

Mar 23rd, 2017
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  1. Swordcraft
  2. Card Ranking Score Set Description Ranking Legend: Downgraded Upgraded 1st Pick Only Situational
  3. Floral Fencer A+ 95 Core You always pick this. Some games are basically auto concedes if you get it out early. Pretty sure you'd draft 5 if everything beside it is good. You don't lose games where you play 2 early enough unless their deck is insane as well.
  4. Sea Queen Otohime A+ 95 Core Wins you the game in minion value on 6 and makes your opponent salty of all the sea water.
  5. Avant Blader A/A+ 91 DE Avant is a great card but I have not single-handedly won the game playing it unlike FF/Otohime.
  6. Alwida's Command A 86 Core Very good value card. Split bodies is nice and instant storm helps you trade, face and keeps you very flexible which is all the things you want in a sword card.
  7. Frontguard General A 86 Core Other crafts tend to blow a lot of removal lategame that this comes out uncontested and can soak up 2-3 followers on it's own.
  8. Dragonewt Charlotte A 86 Core Having storm and ward are two very useful keywords on a great body.
  9. Tsubaki A-/A 83 Core An easy 2-for-1 that comes at the right time. Always happy to see these in drafts.
  10. Whole-Souled Swing B+/A 79 DE Sword has lots of early game tools but no real unconditional early pings. This gives you trading power and spawns a knight quite often when ur trading up into stuff. Even just the 2 for 2 in sword is fine for establishing your low curve board or finishing post evolved enemy followers.
  11. Aurelia, Regal Saber B+ 68 Core Just a glorified angel neutral which it usually is but tends to have more attack which is very nice for trading and occasinal immunity if your struggling on board. Fatty to evolve and hit into something to protect weenies is very good.
  12. Alexander B+ 68 DE People will probably be a tad peeved being board cleared by this. Comes down quite late in the game but that's usually when sword is starting to lose board, pushing for game. This breaks wards and kills contesting followers(since their follower quality is usually better) and act's as a late game aoe. Solid body and blowout potential.
  13. Veteran Lancer B+ 68 Core This is simply better than all the other 2 drops in a vacuum, good at most stages of the games
  14. Sage Commander B/B+ 65 Core Win more is a common saying with a lot of swords cards but it's very big on the toughness end with great attack on evolve and doesn't have to hit too any/many to be a great card.
  15. Fearless Bannerette B/B+ 65 DE I think this is a 2 mana 2/1 + 2 knights quite a lot tbh. First pick is great but taking more is usually not worth it.
  16. Princess Vanguard B 62 Core Good enough as a 1/3 to stay on board, more often than not I haven't been able to proc her fanfare though. More situational.
  17. Oathless Knight B 62 Core Forest bats but better in this craft. Really good with scarce aoe and keeps a body on board for buff commanders and other synergies. Standard pick without any synergy.
  18. Kunoichi Trainee B 62 Core 2 drop that sticks and relavence late. Ambush covers it's weakness of pings.
  19. Novice Trooper B 62 Core Trades with 1/2's and 1/3's alongside your early plays and a relatively good lategame draw. Works as a ping and can just drop and pressure on 3. Don't want too many though.
  20. White General B 62 Core Great with tokens and non tokens letting you trade into evolves and push for damage to pressure with a decent enough toughness post evolve for trading into something and living.
  21. Courageous Knight B 62 Core Good enough to flood board midgame but not as exciting.
  22. Sentry B 62 Core Got better in D/e with one of the primary ways sword losing being by rushing their face. Combo draws with avent late.
  23. Noble Knight B 62 Core This is actually a balanced 5 mana psuedo floral fencer which is still really good. Floods board and lets you evolve him or a knight for a trade.
  24. Onslaught B 62 Core Pick this with another passable follower since you want removal sometimes. A nice bonus which isn't too reliable but it's there.
  25. Mentor's Teachings B 62 DE This card is quite good, think it will show up in some crazy low curving sword aggro in constructed. It gets you a free +1 on a body for trading up (like a quickblader into a 6/2) or extra reach and cycles for a card for 1 mana. Excellent filler card and strengthens swords early -> midgame.
