

Jun 28th, 2015
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  1. [6/25/2015 10:17:54 PM] Crasian: Nope fuck this
  2. [6/25/2015 10:18:01 PM] Crasian: You explain to me in private what you're envisioning here
  3. [6/25/2015 10:18:02 PM] Krekian: Heh
  4. [6/25/2015 10:18:19 PM] Crasian: Seriously
  5. [6/25/2015 10:18:28 PM] Crasian: I need one explanation from one person
  6. [6/25/2015 10:18:29 PM] Krekian: You're getting someone else's memories and emotions forcefully planted into your mind.
  7. [6/25/2015 10:18:39 PM] Crasian: Okay
  8. [6/25/2015 10:18:46 PM] Crasian: Is it the spectrum of human emotion
  9. [6/25/2015 10:18:51 PM] Crasian: Or is there a specific set that's focused on?
  10. [6/25/2015 10:19:05 PM] Krekian: Happiness.
  11. [6/25/2015 10:19:42 PM] Krekian: Heh. I take it you've not had much experience with lovecraftian mindfuckery?
  12. [6/25/2015 10:21:42 PM] Krekian: Hmm.
  13. [6/25/2015 10:21:48 PM] Krekian: Not sure how to describe it really.
  14. [6/25/2015 10:22:19 PM] Krekian: Like, how the hell do you describe psychic damage in real life terms?
  15. [6/25/2015 10:22:32 PM] Krekian: Psychic powers aren't really a thing irl.
  16. [6/25/2015 10:22:42 PM] Crasian: Yeah
  17. [6/25/2015 10:22:45 PM] Crasian: Well that's the thing
  18. [6/25/2015 10:22:58 PM] Crasian: I wouldn't even describe it as damage
  19. [6/25/2015 10:23:09 PM] Crasian: If I were writing it, I'd write it as a status effect
  20. [6/25/2015 10:23:35 PM] Crasian: Like, makes you throw up or keeps you from moving for a turn
  21. [6/25/2015 10:23:47 PM] Krekian: Well, the others have ideas, so you can look at that.
  22. [6/25/2015 10:23:52 PM] Krekian: I like what they've done here.
  23. [6/25/2015 10:24:11 PM] Crasian: Okay
  24. [6/25/2015 10:24:14 PM] Krekian: Ami clutched her head, It was like something had run nails across a chalkboard inside her skull. She fell to her knees, a wide, manic, ear-to-ear grin stretching across her face despite herself as she felt another wave of giddiness overcome her again.
  25. [6/25/2015 10:24:24 PM] Krekian: Inari : Shards of foreign memories rip their way through her mind. The pain forces her onto her hands and knees even as overwhelming joy contorts her features into a rictus grin.
  26. [6/25/2015 10:24:34 PM] Krekian: Yozora letting out a cry of pain, clutching her ears as the shrill, otherworldly whistle drove burning rods of agony directly into her mind.
  27. [6/25/2015 10:24:40 PM] Krekian: yeah, just like that.
  28. [6/25/2015 10:25:00 PM] Krekian: And yeah, there's a reason meguca health is called resolve
  29. [6/25/2015 10:25:14 PM] Crasian: But why does it hurt?
  30. [6/25/2015 10:25:19 PM] Krekian: It meshes with the game system.
  31. [6/25/2015 10:25:22 PM] Crasian: how does it hurt even
  32. [6/25/2015 10:25:26 PM] Crasian: Like it's memories
  33. [6/25/2015 10:25:28 PM] Crasian: I don't
  34. [6/25/2015 10:25:31 PM] Crasian: mrnghgh
  35. [6/25/2015 10:25:32 PM] Krekian: Okay. Do we want to have a rape discussion
  36. [6/25/2015 10:25:37 PM] Crasian: Sure
  37. [6/25/2015 10:25:42 PM] Crasian: You say these things as if they're crazy
  38. [6/25/2015 10:25:43 PM] Krekian: Well I dont.
  39. [6/25/2015 10:25:52 PM] Krekian: But like that.
  40. [6/25/2015 10:25:57 PM] Crasian: I don't even see how they're analogous really
  41. [6/25/2015 10:26:20 PM] Krekian: Hm.
  42. [6/25/2015 10:26:52 PM] Krekian: Maybe, what if you treat it like an airhorn.
  43. [6/25/2015 10:26:59 PM] Crasian: The way I'm thinking about it is
  44. [6/25/2015 10:27:01 PM] Crasian: I am me.
