

Oct 29th, 2020
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  1. Vahanian Halloween Trail
  3. islegendary=False
  4. requiredquestpoints=500
  5. rewardquestpoints=0
  6. canpreview=false
  7. previewtext=As part of the yearly Halloween celebrations, the towns have set up halloween challenges with Professor Ras!
  8. ignoresquestlimit=False
  9. repeatdays=-1
  10. objectives
  11. {
  12. stage=0
  13. {
  14. {
  15. description=Chatras
  16. hint=An optional hint
  17. timestocomplete=1
  18. hidden=True
  19. infinite=False
  20. triggers
  21. {
  22. show_title(delay=1;titletext=Vahanian Halloween Trail;titlecolour=dark_purple;subtitletext=Halloween Quest Start!;subtitlecolour=white)
  23. }
  24. type=chat_npc(uuid=5762b643-1d7e-400d-aa79-435266e8423e;chatline1=Hey trainer, you're in time for the newly founded Vahanian Halloween activities!;chatline2=This is a new thing the Vahanian upper brass wanted to try out, so do give some feedback when you're done please.;chatline3=We've managed to partner with all the major towns in Vanha to plan activities for all trainers to partake in, with special prizes from each of them!;chatline4=We've stationed the representatives near the entrances of each town, so new and old trainers alike will be able to easily spot them.;chatline5=Of course, we have a unique prize for the most dedicated of trainers who manage to complete every town's task.;chatline6=As for what it is, you'll have to come back when you're done!;chatline7=Now, off to it trainer!)
  25. }
  26. }
  27. stage=1
  28. {
  29. {
  30. description=Talk to the Agni representative.
  31. hint=He's in Agni.
  32. timestocomplete=1
  33. hidden=False
  34. infinite=False
  35. triggers
  36. {
  37. give_item(delay=4;itemid=pixelmon:box;nbt={display:{Name:"Halloween Refreshments",Lore:["A box of assorted halloween themed treats."]}};count=3)
  38. }
  39. type=chat_npc(uuid=a9ad97da-17cd-44c9-8622-16315694169d;chatline1=Welcome trainer to the beginning of the activities.;chatline2=For this town's task, you are to seek out our 3 most important members, and bring these refreshments to them.;chatline3=The keeper of the flame, the Innkeeper, and the head of Vanha as well as Heill gyms, AdmiralCrunch.;chatline4=Good luck trainer.)
  40. }
  41. }
  42. stage=2
  43. {
  44. {
  45. description=Chat to the Innkeeper.
  46. hint=He's just outside the Agni Inn.
  47. timestocomplete=1
  48. hidden=False
  49. infinite=False
  50. triggers
  51. {
  52. take_item(delay=0;itemid=pixelmon:box;count=1)
  53. }
  54. conditions
  55. {
  56. has_item(flipped=False;itemid=pixelmon:box;count=1)
  57. }
  58. type=chat_npc(uuid=50b94ed4-94f3-48a1-8188-983b9854727c;chatline1=Ah, our refreshment delivery is here.;chatline2=Thank you trainer, breaks are rare now with all the hustle and bustle.)
  59. }
  60. }
  61. stage=3
  62. {
  63. {
  64. description=Chat to the Keeper of the Flame.
  65. hint=He's below the Agni Gym.
  66. timestocomplete=1
  67. hidden=False
  68. infinite=False
  69. triggers
  70. {
  71. take_item(delay=0;itemid=pixelmon:box;count=1)
  72. show_chat_gui(delay=1;name=Keeper of the Flame;chatline1=I graciously accept this tribute trainer, best of luck on your journey.)
  73. }
  74. conditions
  75. {
  76. has_item(flipped=False;itemid=pixelmon:box;count=1)
  77. }
  78. type=right_click_entity(uuid=67225f80-b31f-423c-86c1-6da0275d475c)
  79. }
  80. }
  81. stage=4
  82. {
  83. {
  84. description=Chat to Admiral Crunch.
