
F1 AIE "Baltimare Grand Prix" Part 1

Jun 20th, 2012
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  1. F1 Anon In Equestria Chapter 12
  4. >Bright.
  5. >That's the first thing you notice as you come out of your deep slumber. It's fucking bright as hell.
  6. "Ugh... dammit Celestia..."
  7. >The sun is 93 million miles away, but still has perfect aim to your retinas. Giving out an annoyed grunt, you roll over facing away from the window.
  8. >Who left the fucking curtains open?
  9. >You did dumbass. You're the only one in the room.
  10. >...
  11. >Shut the fuck up brain.
  12. >Wait... What time is it?
  13. >You groggily bring your attention to the clock on the end table next to your bed.
  14. >9:45 AM. Whew, still have plenty of time to get ready.
  15. >The race isn't until 2:00 PM. So you could sleep in.
  16. >The more you think about it though, the more that seems like a bad idea. There is still shit that needs to be done before hand.
  17. >Pre race driver meetings, interviews, autograph signings, etc. Busy day today.
  18. >Reluctantly you force yourself out of bed and head to the shower.
  19. >The track here provides personal rooms for every driver and crew member for the race weekend.
  20. >Think of a hotel in the middle of the facility. Convenient as fuck right?
  21. >Right, back home after every qualifying and practice session you would have to go all the way to a hotel miles away from the track.
  22. >It's definitely a nice change of pace. You can wake up, get ready, and just walk over to the garage instead of waiting in traffic on the way to the track itself.
  24. >Drying off from your shower, you reach for your Cloudsdale Weather team polo shirt and pants.
  25. >As you fit the shirt on, a familiar branding on the tag catches your attention.
  26. >"Made at Carousel Boutique"
  27. >The tags on your new firesuit say the same thing.
  28. >Rarity ended up scoring a deal with Celestia to fashion up the team shirts and the very expensive firesuits for each and every team.
  29. >That's how she was able to pay for four Arena seats for today's Grand Prix.
  30. >As you would've guessed, Tickets for these things are expensive as shit.
  31. >Those premium grandstand tickets you passed out for free at the party a month ago? 500 bits each.
  32. >Yeah, that'll put a dent in a wallet.
  33. >Rarity bought slightly less expensive ones at 350 each. But she still spent 1400 bits on herself, Fluttershy, Pinkie, and AJ.
  34. >But hey, shes making some serious money with this new deal. She can spend as much as she wants it looks like.
  35. >Just as soon as you get finished tying the laces on your shoes, there's a knock at your door accompanied by the voice of your teammate.
  36. >RD: "Hey you awake yet? I'm hungry."
  37. >Sounds like its time for breakfast.
  38. >Walking towards the door, you reply.
  39. "Hold on fatass, just got dressed."
  40. >Dash, wearing her team shirt as well, giggles and gives you a playful punch in the side as you exit your room.
  41. "Ow. What?" You say looking down at her with a cheeky smile.
  42. >RD: "You know exactly what, asshole! Anyway, They're serving food in one of the rooms at the race control building. Everyone is in there waiting for us."
  43. >Everyone being Rarity, Pinkie, Applejack, and Fluttershy.
  44. "The race control building? How were they able to get in there without pit passes?"
  45. >RD: "Being personal friends of the drivers have their perks, ya know?"
  47. >The both of you exit the hotel-like drivers quarters and head towards the control building situated next to pit lane. About a 5 minute walk away.
  48. >But before you can walk two feet forward from the doors, a mob of p0nies, griffons, and many other creatures crowd towards your position.
  49. >Impromptu autograph session in 3, 2, 1, Go!
  50. >They all surround you two with sheets of paper, die-cast cars, and photographs in hand/mouth/paw.
  51. >Taken aback only slightly, You both quickly pull out pens and get to signing.
  52. >These must be a group of your biggest fans, every one of them are decked out in Cloudsdale Weather apparel.
  53. >As you and Dash sign the first few items, she gives you an overwhelmed look. So you quickly notify the crowd that your kind of in a hurry.
  54. >It is race day after all.
  55. "Okay everyone, We can only sign a few more. we've got a prior engagement to take care of."
  56. >P0nies further back in the crowd give an audible groan of dissapointment. You hate doing that to your fans, but there's always next time.
