

Sep 17th, 2014
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  1. [X] 1 Ask Gnarl if there's any way to ensure that the farmhands do what you tell them, other than just threatening them.: (Selias)
  2. -[X] 1 Clearly the little demons who shows up at night are due to the goddesses being angry: give the workers a little suggestion that maybe making those ditches was what the goddesses wanted and now they are angry because you was unfaithful.: (Cyanios)
  3. [X] 1 Introduce yourself to the peasants, get to know them. Ask about the ditches they'd filled in.: (Vindictus)
  4. [X] 1 Kidnap, lock up and terrorize the work crew into being... agreeable.: (ReinZero)
  5. -[X] 1 Mention in casual conversation that you've heard that sometimes, ditches in the ground filled with water serve to seal away demons that would otherwise emerge at night to terrorize the land.: (Gnarker)
  6. [X] 6 Redig the irrigation ditches.: (Tempest, Megaolix, Least Devotee, EternitynChaos, Smuthunter, Lon)
  7. [X] 7 Terrorize the work crew into redigging the ditches.: (Cyanios, macdjord, Winged One, Gnarker, Deathwings, Alexander, Pipeman)
  8. [X] 2 Water the fields with buckets at night.: (mishie, nightblade)
  9. ---[X] 1 While they're at it, have the minions redig the ditches, at night.: (ReinZero)
  10. [X] 1 have the minions redig the ditched: (Silversun17)
  11. --[X] 1 if they don't listen carry out the threat and have the minions trash and loot their quarters while they spend the night hanging from the barn.: (Silversun17)
  12. -[X] 1 when morning comes and the morons come out threaten beat them black and blue before hanging them from the barn's roof by their ankles if they fill in the ditches.: (Silversun17)
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