  85. hint=He's at the gym.
  86. timestocomplete=1
  87. hidden=False
  88. infinite=False
  89. triggers
  90. {
  91. take_item(delay=0;itemid=pixelmon:box;count=1)
  92. }
  93. conditions
  94. {
  95. has_item(flipped=False;itemid=pixelmon:box;count=1)
  96. }
  97. type=chat_npc(uuid=49edcf01-d61c-45b1-939b-8c53d8b22562;chatline1=Yo, thanks for the refreshments bud.;chatline2=Standing out here tossing EV items at people gets tiring after awhile, yknow?)
  98. }
  99. }
  100. stage=5
  101. {
  102. {
  103. description=Return to the Agni representative.
  104. hint=He's in Agni.
  105. timestocomplete=1
  106. hidden=False
  107. infinite=False
  108. triggers
  109. {
  110. give_item(delay=4;itemid=pixelmon:lava_cookie;nbt={display:{Name:"Spicy Biscuit",Lore:["The smell of spices alone is incredibly overwhelming."]}};count=1)
  111. }
  112. type=chat_npc(uuid=a9ad97da-17cd-44c9-8622-16315694169d;chatline1=Very well, you did a great job.;chatline2=As thanks, please take one of our specialty spicy biscuits, made fresh with the lava of a numel.;chatline3=It's… not actually made with numel lava, can't begin to imagine the number of lawsuits that would bring.)
  113. }
  114. }
  115. stage=6
  116. {
  117. {
  118. description=Talk to the Nogrod Representative.
  119. hint=He's at /warp Nogrod.
  120. timestocomplete=1
  121. hidden=False
  122. infinite=False
  123. type=chat_npc(uuid=e6b96014-7a9b-475b-a1a9-6281fd45d94f;chatline1=Aye trainer, glad you could make it.;chatline2=Right, so, the miners graciously left a nice vein of amethyst this year for this event.;chatline3=And the activity is to search for the vein, and dig a chunk of it out! Of course, we'll provide a temporary tool for you to use.;chatline4=You can begin the activity by talking to the Head Miner down in the caves, if you know where that is.;chatline5=If you don't, well, come find me, and I'll get a local to bring you down there.;chatline6=Best of luck!)
  124. }
  125. }
  126. stage=7
  127. {
  128. {
  129. description=Speak to the Head Miner.
  130. hint=He's in the Nogrod Mines.
  131. timestocomplete=1
  132. hidden=False
  133. infinite=False
  134. triggers
  135. {
  136. give_item(delay=3;itemid=wooden_pickaxe;nbt={display:{Name:"Gem Carver",Lore:["A delicate tool made of wood for dislodging chunks of crystal without breaking them."]}};count=1)
  137. skip_to_stage(delay=1;stage=8)
  138. }
  139. type=chat_npc(uuid=d5b99fa7-b2cb-4a3a-a29a-3bec9abc6563;chatline1=Oh, another one for the event eh?;chatline2=Here's a pick, you know how to swing that right?;chatline3=Come back to me when you carve out a chunk of that amethyst.)
  140. }
  141. {
  142. description=Lost? Talk to the Nogrod Rep.
  143. hint=He's at /warp Nogrod.
  144. timestocomplete=1
  145. hidden=False
  146. infinite=False
  147. triggers
  148. {
  149. warp(delay=3;world=Vanha;x=-784;y=44;z=-699)
  150. }
  151. type=chat_npc(uuid=e6b96014-7a9b-475b-a1a9-6281fd45d94f;chatline1=I get ya, Nogrod's quite the maze at times.;chatline2=o problem, I'll get someone to escort you down there.)
  152. }
  153. }
  154. stage=8
  155. {
  156. {
  157. description=Mine the Amethyst Ore.
  158. hint=It's in Nogrod Mines. Right click it with the wooden pickaxe.