  26. Fencer B-/B 59 Core Tends to blow out games with a 2 for 1 early on if they don't have a premium evolve or chain removal/aoe. When it doesn't activate it's only a tad understated only bad vs 2/3's early.
  27. White Paladin B-/B 59 DE It's pretty vanilla and most crafts you face tend to trade into your board anyway. Still good with a tokeny draft and can generate decent value with 1-2 enemy followers on board regardless. Shame it has ward too so it's not protected behind ur spawned 1/1's.
  28. Koga Kunoichi B-/B 59 DE Pretty high in the curve but gives sword 6 points of reach or trading power that is really hard to interact with. One of your best cards to topdeck late in most drafts.
  29. Latham B- 56 Core I've tried to pick this a lot and the evo trade is just not enough tempo.
  30. Fervid Soldier B- 56 Core Filler 2 with upside. You'll snach these up to curve low even without too many commanders. The dream plays where this hits for 4+ isn't too uncommon.
  31. Maid Leader B- 56 Core Costs a bit early game for a stronger lategame. You should have enough to trigger her though. Really strong against controlly crafts that just want to remove your stuff and sticking anything on board is fine early. Bad for trades though.
  32. Ascetic Knight B- 56 Core Not gonna win the game on it's own but a great value card that lets you have a board before evo's come down and split bodies late is nice for buffs and dodging targeted trades/removal.
  33. Navy Lieutenant B- 56 Core There aren't too many commander on field matters cards to draft and you wont get a ton but a positive effect with a nice body for trading in a fragile craft is very nice to have.
  34. Centaur Vanguard C+/B 53 Core Not as spicy to pick up cause you have to have a fair amount of commanders to activate it and drawing them together is unreliable in your craft. Ok filler with another good card.
  35. Pompous Princess C+/B 53 Core A lot of potential power but depends on how deep you are in draft. Odds are you get 1-3 1 drops reliably and it's a great draw regardless.
  36. Swordsman C+/B 53 Core A super blow out card that can create a massive 2 for 1 plus killing a fatty and trading into a 2/x or something trying to contest board. Not too scary as a standard play but filler stat line.
  37. Shadowed Assassin C+/B 53 Core Bad statline but blowout effect while pushing and turns off all the premium evolves. Needs to be drawn with enough on board though for max effectiveness.
  38. Cursed General C/B 50 Core I don't like it but has some nice synergies and applications lategame. A really juicy target though and generates a lot of value off free charge. Usually bundled with another card u want to pick.
  39. Rousing step C/B 50 Core Again needs a board but doesn't need too much to gain value just a good trade or 2 or a lethal push. Not really valued over 2 decent followers though.
  40. Royal Banner C/B 50 Core Effect is big enough and instant/permanent but it takes a lot of tempo from the turn. Does enough nasty things and isn't as bad as the other amulets. It wouldn't be the reason I pick a pile and I tend to avoid.
  41. Arthurian Light C/B 50 Core It's infinite value but sets you back a lot the turn you play it. Tends to be bad for swords style of play. Good drop on stable board and takes over game unchecked if you have enough high value drops.
  42. Leonidas C/B 50 DE Pretty gimmicky but wins the game if it lands, dies and your are neutral when you get the banner. Doesn't really help swords gameplan early though. Still a late game filler fatty with a solid enough win con. It's probably 'better' than satan in sword since it comes down more games.
  43. Unbridled Fury C+/B- 50 Core Treat this as a 2 mana do 2 which is fine when you need pings cause if it hits for a lot odds are your snowballing. Still a passable removal card with another decent pick.
  44. Forge weaponry C+/B- 50 Core Treat this as a kill/fight spell and sets you up to contest your opponents evolve with a treating low health target. Tends to be pretty good with your typical stick on board tendancies.
  45. Giant Slayer C+/B- 50 Core Major blow out card cause most tend to not play around hard removal. You'll draft this alongside something decent since it's conditional though and tends to leave you down a card.
  46. Warbound Cavalier C+/B- 50 Core Fatty filler that you want to have to crash into enemy fatties sometimes.
  47. Swift Infiltrator C+/B- 50 DE The condition for it's ambush is pretty good. Can act as a 4/2 ambush most games in the midgame and decent filler 3 drop at a 3/2 vanilla that sword tends to appreciate with it's curve. Also look at dat art.