  57. >Signing the last photo for a very enthusiastic muscular ...pegasus? You two head off.
  58. >Small wings on that p0ny. If he is one even.
  59. "Alright, enjoy the race everyone!"
  60. >The group cheer and exclaim good luck wishes for you two as you walk away.
  61. >"GO GET EM ANON!!!"
  64. >A bewildered Rainbow looks up to you as you both head towards race control.
  65. >RD: "Ah honashee..." *ptoo*
  66. >Dash spits out the pen she was holding.
  67. >RD: "I honestly didn't see that coming."
  68. "Better get used to it, you're famous now."
  70. >Finally reaching the Race Control center, you both walk up one flight of stairs and enter a large room housing VIP's and race officials.
  71. >Immediately after opening the door you are slapped in the face with one of the most amazing aromas to ever grace your presence.
  72. >There is a temporary buffet along the wall to the right as you walk in, displaying culinary delights from every corner of Equestria.
  73. >All of this for breakfast? Nice!
  74. >Walking up to the buffet you notice there is... Holy shit. Meat! Fuck yes! You've gone 5 months without it. The carnivore inside you is going crazy now that it's in front of you.
  75. >You both grab plates and start to pile on the food. Not too much though, still got a race to participate in.
  76. >A plate of steak and eggs with a side of veggies for you, Dash grabs up a standard salad and a few pastries for herself.
  77. >You see the others waving you over as you and Dash walk to their table with full plates.
  78. >Twilight got here from her room way before you guys did.
  79. "Morning everyp0ny!"
  80. >"Morning!" They all reply.
  81. >You and Dash take your seats at a round table on the other side of the room from the entrance.
  82. >Where you are sitting at said table faces you in the direction of large windows over looking the front straight.
  83. >Whoever sits here during the Grand Prix has front row center seats in air conditioning. You'd be envious if you weren't a driver.
  84. >RD: "You guys enjoying the day so far?"
  85. >AJ: "You bet! There is so much stuff tah do here."
  86. >FS: "They even have earplugs! Sweet, glorious earplugs."
  87. >Flutters is still not used to the engine noise apparently.
  88. *grumble*
  89. >The sound from your stomach elicits a small giggle from your friends here. Must be hungrier than you thought.
  90. >You cut into your steak, taking a juicy bite size bit into your mouth.
  91. >Hohohoho my god. Medium rare, the perfect way to prepare a cut of meat like this.
  92. >To your surprise, your friends aren't looking at you in shock.
  93. >Considering cows are sentient here, you'd expect them to at least be looking at you funny.
  94. "You guys don't mind this do you?"
  95. >TS: "What, you eating that? Not at all Anon. I figured you would be a carnivore by your teeth. Sharp canines are a dead giveaway."
  96. >Everyone nods in agreement.
  97. "So it doesn't scare you?"
  98. >"Nope." they all say.
  99. >With that you eagerly continue digging in, everyone else eating off their plates as well.
  100. >RA: "Oh those shirts you two have on look absolutely stunning if I do say so myself."
  101. "We have you to thank. Thinking about selling some more to our fans?"
  102. >RA: "Already have! Even some of the other teams apparel. Wonderbolts Racing shirts make up half of my income at the moment."
  103. >RD: "I might need to get me one of those."
  104. >Wat.
  105. "Seriously?"
  106. >RD: "What? Its the Wonderbolts were talking about here! I'll always be a fan of them even if were racing against em. I still dream of being in their flight demo team some day."
  107. >Once a Wonderbolts fangirl, always a Wonderbolts fangirl.
  108. >Finished with breakfast, you take a look at your watch. Its time to head out, got to get to a quick meeting with your sponsor to talk about a possible bonus.
  109. "See you guys after the race. And we'll see you on the grid Twi, Have fun guys!"
  110. >They all wave as you and Dash exit the room.
  112. >It's now 11:25 AM. This meeting has to be quick. As soon as your done talking with the Cloudsdale Weather spokesp0ny its straight to the garage to get the cars prepped.
  113. >You both walk up to an overhang with the Cloudsdale logo. This looks like the place.
  114. >"There you two are! How are you guys?"
  115. >You are greeted by a fairly middle age looking p0ny all dressed up in standard weather gear, This must be the guy.
