
nullification 7

Feb 13th, 2019
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  1. Thus, the four made their way towards the cemetery - What better spot to interact with one's spirit than... A mass collection of them. Tototl took in a deep breath, exhaling as his hands rubbed together. A flitting gaze passes by each as he speaks, the swift-paced seer grinning as he digs through his pack.
  3. "Right then - As ah... Some here may know, blood is commonplace among Spirit Summoners. They use it to not only appease wraiths and cleanse them, but also summon those long fallen. Thus is what Elder Ohtli had said..."
  5. He'd trail off, the clatter of varying supplies coming to a halt as he retracts his hand. Produced was a steel knife, varying runes shakily engraved on its length. Shaking it in one hand by the hilt, he'd flip it around and offer it to one of the two hilt-first.
  7. "For Runic Symbols, I believe the process will ah... Require your own blood while I cast myself out - Lest Yolihuani have another idea."
  9. Dropping the pack, the brown-hued gaze now slowly glazes over the three. He'd await their reactions with a simple smile.
  10. (Tototl)
  13. Veronica would nod, she was prepared for a blood sacrifice. A small price to pay for the runic symbol she needed.
  15. "I've no qualms with it. Although..."
  17. She'd look around the graveyard. She'd had enough of dead bodies, especially with the fact that she'd fought an army of them not but a few months ago.
  19. "How much blood will you require?"
  21. (Veronica the Wayfarer)
  23. The long-limbed Dryad follows along with her long strides, standing with the seer. Alongside him, her gaze looking over the two Jianghurans. Casually, the creature moves to sit, cross-legged upon the verdant greenery, setting her 'wooden', stability-exuding staff upon her lap.
  25. The stoic figure appears the slightest bit more relaxed now, closing wide eyes and merely listening, though she shakes her head at the words spoken to her of the seer. She'll watch as he begins the process, the earth-connected Dryad seems to be merely centering herself.
  26. (Yolihuani)
  28. Kuso mostly listened to the request for blood. He'd reach out and reveal his palm towards the man, he wasn't sure how tampering with ones spirit could lead to a mastery of the occult art. Kuso had a dozen questions yet didn't ask a single one, he'd leave those for later or at least before his mind would be filled with darkened thoughts. Chills ran up his spin and he released a deep sigh that left goosebumps across his arm, he wasn't sure if this would help or not though he didn't have any other places to look.
  30. After holding his tongue for a short moment the Kitsune male finally spoke. What do you mean appease wraiths?
  32. He'd then go back to silence waiting on the answer.
  33. (Kuso Hitoshi)
  36. A brow rose as the Kitsune offered forth their palm. Spirits - Must he do everything himself? Tototl flipped the blade back so that he'd hold it by the handle, his free tanned hand taking hold of Kuso's. Nothing more than a quick slice was done across it - The crimson essence slowly filling the minor wound.
  38. "Appease - Purify. The Wraiths are corrupted spirits, and thus we sacrifice to help cleanse that which sticks to them. It is ah... Not a good long term solution, though it helps for the time being."
  40. With that explanation out of the way, his attention shifts towards Veronica. Muttering to himself he'd place the grip of the knife in his mouth, rolling up his right jacket and shirt sleeve - Revealing two scars adorning his forearm. Taking the blade from his mouth, the seer continued on before offering the blade towards the woman.
  42. "Matters not where - Just a cut. I don't aim to drain you, merely get a glimpse with you souls should ah... This work, of course." He spoke earnestly, merely nodding as he continued on. "Once you do, simply sit and relax - Meditate. We'll ah... See if I am able to call forth the symbol. I'll tell you when I've finished."
  43. (Tototl)
  45. Veronica would take the blade with her left arm, the mithril prosthetic making a slight clinking sound as the gears moved in place. She'd place the edge of the knife on her palm, quickly making a thin cut as the blood began to seep from her hand.
  48. "Well, I hope to the spirits it turns out well."
  50. (Veronica the Wayfarer)
  52. Kuso with out any words took the blade and dragged it across his hand , the blood would slowly begin to flow dripping and hitting the pavement. He took a deep breath again and gave him back the blade.
  54. Hope this si enough.
  55. (Kuso Hitoshi)
  57. Tototl merely nodded in agreeance, taking the knife as it's handed back. The seer would gesture towards the duo to sit, placing the knife atop the burlap pack of his. Another deep breath is taken in before he begins to focus on his mana circuitry, the brown irises of the Gehennan beginning to glow.
  59. A visionary caster in the flesh required control over his own circuitry for casting forth spells. The seer would slowly will out the mana, hazy blue wisps of mana coalescing about his form as the first convergence of the body is used - the Mind. Gritting his teeth, he'd strain the channels and canals of mana to adapt and accommodate the growing flow of the vibrant essence.
  61. Next came the Throat, hazy blue essence solidifying into a bright blue. Only but for a moment, however, as the Heart convergence was activated. Cyan energy surrounded the Gehennan's form as he began pushing the energy outward. Slowly, the channels and canals would drain from the essence.