  48. Mirage Defender C+/B- 50 DE Goliath with a decent keyword especially in sword. Get's pretty big on evolve and protects your smaller followers. One of your better floral fencer substitutes for a filler 4 drop.
  49. Assault Commander C/B- 47 DE Sword actually has pretty garbage 5's since most enemy midrange cards evolve and trade into them regardless. So this has just good enough statline to trade into 4's and potential to snowball your board. Actually it only hits officers to gets quite a lot worse.
  50. Quickblader C+ 43 Core You either want 2 of them or none of them when you draft your deck. Ping on legs and does a lot of work with buffs and synergies
  51. Vanguard C+ 43 Core Goblin with a keyword, again you'd want some or none of them in your draft depending on how you go but helps you off to a fast start.
  52. Palace Fencer C+ 43 Core A lot better if your planing to smorc them and sets up nice trades with 1 drops but draft accordingly cause without any help she's a tad weaker than ur other 2 drops.
  53. Luminous Knight C+ 43 Core Only for super rushy decks but it has a nice evolve perk when it's on board for pushing. Draft it with another premium or I'd stay away in general.
  54. Conscription C+ 43 Core One of the few value draw cards but usually the other side is more exciting, you want followers for the early game as thats where most of ur power is. Still fine for a more grindy game or with a fencer etc.
  55. Gemstaff Commander C+ 43 Core Average power level with a really good evo for pushing but it tends to be awkward in trading into biggish things sometimes unless ur extreamly ahead in board.
  56. Ninja Master C+ 43 Core Hidden reach and it's one of the bigger 5's that sword gets to ram into big stuff when needed.
  57. Admiral C+ 43 Core Tends to do fine when it hits a buff and you evolve it but is average filler that you aren't excited to see.
  58. Enraged General C/C+ 39 Core Requires setup that isn't as reliable but snowballs quite well like sea giant-esque for those token makers.
  59. Ninja Trainee C 35 Core Something on board to buff or delayed ping. Unexciting but drraftable with another solid card.
  60. Front Lines C 35 Core it's not bad but if both sides draft a decent deck the advantage you gain isn't too much once evo trades come in and you find yourself down a card or with a dead draw.
  61. Cyclone Soldier C 35 Core Sometimes an A+ when it sticks and trades with a 2/3 or manges to connect for 6. Really nice that it hits a decent chunk late especially when drafting cursed generals without sacrificing too much early.
  62. Assassin C 35 Core Random text that is decent/op in lucky scenarios.
  63. Snippy Gardener C 35 Core Filler that has an upside that isn't reliable. Helps you win more early which is fine but weak to removal and the premium evolves getting it for free.
  64. Ruthless Assassin C 35 DE Actually quite good as a 3 mana kill gurl. Commander proc works with a lot of stuff ur drafting and has a fair amount of synergies and applies good pressure on a built board. Still one of ur lesser uncommons.
  65. Serie, Gunner Maid C 35 DE Gimmicky condition that is hard to establish and isn't even winning you the game most of the time. Your curve has to be really low curving to want to use one of your evolve charges on this. You do get another vanilla 2/2 which is nice though.
  66. Strategem D/C 20 Core Quite win more and the bad kind that isn't any good when ur neutral/losing.
  67. Ironwrought Fortress D 5 Core Skips your 2 or later. Generates value off 1 proc but it's delayed and your want early plays. Quite hard to enable sometimes when you don't draw commanders and such. Also takes a board space.
  68. Percival D 5 Core When this is good for lethal ur either really lucky or woulda won anyway more than likely. Tends to not activate as strongly as desired and the understat hurts a lot.
  69. Rogue's Creed D- 2 DE You could get maybe 7 trainies and 2 of this and go to town for the memes and dreams.
  70. Albert, Levin Saber A/A+ 91 RoB WTF is this card. Enhanced, it is either an alexander or a better gilgamesh that demands an answer. At 5 it is serviceable. Constraints are you need to get to 9PP.
