
Prostitute Anon, Ch 3: Dragon clop

Aug 9th, 2012
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  1. >You are Anonymous, and you will never be clean again.
  2. >You’ve been in the shower for an hour. There is no more hot water left. You’ve used up as much of the soap as you can find and your skin is rubbed pink.
  3. >And you can still smell it.
  4. >You were trying to find more soap when there was a knock on the door. “Anon? Are you okay?” It was just Rarity, checking up on you.
  5. “No. I’ll never be okay again! Where’s the extra soap?”
  6. >R: “You’ve been in there for hours! Just come out and talk to me.”
  7. “It’s only been an hour, and I’ll come out when I stop smelling like sex!”
  8. >She pauses for a moment. “Anon, the whole shop smells like sex. I opened a window, but that bed… Well, just come out!”
  9. >You sigh and kill the shower. You would grab a towel, but all the towels are currently in your room, soaked in sex juices. You are going to buy new towels with your share of the dirty money.
  10. >Then again, you’re probably going to have to buy a new everything else, too.
  11. >You can’t help but wonder if you can buy a new soul to replace your broken one. Maybe Satan has a good deal on one. You’ll have to ask him when you die and go to hell for fucking a horse.
  12. >R: “What are you doing in there, now?”
  13. “Drip drying. There aren’t any towels left.”
  14. >R: “That’s it, I’m coming in there.”
  15. >She tries the knob, but you had locked it before you came in.
  16. >In case Photo Finish wanted… well, the term couldn’t be seconds. Or thirds. You lost count.
  17. >However, locks mean nothing to unicorns. It lit up with a familiar glow and the lock disengaged. She opened the door and walked in.
  20. >When she saw your nasty pants on the floor and your glistening body, she blushed. You wished you could tell yourself it was out of the fact that she broke modesty and saw you in a time of messiness, but you knew better.
  21. >She wanted you. Or your body. She had for a while, probably.
  22. >With that in mind, you covered yourself as best you could.
  23. “So why did you barge in again?”
  24. >R: “This is my house, Anon. And I just want to help you dry off. Magic is so much better at it than towels.”
  25. “Given what I just did, I’d like to think I earned at least a bit of privacy in the house you would have lost if not for me. But still, thank you. Now, the drying off?”
  26. >R: “Hold your arms out, please.”
  27. >You rolled your eyes and did so. She gave a small grin and her horn lit up. You felt air caress you all over.
  28. >R: “You really shouldn’t write off ponies as lovers because of a few bad experiences, Anon.”
  29. “It’s not that, Rarity. I’ll freely admit that sex with a mare is a fucking amazing feeling. You’re tighter than a human and that winking thing you do is awesome. It’s just so… different. And still nasty. And it doesn’t help that I’m essentially a whore. God, if it wasn’t for that damn contract I had to sign, I would show you the picture she forced me to keep as a ‘tip.’ Hmph. Photo /Finish/ indeed.”
  30. >Her entire face lit up in a blush that you could feel from here.
  31. >R: “She… she made you… on her… Oh my! How did you… I mean…”
  32. >You grimace. You didn’t like thinking about it.
  33. “Those goggles hide a lot, Rarity.”
  34. >The blush seemed to be spreading down her neck. “I think we need a new rule about customer/worker confidentiality…”
  37. “Depends. If we do get that, can I still tell my therapist?”
  38. >R: “We’ll talk about all that later. Now, I need to know: Can you do it again, if you need to?”
  39. >You sigh.
  40. “I hate it, Rarity. I hate it so much. This is a terrible thing. I can, if we need to. But didn’t she pay you plenty?”
  41. >R: “I cut her a deal. She paid a small portion of what she was supposed to, took some outfits, and agreed to spread the word.”
  42. “SPREAD THE WORD?! Are you crazy!?”
  43. >She flinched back at your shouting. “About my clothing! Spread the word about my clothing!”
  44. “Are you absolutely sure that’s what you told her?”
  45. >R: “Yes. One hundred… Um… Oh my… I might have… forgotten to mention what I wanted her to spread the word about. I thought she would assume I meant clothing?”