  116. "Good. You wanted to talk to us about a possible bonus today right?"
  117. >"That would be me! Now I know you guys are busy so I'll cut right to the chase. Where do you think we want you to finish today?"
  118. >Oh gosh, I dunno. Seventh?
  119. "I'm guessing you want us to win."
  120. >"Precisely! We would love to see a one-two finish from you guys in today's Grand Prix. But I'll make it a bit easier for you. If the both of you can finish in the top 5, we'll throw in 5000 bits as a bonus to both of your race winnings."
  121. >Fucking nice. You'd be stupid not to take up that challenge.
  122. >RD "Awesome! thanks mister... uh.."
  123. >"Just call me Joe."
  124. "You wont be disappointed Joe."
  125. >JOE: "I better not be! Good luck today you two!"
  126. >Successful meeting out of the way, now to pit lane to get this thing started.
  128. "Everything looking good Twi?" you say as you strap on your helmet
  129. >You all are in the garage giving the cars a final check for today.
  130. TS: "Everything passed inspection with flying colors, tires are a little worn from qualifying but that's a given. Be careful off of the start line today. Both of you."
  131. >T-35 minutes till the start of the Grand Prix. The pit lane exit will be open in 5 minutes.
  132. >That's when you need to cover a reconnaissance lap and head to your position on the starting grid.
  133. >You and Dash are fully decked out in your fire suits and helmets, the pit crew getting the cars ready.
  134. >Just before you strap in to your machine, You suddenly hear the Grand Prix pre-race promo over the loud speakers outside.
  138. *We're not P0nyville.*
  140. *We're not Fillydelphia.*
  142. *And we're certainly not Canterlot*
  144. *In Baltimare, we do things differently.*
  145. *Which suits us fine.*
  146. >The home crowd cheers at that line.
  148. *It means we don't follow.*
  149. *We lead.*
  151. *We don't go by the rules. We make our own*
  153. *And we don't worry as much about convention as we do about defying it*
  155. *The Formula 1 Baltimare Grand Prix is coming*
  157. >The stands loudly erupt in the biggest uproar you've heard all weekend.
  158. >...
  159. >...That promo sounded oddly familiar...
  162. >T-30 minutes till the start.
  163. >A horn sounds signaling that pit lane is now open. Everyone heads out of their respective garages in the order of qualifying.
  164. >Short loud revs fill the air as a slow moving convoy of multicolored racing machines exit pit lane, causing yet another eruption from the stands.
  165. >You radio over to your team mate to get her ready for today. Shits about to get hectic.
  166. "Rainbow do you read me?"
  167. >RD: "Roger that"
  168. "You ready for this?"
  169. >RD: "Do you even need to ask? If I wasn't ready I wouldn't be here in this car right now."
  170. "That's what I like to hear. Just remember our training. Good luck out there."
  171. >RD: "Same to you. I uh... nevermind."
  172. >Hmm. odd.
  173. ----
  174. >Coming up to the starting line, you get yourself in position on the starting grid.
  175. >Starting P2 today, so you're on the right side of the straightaway, giving you a perfect opportunity to get on the inside of Thunderlane's black #9 machine going into the sharp right hander of turn 1.
  176. >As a refresher, here is the starting grid for the Grand Prix. Odd numbers are on the outside of the row, even numbers on the inside. The track is run in a clockwise direction.
  177. -Row 1
  178. 1. Thunderlane
  179. 2. Anonymous
  180. -Row 2
  181. 3. Rainbow Dash
  182. 4. Soarin
  183. -Row 3
  184. 5. Cloud Chaser
  185. 6. Octavia
  186. -Row 4
  187. 7. Spitfire
  188. 8. Aloe
  189. -Row 5
  190. 9. Lotus
  191. 10. Vinyl Scratch - -5 grid penalty from 5th
  192. -Row 6
  193. 11. Blossomforth
  194. 12. Flitter
  197. >T-15 minutes till the start, another horn sounds signaling that pit lane is now closed until the start.
  198. >Every teams crew climbs over the pit wall and heads to their respective cars.
  199. >Immediately you are put up on jacks and tire warmers are placed on the tires in order to conserve some heat at the start.
  200. >Twilight looks over both cars attentively. Making sure there is nothing out of place.