  71. Amelia, Silver Paladin A 86 RoB If you trigger the condition, this card is bonkers! Even without the trigger it's a 3/4 draw a card
  72. Fangblade Slayer A 86 RoB Great stats and pressures opponent into killing it to avoid more face damage. Pretty much guaranteed 2-for-1 with extra face damage.
  73. Monika, Cloudhall Admiral B+/A- 74 RoB The Floral -> Monika dream will pretty much seal the game. Worst case, it's a slightly worse noble knight. Evo on 5 makes this better for going first.
  74. Gelt, Vice Captain B/B+ 65 RoB Upside is easy enough to trigger given its cost, and can protect a post-evo commander like avant.
  75. Blitz Lancer B/B+ 65 RoB The benefits outweigh the downsides compared to Novice Trooper
  76. Art of the Ninja B/B+ 65 RoB The base version of this is good removal for a minion centric class; I value removal highly.
  77. Samurai B 62 RoB The trigger comes up frequently enough especially in the mirror, so a 3/3 bane for 2 is insanity.
  78. Thief B 62 RoB 2/2 with a delayed draw is pretty good for sword.
  79. Jeno, Levin Vanguard B-/B 59 RoB Enhance is relevant, and 4/3 rush is pretty good against 2/3 bodies. This is good for clearing post evos.
  80. Swordwhip Maid C+/B- 50 RoB Another AOE in the follower form, this is situationally triggered due to its cost.
  81. Cyclone Blade C+ 43 RoB The first AOE for sword! Just having this in the pool makes playing against sword that much more painful. Reliably I think you could consider this as a 2 damage AOE, which is okay. You will mostly be playing this from behind, which means you need 6+ mana to trigger the AOE.
  82. Castle in the Sky D+ 15 RoB I saw a couple opponents play this against me and I luled
  84. Neutrals
  85. Card Ranking Score Set Description
  86. Dark Angel Olivia S 98 DE She lets you play in an unconventional way which lets you dominate board by wasting your evos. You obviously do this with her in hand if you employ that strategy. With 2 more evo charges assumking you rush her as a 6/6 you should be able to outvalue the opponent if still around even. Late gamey like satan with the lower impact if games out of reach.
  87. Lucifer B+/A- 74 Core Games can be won off of him both agressively and defensively. Helps completely stablize and also provides a threat. Awkward when you need to evolve him to trade though. But better than a lot of craft legends.
  88. Gabriel B/B+ 65 Core Awkward to land in practice and sometimes tend to be winmorish but makes a trade out of nowhere and has solid added statlines. Usually icing alongside another good gold or double legend pick.
  89. Odin B/B+ 65 DE Just a banish ability on legs. Solid lategame card with your pile. More towards filler in board reliant early game crafts similar to satan/lucifer but should be nice in those that want to go late or play value game.
  90. Surefire Bullet B/B+ 65 DE Kills basically everything evolved that ran into something and a neutral soul hunt without the condition which is a solid removal. I expect this to be quite common from all crafts as a high quality pick.
  91. Athena B 62 Core Make board, trade in, Blow out. less good in more spell/amulet decks ofc but in any deck that want's to be trading for board since it drops early it's quite nice.
  92. Gilgamesh B 62 Core Finisher quality pick for any swarmy deck that wants a late drop that doesn't just die for free. Great for trading as a removal spell or ramming into 2/x's for profit leaving a threatening body.
  93. Humpty Dumty B 62 DE Great for the crafts that want it. Think of it as a super dragon warrior that kills everything around it and itself. Or just a Lore on a stick. Terrible as a vanilla and aggro/board centric drafts though.
  94. Dance Of Death B 62 DE Crimson purge +1 deals damage to enemy face. Just an excecution with upside most of the time which is quite good.
  95. Healing Angel B-/B 59 Core Trades incredibly well with it's 2/3 statline and has a relavent body of text. One of the premium common's to be bundled with your picks.
  96. Spellbook Decryption C+/B+ 59 DE Again another later game refill card that wins topdeck wars in neutral games. Pretty bad rate but you will take alongside something good.
