems.
  60. >You decide to approach the pair and ask them of Anonymous' location. You clear your throat to announce your presence. Applejack and Rarity turn to look at you trotting up and give you surprised expressions as they begin stammering out greetings.
  61. “We greet thee, Elements. We wish to question you in regards to the location of Anonymous.”
  62. >You didn't use the Royal Canterlot voice again! Another success!
  64. >Rarity is the first to speak.
  65. >”Princess Luna, while it is very flattering that you refer to us by our titles, there is no need to be so formal here. Also, weren't you working on modernizing your image princess?”
  66. >Oh damn, you were using the Royal We again.
  67. “We...I see your point Rarity. It has been hard remembering the modern ways of speech.”
  68. >”That's quite alright dear. Would you like some tea?”
  69. “I'm afraid I cannot stay for tea. I must go look for Anonymous. Sister has sent us here because Twilight has informed us through a letter about her meeting with Anonymous. Sister feels that it is best a member of the Royal Family also greet this Anonymous on behalf of all of Equestria.”
  70. >These two should buy your little cover story.
  71. >Upon Applejack hearing Anonymous' name, she opens her mouth to speak, but Rarity shoves a hoof in her mouth. You find this behavior strange but do not question it.
  72. >”Anonymous lives in a rather fancy cave with a very large trap door on it's opening. It's right off the path to Zecora's hut. Just look for some upturned earth. You can't miss it princess.”
  73. >Rarity pointed towards the entrance of the Everfree with her free hoof while Applejack struggled to remove her other hoof. Apparently Rarity could be quite forceful when she needed to be.
  74. “Thank you for your help in this matter Rarity. I will be sure to mention it to my sister. Now if you will excuse me.”
  75. >You take your leave of the two with Rarity calling out “Goodbye Princess.”
  77. >After Luna leaves, you take your hoof out of Applejack's mouth and let her speak freely.
  78. >”What tha heck was that fer Rarity?!”
  79. ”It was to keep you from making a fool out of yourself by insisting that Anonymous is evil!”
  80. >”Ah still don't trust him.”
  81. ”I don't care Applejack. You heard what Luna said. She's here for a diplomatic meeting. Your personal bias should not be involved to possibly wreck what may be a historic event!”
  82. >”Ahm tellin ya Rare, he's no good. Ah can feel it in mah bones.”
  83. “Oh I'm sure you're right darling. He's so evil that he nursed three defenseless fillies back to heath and even returned them to their sisters who were worried sick. One of which, need I remind you, was YOU.”
  84. >Applejack seems to fume slightly at your mocking.
  85. >”Mark mah words Rare, and mark em good. Ah've never been wrong about anypony ah thought was bad news. And ah'm tellin ya, that there Aynoneemus is the worst I've felt!”
  86. >You slam your head down on the small table between you two and yell in frustration. Applejack is just too stubborn for you to work with!
  87. >You swear this mare is going to give you wrinkles!
  89. >You are Luna, and you are currently trotting through the Everfree Forest.
  90. >Not very far down the path, maybe a quarter mile at most, you see a massive upturning of earth in a small clearing off to the left side of the path.
  91. >Moving closer to inspect, you find a massive metal door.
  92. >You think to yourself that this looks exactly like something Anonymous would make. He always had a tendency to overbuild things.
  93. >Listening carefully, you stomp a hoof on the door a few times and find out that there is indeed air beneath it. You could barely hear the reverberations of an echo, but they were there.
  94. >You cast a spell and phase through the door. Upon reaching the other side, you noticed that the area was already illuminated. The area you are in is what looks like a very wide street that goes downwards and then curves off to the left.
  95. >The ceiling of this tunnel is very high and everything seems to be made of a single piece of an unknown type of stone. You couldn't see any visible seams anywhere.
  96. >Yep, you were in the right place. Anonymous was obsessive with the detail in the things he made.
  97. >You trot onwards and began searching for Anonymous, the only sound to be heard was the clicking of your hooves across the hard floor.
  99. >You searched for what felt like hours. During your search, you saw many interesting and intriguing things.
  100. >You saw large and small metallic things of very strange design. Some of them were very large and had what looked like wings attached to them. Some of them were stylized metal and glass boxes with wheels on them. Others were strangely designed metal things with shiny metal tubes coming out of them with what looked like a switch sticking out of the bottom of them.
  101. >You also saw many musical instruments, some of which you don't recognize. There were a large amount of these very long six stringed objects that had thick wires running from them to large boxes stacked on top of eachother.
  102. >One part of the labyrinth was frozen. You could see a few Diamond Dogs frozen in place around a ruptured metal cylinder.
  103. >You immediately turned around and left that area, not wanting to suffer the same fate as those Diamond Dogs.
  104. >After a while more of walking, you begin to hear voices. Faintly at first, but they grow in intensity as you near it's source. That source being a closed door.
  105. >It sounded like Anonymous was in the middle of telling a story.
  106. >You don't wish to be rude, so you shall enter when he hits a lull in his telling.
  107. >Sitting down on your flank, you do just that.
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