  46. >Your knees gave out and you sank into the tub, head in your hands. Yeah, you were going to find your alcohol and get so drunk tonight…
  48. One Week Later
  49. >You hate Rarity so much right now it hurts.
  50. >In the past week, you have gotten hundreds of letters.
  51. >Hundreds.
  52. >About fucking rich, lonely Canterlot mares.
  53. >And dozens about fucking rich, lonely Canterlot stallions.
  54. >Most of both were married.
  55. >Hell, some of them were married to each other.
  56. >You didn’t care either way.
  57. >Rarity was giddy with excitement, but she was trying to hide it from you.
  58. >Ponies are terrible at hiding things.
  59. >You were both once again at the coffee table. Instead of coffee, you had a mug of homemade apple whisky. Your idea of trying to sell it was shot down by a royal order from Celestia herself saying that any attempt to sell mind-altering substances would meet a very painful banhammer.
  62. >You wouldn’t be surprised if the news of your ‘sexual prowess’ made it to the prisons. With the way your life has been going, you would very quickly be made a bitch by some stallion or something.
  63. >You were nursing a headache from too much alcohol the night before. You needed it, to deal with all of Rarity’s advances. Get drunk enough and you can’t get hard.
  64. >And you don’t remember what she attempts to do to get you hard.
  65. >With that, you down half the whiskey and sigh.
  66. “Fuck everything.”
  67. >R: “Now Anon, don’t be like that! You should be flattered, really.”
  68. >She was looking through another mass of letters. Some were addressed to you, some to her.
  69. “Why can’t we just blackmail all these rich fuckers again? Sounds easier than anything else.”
  70. >R: “Aside from being illegal, they would just pretend that all these letters were forgeries. With those… lovely hands… of yours, they would probably say you could mimic any writing style.”
  71. >You didn’t like the way she talked about your hands. You sighed and took another drink.
  72. “How’s the money coming?”
  73. >R: “Oh, you know. It’s all gone.”
  74. >You were in the middle of yet another gulp. Rarity is now covered in spit and whisky. It’s a fitting look for her.
  75. “WHAT!”
  76. >She looked disgusted. “Hmph!” With that, she daintily stood and walked off to presumably take a shower.
  77. >Being angry with you didn’t make her not shake her rump more than was necessary, or swing her tail more than she should. You quickly looked away, just letting your head thump on the table.
  78. >For once in your life, suicide seemed like a viable option.
  79. >You were contemplating alcohol poisoning when Rarity got back.
  82. >R: “As I was /trying/ to say, the money is gone. I paid off as many of the bills as possible. I was still hoping I would get some clients in from Canterlot, but now I know that isn’t going to happen. I fear it’s time for more… drastic… measures.”
  83. “Robbing a bank? I’m okay with that.”
  84. >R: “No, not quite. Robbing a dragon.”
  85. “So how about we take one of these mares up on her offer, then?”
  86. >She rolled her eyes. “You want that about as much as I do. /I/ had to replace your bed, after all.”
  87. >She did. What she didn’t mention was that she was whining the whole time about why she had to use her share of the profits to do it.
  88. >R: “Anon, dragons are rarely in their nests. And if they are, they’re usually asleep. Many of the older ones have hoards of jewels and gold, just lying around!”
  89. “If it was that easy, they would get cleaned out every time they took a nap. What’s the catch?”
  90. >She sighed. “They tend to leave their children behind when they go.”
  91. >You slapped your hand on the table, finally grinning.
  92. “So it’s easy! Just smack down some little brats, grab the loot, and beat it.”
  93. >You had seen Spike around town, even talked to him a few times. He was cool. A little miffed that you spent so much time with Rarity, but cool. And he would have no real chance in a fight with anyone.
  94. >R: “Their teenagers are bigger than you are and can breathe fire.”
  95. >Fuck.
  96. “Then how do you suggest we go about it?”
  97. >R: “Twilight has, ever since the great migration a few years ago, been searching around for caves with dragons in them. She found one that has a small family living there. A father, a mother, and a teenage daughter. The father is usually out doing… whatever dragons do. The mother sleeps like a rock.”
  100. “So we still have to deal with the teenager. You’re not making this sound easy.”
  101. >R: “Oh yes, I forgot you’re not from here. Anon, dragons have exotic tastes.”