  159. timestocomplete=1
  160. hidden=False
  161. infinite=False
  162. triggers
  163. {
  164. send_chat(delay=1;message=&bAs you whack the amethyst with the pickaxe, a medium sized chunk eventually dislodges.)
  165. give_item(delay=0;itemid=pixelmon:amethyst;count=1)
  166. }
  167. type=right_click_block(minx=-782;maxx=-780;miny=30;maxy=33;minz=-748;maxz=-746;world=Vanha)
  168. }
  169. }
  170. stage=9
  171. {
  172. {
  173. description=Speak to the Head Miner.
  174. hint=He's in the Nogrod Mines.
  175. timestocomplete=1
  176. hidden=False
  177. infinite=False
  178. triggers
  179. {
  180. fire_command(delay=3;command=/give PLAYER pixelmon:dusk_stone_pickaxe 1 0 {display:{Name:"Spooky Pickaxe",Lore:["Sometimes, you can feel something tugging the pickaxe away..."]},ench:[{id:32,lvl:3},{id:34,lvl:3}]})
  181. }
  182. type=chat_npc(uuid=d5b99fa7-b2cb-4a3a-a29a-3bec9abc6563;chatline1=Right, that's a pretty nice one if I do say so myself.;chatline2=You're free to keep the amethyst and pickaxe as souvenirs, and here, a small gift.;chatline3=We found a massive stockpile of these in one of the abandoned towers, they're in pretty good working condition, fairly durable to boot.;chatline4=Thanks for playing, trainer.)
  183. }
  184. }
  185. stage=10
  186. {
  187. {
  188. description=Talk to the Kuan-Ti Rep.
  189. hint=They're at /warp Kuanti.
  190. timestocomplete=1
  191. hidden=False
  192. infinite=False
  193. triggers
  194. {
  195. show_chat_gui(delay=0;name=Kuan-Ti Representative;chatline1=Greetings trainer! I hope you’re ready for Kuan-Ti’s challenge!;chatline2=That is to say, a trainer battle! Come, trainer, lets us begin!)
  196. }
  197. type=right_click_entity(uuid=e3bfef4c-cddd-49e8-8b20-0039f19d2f3b)
  198. }
  199. }
  200. stage=11
  201. {
  202. {
  203. description=Defeat the Kuan-Ti Rep!
  204. hint=They're at /warp kuanti
  205. timestocomplete=1
  206. hidden=False
  207. infinite=False
  208. triggers
  209. {
  210. skip_to_stage(delay=0;stage=12)
  211. show_chat_gui(delay=4;name=Kuan-Ti Representative;chatline1=Very well trainer, your will burns bright and strong!;chatline2=Here, for your travels.)
  212. give_item(delay=5;itemid=pixelmon:moon_ball;count=32)
  213. }
  214. type=defeat_trainer(uuid=e3bfef4c-cddd-49e8-8b20-0039f19d2f3b)
  215. }
  216. {
  217. description=Lose
  218. hint=An optional hint
  219. timestocomplete=1
  220. hidden=False
  221. infinite=True
  222. triggers
  223. {
  224. show_chat_gui(delay=4;name=Kuan-Ti Representative;chatline1=Aw... You lost! Feel free to challenge again when you're ready.)
  225. }
  226. type=lose_to_trainer(uuid=e3bfef4c-cddd-49e8-8b20-0039f19d2f3b)
  227. }
  228. {
  229. description=Lose
  230. hint=An optional hint
  231. timestocomplete=1
  232. hidden=False
  233. infinite=True
  234. triggers
  235. {
  236. show_chat_gui(delay=4;name=Kuan-Ti Representative;chatline1=Aw... You lost! Feel free to challenge again when you're ready.)
