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Jul 27th, 2017
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  1. // _______________________________________
  2. // --=::[ ]::=--
  3. // --=::[ CS:S-Server Config for ]::=--
  4. // --=::[ ]::=--
  5. // --=::[ ---> <--- ]::=--
  6. // --=::[ ]::=--
  7. // --=::[ Version 1.0 ]::=--
  8. // --=::[ -> by Razor ]::=--
  9. // --=::[ ]::=--
  10. // ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
  11. // Please do not remove my copyright. Collecting all the commands and explaining them costed a lot of time!
  12. // I am happy if you use my config and have fun with it! :)
  15. // ______________________
  16. // --=::[ Server settings ]::=--
  17. // ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
  18. // --=::[ MODIFICATE! ]::=--
  19. //
  21. hostname " | Raz0r" // Name of the server.
  22. sv_password "nm123" // Password to get into the server. (""=Public Server)
  24. sv_lan 0 // 1=Lanserver 0=Internetserver
  25. sv_region 3 // Region of the Server. 0=US EastCoast, 1=US Westcoast, 2= SouthAmerica, 3=Europa, 4=Asia, 5=Australa, 6=Middle East, 7=Africa und 255=World
  27. ent_remove_all logic_timer // Automatically removes timer from surf-maps
  29. // ______________________
  30. // --=::[Basic server settings ]::=--
  31. // ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
  32. // --=::[Used to run the server]::=--
  33. // --=::[Change to your likings]::=--
  34. // --=::[ MODIFICATE! ]::=--
  35. //
  37. rcon_password "nm123" // Password for rcon access. !! ATTENTION !! NEVER give you password to anyone, that you can't trust! If someone random is asking you, just ignore him!
  38. sv_rcon_maxfailures 10 // Max. incorrect rconpassword entered allowed. (1=min 20=max)
  39. sv_rcon_minfailures 10 // Min. incorrect rconpassword entered allowed. (1=min 20=max)
  40. sv_rcon_minfailuretime 30 // Time (in minutes) in which the maximum number of false rconpassword typed must be reached to be banned.
  41. sv_consistency 0 // 0=Allows the usage of costummodels and other weaponskins. 1=Prohibits the usage of costummodels or other weaponskins.
  43. mp_buytime 10 // Buytime (in minutes) How long you can buy weapons & items. (min.=0.25 / 15 seconds)
  44. mp_startmoney 16000 // The money you get at a start of a map.
  45. mp_c4timer 35 // (Bombtimer) Time (in seconds) until the bomb explodes, after it was planted. (min.=10, max.=90)
  46. mp_flashlight 1 // Flashlight of the players. (1=allow, 0=prohibit)
  47. mp_decals "200" // Number of Decals. (spraylogos, bullet holes etc..)
  49. mp_playerid 0 // Turns on/off whether a playername is shown while the crosshair is on the person. (0=shows everyones name, 1=only shows teammates, 2=Off)
  50. mp_footsteps 1 // Footsteps of Players audible. (1=on, 2=off)
  51. mp_falldamage 1 // Damage if you fall down from to high. (1=on, 2=off)
  52. mp_hostagepenalty 7 // How many hostages can be killed until the players gets kicked from the server. (0=infinite)
  53. decalfrequency 20 // Minimum timeinterval (in seconds) between spraying a logo. (20=default)
  55. mp_timelimit 20 // Time of a map running. (0=infinite / If set to 0, next map will switch by using the winlimit or the maxrounds)
  56. mp_winlimit 0 // How much points can a side (T or CT) have until next mapchange. (0=infinite / If set to 0 decision will fall by using maxrounds or timelimit)
  57. mp_maxrounds 0 // Wieviele Runden werden pro Map gespielt. (0=Unendlich / Wenn 0 wird nach dem Timelimit oder dem winlimit die Map weitergeschalted)
  58. mp_roundtime 9 // Rundenzeit in Minuten. (1=min 9=Max)
  59. mp_freezetime 1 // Die Zeit in der sich anfangs Runde keiner bewegen kann in Sekunden. (Sollte zum einkaufen genutzt werden ^^ ) (0=min 60=max)
  60. mp_autoteambalance 0 // Automatic team balance. (1=on, 2=off)
  61. mp_limitteams 0 // Specifies how many players a team can have more than the other. (0=unendlich, 30=max) Example: with mp_limitteams 5 one team can have up to 5 more players, as example 7 vs. 2!