  63. With his consciousness slipping from the standing body, the cyan haze disappears, and his vision fades to black.
  64. (Tototl)
  66. Veronica takes a seat on the grass, she reaches into her cloak, pulling out a bit of a yellow kimono. she'd tear a bit of it off and wrap her hand with it. the yellow silk beginning to stain with the crimson color of blood.
  68. "I suppose all we do is wait now hm?"
  69. (Veronica the Wayfarer)
  71. Kuso would sit on the ground and cross his legs, he'd closed his eyes and rest his hands on his lap. He didn't know what to expect but at least he could meditate and try to clam his mind and spirits.
  73. Meditation is best.
  74. (Kuso Hitoshi)
  76. Moments later, he found himself standing behind his body. Tototl would give himself a moment to make sure things were right - A glance given towards his right hand, finding that familiar cyan hue. Projecting oneself was always a strange thing at first; What with seeing your own body from a third person's point of view.
  78. His eyes drifted towards the duo, an unheard click of annoyance passing him by as the wound upon Veronica is mended to a degree. She would have to be first it seemed. Taking silent steps forward, the unseen consciousness of Tototl approached the seated swordswoman. Placing two corporeal digits atop their forehead, he'd close his eyes and focus.
  80. However, calling forth one's spirit isn't as simple as most believe. The seer remained adamant for a fair bit of time, attempting to draw forth some form of symbol in his mind during the interaction of projection-to-body. Veronica may feel a tug of sorts in their own flow of mana, specifically upon the convergence point upon their forehead where those unseen digits lay.
  82. Yet... Nothing resonated for him. There was only a haze from what he'd drawn forth, and thus the digits and pull of mana retract from Veronica.
  83. (Tototl)
  85. Veronica would be sitting fairly relaxed when suddenly she'd feel a strange tugging from her forehead. The woman would have shiver run down her spine. The swordmaiden would sit perfectly still, It must be Tototl.
  87. "Hope you're not doing anything too crazy up there."
  89. She'd chuckle awkwardly.
  90. (Veronica the Wayfarer)
  92. The voice of Veronica was, notably, slightly distorted from the projection's realm. It was as if his head was underwater and they were calling from outside. He'd silently chuckle, simply shaking his head as he now turns towards the Kitsune.
  94. Just as he had done the first time, a cyan digit rests atop the male's forehead before Tototl closes his eyes. Attempting to draw forth a mere symbol of Kuso's soul proved far ineffective - Darkness clouding his concentration as that pull is made upon the connection between consciousness and body. Retreating those digits with yet another unheard click of annoyance, he'd elect to attempt once more on the sword maiden.
  96. This time, however, he offers some of his own mana in turn during the contact. That pull on Veronica's forehead would feel like a mild sting now, a mild hiss of pain passing the projection by. Tototl had risked his own mana, yet a clear image of the projected symbol is drawn forth! Two curves lines slope inward, forming a point at the bottom while another, larger curve overshadows them. Atop that curve, however, lays the beak of a bird.
  98. A silent chuckle passes him by, now shifting back to Kuso. A moment was taken to prepare himself.
  99. (Tototl)
  101. Veronica would feel the tugging fade away. she'd relax for a moment, breathing with a sigh of relief. She wasn't sure if that did anything though. She didn't feel any different. Then the tugging would come back after a few moments she'd stiffen up a bit as she felt it.
  103. "So uh, this isn't going to hurt ri~ Ow."
  105. She'd be caught by surprise at the sting on her forhead, it was like getting a pebble flicked at her face. She'd sit straight up however, her eyes closed now, mentally preparing herself for anymore ghostly flicks, when suddenly the tugging would disappear once again.
  106. (Veronica the Wayfarer)
  108. Kuso felt the man doing something not quite sure what it was though, Kuso remained seated and clearing his mind. he wanted to numb feeling from his body and control is most inner thoughts while the man did his best. Anther deep sigh left Kuso mouth as he waited for the man to give further instructions to him.
  110. My mind is pretty much blank now.
  112. Kuso waits for the pain he was suppose to be feeling at the time, or maybe it wasn't his turn yet. Either way the man remained seated and clearing his mind.
  113. (Kuso Hitoshi)
  115. Thus, Tototl's corporeal digit rests once more atop the Kitsune's brow. Smack dab in the middle of the male's forehead, he'd once more offer forth his own mana during the connection to call forth a symbol. The seer's eyes close as the tug upon Kuso's mana quickly sharpens to a mild sting - An image appearing in his mind.
  117. An empty circle, diamonds adorning the top and bottom of its curve with a single, tiny diamond connecting the two.
  119. While the seer didn't know what significance these may have, he merely elected to let this be up to them to determine. With the digit retreating from the male's forehead the Gehennan would cast a glance at the husk of a body behind him. It was time to return - Steadily, Tototl would focus on his currently empty circuitry.