  237. }
  238. type=battle_end_abnormal()
  239. }
  240. {
  241. description=Lose
  242. hint=An optional hint
  243. timestocomplete=1
  244. hidden=False
  245. infinite=False
  246. triggers
  247. {
  248. show_chat_gui(delay=4;name=Kuan-Ti Representative;chatline1=Aw... You lost! Feel free to challenge again when you're ready.)
  249. }
  250. type=log_off()
  251. }
  252. }
  253. stage=12
  254. {
  255. {
  256. description=Chat to the Ione Representative.
  257. hint=He's at /warp Ione.
  258. timestocomplete=1
  259. hidden=False
  260. infinite=False
  261. type=chat_npc(uuid=bd42b862-1380-4469-b7b5-93c9d2ccd9e7;chatline1=Why, trainer, what is that I smell on you?;chatline2=Ah I see, it’s the scent of the… impoverished.;chatline3=Away with you trainer, if you want to get past me, bring me something of value.;chatline4=Perhaps some gold, yes, 5 blocks will do nicely.)
  262. }
  263. }
  264. stage=13
  265. {
  266. {
  267. description=Bring the Ione Rep 5 gold blocks.
  268. hint=Have them in your inventory.
  269. timestocomplete=1
  270. hidden=False
  271. infinite=False
  272. triggers
  273. {
  274. give_item(delay=3;itemid=pixelmon:amulet_coin;count=1)
  275. }
  276. conditions
  277. {
  278. has_item(flipped=False;itemid=gold_block;count=5)
  279. }
  280. type=chat_npc(uuid=bd42b862-1380-4469-b7b5-93c9d2ccd9e7;chatline1=Oh, it’s you.;chatline2=You actually went out and obtained the gold?;chatline3=Oh, you doltish child.;chatline4=That won’t make you less underprivileged, but perhaps this would help.;chatline5=Now, be off with you.)
  281. }
  282. }
  283. stage=14
  284. {
  285. {
  286. description=Talk to the Skadi Representative.
  287. hint=They're at /warp Skadi.
  288. timestocomplete=1
  289. hidden=False
  290. infinite=False
  291. type=chat_npc(uuid=27073d47-676f-49d5-af55-89e93172b106;chatline1=An odd question trainer… but what is that over your shoulder?;chatline2=Did I scare ya? If I did, you’re gonna really enjoy our activity here.;chatline3=We left a cache of tokens in one of the reportedly haunted rooms of the gym.;chatline4=Go there and pick one up, and return back here once you do!)
  292. }
  293. }
  294. stage=15
  295. {
  296. {
  297. description=Find the other Skadi Rep in the Gym.
  298. hint=At Skadi's Gym.
  299. timestocomplete=1
  300. hidden=False
  301. infinite=False
  302. triggers
  303. {
  304. give_item(delay=1;itemid=pixelmon:ghost_memory;nbt={display:{Name:"Skadi Halloween Token",Lore:["A strange metallic purple coin. You can see something in it's reflection..."]}};count=1)
  305. }
  306. type=chat_npc(uuid=3f83c4fc-268e-4244-ba21-2cb6a6272092;chatline1=... ...;chatline2=Here...)
  307. }
  308. }
  309. stage=16
  310. {
  311. {
  312. description=Talk to the Skadi Representative.
  313. hint=They're at /warp Skadi.
  314. timestocomplete=1
  315. hidden=False
  316. infinite=False
  317. triggers
  318. {
  319. take_item(delay=0;itemid=pixelmon:ghost_memory)
  320. fire_command(delay=3;command=/give PLAYER pixelmon:rare_candy 3 0 {display:{Name:"Skadi Enigma Candy",Lore:["Made from the mysterious Enigma berries.","What does it taste like? No one seems to know, even after tasting it."]},HideFlags:1,ench:[{id:0,lvl:1}]})
  321. }
  322. conditions
  323. {
  324. has_item(flipped=False;itemid=pixelmon:ghost_memory;count=1)
  325. }
  326. type=chat_npc(uuid=27073d47-676f-49d5-af55-89e93172b106;chatline1=Perfect, congrats on passing this little trial.;chatline2=As a little celebration, take these locally sourced sweets. We made them for human consumptions, but well, they turned out more popular with Pokemon.;chatline3=What do you mean “other representative”?;chatline4=I’m pretty sure I was the only one who was hired…)
  327. }
  328. }
  329. stage=17
  330. {
  331. {
  332. description=Talk to the Arvandor Representative.