  201. >With these cars as aerodynamically sensitive as they are, nothing can be in the way of airflow.
  202. >Closing your eyes, you allow yourself one final chance to relax. You're gonna need it.
  203. ----
  204. >T-1 minute.
  205. >The last 14 minutes have gone by like a blur. Deep thought overtaking your being as you sit with eyes closed in the marvel of engineering that is your open wheel racer.
  206. >The sudden jerk of engine ignition was what brought you out of your state of mind.
  207. >Tire warmers removed, car lowered to the ground, helmet visor shut, engine shifted into first. Yours being the first to do so on the grid.
  208. >To your left is Thunderlane, his car ready to make the one last recon lap before the main start.
  209. >In your mirrors you catch Rainbows machine lowered to the racing surface. You see that signature mean look in her eyes before she confidently and swiftly closes her visor.
  210. >Directly behind you is Soarin. Like you didn't need anymore pressure today.
  211. >By far the coolest head on the grid. He hasn't made a single costly mistake in either the 3 months of testing or this race weekend.
  214. >T-15 seconds, every crew member leaves the track surface to make way for the standard recon lap.
  215. >You stare at the start lights hanging above the track awaiting the signal.
  216. >Just then, two green lights are displayed before the entire grid. Everyone smoothly letting go of their clutches to start the one recon lap around EquineRing.
  217. >You quickly start your own standard tire warm-up procedure by weaving left and right, enhancing the friction on each tire.
  218. >Many others follow your lead down the front straight eventually heading into turn one.
  219. ----
  220. >Halfway around the recon lap, Dash unexpectedly chimes in on the radio. Her tone for some reason, somber almost.
  221. >RD: "Anon... There's something Iv'e been wanting to tell you, for a while now actually. I know you might think this is bad timing, but I wanna get this out if and before one of us gets hurt... badly... today or the next 2 races.... I want you to know that I kinda l-"
  222. "Save it."
  223. >With two simple words you stop whatever that was dead in its tracks.
  224. >Where in the hell did that come from? What was she gonna say?
  225. >The fucking Grand Prix starts in literally less than 30 seconds. You don't have time to think about that now.
  226. >It sounded like she was about to...
  228. >A violent shock forces the car upwards as you unknowingly hit the large chicane curb directly with your right front tire.
  229. >Because of the rigid suspension, all four tires are off of the ground for a split second. The car tossing you about as you land. Ow.
  230. >So much for staying in focus.
  231. >Luckiest driver on the grid, you come away with no damage what so ever after going over a speed bump from hell at 55+ mph.
  232. >RD: "sorry..."
  233. >Yep, she saw that. Fuck, this Grand Prix is gonna be harder than you wanted it to be.
  235. >Forget about it. Just forget about it dude...
  236. >Was she going to-?
  238. >Down the front straight, the car responds to your sudden outburst in the form of a short controlled burnout as you floor the throttle in anger. You scream in between your teeth along with the engine as it hits 18,000 rpm.
  239. >The rage maybe a bit much right now. But getting thrown about in the car like that, plus the fact that you cant focus on the race at the moment kind of set off a wave of anger through you.
  240. >Laying off of the throttle, you allow yourself to breathe once more.
  241. >Ah... that felt good.
  242. >The car makes its way to grid position #2. No crew members on the grid any longer. Just you and 11 other drivers. Each looking for the exact same thing at the end of the day. Victory.
  243. >A drone of engine noise makes its way through the air as each vehicle is in their respective grid positions, each idling at 6000 rpms.
  244. >The start lights above the track have the drivers, the spectators, and the TV viewers full undivided attention.
  245. I I I I
  246. I I I I
  247. •I I I I
  248. >This is it.
  249. >As soon as that light displayed itself, the grid screams in power, each car and driver alike chomping at the bit to get going.
  250. •I•I I I
  251. •I•I•I I
  252. •I•I•I•I
  253. >A crescendo arises from the stands as what everyp0ny has been waiting for is merely seconds away.
  254. >Right foot ready to bury the throttle, you prepare yourself to give your all in every lap and every corner for the next hour and a half.
  255. •I•I•I•I•
  256. •I•I•I•I•
  257. •I•I•I•I•
  260. I I I I
  263. End part 1
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