
Xetheir Side RP No. 1 (Reluctantly Complete)

Oct 19th, 2019
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  1. [color=Crimson]within the Lab hidden under the Black Bloods base Xetheir experiments on the unwilling forms of his Rival Gang members...[/color]
  3. R-Thug1: W-what the hell? Y-y-you can't do this, this is inhumane!
  4. The thug Stutters and shouts while he was tied to a surgery table, limbs unresponsive
  5. To his words, Xetheir replies with a chuckle "Bold of you to assume I was human, but don't worry you have an 86.7889% chance of living through this experiment of mine, and if you do I'll even let you free..." A smile that would normally look adorable on such a cute face only serves to enhance the terror apon the thug's face
  6. "WAIT PLEASE! I'll do anything, just let me go!" the thug barely let's lose terror making them near-silent, "Anything hmm?" says tilting their head in a way that would normally be cute "...OK!~" they said with a bright smile, at those words relief floods onto the thugs face. "Hmmm, I want you to...[color=red][i]Go To Sleep~[/i][/color]" as they say this they cause the blood within the thug's body to rush to their head, making them go Unconscious. "Alright then, the rituals are set to go so...Time to prep the body~" Putting on their Operation gear they first mark the areas apon which they shall cut, then they lay out their tools making sure the runes carved into them are still functioning. "Let's begin the operation," they say to themselves in a Monotone voice, before putting their scalpel In between the Major Pictoids and slicing the skin open, they then fold back the skin layer that they sliced and Pin it open "we start with the heart, which has heavy rejuvenation, Speed, and regeneration Runes Carved into it" still speaking in that dead tone they take out a special implement, a caligraphy Brush that seems to have a carving blade fused with it "Laguz" they Chant carving it into the right side of the heart "Enwaz partially fused into a Berkano" another Rune carved "A Dagaz fused completely with a Jera which is then Partially fused into a Sowillo" as they finish carving the runes into the heart they then send their blood into the carved out runes before changing the blood's Pigment into a dark grey color then they Move on to the next Organ "alright, Next is the lungs" moving a little lower down on the body, they again use their Scalpel to slice fether down into the flesh Pulling out the thug's lungs, pulling out the Weird fusion of the Caligraphy brush and carving tool they begin carving the runes into the lungs "Laguz fused with a Berkano followed by a Nauthiz fused with a Gebo" carfully carving bit by bit, Piece by peace they sittle the runes onto the lungs "...No, these lungs won't do...I'll use them on a later project, for now, I'll pull out the lungs of that Tiger like beast-man hybrid we captured last month" Intoning this, they move toward a large cooler room that is at the back of the lab. pressing their hand to the door it glows a Dull sickly yellow before opening to a near frigid room which they then walk into. "Now where are those lungs? those are the Lungs of a mermaid...their? no, it's that Ape creatures weirdly shaped heart...AH, there it is! that beastmen's lungs these should be compatible" they say putting those lungs onto a cart covered in runecraft. coming back to the operation table they then carefully take the lungs out of the thug's body placing them onto a separate section of the cart before then placing the Beastial Lungs into their place "that the transplant done, now the runes to bind them" once again pulling out their equipment, they get back to carving the runes "Now that I have more space and better Lungs, I can do this. Ansuz, Nauthiz fused with a Raldho followed by Laguz before being Pierced with a Wunjo..." Organ after organ, Limb after limb, system after system, Rune after rune, they carve, open, sow, Replace, and enhance in an almost beautiful Pattern before ending with placing runes apon the brain. " ...And a Wunjo Rotating A Tiwaz to insure complete loyalty, there the surgery part seems to be a success, no complications Besides that minor Nerve rejection which only needed an Ansuz to stabilize for the final part, the rituals" saying this, they sow the body back together before activating the Regen circle they build into the Operation table, Living no traces of the surgery besides the obvious changes to the Limbs and Skin tone "First, Drag him into the circle" they say as they pull the operation table into Another room which a ritual circle Resides inside.
  7. [img][/img]
  8. layered apon this [img][/img]
  10. "Finally, we can begin the final parts of the Experiment..let's begin"
  11. they say before taking a deep breath, during which Blood seeps from them, from every pore, every Orefice, slowly dripping into the ritual Circles completing them. their eyes, now glowing with an arcane light they start speaking "" Finishing the ritual, the runes used in the Circle Glow in a grim assortment of light before condensing down and eventually fading into the body placed in the center. "It is to bring him to the test chamber" placing their hand apon a rune on the wall, they shout "Could I get two men down here? also, bring a disposable to the test chamber!" Silence for about 10 seconds before a voice answers back "You got it, boss! does it matter which Disposable? " Xetheir answers back with a "No, as long as it's approved for capability test, It's good" the person on the other side of the rune simply gives a "Got it Boss!" before two men come down into the Lab "ok you two, I need help carryin' this to the test chambers, got it?" they both responded with an "Aye, boss" before carrying it to the test chambers
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