  333. hint=They're at /warp Arvandor.
  334. timestocomplete=1
  335. hidden=False
  336. infinite=False
  337. type=chat_npc(uuid=fbacfd44-91e0-4596-ad7f-b24c1ec8b2;chatline1=Hey trainer, so uh, we would normally have you go and play with the sunkern, but we’re in quite the pinch.;chatline2=Each year we get a large influx of orders for Jack O'Lanterns around this time, but we never run out.;chatline3=Well, not till this year. If you help us restock, we’ll count this as part of the activities, deal?)
  338. }
  339. }
  340. stage=18
  341. {
  342. {
  343. description=Return to the Rep with 16 Jack-O-Lanterns.
  344. hint=They're at /warp Arvandor.
  345. timestocomplete=1
  346. hidden=False
  347. infinite=False
  348. triggers
  349. {
  350. take_item(delay=0;itemid=lit_pumpkin;count=16)
  351. give_item(delay=1;itemid=pixelmon:xl_exp_candy;count=5)
  352. }
  353. conditions
  354. {
  355. has_item(flipped=False;itemid=lit_pumpkin;count=16)
  356. }
  357. type=chat_npc(uuid=fbacfd44-91e0-4596-ad7f-b24c1ec8b2;chatline1=Thank you, with the number of trainers helping us stock, we’ll be done in no time.;chatline2=Here you go trainer, have a few extra on the house, the boss won’t mind.)
  358. }
  359. }
  360. stage=19
  361. {
  362. {
  363. description=Talk to the Tesla Representative.
  364. hint=They're at /warp Tesla.
  365. timestocomplete=1
  366. hidden=False
  367. infinite=False
  368. triggers
  369. {
  370. show_options(delay=6;id=TeslaREP;name=Tesla Representative;text=What'll it be?;choice1=Heads;choice2=Tails;choice3=On it's side)
  371. }
  372. type=chat_npc(uuid=884b8bd8-ff95-4833-a3b9-b0bbd43f0b3f;chatline1=Hey kiddo, you ready to play a little game?;chatline2=We’ll flip a coin, and if you win, you get a prize.;chatline3=If you lose, well, no problem, Vahanian uppers wouldn’t let a child gamble.;chatline4=So, heads or tails, what will it be?)
  373. }
  374. {
  375. description=Heads
  376. hint=An optional hint
  377. timestocomplete=1
  378. hidden=True
  379. infinite=False
  380. triggers
  381. {
  382. send_chat(delay=1;message=&bThe Tesla Representative flips the coin, landing squarely on Tails.)
  383. show_chat_gui(delay=3;name=Tesla Representative;chatline1=Tough luck, kiddo. No prize this time, perhaps at the next town.)
  384. skip_to_stage(delay=2;stage=20)
  385. }
  386. type=choose_option(id=TeslaREP;choice=1)
  387. }
  388. {
  389. description=Tails
  390. hint=An optional hint
  391. timestocomplete=1
  392. hidden=True
  393. infinite=False
  394. triggers
  395. {
  396. send_chat(delay=1;message=&bThe Tesla Representative flips the coin, landing squarely on Tails.)
  397. show_chat_gui(delay=3;name=Tesla Representative;chatline1=Well, congratulations, you win some, you lose some, here.)