  102. >Why is that…
  103. >God.
  104. >Dammit.
  105. >She must have seen the expression on your face. “It’s just once! If we can pull this off we’ll never need to worry about money again!”
  106. >Face, meet palm.
  107. >Actually, we’ve met.
  108. >Face, don’t make me hit you again.
  109. >R: “Well, are you in?”
  110. >What are your options?
  111. >Fuck a bunch of mares or fuck one dragon.
  112. “I hate you so much right now it hurts.”
  113. >The resignation in your voice was answer enough for her.
  114. >She just smiled her little smile. “You won’t regret it, I promise!”
  116. A few days later
  117. >You regret absolutely everything you’ve ever done.
  118. >There is a small amount of steam coming from this cave in the badlands near the Diamond Dog territories. For you, that was sign enough that you should stay away.
  119. >For Rarity, apparently that meant payday.
  120. >The plan was for you to enter the cave seeking shelter for the night. You were supposed to pretend like an adventurer. What creature with exotic tastes could refuse a weary traveler unlike anything they’ve ever seen?
  121. >Rarity would enter the cave half an hour after you and do her best to sneak by and grab as much loot as she could get and then sneak back out.
  122. >You both wait for nightfall, with her doing her best to prep you with as much info as she could about dragons. She also tried teaching you about seduction, but if her efforts on you are anything to go by, she doesn’t know a damn thing about romance.
  123. >Or maybe you’re just jaded.
  126. >When it’s finally time, you take a deep breath of fresh—ha, not out here it isn’t—air and slowly let it out. With that, you nod to yourself and do your best to casually walk into a cave that just screams “Do not casually walk in here.”
  127. >The temperature increases about ten degrees in here. You don’t want to think about why.
  128. >As you go deeper, you begin to—
  129. >?: “Hi.”
  130. >You jump nearly out of your skin at that and whirl around, trying to find the source of the noise.
  131. >It’s dark in here, so it takes you a minute to pinpoint the weakly glowing set of eyes.
  132. “Uh… hi?”
  133. >You let a foot move back, ready to run if you need to.
  134. >?: “Ooh, a warrior! You have nothing to fear from me, fair soul.”
  135. >What? You take a minute to feel your body.
  136. >Yeah, to an outside observer, the stance you’re in might look like a fighting one.
  137. “I’ve seen many things in my travels. Not all of them friendly. I think I’ll stay on guard until you explain yourself.”
  138. >It giggled as the eyes rose from where they had been resting near the ground, up to a height a foot above your head. You felt your pulse quicken as she stood to her full height.
  139. >With that, she took a few steps closer, into enough light so that you could see her.
  140. >She was a light pink dragon with a pale yellow front side. Her eyes were the typical lizard eyes, quite like Spike’s aside from the color. And everything about her was too large for your liking.
  141. >Especially those large teeth she was showing in a…
  142. >Oh God
  143. >A sultry grin was on her face. Razor sharp teeth lined her maw. You imagine your eyes probably tried to narrow to pinpricks at that.
  146. >?: “You have nothing to fear from me because I could destroy you before you took a step. The fact that you are still alive means I’m interested in talking. And,” she began to circle you, her tail rubbing against your legs, “perhaps a bit more.” With that, her tail shot up your shorts and her head drifted in close. You felt her tail touching you in your no-no place as her snake-like tongue shot out and tickled your ear, making you flinch back.
  147. >?: “Jumpy, eh? Do you have a name, Mister Ape?”
  148. “Anonymous.”
  149. >You were going to pretend your voice didn’t crack on that.
  150. >?: “You may call me Kumani. You’ll be screaming it before the night is out.”
  151. >With that, her tail drifted back down, pulled your legs out from under you and she began to drag you into the darkness.
  152. >You’re also going to pretend you weren’t screaming in terror as she dragged you.
  153. >Or at least, you were until “Be quiet or you’ll wake my mom! If she hears this, she won’t waste time with talking. She’ll just eat you. And not like you’re about to be eating me, either.”
  154. >Yes, you regret everything ever. Also, you stopped screaming.
  155. >When her tail finally threw you onto some manner of straw pallet, your panic began to let off.
  156. >It was dark. You could probably pretend she was a human or something.
