
Hawt stuff or something

Dec 7th, 2017
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  1. Tsaaq: Persephone knocked on the door of Sedricks office. "Uncle Sedrick, my friend is coming over to talk about his case. He should be here shortly." She announced. // Sedrick sat in his office, looking through various law texts with his laptop open. "What?" He asked, sounding a little irritated. "Just send him down when he's here. Did you tell the night watchman at the gate he was coming?" He shouted from inside the office.
  2. DGNightwing: -Jason had went to his dorm to get into proper clothing when meeting with a lawyer. This was important to him so he had on a suit. He had a little dirt on Kelsey that he was going to discuss, he made his way to the gate of the Maverick residence, he drove to the house, getting out of his car, txing Persephone - Im here...- he put his phone inside of his pocket and waited
  3. Tsaaq: She went up the stairs. "I'll be right back!" She called out to her Uncle Sedrick before running to the door, fixing herself in her dress then pulling the door open. "Come in. Come in! Uncle Sedrick told me to just take you downstairs to his office."
  4. DGNightwing: - He walks inside looking around- Alright, where is his office? - he looked at her- You look good. As usual.
  5. Tsaaq: "Downstairs across from the home theater." She said as she began to lead him to the basement. "Oh, thank you." She grinned. "I know. I was just laying around with this thing on." She smoothed her hands over the dress as they reached the bottom on the staircase. "Would you like a drink before I send you into his office?" She asked as she went to lean against the bar.
  6. DGNightwing: - He nods and walks downstairs after following her- Well I like it. - He shook his head- No, Im fine thank you. This should be quick, then maybe we can hang out?
  7. Tsaaq: "Okay. I'll be out here waiting." Persephone switched her hips as she walked to her Uncle's door and opened it for him. "Hopefully it goes great. Good luck!" She winked. // Sedrick lifted his head and got up from his desk. Seeing the young man standing in his doorway. "Hello, come on in." He waved Jason inside. "Close the door behind you."
  8. DGNightwing: - He nodded and walked in- Thanks. - he shut the door behind him and walked in- Hello sir- he extended his hand- How are you?
  9. Tsaaq: Sedrick shook his hand and led him over to his desk. "I'm fine. Persephone tells me you need help with a custody case? Tell me about that?" He went to pull out a chair and sat in his own. Waiting on his reply.
  10. DGNightwing: Yes. Well. Along time ago, I obviously slept with this girl. Things were good. Her father forbidded me from seiing her or the child. There was a threat. I was young and scared so I listened to him. Now that I dont care what he says, and am perfectly capable of taking care of a kid. All I asked was evry now and then to spend time with him But she doesnt let me. Se has another guy, who my son sees as his father. The other guy doesnt let me near Connor as well. I cant see any of them without getting dirty remarks or feel like the guy is going to start a fight with me. In this folder I have slight evidence of Kelsey being an unfit mother. Im just throwing that out there.
  11. Tsaaq: Sedrick nodded his head slowly at Jason. "Have you two already had a custody case?" He inquired. Sedrick held his hand out for the folder. "You know... I have a lot on my plate. But, I suppose I can take your case. But the earliest we can have the case is Feburary."
  12. DGNightwing: No. Theres been nothing- he nodded- If thats the earliest you can do. Im okay with it. Il get more dirt on her until then. I appriciate that. Im just worried about m sons well being until then. She has full custody right now. Because I wasnt allowed to be around to fight it.
  13. Tsaaq: He nodded. "I need you to find more information that makes her an unfit mother. Then we'll have another meeting. How does that sound?" Sedrick asked. "Yeah. I'm pretty swamped with these cases."
  14. DGNightwing: Absolutely- he stood up extending his hand- Thank yo sir. Il keep you posted- He walked out, walking Persephone and smiled- That went well
  15. Tsaaq: Sedrick smiled. "Great. We'll be in touch then." He said. He watched as Jason walked out the office and rested his head on the desk for a little cat nap. // Persephone was holding a glass of gin as she turned to Jason. "Ooo, good!" She cheered. "Do you want that drink now? We can head up to my room if you like?" She offered.
  16. DGNightwing: Yea, im cool with that- He looked at her- Lead the way
  17. Tsaaq: "Up these stairs." She took another sip of her gin and handed the glass over to him. She walked up the stairs with her ass moving every which way and she looked back at him, heading to the second set of stairs.