  121. Inch by inch, the canals and channels fill with the vibrant essence of mana. Convergence point after convergence point fills, starting from the Mind, the Throat, and then the Heart. As this process of reentry begins, the cyan haze would flow about the glowing-eyed husk, slowly dying down to that familiar hazy blue aura of energy. Along with this, it would saunter its way to where the consciousness currently resided - Its steps slow as if just being awoken.
  123. His head turns a solid, silent moment later, now standing before the duo. Allowing the concentration to slip, the exerted mana dissipates with the air before the glow in his eyes is blinked away.
  125. "Right, ah... Ink or something - How'd it feel?"
  126. (Tototl)
  128. Kuso would feel the mark on his head and it indeed left a stinging feeling upon the man, his hopes that the seal or rune marks would help me to control his occult magic fully. He was jsut about to answer the man when sudden a dark chilling filling would overcome the man he'd break mediation and place his hands upon his head.
  130. The whispers taunted him, they wanted him to lose focus and leave this path of foolishness. They did everything in their power to keep Kuso from reaching the true potential of the magic he bares.
  132. You will die, you will be forgotten, You will fail. Nothing you do is good enough, you will lose your mind and body over foolishness, over control of something you will never understand.
  134. Kill yourself now! Kill yourself NoW! that's the only way to get the voices to fade away. Rip out your throat.
  136. Kuso was have an internal battle and his long nails slow made there way to his throat, the man took a deep breath and sudden the memories of his sister flash though his mind. He promised they would always be together and maybe dying here would bring them together Kuso accepted this and right before he could deal the blow he heard a voice.
  138. Kuso, this isn't the way. The voice faded.
  140. The kitsune broke out in a deep sweat and a scream, he'd sit back on the ground and allow the runes to help him manage.
  142. This isn't the way, I will be the master of my own will and I will over come any dark desires that you may tempt me with. I accept my dark past and my short comings...but you will never make me hate myself for them....they make me STRONGER!
  144. He'd go back into his mediation stance his hands being placed back into his lap. He'd numb his body of all feelings and allowed the despair to sink within his body and the moment the bad memories set in the man didn't budge. He accepted them and sat silently not aware of anything else around him at the moment.
  146. (Kuso Hitoshi)
  148. Veronica would slightly rub at her forehead. when suddenly a corporeal symbol would appear within her mind. An eagle? The swordmaiden would ponder the rune, doing her best to burn the image into her memory. This knowledge would be invaluable to her later on.
  150. "I suppose it's about time now..."
  152. The swordmaiden would sit down cross legged. She'd take a deep breath inwards, channeling her magical circuits within her. From there she would willingly allow the whispers to return, the voices tempting her towards a path of destruction. She'd focus on the symbol, using it as a way to maintain her sense of self.
  154. The voices would become louder, almost deafening.
  155. She'd push through the wave of negative energy tainting her, The occult madness would lay down an unrelenting barrage of voices, all with the intent of making her break. She'd resist however, clinging even harder to the newfound anchor. Soon enough, the voices would dissappear once again.
  157. She'd open her eyes to see a standing Tototl. She'd let out an exhausted breath as she regained her composure.
  158. (Veronica the Wayfarer)
  160. Tototl's brow rose at the Kitsune's outburst, merely allowing him the space they'd need to meditate and drown at the noise. The seer gives a slow nod towards the swordmaiden, promptly making his way towards his pack. The ceremonial steel knife is tucked away before the burlap pack is adorned.
  162. Slowly, the Gehennan returns to his place before the duo. Brown hues shift towards Yolihuani, a simple smile held before his attention slips back. Waiting but a moment for Kuso to return to them, should he do of course, the snake-adorned man speaks.
  164. "Given the ah... Process - Were either of you able to see the symbol besides me?"
  165. (Tototl)
  167. Veronica the Wayfarer says, "Yes... I saw it a little bit after the pain on my forehead"
  169. Tototl asks, "Right... Progress then - Did it help at all?"
  171. Veronica would sit back in a relaxed state, looking over to kuso with a bit of worry touching her features. She'd remain silent though. That battle was his alone, and whether he returned from there unscathed was purely up to him.
  173. She'd look over to Tototl, nodding to him.
  175. "It certainly helped me hang on a bit longer. As for him? I suppose we're about to find out..."
  176. (Veronica the Wayfarer)
  179. Kuso slowly opened his eyes painting looking at the group the man had a few mental scares of his own. He'd give them a slight nod to at least let them know he was okay, yet he could still see his pas clearly.
  182. I seen it...and a few other things a well. Overall I can say it did help me push pass that barrier.
  183. (Kuso Hitoshi)
  185. Tototl would simply remain smiling, nodding towards those gathered. With a low huff, he'd gesture for them to thus rise - Their business was concluded.
  187. "Well, I ah... Hope that they can help guide you in the direction you choose. I think it's time I sleep for now, however."
  189. A rather lazy looks was shot towards everyone, a tanned hand reaching up to rub the back of his neck.
  190. (Tototl)
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