  398. skip_to_stage(delay=2;stage=20)
  399. give_item(delay=3;itemid=pixelmon:hourglass_gold;count=1)
  400. }
  401. type=choose_option(id=TeslaREP;choice=2)
  402. }
  403. {
  404. description=Side
  405. hint=An optional hint
  406. timestocomplete=1
  407. hidden=True
  408. infinite=False
  409. triggers
  410. {
  411. send_chat(delay=1;message=&bThe Tesla Representative flips the coin, landing squarely on Tails.)
  412. show_chat_gui(delay=3;name=Tesla Representative;chatline1=Tough luck, kiddo. No prize this time, perhaps at the next town.)
  413. skip_to_stage(delay=2;stage=20)
  414. }
  415. type=choose_option(id=TeslaREP;choice=3)
  416. }
  417. }
  418. stage=20
  419. {
  420. {
  421. description=Talk to the Highrift Representative.
  422. hint=She's at /warp Highrift.
  423. timestocomplete=1
  424. hidden=False
  425. infinite=False
  426. triggers
  427. {
  428. send_chat(delay=6;message=&bShe hands you a small, styled vial of drink. Down the hatch!)
  429. }
  430. type=chat_npc(uuid=254b5a48-84ce-463f-85c8-54017a364989;chatline1=Aye laddie, here in Highrift we’re known for 2 things.;chatline2=We’re known for being warriors, battle hardened and a will of steel.;chatline3=The second is our Highrift Special Cocktail, the hardest most incredible drink known to Vanha.;chatline4=Administratively, we were supposed to do uh… let's see here…;chatline5=“Give the trainers a task related to the town’s location, for example, gather resources, battle pokemon etc.”;chatline6=Higher ups here won’t tell, if you don’t. So, drink up!)
  431. }
  432. }
  433. stage=21
  434. {
  435. {
  436. description=Chat to the Highrift Representative.
  437. hint=She's at /warp Highrift.
  438. timestocomplete=1
  439. hidden=False
  440. infinite=False
  441. triggers
  442. {
  443. send_chat(delay=1;message=&bThe taste made it relatively easy to down.)
  444. send_chat(delay=5;message=&bPerhaps this wasn't the best of ideas...)
  445. fire_command(delay=6;command=effect PLAYER blindness 4 1)
  446. fire_command(delay=6;command=effect PLAYER nausea 6 1)
  447. fire_command(delay=6;command=effect PLAYER slowness 6 2)
  448. send_chat(delay=12;message=&bThat was... unplesant.)
  449. }
  450. type=chat_npc(uuid=254b5a48-84ce-463f-85c8-54017a364989;chatline1=That's the spirit, all in one go!)
  451. }
  452. }
  453. stage=22
  454. {
  455. {
  456. description=Talk to the Highrift Representative.
  457. hint=She's at /warp Highrift.
  458. timestocomplete=1
  459. hidden=False
  460. infinite=False
  461. triggers
  462. {
  463. send_chat(delay=6;message=&b...! That was the last Rep! Time to return to Professor Ras.)
  464. fire_command(delay=3;command=/give PLAYER minecraft:experience_bottle 8 0 {display:{Name:"Highrift Sports Drinks",Lore:["\"The drink of the everyday trainer.\""]},ench:[{id:32,lvl:3},{id:34,lvl:3},{id:0,lvl:1}],HideFlags:1})
  465. }
  466. type=chat_npc(uuid=254b5a48-84ce-463f-85c8-54017a364989;chatline1=You alright there laddie?;chatline2=I’ve never seen a trainer take it like such a champ!;chatline3=Have something lighter, don’t worry, you can always come back when you’re a little older.)
  467. }
  468. }
  469. stage=23
  470. {
  471. {
  472. description=Chat to Ras
  473. hint=She's at /warp Nyr.
