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  2. Stay Safe Among the Threats of the Unknown
  3. Our planet is a beautiful place filled with so many mysteries. Every day, life on this planet undergoes new experiences and changes constantly. In this world of uncertainty, the only thing we can ensure is that we need to be prepared for whatever happens to come our way. Some would say the beauties of our planet Earth are well worth the risks involved to experience them. Life is all about taking in every single moment and savoring it, and in order to do so, some precautions should be established.
  4. Beautiful things are not uncommon in our world today. Around every corner lurks eye catching wonders and enigmatic mysteries that just so define what makes it all so appealing in the first place. Every place, animal, plant and person is one more interesting thing that we as people are meant to indulge in. While the people we encounter in a new place are interesting to learn more about, we must also take warning when approaching those we are unfamiliar with. When greeting a new friend or acquaintance, approach them with confidence and happiness that they hold some sort of significance. Not only does this establish what could potentially be a strong connection between you and your new acquaintance, but it also solidifies that you are instilling trust in the other person. Connecting with other human beings is such an impactful way to affect the world, and more often than not, change it for the better. The more likely you are to build a bond with a new person, the less likely you are to be taken advantage of by them. However, even when making bonds such as this, it is paramount to be aware and protect what is yours no matter what. Sometimes, practicing safe habits can be more important than pleasing others. It is imperative to understand that most people are very polite and kind, but it is hard to differentiate them from what could be dangerous criminals or people that can take advantage of you.
  5. When traveling, it is important to secure your belongings. It is unpredictable as to who may end up pilfering something. Any of your necessary travel materials, beloved keepsakes, credit card or cash, or even your identity could all be at stake as a result of theft, or an untrustworthy encounter. Crucial items to keep in check are wallets, phones, tablets, devices, car keys, passports, other personal information, and anything else you may happen to require on your journey abroad. Always keep a sharp eye on what is yours, and continue to stay wary of anyone around you. However, while you’re staying watchful, it is also important to keep in mind that one of the main purposes of your excursion is to have an pleasurable time, so don’t let worries and overthinking consume your enjoyment. While thinking about all the items necessary to secure, the question also arises: What are we permitted to take with us when trekking so far from home? Passengers boarding domestic and international flights are allowed to claim one or more checked bags, which are sent away with the flight crew to investigate for any hazardous or dangerous material(s). Upon entrusting them with a checked bag, enduring a long but thorough security check is required.. This ensures that not only are the rest of the passengers are safe, but that no volatile or unknown substances are making their way on board without at least one person noticing.
  6. When all pre-flight tasks are finally performed, it is time to board the aircraft and take off on what could be a life-changing adventure. Every steward, pilot, and flight attendant is your “ticket” to a safe and happy experience. While at times it may seem unnecessary, precautionary measures are paramount to the success of a commercial flight, so it is wise to follow the captain’s instructions and do as he/she says prior to the flight’s departure. Minor things like turning phones or mobile devices on airplane mode, flipping up tray tables, and fastening seatbelts attribute to the safety and peace of mind of those on board. Also reading/watching the emergency procedures is recommended in the extreme case that the airplane has to make an unexpected landing, or that it loses control and could potentially crash. So once all of the safety procedures are out of the way, it’s time to look out the window and enjoy the breathtaking voyage ahead.
  7. When on board any airline, paying attention to other passengers’ needs and complying with the flight attendants is important. In order to create an exceptional experience for everyone, working together helps everything unfold quite smoothly. Listen to the onboard instructions, either announced by the pilot, or appearing on-screen above, depending on the airline. Among obvious etiquette-based standards that need to be upheld exist proper safety procedure that may go over someone’s head at first. For the not so experienced traveler, they can be more accustomed to always being at home. While dealing with new people and places is enriching, it can certainly be confusing at times. There is no need to feel ashamed of being nervous or worried in a new setting, as it is human nature. Once immersed in a new lifestyle miles and miles away from home, there is so much to think about, which can be good or bad depending on perspective.
  8. When planning your trip, planning transportation, accommodations, and meals can be of monumental importance depending on prior experience. When exiting the airport, what do you do? Now that you've reached your goal destination, there has to be somewhere to go, somewhere to stay, and something to eat. Planning all of this ahead of time is the most optimal method to reducing stress and maximizing enjoyment while away from home. If it's a spontaneous trip, reservations were not available online, or some other reason that these preparations cannot be made, then it is wise to ask someone at the airport or research accommodations whilst there via laptop, phone, tablet, etc. If none of these items are available, there are maps, bus stops, and payphones that are available for public use. Most public transportation offers a ride to a hotel, popular restaurant or most anywhere that it is necessary to go to. Some airports even offer a car rental service if buses are not appealing, or the desired destination is not available. Keep in mind that preparations prior to the trip can save you up to hundreds of dollars, so it is definitely advised to do so to ensure a quality travel experience.
  9. Lastly, keeping calm during even the most stressful situations can be one of the best methods of maintaining the trip’s enjoyability. For someone who lacks adept travel experience, problems are bound to occur. The way these quandaries are addressed could mean the difference between even life and death itself. Getting lost in an unfamiliar setting can be quite an unnerving predicament. However, there are many resources available to help diminish the otherwise seemingly enormous complication. If the signs and maps are in different languages, communicating with the natives can often provide the solution. It's a common misconception to never trust strangers. The amount they should be trusted is sizably less compared to that of family, however it is by no means a bad decision to instill at least a minor amount of trust in someone new. Communication can almost always provide the answer needed to redirect the traveler on the proper path.
  10. Travel is such an important thing to us in the world today because it provides us a mutual understanding of each other's cultures, a new viewpoint of how the world looks from a different angle, and lifelong bonds with seemingly unlikely people. Every experience is a story, and every story is unique. In order to better unite the world and understand one another, we travel. We travel far and wide to new heights, new sights, and new worlds. When we travel back home, greeted by family and loved ones, we realize that we all live under the same earth, breath the same air, and stare up at the same sky. The world belongs to us, and it is our duty to explore it and learn what we can about it. An eventful life is surely in reach.
  28. Bibliography
  32. "The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Tourism Tourism Essay." 11 2013. All Answers Ltd. 12 2017 <>.
  34. Andrei, Dr. “The Risk and Dangers of Tourism around the World.”, Prezi, 13 Oct. 2016,
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