  18. DGNightwing: - he nodded and grabbed the glass, taking a sip, squinting his eyes a bit, he followed her and starred at the veiw- I uhh..- he whisepred, not wanting to get caught by saying anything- Like the veiw..
  19. Tsaaq: "You mean the way our house looks? Yeah it's super nice, right?" Persephone replied obliviously as she walked towards her bedroom. She went inside and went to look at herself in her large mirror. "So Uncle Sedrick is gonna help out with your case? Now you won't have to watch that girl and guy with your kid."
  20. DGNightwing: I meant your ass.- he smirked, walking to her bedroom and walking inside, shutting the door behind him- Yea, he is, I have to gather up evidence until Febuary though. thats when the case will be set in place. So until Febuary I have to suck it up.
  21. Tsaaq: She twirled around and looked over to Jason. "Oh!" She laughed and shrugged. "Thank youuu." She rubbed her hand along her ass and went over to her bed. "You could always just try to find all the shit that would make her an unfit mother."
  22. DGNightwing: I got a couple things here.- he looked at the folder. Im gonna hire someone to take photos of them. Technically its paperazzi and not stalking. So I will be justified for it= he nodded- Im gonna get my damn kid back.
  23. Tsaaq: "Good. I'm glad I can actually help. Uncle Sedrick is one of the best. You're probably going to win." Persephone began to brag. "It's paparazzi but so what? You have to do what you have to do." She walked over to her door and gently closed it.
  24. DGNightwing: (when are you going to bed, I dont wanna keep you up? If not anytime soon il continue to post xD)
  25. Tsaaq: ((I can go a little longer if you want.))
  26. DGNightwing: -He watched as she got up and shut the door- I hope so. I owe you big for this. Is there anything I can do? Give you guys money or anything? Write you a song?- he chuckled- Anything
  27. Tsaaq: She tapped her chin with her index finger. "Hmmm." She began to smirk. "I'll think of something." She said playfully as she looked at him. "What else can I do for you is what I'm wondering?"
  28. DGNightwing: Oh...umm well- he looked around- Youve been a great help. I dont know, I dont really need anything else- he looked at her- What do you think you need to do?
  29. Tsaaq: Persephone shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know... I've never really helped people before. It feels kind of nice. And you compliment me and make me feel pretty. So that makes me want to be even more nice to you." She explained. "Maybe I should make you do things for me? Like go out for a drink one day? That's not my favor. I just want to get drinks."
  30. DGNightwing: Yea, Il do anything you ask. really- he nodded- I mean that. And I compliment you because its the truth- he smirked- I wouldnt say it if I didnt mean it. Youre helping me with something really big. I owe you alot.
  31. Tsaaq: "Anything?" Persephone tilted her head at him and rose her eyebrows. "I have an idea..." She trailed off. "Are you tired? Want to spend the night?" She asked as she went to step out of her heels.
  32. DGNightwing: I guess I could sleep if I laid down. Il spend the night yea- he nodded- Is that what you wanted?
  33. Tsaaq: She shook her head at him. "No. I just wanted you to get some rest before I tell you what I want from you. This is just for fun. The relax." She smirked at him again.
  34. DGNightwing: - he kicked off his shoes and chuckled, looking around the room and looking back up at her- confused. What is it you want Persephone?
  35. Tsaaq: "I can't tell you yet!" She said as she went to take off her dress. "I'll tell you later. Go to bed."
  36. DGNightwing: - he undressed getting into only his boxers- Okay okay,,,- he crawled up into her bed and got under the covers, laying down- So demanding.
  37. Tsaaq: Persephone smiled at her victory and went to turn off the lights in her bedroom. She went to get into her bed and went to lay in front of Jason. "Sweet dreams." She smiled, forcing his arm around her waist.
  38. DGNightwing: =he smiled, holding her waiste shaking his head, he kissed her head, and didnt know why he did it. It just happened, but he didnt care- Yea, sweet dreams- he closed his eyes and fell asleep
  39. Tsaaq: ((Wooooo.))
  40. Tsaaq: ((Time for my sleeps.))
  41. DGNightwing: (niiiiight)
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