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- #!/usr/bin/env python
- # picamera stereo ROS node using dual CSI Pi CS3 board
- # Wes Freeman 2018
- # modified from code by Adrian Rosebrock,
- # and jensenb,
- from picamera.array import PiRGBArray
- from picamera import PiCamera
- import time
- import rospy
- from sensor_msgs.msg import CameraInfo, Image
- import yaml
- import io
- import signal # for ctrl-C handling
- import sys
- def parse_calibration_yaml(calib_file):
- with file(calib_file, 'r') as f:
- params = yaml.load(f)
- cam_info = CameraInfo()
- cam_info.height = params['image_height']
- cam_info.width = params['image_width']
- cam_info.distortion_model = params['distortion_model']
- cam_info.K = params['camera_matrix']['data']
- cam_info.D = params['distortion_coefficients']['data']
- cam_info.R = params['rectification_matrix']['data']
- cam_info.P = params['projection_matrix']['data']
- return cam_info
- # cam resolution
- res_x = 320 #320 # per camera
- res_y = 240 #240
- target_FPS = 15
- # initialize the camera
- print "Init camera..."
- camera = PiCamera(stereo_mode = 'top-bottom',stereo_decimate=False)
- camera.resolution = (res_x, res_y*2) # top-bottom stereo
- camera.framerate = target_FPS
- # using several camera options can cause instability, hangs after a while
- camera.exposure_mode = 'antishake'
- #camera.video_stabilization = True # fussy about res?
- stream = io.BytesIO()
- # ----------------------------------------------------------
- #setup the publishers
- print "init publishers"
- # queue_size should be roughly equal to FPS or that causes lag?
- left_img_pub = rospy.Publisher('left/image_raw', Image, queue_size=1)
- right_img_pub = rospy.Publisher('right/image_raw', Image, queue_size=1)
- left_cam_pub = rospy.Publisher('left/camera_info', CameraInfo, queue_size=1)
- right_cam_pub = rospy.Publisher('right/camera_info', CameraInfo, queue_size=1)
- rospy.init_node('stereo_pub')
- # init messages
- left_img_msg = Image()
- left_img_msg.height = res_y
- left_img_msg.width = res_x
- left_img_msg.step = res_x*3 # bytes per row: pixels * channels * bytes per channel (1 normally)
- left_img_msg.encoding = 'rgb8'
- left_img_msg.header.frame_id = 'stereo_camera' # TF frame
- right_img_msg = Image()
- right_img_msg.height = res_y
- right_img_msg.width = res_x
- right_img_msg.step = res_x*3
- right_img_msg.encoding = 'rgb8'
- right_img_msg.header.frame_id = 'stereo_camera'
- imageBytes = res_x*res_y*3
- # parse the left and right camera calibration yaml files
- left_cam_info = parse_calibration_yaml('/home/pi/catkin_ws/src/mmstereocam/camera_info/left.yaml')
- right_cam_info = parse_calibration_yaml('/home/pi/catkin_ws/src/mmstereocam/camera_info/right.yaml')
- # ---------------------------------------------------------------
- # this is supposed to shut down gracefully on CTRL-C but doesn't quite work:
- def signal_handler(signal, frame):
- print 'CTRL-C caught'
- print 'closing camera'
- camera.close()
- time.sleep(1)
- print 'camera closed'
- sys.exit(0)
- signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler)
- #-----------------------------------------------------------
- print "Setup done, entering main loop"
- framecount=0
- frametimer=time.time()
- toggle = True
- # capture frames from the camera
- for frame in camera.capture_continuous(stream, format="rgb", use_video_port=True):
- framecount +=1
- stamp =
- left_img_msg.header.stamp = stamp
- right_img_msg.header.stamp = stamp
- left_cam_info.header.stamp = stamp
- right_cam_info.header.stamp = stamp
- left_cam_pub.publish(left_cam_info)
- right_cam_pub.publish(right_cam_info)
- frameBytes = stream.getvalue()
- = frameBytes[:imageBytes]
- = frameBytes[imageBytes:]
- #publish the image pair
- left_img_pub.publish(left_img_msg)
- right_img_pub.publish(right_img_msg)
- # console info
- if time.time() > frametimer +1.0:
- if toggle:
- indicator = ' o' # just so it's obviously alive if values aren't changing
- else:
- indicator = ' -'
- toggle = not toggle
- print 'approx publish rate:', framecount, 'target FPS:', target_FPS, indicator
- frametimer=time.time()
- framecount=0
- # clear the stream ready for next frame
- stream.truncate(0)
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