  97. Execution B- 56 Core Removal is quite nice and not too much weaker than craft specific ones. You'll want a couple damage/hard removal tools against big fatties that most crafts get access too from their gold/legend picks.
  98. Goblinmount Demon C+/B 53 Core Similar to constructed where you want to play tis in a controlling deck as it's kinda awkward in a board control follower based deck which you tend to draft. Still premium stats are nice and can usually make up for trading your board in to something moderate while estabilishing this.
  99. Harnessed Glass C/B 50 Core Actually passable when evolving and hits like a 4/4 with aoe very similar to a necroelementalist for neutral when it works. Usually u can guage it and save it for surprise aoe or just drop it on a decent board and have it soak removal or it can skew tons of trades.
  100. Demonic Strike C+/B- 50 Core Neutral Removal and Reach. Tends to be filler alongside a playable but is quite potent. Helps you trade without an evo against awkward 8/2's that threaten board, manages trading boards to your favor and is a solid enough draw late game.
  101. Shield Angel C/B- 47 Core Depends on the deck for this one. You can draft a anti early game with 1/3's 2/3's and this and have quite a good time vs early drops. Big enough late to soak damage while not dying to low drops right away and small to deter removal. Still filleresque.
  102. Lizardman C+ 43 Core Not winning you the game but the double ward evo is relavent if your getting zooed down and stablizing late and the stats + ability is solid at all parts of the game. Solid pick alongside another playable uncommon.
  103. Goliath C+ 43 Core You need some 4's especially going first if you don't go deep in 2 drops. Sometimes you don't get a lot of class specific ones or need something to drop without wasting an evo charge. This fits the bill and is solid enough.
  104. Angelic Sword Maiden C+ 43 Core Some crafts are missing a good 5 drop, This is one that can fill in the slot and gives solid enough 2 for 1's with an evolve charge. Not too great without one and a tad less impactful lategame vs strong fatties.
  105. Unicorn Dancer Unica C+ 43 DE Solid filler does a little more for lategame crafts and blood sometimes since it soaks up 2 damage either through forcing a manditory trade or her heal passive. Also would eat bread with her.
  106. Imperial Mammoth C+ 43 DE Just a vanilla fatty for the filler. Dominates many post evolve boards and gives everycraft a dragon quality fatty.
  107. Wind God C+ 43 Core Tends to be passable in any follower based draft. Big enough with an evolve and relavent buffs. Quite a bit better the closer you draft a constucted sword, shadow, blood, fairy etc agrro list.
  108. Archangel Reina C-/B- 39 DE Explosive effect and you blitz people out of weenies like 4 sword knights or fairies. Too much win more I feel but you will pick this every few piles she's offered and she can do some work with even just 1 evolve giving a pseudo anthem boost to team.
  109. Fighter C/C+ 39 Core Vanilla but gets the job done as an early drop if you need it.
  110. Cloud Chorus C/C+ 39 Core A bit more exciting than it's attack gain twin as it lets you save your creature in a trade acting as a "fight" sort of removal spell. Unfortunately not on a body like the Fencers and Gabriels of the game. Never pick this over onther P2 of strong spells/creatures.
  111. Angelic Barrage C/C+ 39 Core It tends to be a bit better a ping lategame than snipe as 3 vs 1 mana late game isn't as much and the spread obviously skews trades a lot. Hits some of the popular crafts hard and it alongside a solid curve can keep the board undercontrol.
  112. Raging Ettin C/C+ 39 DE 1 mana understated but a lovable ability later in the game for most crafts and fair for a neutral.
  113. Goblin C 35 Core Filler alongside quality card or emergancy earlygame slot late in draft. 1/2's for 1 are good enough for a low curving deck though to fight board from the start.
  114. Angelic Snipe C 35 Core Ping is good and flexible in Arena where you can fill in a curve and make a good trade without evolving, not better than most uncommons offered though.
  115. Minotaur C 35 Core A bit underwhelming early but low drop ward late helps make board awkward later. Not great with tokenmakers and pings.
  116. Mercenary Drifter C 35 Core Not as good as a 3/2 body but it gives you a 3 drop if your curve needs filling. Nothing fancy but will save your curve early sometimes.