  45. [6/25/2015 10:27:08 PM] Crasian: Suddenly I know things about this guy named Bob.
  46. [6/25/2015 10:27:11 PM] Crasian: Okay.
  47. [6/25/2015 10:27:23 PM] Crasian: Bob seems like a reasonably cool person.
  48. [6/25/2015 10:27:28 PM] Crasian: I don't really care about Bob.
  49. [6/25/2015 10:27:36 PM] Crasian: I'm shooting a youma now.
  50. [6/25/2015 10:27:38 PM] Krekian: But what if you had to care about bob.
  51. [6/25/2015 10:27:49 PM] Krekian: What if some force forced you to be bob
  52. [6/25/2015 10:28:04 PM] Crasian: The former is scarier than the second
  53. [6/25/2015 10:28:18 PM] Crasian: The second I'd be like "well I'm not Bob so okay then, that was creepy, but moving on"
  54. [6/25/2015 10:28:31 PM] Crasian: The first is like you're taking control away from my emotions and feelings
  55. [6/25/2015 10:28:35 PM] Crasian: Which scares me
  56. [6/25/2015 10:28:43 PM] Krekian: Well, that pretty much happened with everyone else.
  57. [6/25/2015 10:28:51 PM] Crasian: Which then feeds into resolve I guess?
  58. [6/25/2015 10:29:51 PM] Krekian: So resolve is how coherent you are, really.
  59. [6/25/2015 10:29:57 PM] Krekian: We also use it for injuries.
  60. [6/25/2015 10:30:09 PM] Krekian: Wait
  61. [6/25/2015 10:30:13 PM] Crasian: Should I take that as implying that injuries don't actually matter?
  62. [6/25/2015 10:30:17 PM] Krekian: Coherent in a sense of..
  63. [6/25/2015 10:30:28 PM] Krekian: Control over magic.
  64. [6/25/2015 10:31:02 PM] Krekian: Yeah, the system supports injuries after you lose your resolve, aka your magic.
  65. [6/25/2015 10:31:17 PM] Krekian: Vanilla doesnt actually do blood and gore.
  66. [6/25/2015 10:31:43 PM] Krekian: The system is vague on purpose, so that we can fill it in.
  67. [6/25/2015 10:31:55 PM] Krekian: It's up to the group playing to fill in the system.
  68. [6/25/2015 10:32:35 PM] Krekian: And the system is based on PMMM, roughly. Barring some, though major, components such as grief, and the addition of OC and fallout.
  69. [6/25/2015 10:33:15 PM] Crasian: On 6/25/15, at 4:31 PM, Krekian wrote:
  70. > The system is vague on purpose, so that we can fill it in.
  72. This offends me on a number of levels
  73. [6/25/2015 10:33:21 PM] Crasian: #CrasianHatesMB
  74. [6/25/2015 10:33:24 PM] Crasian: Anyway
  75. [6/25/2015 10:33:33 PM] Krekian: Mreh.
  76. [6/25/2015 10:33:39 PM] Krekian: That's... like.
  77. [6/25/2015 10:33:41 PM] Crasian: On 6/25/15, at 4:30 PM, Krekian wrote:
  78. > Control over magic.
  80. So like, what does that mean?
  81. [6/25/2015 10:33:44 PM] Krekian: You wont like tabletops at all.
  82. [6/25/2015 10:33:58 PM] Krekian: Making shit up is the basis of most tabletop games.
  83. [6/25/2015 10:34:28 PM] Krekian: Actual coherency aside, you can no longer use magic at 0 resolve.
  84. [6/25/2015 10:34:34 PM] Crasian: Okay
  85. [6/25/2015 10:34:39 PM] Crasian: But can I still like, talk?
  86. [6/25/2015 10:34:40 PM] Krekian: You're untransformed.
  87. [6/25/2015 10:34:47 PM] Krekian: Yeah,
  88. [6/25/2015 10:34:50 PM] Crasian: When you say "coherency" I hear "mental stability"
  89. [6/25/2015 10:34:51 PM] Krekian: It's resolve
  90. [6/25/2015 10:34:59 PM | Edited 10:35:03 PM] Crasian: So like, negative resolve implies increasingly lunatic
  91. [6/25/2015 10:35:02 PM] Krekian: I'm using a simliar word as a comparison.
