

Mar 29th, 2020
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  1. # --{ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ItemJoin's Custom Item Configurations, by RockinChaos =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= }--
  2. # See the tutorial page for a more in-depth explaination; https://github.com/RockinChaos/ItemJoin/wiki
  3. items-Version: 6
  4. items-Delay: 1
  5. items-Overwrite: true
  6. items-Spamming: false
  7. items-RestrictCount: false
  8. items:
  9. MainMenu:
  10. id: NETHER_STAR
  11. slot: 8
  12. name: '&aGame Menu &7(Right Click)'
  13. lore:
  14. - '&7Click to bring up the Game Menu!'
  15. commands:
  16. multi-click:
  17. - 'gamemenu'
  18. commands-type: interact, inventory
  19. commands-sound:
  20. commands-particle:
  21. commands-sequence: SEQUENTIAL
  22. commands-cost: 0
  23. commands-cooldown: 0
  24. cooldown-message:
  25. enchantment:
  26. itemflags: inventory-modify, death-drops, unbreakable, hide-attributes, self-drops, CreativeBypass
  27. triggers: join, respawn, world-change, region-enter
  28. permission: itemjoin.gamemenu
  29. enabled-regions:
  30. enabled-worlds: ALL
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