
Second Darkness Postgame: Session 120

Feb 21st, 2014
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  1. [16:04] <Kjell> *****Second Darkness*****
  2. [16:05] <Kjell> ~~~Postgame~~~
  3. [16:05] <Kjell> -Session 120-
  4. [16:06] <Kjell> After spending a week getting plans and resources in order, Kjell and Kahree went to the House of the Silken Veil to inform Kilarra and ALuthyra of their intentions. One the way in, they met Lavender Lil, who informed them that the two were spending some time alone together
  5. [16:07] <Kjell> She then questioned them on where they were heading, and whether or not she could join them. She left to do some shopping after getting a 'maybe', leaving Kjell and Kahree to wait in the heavily purfumed lounge.
  6. [16:07] * Kjell looks to Kahree, "They lay the purfume and incense on a little thick, don't you think?"
  7. [16:09] * Kahree shrugs. "Eh, it's not too bad... but yeah, I could do without."
  8. [16:11] <Kjell> About an hour later, a door opens to the side of the lounge, Aluthyra and Kilarra walking out. Kilarra looks happy, but does not look a thing like Kilarra.
  9. [16:13] * Kahree blinks, looking over the woman. "Uh... who are you?"
  10. [16:14] * Kjell points Aluthyra out to Kahree, and stands up, approaching them. Only when he gets close enoug hto see her face does he do a double take at the second aasimar.
  11. [16:14] <Kjell> Kilarra blinks at Kahree, "Kahree, Kjell. I wasn't expecting you. Aluthyra and I were actually about to go shopping."
  12. [16:15] * Kahree nods. "Yeah... we just had some things to ask." She raises an eyebrow. "Is that some kind of spell to spice 'things' up?"
  13. [16:16] <Kjell> Kilarra chuckles, "It was the work of magic, but not specifically for that, no. Aluthyra and I paid a visit to Elysium to find out about her ancestry. It turns out one of her ancestors saved the life of a powerful Azata at the cost of her own, and was reincarnated as an Aasimar."
  14. [16:18] <Kahree> Aluthyra smiles. "And they found Kilarra worthy of such a thing."
  15. [16:18] * Kahree blinks. "Huh. Alright..." She shakes her head. "Whatever. So, before you go shopping, we need to ask a favor of you both."
  16. [16:19] * Kjell looks Kilarra over, noting the lack of horns and tail, "Well, good for you. I knew your fiendish blood caused you grief, so to be granted such an opportunity is nothign short of a blessing."
  17. [16:19] * Kjell then nods to Kahree, "Ah, yes. I almost forgot in light of seeing you like that. We would like you to perform a sending, if you could."
  18. [16:20] <Kjell> Kilarra nods, "I can do that. Who am I sending to, and what do you want said? Remember that there's a 25 word limit."
  19. [16:22] * Kjell gets out a scrap of paper and spends a few minutres trying to get the wording right. "I'd like you to send this to Queen Telandia."
  20. [16:22] <Kjell> Kilarra takes the paper while pulling out her copper wire loop.
  21. [16:25] <Kjell> Kilarra holds the loop out for ten minutes as the spell warms up, the copper loop eventually glowing like it was heated. "Greetings Your Highness. Kjell and Kahree are making plans for a new settlement east of the inner sea and could use a trade partner or additional sponsorship. Interested?"
  22. [16:28] <Kjell> Kilarra recieves a response and relates it verbatim; "Short notice for sponsorship, but I have been looking to expand trade. Please provide more details once you are established. Best of luck to you."
  23. [16:29] <Kjell> Kilarra slips the loop away as its glowing dims. "Well, sounds like half of what you were hoping for anyways."
  24. [16:30] * Kjell nods, "We should have thought to contact her sooner. Still, it is a good potential prospect."
  25. [16:31] <Kjell> Kilarra looks to Kahree, "Anything else?"
  26. [16:32] * Kahree nods. "Yeah... we didn't tell her our entire plan, but did tell her we'd be going to Qadira. Lil asked if she could join us, and we figured you know her better. Is she trustworthy?"
  27. [16:33] <Kjell> Kilarra blinks, "Lil? Yeah, she's... well, she does tend to put what she wants first, but she's not a bad person. I think she's gotten a bit of wanderlust after being stuck in the temple for a year."