  157. >With a flash, she blew fire onto some wood that you didn’t see until just now. A roaring fire began a few meters away from you and lit up the entire room.
  158. >She turned to you with a grin. “Wouldn’t want you to mess up because you couldn’t see properly, now would we?”
  159. >Why can’t you ever catch a break?
  162. >She did her best to walk towards you seductively. You will admit, she had a very graceful form that many would call beautiful. That said, you had no desire to have sex with it. At least she didn’t have wings yet.
  163. >Wait… how old would that make her? Are you about to become a pedophile?
  164. >Judging from the look on her face, she probably didn’t care about little niceties as that, and would not hesitate to hold you down and turn you into a sex offender whether you wanted it or not.
  165. >And you didn’t, just so everyone knows the score.
  166. >At least Rarity doesn’t live near the school…
  167. >Anyway, this Kumani chick was now close enough that you could reach out and touch her. She pushed you back into the pallet and straddled your chest, making sure you couldn’t move.
  168. >K: “Eat me,” she whispered, her voice husky.
  169. “…wut?”
  170. >Suddenly her claw was around your throat.
  171. >K: “Listen, you freaking ape: Either you eat me, or my parents eat you. Do we have an understanding?”
  172. >You did your best to frantically nod with her claw still around your throat. She smiles and lets you go.
  173. >You put your hands on her back thighs and pulled her in, so you could get to her… dragon snatch.
  174. >At least it looks like a mare’s.
  175. >Wait.
  176. >Shit.
  177. >Human!
  178. >At least it looks like a human’s!
  179. >You’ve been here too long.
  180. >K: “I’m waiting!”
  181. >You close your eyes and slowly extend your tongue until it’s just an inch away. You can feel an intense heat radiating off of her that you were somewhat afraid of.
  182. >She finally takes matters into her own claws and fucking sits on your face. “Either lick or no more air. Your choice.”
  183. >You lick. God help you, you lick.
  186. >At first, it isn’t so bad. Yeah, it was warm and the taste was tangy at best, but it wouldn’t kill you.
  187. >When she started getting wet, though, you began running into problems: Her juices were hot as hell. Not hot enough to burn your tongue, but it didn’t feel good.
  188. >You knew it was your tongue or your life, though, so you licked her as well as you knew how.
  189. >And judging by her moans of approval and the copious amounts of painful juices, you were doing a decent job.
  190. >A minute or two in, you finally saw a clit type thing poking out. You moved your mouth up to that and began lightly sucking on it, dragging your tongue across it while your lips held it in place. You soon felt a claw on the back of your head, trying to force you in there somehow.
  191. >You took the hint and let your tongue finally slip inside.
  192. >And you immediately regretted it. She was swelteringly hot. You tried taking your tongue out, but the claws in your hair tightened and you pushed back in, trying not to cry. The claw relaxed as you explored her with your tongue.
  193. >Or at least, it relaxed for a moment. The pressure quickly picked up again as she started grinding into your face. You could feel the end of her tail sneaking down your pants as you continued eating her out. It wasted no time finding your member and doing its best to get you hard by gently stroking you.
  196. >It took nearly five minutes, but she finally came, arching backwards and shooting literal fire out her mouth while figurative fire shoots out her pussy, coating you in painfully hot juices. You try shaking your face clear, but her legs give out a bit and she ends up holding your face down. The best you can do is shift your head a few inches side to side while your nose rubs against her clit.
  197. >This just makes her release more fluids and moan even louder.
  198. >Maybe you should have just let her mother eat you. Maybe it would have been less painful and you could just slowly dissolve in her stomach. That seems better.
  199. >When her orgasm finally subsides, she finally pulls herself off of you with a sigh.
  200. >You sit up, trying to wipe away all the painful liquids. The dragoness kneels down next to you.
  201. >K: “So, you’re a traveler. What’s your story?”
  202. >You were about to make up a lie when you both heard a clatter. Her head whipped that way and she was about to stand to go check it out. You knew it had to be Rarity and that you had to act fast.
  203. >As she stood to walk, you grabbed her tail and swung her around, catching her in a kneeling stance as she tripped.