  92. [6/25/2015 10:35:11 PM] Krekian: It's not a perfect comparison.
  93. [6/25/2015 10:35:39 PM] Krekian: Well, you can also interpret coherency as conciousness
  94. [6/25/2015 10:36:04 PM] Crasian: ...
  95. [6/25/2015 10:36:05 PM] Crasian: I'm
  96. [6/25/2015 10:36:07 PM] Krekian: Uh.
  97. [6/25/2015 10:36:20 PM] Krekian: Fuck. no
  98. [6/25/2015 10:36:27 PM] Krekian: Not like, conciousness
  99. [6/25/2015 10:37:12 PM] Krekian: How about focus. That a good word?
  100. [6/25/2015 10:37:20 PM] Krekian: Why I am trying to find alternate terms for resolve.
  101. [6/25/2015 10:37:35 PM] Crasian: Because "resolve" is never defined in the MB rulebook
  102. [6/25/2015 10:37:40 PM] Crasian: And "resolve" can refer to many things
  103. [6/25/2015 10:37:45 PM] Crasian: "Resolution to continue"
  104. [6/25/2015 10:38:00 PM] Crasian: "Ability to think"
  105. [6/25/2015 10:38:01 PM] Krekian: "Base Resolve : This is your capacity for damage in magical battles; it’s a lot like Hit Points. "
  106. [6/25/2015 10:38:02 PM] Crasian: "Determination"
  107. [6/25/2015 10:38:13 PM] Crasian: Yeah but if the rulebook is like "fluff how you want it"
  108. [6/25/2015 10:38:26 PM] Crasian: Then it needs to give some sort of idea of what that actually means
  109. [6/25/2015 10:38:37 PM] Crasian: Like if it's just "your determination to keep fighting", that's fine
  110. [6/25/2015 10:38:44 PM] Crasian: It's just that this needs to be stated in some manner
  111. [6/25/2015 10:38:58 PM] Crasian: Like, I can imagine that in a Lovecraftian setting it just means "how sane you still are"
  112. [6/25/2015 10:39:06 PM] Crasian: But you see how I can come up with a lot of different ideas
  113. [6/25/2015 10:39:14 PM] Crasian: And I don't want to clash horribly with you
  114. [6/25/2015 10:39:15 PM] Crasian: Since
  115. [6/25/2015 10:39:25 PM] Krekian: Yeah,
  116. [6/25/2015 10:39:32 PM] Crasian: On 6/25/15, at 2:40 PM, Crasian wrote:
  117. > It's just that I don't like it when I'm told "make it up, it's magic"
  119. On 6/25/15, at 2:40 PM, Crasian wrote:
  120. > And then after my post
  122. On 6/25/15, at 2:41 PM, Crasian wrote:
  123. > "No no no they can't do that"
  124. [6/25/2015 10:39:34 PM] Krekian: But it's not an insanity meter.
  125. [6/25/2015 10:39:47 PM] Krekian: That's for sure.
  126. [6/25/2015 10:40:33 PM] Krekian: It's a meter to measure when your magic shuts down.
  127. [6/25/2015 10:40:49 PM] Krekian: So far, in my experience in other games, we combine that with pain and injuries.
  128. [6/25/2015 10:41:05 PM] Krekian: Mental and physical, though mostly physical.
  129. [6/25/2015 10:41:37 PM] Krekian: But yeah, if you want help with masaki's reaction.
  130. [6/25/2015 10:43:29 PM] Crasian: yes?
  131. [6/25/2015 10:43:29 PM] Krekian: She's being forced to feel happy, forced to think of these memories. Forced to remember them as her own (temporarily), and remember why the memories made her happy, forced to care?
  132. [6/25/2015 10:43:32 PM] Crasian: Oh
  133. [6/25/2015 10:43:40 PM] Krekian: Is that good enough?
  134. [6/25/2015 10:43:46 PM] Crasian: Sorry you stopped typing
  135. [6/25/2015 10:43:47 PM] Krekian: Fear is an okay reaction.
  136. [6/25/2015 10:43:49 PM] Crasian: On my screen
  137. [6/25/2015 10:43:53 PM] Crasian: Uhh
  138. [6/25/2015 10:44:02 PM] Crasian: Does she remember who she is?
  139. [6/25/2015 10:44:04 PM] Krekian: Or do we have to define resolve first.
  140. [6/25/2015 10:44:24 PM] Krekian: Yes, she does.
