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Techniques to heal Death Grip Syndrome by Addest

a guest
Jun 16th, 2019
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  1. Techniques to get rid of death grip and make your penis and anus(core) stronger!!!
  2. If you have any questions please feel free to message Addest#7825 on discord!
  4. Do these at your leisure, but the more you stick with it, the better the results.
  6. Effects:
  7. 1-2cm length gain
  8. Girth gain (variable)
  9. Incredibly heightened sensitivity
  10. Stronger core muscles
  11. Last longer
  12. Stay hard longer
  13. More complete ejaculations
  15. [Technique 1] Claw:
  16. 1. Get your penis erect or almost fully erect
  17. 2. With just your fingertips grab just underneath your glans
  18. in a claw like fashion. Pretend you are a claw machine and your
  19. glans is the prize!
  20. 3. As firmly as you can without losing grip, pull your penis away
  21. from you with your fingertips. Don't overdo it (DONT tear your penis off)
  22. but it needs to be with some force.
  23. 4. Continue doing this for 10-20 seconds and release your glans.
  24. 5. Using the same claw technique, grab your glans and pull in sets of
  25. different directions; as follows
  26. 5a. 2x Reps away from you
  27. 2x Reps to the right
  28. 2x Reps to the left
  29. 1x Reps Downwards (1x reps because the top of penis is more sensitive)
  30. 6. Repeat these reps 10-15 times a day. It only takes about a minute or two!
  32. Comments: You can also do this flaccid, but be a little more gentle. When
  33. your penis is flaccid, it is more susceptible to damage. This technique helps
  34. stretch muscles in a healthy way and allows nerves to come back to the surface
  35. of your penis, effectively undoing some states of death grip. REPS ARE CRUCIAL!
  36. Stick with it!!!
  40. [Technique 2] Wave: (Lotion needed)
  41. 1. Get your penis partially erect. DO NOT DO THIS FULLY ERECT IF YOU CAN HELP IT!!
  43. 1a. If you get erect during this massage please wait until you go back to being
  44. only partially erect. Mindset is important here. Remember, you are massaging not
  45. masturbating!!!
  46. 2. Lotion your penis until it is just slippery. Not sticky and dry and also not
  47. drowning in lotion.
  48. 3. With your index finger and thumb, make a circle or ring. Pretend you're giving an
  49. OK sign with your hand!
  50. 4. Tighten your finger ring around the very base of your penis, even pushing in a little
  51. to get to the actual bottom of your shaft.
  52. 5. SLOWLY slide the finger ring toward your glans, pushing the blood into the glans is the
  53. goal here.
  54. 5. When you reach the base of your glans, stop and HOLD the pressure there for 10 seconds.
  55. Its important to not use too much force here. Remembering, you're massaging, not mutilating.
  56. Use just enough pressure to keep the glans inflated (and yes, it will inflate)
  57. 6. Release your finger ring entirely and rest for about 30 seconds. During this rest period,
  58. flex your penis by clenching down your anus. (Like making your dick bounce when you're hard)
  59. 7. Repeat 4-5 times in a session and do this two to three times a day max!
  61. Comments: This exercise helps fill your glans with blood thus making the glans healthier
  62. but the secret here is when you release the pressure. All that blood comes flowing back down
  63. your shaft after release and helps stimulate growth and regrowth of those fragile muscles in
  64. the shaft! This will make your glans more sensitive within 1-2 weeks and your shaft will be
  65. noticeably more sensitive with days.
  69. [Technique 3] The Wall:
  70. 1. Get your penis fully erect, being horny is a plus here as you need lots of penis strength!
  71. 2. Get a flat hard object like a flattened cardboard box, a cutting board or a game case.
  72. 3. With the object you found, press it against the bottom of your shaft and press your shaft
  73. into your stomach. (Its best to do this laying down)
  74. 4. While holding the object perfectly still, flex your penis by clenching your anus and try to
  75. push the object away. Note: Do not actually let the object move!
  76. 5. There are two ways to flex against the object. First way is quick fire clenches by clenching rapidly
  77. but not as strongly. Second way is to clench and keep flexing as hard as you can for as long as you can
  78. but not going over 10 seconds. Do the following reps with these methods.
  79. 5a. 10x Quick flexes rapidly
  80. 3x Long Flexes
  81. 5x Quick flexes rapidly
  82. 1x Long Flex
  83. (Rest for 30 seconds to a minute and repeat)
  84. 6. Repeat this exercise 2-3 times in session and do 2-3 sessions a day max!
  86. Comments: This exercise helps develop the fragile muscle in your penis allowing the nerve endings
  87. to surface and regrow on the new muscle. The secret here though is with what this does to the base
  88. of your penis. All the connective body and blood stuff is at the base of your penis. This exercise
  89. helps strengthen the blood ducts, nerve leads and connective tissue and also helps you stay hard
  90. longer!
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