  204. “Where are you going, Kumani? We’ve a long night ahead of us yet…”
  205. >You tried to make it a breathy whisper, but it probably came out as horrified as you felt.
  206. >She actually blushed at that. She was about to say something, but you nipped that in the bud by kissing her.
  209. >You are temporarily Rarity.
  210. >And you almost bucked up big time.
  211. >You knew you shouldn’t have tried, but you just heard so much about Anon’s prowess that you just had to get a peek.
  212. >And dear Celestia, the way that dragon was acting, he was the best thing since Starswirl himself was alive!
  213. >When she started blowing flames, you sadly knew it was time to move.
  214. >You manage to get away from them and their light, but it was too dark to see well. In the darkness, you managed to bump into a pile of treasure, making an awful racket. You quickly turn and freeze.
  215. >You can barely see the dragon looking for you. She stands. Anonymous quickly jumps up, grabs her tail, and…
  216. >Oh my. He sweeps her off her feet!
  217. >Oh, that Casahoova! And when he leans in to kiss her…
  218. >Yes, you simply /must/ take him for yourself…
  219. >To refine his techniques, of course!
  220. >When he pulls away from her, he looks in your general direction and jerks his head deeper into the cave. You blink until you remember what you’re supposed to be doing. With that, you get back to work.
  221. >You just wish you had a chance to get rid of that achingly familiar heat in your loins.
  224. >You are Anonymous again.
  225. >And you are kind of an idiot.
  226. >You just sort of accidentally took charge in what many—including you—would call a rape.
  227. >What do you do with that?
  228. >For you, it turns out that the answer is “quickly lose control of the situation.”
  229. >She was panting slightly when you pulled away from the kiss to try to tell Rarity to get the fuck on with it. You were hoping you had a minute or two of respite.
  230. >You were off by about a minute. As soon as you looked back down, she pushed you back and let her tail trip you again. She pounced on you. This time she was more interested in kissing you than threatening you. You weren’t sure if that was an improvement.
  231. >When she managed to force her tongue into your mouth, you thought for a second that it was.
  232. >And then her tongue kept going. And going. And going.
  233. >Soon you had a forked tongue in your esophagus and you were struggling to breathe, let alone attempt to return the kiss. You tried pushing her away to find that she was locked on you as tightly as possible.
  234. >So instead, you reached one hand behind her and grabbed at her ass, hating yourself the entire time.
  235. >She moaned into your mouth for a moment before pulling away and sucking her tongue back in with a nasty slurping noise. “We may have all night, but that doesn’t mean we can’t get started early…”
  236. >That’s not what you wanted.
  237. >That’s not what you wanted at all!
  238. >You just did your best to grin.
  239. “Early bird… catches the worm?”
  240. >That was so fucking lame.
  241. >She just giggled. “I know I’m going to be catching your worm somewhere, but I’m not quite a bird.” You feel her tail grab at your pants and lift you a bit while yanking them off.
  244. >You feel your eyes widening as your manhood is exposed to her hard scales. You have less than a second to wonder how painful it would be if she tried to give you a hand job—or a blow job, with those teeth!—before her tail reaches back in and begins stroking you.
  245. >As much as you were terrified, you could not deny that what she was doing felt good. You also could not deny that while what she was doing felt good for you, you were terrified of not pleasing her.
  246. >Of course, you were also a bit afraid of burning your dick in her dragonesshood, but surely you could get a salve from Zecora for that.
  247. >…
  248. >Oh, who are you kidding, with your luck she’d make you fuck her for it.
  249. >Anyway, you didn’t take very long to get fully hard. When she felt you poking her, she smiled. “I hope you’re ready for a good time, lover.”
  250. >She pushed herself up and grabbed your member with her hands. With a smile, she guided it to her eager pussy. She looked you in the eyes as she lowered herself down on you.
  251. >You flinch from the expected pain and your hands shoot out to the sides to grab at whatever they could find. When you enter her, you feel… good. Oh, it was very warm, but it felt amazing.
  252. >She sighed as she let herself adjust to you, grinding slightly and making you shift a bit in pleasure. “Oh buck… I wonder if my parents would mind keeping you as a pet…”
  253. >Your eyes widened in terror as she began to ride you. Oh, it felt good, but the fear of having to do this every day? Jesus Christ, how horrifying!