  117. Desert Rider C 35 Core A bit worse statling than Goliath unless your drafting heavy aggro but trades into bigger stuff a bit better. Dies to a couple more removals but not a real factor to consider when drafting. About the same strength a bit to goliath in general but nice fillers to your 4 drop.
  118. Keen Enchantment C- 25 Core Cerberus puppet barely worth the card but helps trade without an evolve at times. Mainly only good when ahead and sets u back a card when catching up with a trade.
  119. Well of Destiny C- 25 Core It's not great but almost servicable filler. Quite win more but when it gets going like in a mirror match some trades can end up skewed. Still not worth drafting unless u get like 15 1 drops in sword.
  120. Urd C- 25 Core You need like 8 cute things to do with this before it's consistant. A bit understated but still servicable. Reseting followers is also a good perc. Potential alongside another servicable rare/legend but she wouldn't be my drawing factor to that pile.
  121. Harnessed Flame C- 25 Core Only pick this if your getting something godly in the pile or the other one is garbage. U can also consider it in a super aggro draft that has 15+ 1/2 drops.
  122. Bellringer Angel D+/C- 20 Core The card itself could just be a better uncommon unless its drafted beside something premium. On 2 it pushes you back on tempo and only helps wall board later. Replacing itself isn't as strong in lower card quality and inconsistancy of arena.
  123. Prince of Darkness D+/C- 20 Core Some games effectively end at turn 5 where he rots in your hand/deck. Other's in 15. Most decks want the effect late but sometimes you wish he was a fire lizard in your dragoncraft or something. Not as auto pick for me but quite tempting alongside something else good.
  124. Angel Crusher D-/C 15 Core Not worth it, vanilla + a bit when put out with an empty hand but takes up a 6(kinda) slot and rots in ur hand when you might need to drop something.
  125. Trail of Light D/D+ 10 Core Unexciting cycle but unlike bellringer gets the card right away which a bit is more useful lategame. Early game this is much worse to have though.
  126. Altered Fate D- 2 Core Some cool stuff to do midgame but sets youback tempo on critical turns that you should be dropping something midrange or 2 low drops. Useless lategame and no combos to draw into in Arena. Also your other rare has to be amazing or have terrible cards in the other P2.
  127. Path to Purgatory D- 2 Core Maybe if you get this with an altered fate in fairy P2 to make people think they in constructed. But yah no.
  128. Demonic Simulacrum D- 2 DE Worse than Ding Dong. Super Win more and not waifu.
  129. Fortunehunter Feena A 86 RoB One of the greatest 5 drop evos of all time, I would say this is an amazing card.
  130. Bahamut A 86 RoB Board clear + best body in game is amazing, the question is will the game go long enough.
  131. Gourmet Emporor Khaiza A- 79 RoB Haven't drafted one yet but I have high hopes for this card, as it should generate insane card advantage. Might be too slow for TT though.
  132. Goblin Mage B 62 RoB Maintaining tempo with instant draw, this seems pretty strong. Comparative to Thief.
  133. Goblinbreaker Teena B 62 RoB A worse dragon warrior, 2 vs 3 is a pretty big deal. Still great filler though, especially for crafts lacking in 4s
  134. Lucius, Goblin Slayer B 62 RoB Counters sword, the most dominant craft in TT, so this should be pretty good.
  135. Call of Cocytus B-/B 59 RoB I'm going to put this under DoD for now as the upside is good but slow.
  136. Hamsa C+/B- 50 RoB This seems pretty good, should be a reliable 2/2 with big upside.
  137. Angel of the Word C+/B- 50 RoB Comparable to Fire Lizard, the ping is worth at least 1.
  138. Lyrial, Celestial Archer C+ 43 RoB Fighter with an upside
  139. Sektor C/C+ 39 RoB Way too situational
  140. Uriel D+/C- 20 RoB Very situational, bad stats otherwise.
  141. Sahaquiel D+/C- 20 RoB I've drafted this and it was quite underwhelming honestly. There aren't enough neutrals for this to proc usefully, making this a 7 mana 4/4 a lot of the time.
  142. Valkyrie's Spear D 5 RoB Significantly worse than Well of Destiny and that is a pretty bad card
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