  474. timestocomplete=1
  475. hidden=False
  476. infinite=False
  477. type=chat_npc(uuid=5762b643-1d7e-400d-aa79-435266e8423e;chatline1=Welcome back trainer, did you enjoy your adventure?;chatline2=Very well, as mentioned, there is a special prize waiting for you.;chatline3=We have three pokemon with special ghost type moves, but you can only pick one to take with you.;chatline4=First off, a physically defensive Scizor with Shadow Claw.;chatline5=Secondly, a physically defensive Alomomola with Curse.;chatline6=And lastly, a specially offensive Vikavolt with Shadow Ball.;chatline7=If you want more details, check the events channel in our discord, and come back to me when you’ve decided.)
  478. }
  479. }
  480. stage=24
  481. {
  482. {
  483. description=Chat to Ras
  484. hint=She's at /warp Nyr.
  485. timestocomplete=1
  486. hidden=False
  487. infinite=True
  488. triggers
  489. {
  490. show_options(delay=2;id=HalloweenOpt;name=Professor Ras;text=Which one would you like? Be absolutely sure!;choice1=Scizor;choice2=Alomomola;choice3=Vikavolt)
  491. }
  492. type=chat_npc(uuid=5762b643-1d7e-400d-aa79-435266e8423e;chatline1=So, which of the Pokemon will you take?)
  493. }
  494. {
  495. description=Scizor
  496. hint=An optional hint
  497. timestocomplete=1
  498. hidden=True
  499. infinite=False
  500. triggers
  501. {
  502. show_chat_gui(delay=1;name=Professor Ras;chatline1=Very well, here you go.)
  503. give_pokemon(delay=3;spec=Scizor ab:Technician lvl:50 helditem:leftovers evhp:252 evatk:4 evdef:252 n:impish move1:u-turn move2:roost move3:defog move4:shadow_claw ivdef:31 ivhp:31 unbreedable)
  504. skip_to_stage(delay=0;stage=25)
  505. }
  506. type=choose_option(id=HalloweenOpt;choice=1)
  507. }
  508. {
  509. description=Alomomola
  510. hint=An optional hint
  511. timestocomplete=1
  512. hidden=True
  513. infinite=False
  514. triggers
  515. {
  516. show_chat_gui(delay=1;name=Professor Ras;chatline1=Very well, here you go.)
  517. give_pokemon(delay=3;spec=Alomomola ab:Hydration lvl:50 helditem:leftovers evhp:252 evspdef:4 evdef:252 n:bold move1:curse move2:scald move3:wish move4:protect ivspatk:31 ivhp:31 unbreedable)
  518. skip_to_stage(delay=0;stage=25)
  519. }
  520. type=choose_option(id=HalloweenOpt;choice=2)
  521. }
  522. {
  523. description=Vikavolt
  524. hint=An optional hint
  525. timestocomplete=1
  526. hidden=True
  527. infinite=False
  528. triggers
  529. {
  530. show_chat_gui(delay=1;name=Professor Ras;chatline1=Very well, here you go.)
  531. give_pokemon(delay=3;spec=Vikavolt lvl:50 helditem:choice_specs evhp:252 evspdef:4 evspatk:252 n:modest move1:thunderbolt move2:shadow_ball move3:energy_ball move4:bug_buzz ivspatk:31 ivspd:31 unbreedable)
  532. skip_to_stage(delay=0;stage=25)
  533. }
  534. type=choose_option(id=HalloweenOpt;choice=3)
  535. }
  536. }
  537. stage=25
  538. {
  539. {
  540. description=Chat to Ras.
  541. hint=At /warp Nyr.
  542. timestocomplete=1
  543. hidden=False
  544. infinite=False
  545. triggers
  546. {
  547. show_title(delay=2;titletext=Vahanian Halloween Trail;titlecolour=dark_purple;subtitletext=Halloween Quest Complete!;subtitlecolour=white)
  548. }
  549. type=chat_npc(uuid=5762b643-1d7e-400d-aa79-435266e8423e;chatline1=Thanks for participating in this year's halloween evnet, hopefully we see you again next year!)
  550. }
  551. }
  552. }
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