  141. [6/25/2015 10:44:26 PM] Crasian: Okay
  142. [6/25/2015 10:44:31 PM] Crasian: I can just say that she freaks out
  143. [6/25/2015 10:44:35 PM] Krekian: Yep.
  144. [6/25/2015 10:44:37 PM] Crasian: But I mean
  145. [6/25/2015 10:44:58 PM] Crasian: It's just really difficult for me to write a coherent characterization that meshes with these mechanics
  146. [6/25/2015 10:45:14 PM] Krekian: "Rejection- The mind knows this isn't real, but you can't help but remembering-"
  147. [6/25/2015 10:45:22 PM] Crasian: Without a better idea of how my character's mental and physical state relates to those mechanics.
  148. [6/25/2015 10:45:23 PM] Crasian: Does that make sense?
  149. [6/25/2015 10:46:18 PM] Krekian: Yeah.
  150. [6/25/2015 10:46:33 PM] Krekian: Unfortunately, it's a psychic attack.
  151. [6/25/2015 10:46:43 PM] Krekian: And well, when you deal with psychic shit. Yeah.
  152. [6/25/2015 10:47:15 PM] Krekian: It's hard to quantify this.
  153. [6/25/2015 10:47:37 PM] Krekian: Hard to define it properly.
  154. [6/25/2015 10:57:48 PM] Crasian: Sorry had to be pulled away
  155. [6/25/2015 10:57:50 PM] Crasian: Still away
  156. [6/25/2015 10:57:54 PM] Crasian: Will discuss momentarily
  157. [6/25/2015 11:07:55 PM] Crasian: Anyway
  158. [6/25/2015 11:08:06 PM] Crasian: Well I guess the thing would be to qualify this sort of thing
  159. [6/25/2015 11:10:22 PM] Krekian: That's also another thing.
  160. [6/25/2015 11:10:38 PM | Removed 11:10:45 PM] Krekian: This message has been removed.
  161. [6/25/2015 11:10:53 PM] Krekian: I don't want it to be a strict system.
  162. [6/25/2015 11:11:08 PM] Krekian: And what I've seen so far in the other rps aren't strict.
  163. [6/25/2015 11:11:28 PM] Crasian: See I frankly don't understand why that is
  164. [6/25/2015 11:11:35 PM] Krekian: As long as you untransform at 0 resolve.
  165. [6/25/2015 11:11:44 PM] Crasian: But I think that the reason is because everyone has a very very strong understanding of what's going on
  166. [6/25/2015 11:11:57 PM] Crasian: Because Choo and Rook and everyone are very motivated to have this group discussion
  167. [6/25/2015 11:12:08 PM] Crasian: "Okay everybody, we need to hash this out so let's talk"
  168. [6/25/2015 11:12:15 PM] Crasian: And I think that with this particular group
  169. [6/25/2015 11:12:23 PM] Crasian: (Cougcoughgerbilcough)
  170. [6/25/2015 11:12:25 PM] Krekian: You talking about pirategucas there?
  171. [6/25/2015 11:12:31 PM] Crasian: (hackhackaeqhack)
  172. [6/25/2015 11:12:41 PM] Crasian: No no, I meant in like Sky and Cybers
  173. [6/25/2015 11:12:54 PM] Crasian: ...Rook is in Sky and/or Cybers right
  174. [6/25/2015 11:13:04 PM] Krekian: Rook isn't in either, no
  175. [6/25/2015 11:13:16 PM] Krekian: But cybers is dark and gorey as fuck so,
  176. [6/25/2015 11:13:25 PM] Krekian: Damage is all gorey.
  177. [6/25/2015 11:13:38 PM] Krekian: And pmum, the pmmm game, is also gorey as fuck, because pmmm.
  178. [6/25/2015 11:13:51 PM] Krekian: They treat resolve as... well health. And it depends on the player.
  179. [6/25/2015 11:14:12 PM] Crasian: I suppose
  180. [6/25/2015 11:14:14 PM] Krekian: Moid goes eyeballs and gutholes and getting shot through the heart at 3 resolve damage.