  28. [16:34] * Kjell tilts his head, "Stuck?"
  29. [16:36] <Kjell> Kilarra nods, "Yeah. Because of Zincher. This all happened more than a year ago now, but basically Lil was working as a freelance prostitute. She had a thing with Clegg's brother, who was an alchemist, but then he was killed by one of Saul Vancaskerkin's sons. That's how Saul ended up with a missing hand. Saul's son skipped town and Zincher had it out for Lil because of her involvement."
  30. [16:37] * Kahree frowns and nods. "So... you think we should let her come along, or say no?"
  31. [16:38] <Kjell> Kilarra concludes, "So Shorafa sheltered her in the Veil, and she's since taken to the worship of Calistria quite fondly. Like I said, she's not a bad person, and you'd have no reason to worry about her so long as you didn't pick a fight."
  32. [16:40] * Kjell nods, "So she wishes to enjoy her recently restored freedom. I can respect that."
  33. [16:41] * Kahree shrugs. "We do need more help." She nods to Kjell. "I see no reason to say no."
  34. [16:42] * Kjell nods, "Even if she doesn't want to stay, simply providing her with a ride will not hurt."
  35. [16:46] * Kahree nods. "Well... I guess that's it." She nods to Kilarra and Aluthyra. "Thanks."
  36. [16:47] <Kjell> Kilarra smiles, "You're welcome. We're going to go buy some shoes!" She holds up a foot and wiggles her quartet of toes. Then promptly falls back into Aluthyra.
  37. [16:47] * Kjell chuckles, "Well, if Lil is still interested, you can tell her to meet us at the Gold Goblin.
  38. [16:47] <Kjell> "
  39. [16:49] * Kahree smirks and turns away from the pair, giving them a wave as she departs for the Goblin.
  40. [16:50] * Kjell follows behind Kahree. "Well, that was certainly interesting. I'm happy for Kilarra though."
  41. [16:51] * Kahree snickers. "Yeah. I'm sure they'll have plenty of 'fun' with that."
  42. [16:51] * Kjell chuckles, "That's none of our business though."
  43. [16:52] * Kahree chuckles, continuing to the Goblin.
  44. [16:53] <Kjell> Upon their return, Kahree and Kjell can see Katarina and Daroskt speaking with Samaritha
  45. [16:55] * Kjell approaches them at the counter, "So, how are things down at the docs?"
  46. [16:56] <Kjell> Samaritha smiles at Kjell, "Fortuitous, actually. It turns out the ship we will be travelling on is none other than Josper Creesy's Flying Cloud."
  47. [16:57] * Kahree raises an eyebrow. "Odd name... a friend of yours?"
  48. [16:58] * Kjell nods, "An acquaintance at least. He was the one who took Kilarra, Aluthyra and I to Devil's Elbow back when this business with the drow was only just starting to show. His ship is very fast, although he didn't strike me as the type to be interested in this sort of undertaking."
  49. [16:58] * Kahree shrugs. "Works for me. When do we leave?" she asks, looking to Samaritha.
  50. [16:59] <Kjell> Samaritha nods, "Well, he's really just providing the transport. He wants to see how quickly he can traverse from one end of the inner sea to the other. However, all of the other workers check out, and the supplies and financing are all from fairly reputable sources."
  51. [17:00] * Kjell nods, "Good. It would not do for us to be indebted to people who might take advantage of what we're hoping to accomplish."
  52. [17:01] <Kjell> Samaritha shakes her head, "No, we'll just need to repay them once the settlement is up and running. They gave us three months without interest so that we could get the new settlements economy up and running."
  53. [17:02] <Kjell> Daroskt smiles, "We have a bit of extra funds to provide you as well. Aside from that, you could leave as early as tomorrow morning if you're ready."
  54. [17:04] * Kahree smiles and looks to Kjell. "You think you're ready? I definitely would be."
  55. [17:04] * Kjell nods, "I could be ready to leave tomorrow, although not likely first thing. It would do for us to have a few things particularly sending scrolls to contact our friends and allies."
  56. [17:06] <Kjell> Samaritha nods, "That shouldn't be too hard. I've already got my trunk packed, so it's just a matter of bringing it down to the ship."
  57. [17:08] <Kjell> -End Session-
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