  63. mp_friendlyfire 0 // Friendly fire. (1=on, 2=off)
  64. mp_tkpunish 1 // If someone kills a teammate, he has to sit out the following round as spectator. (1=on, 2=off)
  65. mp_spawnprotectiontime 5 // Within that interval (in seconds) after a round started, every player gets kicked who is causing damage to a teammate.
  66. mp_autokick 0 // Kicks automatically players of whom the server gets no response. (1=on, 2=off)
  67. sv_timeout 0 // Time (in seconds) where the server gets no response of a client, until a kick.
  69. mp_forcecamera 0 // Option for spectator camera for dead players. (0=specatate everyone & free flight / 1=spectate team only / 2=camera stays at the position where the player died, it's only possible to turn around)
  70. mp_fadetoblack 0 // Forces a black screen to players who died.
  71. mp_allowspectators 1 // Allow specators on the teamselection. (1=yes, 0=no)
  72. sv_specaccelerate 5 // Acceleration of the spectator camera in free flight.
  73. sv_specspeed 11 // Speed of the Spectator camera in free flight.
  74. sv_specnoclip 1 // Spectators in free flight can fly through walls and objecst. (1=on, 2=off)
  76. sv_voiceenable 1 // Allows the usage of ingame voice for any player. (1=on, 2=off)
  77. sv_alltalk 1 // 1=ingamevoice audible for all, 0=ingamevoice only for the team audible.
  78. // sv_voicequality 3 // Quality of the voice communication ingame. (1=2400bps, 2=6000bps, 3=8000bps, 4=11200bps, 5=15200bps) (3=default)
  79. // sv_voicecodec "voice_speex" // Available Codecs for the ingamevoice are "vaudio_miles" and "voice_speex".
  81. mp_chattime 10 // Time (in seconds) in that players can chat or look at the scoreboard after the end of a map. (1=min, 120=max)
  82. mp_restartgame 0 // If not set to 0, the time will restart after the set time (in seconds).
  84. mp_forcerespawn 1
  85. mp_teamplay 0 // 1=CT vs.T 2=Deathmatch (You can shoot anyone and get points for it!).
  88. // ______________________
  89. // --=::[ Serversided-Settings ]::=--
  90. // ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
  91. // --=::[ Up/Download ]::=--
  92. // --=::[ MODIFICATE! ]::=--
  93. //
  95. sv_allowupload 1 // Allows clients to upload files such as a spraylogo. (1=on, 2=off)
  96. sv_allowdownload 1 // Allows clients to download files of the server, such as maps and sounds. (1=on, 2=off)
  97. // sv_downloadurl "FASTDOWNLOAD" // Download of maps, sounds and others of your Webspace. (If you want to activate, please remove the // at the beginning of this line.
  100. // ______________________
  101. // --=::[ Serversided-Settings ]::=--
  102. // ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
  103. // --=::[ Surf-Settings ]::=--
  104. // --=::[ MODIFICATE! ]::=--
  105. //
  107. sv_accelerate 5 // Acceleration of the players.
  108. sv_airaccelerate 150 // Acceleration of the players in the air.
  109. sv_wateraccelerate 100 // Acceleration of the players in the water.
  110. sv_waterfriction 1 //
  111. sv_friction 4 //
  112. sv_maxspeed 320 // Maximum speed of the players on the Server. (320=default)
  113. sv_stepsize 18 // Size & Distance of each step to each other.
  114. sv_cheats 1 // Allows the usage of certain commands seen as cheating. (1=on, 2=off)
  115. sv_noclipspeed 11 // Defines the speed you have in noclip mode. (default=5)
  116. sv_enablebunnyhopping 1 // Makes you able to bunny hop on your server. (0=off, 1=on)
  117. sv_enableboost 1 // Allows that you get faster by boosts / bunnyhops. (0=off, 1=on)
  119. // ______________________
  120. // --=::[ Serversided-Settings ]::=--
  121. // ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
  122. // --=::[!! WARNING !!]::=--
  123. // --=::[!! DONT MODIFICATE !!]::=--
  124. //
  126. sv_client_cmdrate_difference 1
  127. sv_client_predict 1
  129. sv_maxrate 75000
  130. sv_minrate 30000
  131. sv_minupdaterate 67
  132. sv_maxupdaterate 101
  133. sv_mincmdrate 67
  134. sv_maxcmdrate 101
  136. fps_max 1000
  137. host_framerate 0
  138. sv_pausable 0
  141. // ______________________
  142. // --=::[ Physics ]::=--
  143. // ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
  144. // --=::[!! WARNING !!]::=--
  145. // --=::[!! DONT MODIFICATE !!]::=--
  146. //
  148. sv_gravity 800 // Changes the physics. (800=default)
  149. phys_pushscale 1 // Changes the strength of all physical actions. Such as the flying away of certain objects and dead bodies. (1=default)
  150. phys_timescale 1 // Speed of all physical actions. Such as the flying away of certain objects and dead bodies. (1=default)
  151. phys_impactforcescale 1 // Impact force of the projectiles.