  181. [6/25/2015 11:14:29 PM] Krekian: This is a slight exaggeration
  182. [6/25/2015 11:14:36 PM] Crasian: Well to be noted
  183. [6/25/2015 11:14:57 PM] Crasian: It's worth noting that the other RPs have similar conflicts over this
  184. [6/25/2015 11:15:09 PM] Crasian: Where some people will be like "it's whatever you want it to be! <3"
  185. [6/25/2015 11:15:19 PM] Crasian: And others will be like "Rrr, death and pain, rrr"
  186. [6/25/2015 11:15:27 PM] Crasian: And then nobody has any idea what the other is doing
  187. [6/25/2015 11:15:31 PM] Crasian: And hours and hours of discussion to get one post done
  188. [6/25/2015 11:15:44 PM] Crasian: Like I dunno this seems to indicate that something isn't working here
  189. [6/25/2015 11:15:45 PM] Krekian: The thing is, doing it... well. organically? We didn't decide on the gore level in cybers.
  190. [6/25/2015 11:15:55 PM] Krekian: We had bastards, and we settled on the gore level.
  191. [6/25/2015 11:16:06 PM] Krekian: I hate to say it, but organically.
  192. [6/25/2015 11:16:48 PM] Krekian: And I'm pretty sure we'll be resolve damage sorted over time with insumb as well.
  193. [6/25/2015 11:17:05 PM] Krekian: Though, it might be slightly painful.
  194. [6/25/2015 11:17:40 PM] Krekian: That's the thing though, we're allowed to have some early installment weirdness
  195. [6/25/2015 11:18:00 PM] Krekian: Heh.
  196. [6/25/2015 11:18:02 PM] Crasian: I think you need a lot more invested in this RP than I have.
  197. [6/25/2015 11:18:07 PM] Krekian: Yeah, I'm not making a good case here.
  198. [6/25/2015 11:18:22 PM] Crasian: What you're describing is the standard beginning-of-a-story growing pains
  199. [6/25/2015 11:18:31 PM] Crasian: And I already have stories I need to be finishing
  200. [6/25/2015 11:18:50 PM] Crasian: And other ideas I could be working on rather than 7 hours of yelling to get 1 post done
  201. [6/25/2015 11:18:58 PM] Crasian: Because let's be honest here
  202. [6/25/2015 11:19:04 PM] Crasian: Cannongerbil needs an attitude change.
  203. [6/25/2015 11:19:22 PM] Crasian: And it is not my idea of fun to try and hash out these growing pains with him in the picture
  204. [6/25/2015 11:19:52 PM] Krekian: Yeah, go do things.
  205. [6/25/2015 11:20:05 PM] Krekian: You can just have a minor freakout for masaki when you feel like writing her
  206. [6/25/2015 11:20:05 PM] Crasian: No you don't understand.
  207. [6/25/2015 11:20:12 PM] Crasian: I'm saying I will abandon the RP
  208. [6/25/2015 11:20:23 PM] Krekian: Yeah.
  209. [6/25/2015 11:20:24 PM] Crasian: I am extremely not interested in dealing with Cannon
  210. [6/25/2015 11:20:35 PM] Crasian: And if you are saying that I should expect this to continue
  211. [6/25/2015 11:20:39 PM] Crasian: Then I'm definitely out
  212. [6/25/2015 11:20:47 PM] Crasian: Like, this just isn't fun for me.
  213. [6/25/2015 11:20:49 PM] Crasian: It really isn't.
  214. [6/25/2015 11:21:11 PM] Krekian: Yeah, I'm having a hard time seeing cg change.
  215. [6/25/2015 11:21:13 PM] Crasian: I've been sticking through because I expect things to resolve by the time we finish this fight
  216. [6/25/2015 11:21:19 PM] Krekian: It's like asking ugo to back down.
  217. [6/25/2015 11:21:25 PM] Crasian: And most of the mechanics and such to get sorted
  218. [6/25/2015 11:21:31 PM] Crasian: But if that's not the case
  219. [6/25/2015 11:21:32 PM] Crasian: Then I'm not staying.
  220. [6/25/2015 11:21:54 PM] Crasian: Like, honestly, one of the routes Masaki might take would be to go Batman
  221. [6/25/2015 11:22:11 PM] Crasian: And be a lone fighter doing her own mission of justice
  222. [6/25/2015 11:22:18 PM] Crasian: (for whatever that's worth)
  223. [6/25/2015 11:22:43 PM] Crasian: So if you don't think this is going to be running fairly smoothly by the end of the youma fight
  224. [6/25/2015 11:22:58 PM] Crasian: Then I might just write her out as bailing on the group
  225. [6/25/2015 11:23:05 PM | Edited 11:23:15 PM] Crasian: And that's the end of Masaki's presence here as a PC
  226. [6/25/2015 11:23:44 PM] Crasian: ...I will say that I'd like to be able to write her in as an NPC with you, if that's possible.