  256. >Of course, even your horror in the situation wasn’t enough to drown out how good this felt. And the way she was panting and the way her tail was slowly curling up around your leg showed that she felt the same way.
  257. >You involuntarily began to feel yourself thrusting in time to her pumps, catching her off guard and making her give a cute little moan each time.
  258. >Wait, cute?
  259. >…
  260. >Eh, fuck it. You can’t deny it. This chick’s kinda cute.
  261. >Even if she is raping you.
  262. >Yeah, okay, she doesn’t seem so cute anymore.
  263. >And that’s when you felt your first ever dragoness orgasm. She shot more fire off into the air as she came and began riding you even faster, her walls rippling around you and making you begin to pant as you got closer to your own peak.
  264. >When her orgasm finally began to wear off, she just settled down with you still inside her, trying to catch her breath.
  265. >K: “You’re still ready to go? My my, I’m /definitely/ going to ask my parents to let me keep you.”
  266. >That was enough to scare you completely away from your orgasm, which was actually right around the corner.
  267. >And then you both heard another crash. She looked that way again and stood, trying to see what it was. She took a few steps that way.
  268. >You quickly rolled up and grabbed her by the tail again, yanking her back. She slid to her claws and knees somehow, leaving her tail in your grasp.
  269. “Going somewhere so soon?”
  270. >You tried to make your voice erotic. You don’t know how well it worked.
  273. >You are Rarity yet again.
  274. >You managed to fill up one saddlebag with loot. You couldn’t help but hear that dragon’s moans, though. When you got to a good breaking point, you went to go take a look to see how he was coming along.
  275. >You giggle to yourself at the little pun as you sneak up to them.
  276. >Looks like that dragon is riding poor Anon like a pogo-stick. And it also looked like they were loving every minute of it. You sigh to yourself and once again swear that you’re going to make Anon yours as you turn to go.
  277. >Before you take a step, though, you hear a much louder moan and then some fire come from her. You turn your head and see her riding him even faster. When she finally stops, she says something about him still being ready. You groan and swish your tail in anger. That should be you, Celestia damn it!
  278. >It took you a second to notice that your heavily styled tail hit a pile of gold and knocked it over. You look at it in horror before turning back to the dragon. She was already on her feet.
  279. >Just as you thought yourself done for, Anon grabbed her tail and…
  280. >Oh my! He lifted her tail and pushed her to her hands and knees! You truly do want to watch what that master of sex does next, but you know you need to finish the job.
  283. >You are back to being Anonymous.
  284. >And you have no idea what to do next.
  285. >You have this dragon on her hands and knees, practically begging to be fucked. You have a dick that’s very wet and wanting to get some action. And you have a friend that needs a long distraction.
  286. >For a moment you can’t help but wonder if you went wrong in life or if you went right in life.
  287. >You pull her tail up a bit more, making her giggle and raise her bottom accordingly. You position yourself right outside her pussy but stop yourself.
  288. >You, Anonymous, have a once in a lifetime opportunity here.
  289. >You take a look again at what you have been presented.
  290. >You feel a slow grin growing across your face as you raise your dick up just a tad and prod at her back hole.
  291. >She gasps.
  292. “I’m an adventurer, baby. And I’m here to loot your booty.”
  293. >The combined forces of the face palms all over the planet at that shitty line drove you forth. You poked the tip in and let her adjust for a moment. As rape-tastic as she is, you really don’t want to hurt her. You slowly push further in, feeling her gasping a few times.
  294. >When you finally hilt, you sit there for a moment to let her adjust.
  295. >K: “Oh, I feel sooo fullll!”
  296. >Now you feel kind of good about yourself. You gently begin to thrust, trying not to hurt her.
  297. >Of course, dragons are apparently a lot more durable than humans are. She begins to buck in time with your thrusts, trying to get you to pick up the pace.
  298. >You don’t deny her, holding her tail up to keep it out of the way.
  299. >K: “P-p-press down on the b-b-base of my tail!”
  302. >You blink a few times before shrugging and moving one hand to where her tail meets her body. You push in and feel her ass just clamp down on you. For a second you were afraid you were going to need a hacksaw to get free before she relaxed enough to allow you to thrust again.