  152. sv_pushaway_clientside 0 // Playersided push-away of objects. (0=Off, 1=only local players, 2=all players)
  153. sv_pushaway_clientside_size 15 // Minimum size of the objects, which should be rejected. (15=default)
  154. sv_pushaway_force 30000 // Defines the strength, how tightly the objects are to be repelled by the player. (30000=default)
  155. sv_pushaway_max_force 1000 // Maximum force exerted by a player to objects. (1000=default)
  156. sv_pushaway_min_player_speed 75 // Minimum speed that a player must have, that an object is repelled by him. (Allows ducking behind objects.) (75=default)
  157. sv_turbophysics 0 // By that player can stay on barrels and other physical objects. (1=on, 0=off/default)
  160. // ______________________
  161. // --=::[ Additional Configs ]::=--
  162. // ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
  163. // --=::[ Execute your configs ]::=--
  164. // --=::[ MODIFICATE! ]::=--
  165. //
  167. exec banned_user.cfg
  168. exec banned_ip.cfg
  171. // ______________________
  172. // --=::[ Logs ]::=--
  173. // ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
  174. // --=::[!! WARNING !!]::=--
  175. // --=::[!! DONT MODIFICATE !!]::=--
  176. //
  178. writeid // Writes a list of all perm. banned player IDs in the file "banned_user.cfg".
  179. writeip // Saves a banned-list in the file "banned_ip.cfg".
  180. log on // Logs every action on the server in a logfile. (on=on, off=off)
  183. // ______________________
  184. // --=::[ Source TV ]::=--
  185. // ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
  186. // --=::[ Record ScrTV-Demos ]::=--
  187. // --=::[ MODIFICATE! ]::=--
  188. //
  190. tv_enable 1 // Source TV. (1=enabled 0=disabled)
  191. tv_port 27020 // Port of your SrcTV Client.
  192. tv_autorecord 0 // Records automatically EVERY gameplay as SrcTV-Demo.
  193. tv_debug 0 // SrcTV debug info.
  194. tv_delay 10 // SrcTV delay to the livegame in seconds.
  195. tv_dispatchmode 1 // Dispatch clients to relay proxies: 0=never, 1=if appropriate, 2=always.
  196. tv_maxclients 5 // Maximum of players allowed on your SrvTV-Server.
  197. tv_maxrate 3500 // Maximum bandwidth that is allowed for SrcTV. 0=unlimited
  198. tv_name "Nightmare TV" // Name of your SrcTV Server.
  199. tv_password "" // SrcTV password for all spectators. ( "" = Disabled)
  200. tv_relaypassword "" // SrcTV relaypassword for all spectators. ( "" = Disabled)
  201. tv_snapshotrate 20 // Writes every "xx" servertick a step into the demo. (Only works while recording with SrcTV)
  203. // RCON-Commands to use SrcTV
  204. // tv_record "Demoname" => records a SrcTV Demo. (Demos are saved in your "cstrike" folder on your server)
  205. // tv_stoprecord => Stops the current demo. !! ATTENTION !! Demos are automatically saved after a successful mapchange.
  206. // tv_stop => Stops SrcTV / "Kicks" the SrcTV Client of your Server.
  207. // => HINT: Don't forget that the SourceTV-Client needs one Slot on your Server.
  209. // _______________________________________
  210. // --=::[ ]::=--
  211. // --=::[ CS:S-Server Config ]::=--
  212. // --=::[ ]::=--
  213. // --=::[ Version 1.0 ]::=--
  214. // --=::[ -> by Razor ]::=--
  215. // --=::[ ]::=--
  216. // ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
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