  227. [6/25/2015 11:26:44 PM] Krekian: I'm not sure how that would work.
  228. [6/25/2015 11:30:19 PM] Crasian: I dunno, it's your plot
  229. [6/25/2015 11:30:30 PM] Crasian: If you don't think it would work then it doesn't work
  230. [6/25/2015 11:30:35 PM] Crasian: I'm just saying that it's something I'd like to do
  231. [6/25/2015 11:30:40 PM] Krekian: Yeah.
  232. [6/25/2015 11:30:43 PM] Crasian: Masaki is a character I'd like to keep
  233. [6/25/2015 11:31:02 PM] Krekian: I'm considering how it could work
  234. [6/25/2015 11:31:08 PM] Krekian: And not have her end up in a ditch.
  235. [6/25/2015 11:31:36 PM] Krekian: There's other magical girls in the city.
  236. [6/25/2015 11:32:04 PM] Krekian: More than just the three mentioned so far.
  237. [6/25/2015 11:32:25 PM] Crasian: Yeah that's my expectation
  238. [6/25/2015 11:32:42 PM] Crasian: I mean, she could just succumb to the "predatory side" of her
  239. [6/25/2015 11:32:50 PM] Crasian: That's from the magic addiction and what not
  240. [6/25/2015 11:33:01 PM] Crasian: And end up just being this terrifying psychopathic serial killer
  241. [6/25/2015 11:33:15 PM] Krekian: Oh. Well.
  242. [6/25/2015 11:33:32 PM] Krekian: That's like, easier than going batman "I'm going to figure out what's up in this town."
  243. [6/25/2015 11:33:42 PM] Krekian: Because digging up shit is going to get her killed.
  244. [6/25/2015 11:33:43 PM] Crasian: Well she'd try to be Batman right
  245. [6/25/2015 11:33:46 PM] Crasian: And then fail
  246. [6/25/2015 11:33:49 PM] Krekian: Ah.
  247. [6/25/2015 11:33:52 PM] Crasian: And then be lying in a ditch maybe
  248. [6/25/2015 11:33:56 PM] Crasian: With another girl poised to kill her
  249. [6/25/2015 11:34:06 PM] Krekian: Well. Depends on how much plot you want to see.
  250. [6/25/2015 11:34:17 PM] Krekian: Because I'm still hesitant on sharing details on the world
  251. [6/25/2015 11:34:49 PM] Krekian: I want this to happen IC.
  252. [6/25/2015 11:35:07 PM] Krekian: But if you're writing a npc you're going to have to know things.
  253. [6/25/2015 11:35:08 PM] Crasian: I understand
  254. [6/25/2015 11:35:25 PM] Crasian: Well look, this presumes heavily that things don't work out by the end of the youma fight
  255. [6/25/2015 11:35:37 PM] Crasian: And frankly, the end of the youma fight does actually require stuff to happen
  256. [6/25/2015 11:35:49 PM] Crasian: In the sense of character development and stuff
  257. [6/25/2015 11:35:52 PM] Krekian: I'm not sure what you mean by "work out"
  258. [6/25/2015 11:36:12 PM] Krekian: Cg's going to be loud. That's not gonna change.
  259. [6/25/2015 11:38:39 PM] Crasian: I don't need "lolfluff" literally every single time I try to write anything
  260. [6/25/2015 11:38:45 PM] Crasian: or ask a question
  261. [6/25/2015 11:39:06 PM] Crasian: It feels like literally anything I say gets "lol it's fluff" as a response
  262. [6/25/2015 11:39:34 PM] Crasian: So either we need to converge upon what we're going to do with the setting and such
  263. [6/25/2015 11:39:44 PM] Crasian: Or the mechanics need to be nailed down with definitions
  264. [6/25/2015 11:39:49 PM | Edited 11:40:05 PM] Krekian: Can you treat it as "You have your own personal system of how things work"?
  265. [6/25/2015 11:40:22 PM] Krekian: If you nail down the mechanics and definitions for your character specifically.
  266. [6/25/2015 11:40:43 PM] Krekian: Where the same rules dont apply to other characters exactly.
  267. [6/25/2015 11:41:13 PM] Krekian: It's what we're doing. We have our own systems inside of this MB framework.
