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Mar 21st, 2019
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  1. import { ConnectionHandler } from 'relay-runtime';
  2. import {
  3. graphql,
  4. requestSubscription
  5. } from 'react-relay'
  6. import environment from '../network';
  8. const subscription = graphql`
  9. subscription chatWithSubscription($id: String){
  10. chatWith(id: $id){
  11. textMessage
  12. id
  13. chatId
  14. date
  15. userType
  16. translatedMessage
  17. }
  18. }
  19. `;
  21. function chatWith(id) {
  22. const variables = { id: id };
  23. requestSubscription(environment, {
  24. subscription,
  25. variables,
  26. onError: (error) => {
  27. console.log(error, "error");
  28. },
  29. updater: (store) => {
  30. console.log(store, "store");
  31. }
  32. });
  33. }
  35. module.exports = chatWith;
  37. module.exports = createPaginationContainer(
  38. ChatMessages,
  39. graphql`
  40. fragment ChatMessages_query on Query
  41. @argumentDefinitions(
  42. count: { type: "Int", defaultValue: 10 }
  43. cursor: { type: "String" }
  44. chatId: { type: "ID" }
  45. ) {
  46. messages(
  47. first: $count
  48. after: $cursor
  49. chatId: $chatId
  50. ) @connection(key: "ChatMessages_messages") {
  51. edges {
  52. node {
  53. id
  54. chatId
  55. userType
  56. date
  57. textMessage
  58. translatedMessage
  59. }
  60. cursor
  61. }
  62. totalCount
  63. pageInfo {
  64. endCursor
  65. hasNextPage
  66. }
  67. }
  68. }
  69. `,
  70. {
  71. direction: "forward" | "backward",
  72. getConnectionFromProps(props) {
  73. return props.query && props.query.messages;
  74. },
  75. // This is also the default implementation of `getFragmentVariables` if it isn't provided.
  76. getFragmentVariables(prevVars, totalCount) {
  77. return {
  78. ...prevVars,
  79. count: totalCount
  80. };
  81. },
  82. getVariables(props, { count, cursor }, fragmentVariables) {
  83. return {
  84. count,
  85. cursor,
  86. chatId: fragmentVariables.chatId
  87. };
  88. },
  89. query: graphql`
  90. query ChatMessagesPaginationQuery(
  91. $count: Int!
  92. $cursor: String
  93. $chatId: ID!
  94. ) {
  95. ...ChatMessages_query
  96. @arguments(
  97. count: $count
  98. cursor: $cursor
  99. chatId: $chatId
  100. )
  101. }
  102. `
  103. }
  104. );
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