  303. >You grinned and quickly set about finding a decent pressure needed on her tail to keep you and her constantly building pleasure.
  304. >She was really getting into it now, thankfully. You were worried for a second that she was going to take affront to you toying with her back door.
  305. >She was liking it more than you were, moaning and letting off little shots of flame every few seconds.
  306. >Sadly, you were still feeling a bit sensitive from your time in the pink, so your time in the stink was going to be cut a bit short. You felt yourself getting close to peaking way too soon for your liking, but you knew she had to be close as well.
  307. >When her tail finally shot straight, you knew she was there. Her ass clamped down on you in a grip tighter than a four year old girl—not that you’d know, of course—and you quickly lost it yourself, shooting your seed into her barren hole. You felt your hand tighten on the base of her tail as you filled her.
  308. >The mix of her reflexive tightening and her orgasm was almost enough to be painful. You managed to pull your dick out of that vacuum with a disturbingly loud pop.
  309. >And that’s when you discovered that you weren’t alone in the cave anymore.
  310. >K: “Uh… hi… daddy.”
  311. >Fuck your life.
  314. >You are Rarity, and you have two saddlebags just bursting with gold and gems!
  315. >You were looking for anything else worth taking when you found exactly what you didn’t want to see: The dragon mother.
  316. >You were about to skedaddle and count your blessings when you noticed something resting on one of the spikes on her head: A blood diamond necklace.
  317. >Those diamonds are nearly priceless, the only source being the single mine in Tartarus. You just /had/ to have it for your collection!
  318. >You quietly set your saddlebags down so you wouldn’t wake her with jingling right next to her face. With that, you crept up to her and used your magic to gently tug at the necklace. You slowly—ever so slowly—pulled it away from her.
  319. >You managed to get it down just perfectly. You floated it to you and set it around your neck before happily trotting back to your saddlebags, the first real big smile on your face in days!
  320. >Unfortunately, it was still dark. You didn’t even see the pile of gold in your way before you hit it.
  321. >What is with you and being clumsy today? Normally you’re so graceful, the perfect class of lady!
  322. >Wait, that was an awful lot of racket… You slowly turn to face the dragoness before realizing she was still asleep. You breathe a sigh of relief and turn back to your bags.
  323. >And then you hear monstrous roars echoing through the cave.
  324. >You jerk your head toward the entrance, but you can’t see anything with all the gems in the way. You can only hope Ano—
  325. >?: “Ahem.”
  326. >Oh buck.
  329. >You are Anonymous, and you currently love Kumani with your life. She was shielding you from her father as he tried to breathe flames at you. Oh, it was still hot as hell, but you weren’t on fire.
  330. >K: “Daddy, I can explain!”
  332. >He mad?
  333. “In my defense, she started it!”
  334. >D: “DON’T YOU DARE LIE, APE!”
  335. >Yeah, he mad. He furthered his rebuttal by spitting more flames at his daughter, who was still protecting you.
  336. >And then you heard more roars from the back of the cave. You were starting to think things might not be going as planned.
  337. >The big dragon turned to his daughter. “You let two intruders inside? AND YOU SLEPT WITH ONE?!”
  338. >She gulped. “Uh… surprise?”
  339. >Before he could say anything, Rarity came sprinting out of the darkness. He had time to look shocked before she was running under his legs.
  340. >The dragon mother went lumbering after her, slamming into the dad before she could stop. They went tumbling to the ground, entangled.
  341. >The poor daughter looked on, confused as could be
  342. >Slowly, she turned to you. You grabbed her claw, pulled it to your face, and gently kissed it.
  343. “Thanksforthegoodtimegottagobye!”
  344. >With that, you fucking bolted out the cave, naked as a jaybird
  345. >You somehow caught up with Rarity and picked her up because you were apparently running faster than she was. Together, the two of you managed to make it back to P0nyville alive, without seeing any sign of dragons
  346. >When you finally got to the boutique, you drop her. You could barely breathe, you were panting so hard
  347. “W-where’s… the loot?”
  348. >R: “Er… back in the cave.”
  349. >What.
  350. >R: “But don’t you just /love/ my new necklace?”
  351. >You cry yourself to sleep right there in the foyer.
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