  268. [6/25/2015 11:41:25 PM] Krekian: Painful?
  269. [6/25/2015 11:41:41 PM] Crasian: I can do that if you're okay with that
  270. [6/25/2015 11:41:55 PM] Crasian: I've been avoiding it because I feel that I should be working in your framework
  271. [6/25/2015 11:42:09 PM] Crasian: It seemed disrespectful to me to come up with my own thing
  272. [6/25/2015 11:42:15 PM] Crasian: Since you're the GM and I want to respect that status
  273. [6/25/2015 11:42:59 PM] Krekian: I think you can do that, if you want to.
  274. [6/25/2015 11:45:22 PM] Crasian: Well okay
  275. [6/25/2015 11:45:28 PM] Crasian: If that's okay with you
  276. [6/25/2015 11:45:39 PM] Crasian: Then I'm going to make Masaki's resolve based off of her willingness to keep fighting
  277. [6/25/2015 11:45:51 PM | Edited 11:46:11 PM] Crasian: 0 resolve implies that she's given up and is ready to die
  278. [6/25/2015 11:46:05 PM] Crasian: And I'm going to write her character appropriately
  279. [6/25/2015 11:46:08 PM] Krekian: How about bodily harm?
  280. [6/25/2015 11:46:26 PM] Crasian: Shield systems
  281. [6/25/2015 11:46:39 PM] Crasian: Or armor or something
  282. [6/25/2015 11:46:47 PM] Crasian: I'm just going to say that her costume absorbs the damage
  283. [6/25/2015 11:47:08 PM] Krekian: Mmm.
  284. [6/25/2015 11:47:16 PM] Krekian: That should be fine?
  285. [6/25/2015 11:47:40 PM] Crasian: Alright
  286. [6/25/2015 11:47:48 PM] Crasian: What did you mean by bodily harm though?
  287. [6/25/2015 11:48:06 PM] Krekian: Well, I was expecting something more complicated.
  288. [6/25/2015 11:48:07 PM] Crasian: Or do you mean just "how do physical attacks get reflected in resolve"?
  289. [6/25/2015 11:48:09 PM] Crasian: Oh
  290. [6/25/2015 11:48:19 PM] Crasian: Yeah I give that impression
  291. [6/25/2015 11:48:32 PM] Crasian: Because I don't like it when people go "lol fluff"
  292. [6/25/2015 11:48:38 PM] Crasian: Because look, if you're going to do something
  293. [6/25/2015 11:48:44 PM] Crasian: MAKE IT PART OF THE FUCKING CHARACTER OH MY GOD
  294. [6/25/2015 11:48:57 PM] Crasian: So Masaki's "resolve" is now part of her character
  295. [6/25/2015 11:49:10 PM] Crasian: And that's all that it needs to be, so I'm good.
  296. [6/25/2015 11:49:19 PM] Krekian: Alright.
  297. [6/25/2015 11:50:16 PM] Krekian: yeah.
  298. [6/25/2015 11:50:32 PM] Krekian: So how would you do 4 resolve damage then?
  299. [6/25/2015 11:50:45 PM] Krekian: This is coming masaki's way mechanically.
  300. [6/25/2015 11:50:56 PM] Crasian: Yeah, so it's just be Masaki being freaked out
  301. [6/25/2015 11:50:58 PM] Crasian: A little bit shaky
  302. [6/25/2015 11:51:08 PM] Crasian: Would affect her judgment
  303. [6/25/2015 11:51:13 PM | Edited 11:51:20 PM] Krekian: Going to feel any of that joy?
  304. [6/25/2015 11:51:24 PM] Krekian: Wrong word
  305. [6/25/2015 11:51:24 PM] Crasian: Yeah
  306. [6/25/2015 11:51:32 PM] Crasian: It'll be like
  307. [6/25/2015 11:51:36 PM] Crasian: Euphoria
  308. [6/25/2015 11:51:38 PM] Crasian: Random euphoria
  309. [6/25/2015 11:52:01 PM] Crasian: And she'll start to walk towards a youma because suddenly it's big and cuddly and friendly
  310. [6/25/2015 11:52:04 PM] Crasian: And she wants to hug it
  311. [6/25/2015 11:52:08 PM] Crasian: Yay trains!
  312. [6/25/2015 11:52:18 PM] Crasian: And then abruptly "NO STOP WHAT AM I DOING"
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