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- What was that?
- A shiver of fear ran through him like a jolt of electricity, jamming his senses. Had he heard a rustling
- around his feet? Was he just imagining the cool, slimy touch of something like a tentacle, wrapping
- itself around his boots? He wore infrared lenses in his mask, but even with enhanced vision he could
- see nothing except the all-pervading mist.
- He kicked out with a foot, and encountered nothing. Just his imagination—though that fact itself
- caused him to worry. Batman wasn't in the habit of imagining things.
- Something he couldn't see brushed against his cowl. He heard a dry, chattering voice whispering like
- an insect in his ear, a long stream of savage blasphemies and murderous threats. Despite himself, a
- small knot of terror was growing in the pit of his gut.
- How could he fight what he couldn't see? How could he resist an enemy who didn't seem to even
- exist? How could anyone deal with disembodied voices?
- The whispers in his ear became more insistent, leering obscenely, describing in sickening detail what
- was going to happen to him.
- We'ttcutoutyourheartandfeedittoyourfriends! We'llripof
- yourlimbs!We'llsuckthemarrowfromyourbones!
- Suddenly panic-stricken, Batman pulled a handful of tiny concussion grenades from his Utility Belt.
- Tossing them underhand, he sent them scattering in front of him like a handful of corn seed. There was
- a five-second delayed fuse on each, and he pulled his cape over his head as he turned his back to wait
- for the explosions.
- The first grenade went off with a wet sound like a razor slicing through flesh. The second emitted
- horrible, high-pitched laughter. The others exploded in a series of small pops, followed by a
- redoubling of the odious voices hissing in his ears.
- The knot of terror pulsed within him, quickly turning into a hideous dread that seemed to penetrate
- every pore of his body. Beads of perspiration broke out on his forehead. His heart raced, and his
- hands felt clammy. He was going to die here—horribly and painfully. He knew it with a certainty that
- was almost physical in its intensity.
- A thin sliver of logic slipped between his terrors. Fear is a gift, he reminded himself. Fear is a
- message from the subconscious mind. Fear is a warning.
- Yet there was nothing here to be wary of, just a strange blue-green mist. Voices in his ears might be
- uncomfortable and unsettling, but on their own they couldn't harm him.
- Then why do I feel terrified?
- Of course! The answer struck him with the force of a hurricane. This wasn't his own fear, his own
- terror, his own dread. This was being imposed on him, forced on him by some external source.
- Something, or someone, was tampering with his feelings, manipulating them, trying to drive him
- crazy!
- Thinking the thought was enough to bootstrap him momentarily out of the fugue. Almost immediately,
- he felt the knot of terror reseed itself in his stomach. Whatever his enemy was, it wasn't giving up. He
- had to take action and extricate himself from this madness.
- It was impossible to get any sort of bearings within the all-encompassing mist. Batman had no option
- but to entrust himself to his own earlier observations—to assume that his unconscious mind had
- noticed, and filed away, everything it could about the pyramid.
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