
Cliche Horror Story

Apr 29th, 2015
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  1. >writer, mid-to-late 30's
  2. >trying to get in on the horror novel market
  3. >move halfway across the country to give your wife and kids a "fresh start" after fucking up their lives with your rampant alcoholism and obsession with all things horror
  4. >find a nice house for really cheap
  5. >like, ridiculously cheap
  6. >realtor was kinda dodgy, but the contractor said everything was in great shape
  7. >neighborhood is a little gloomy, but otherwise pretty nice
  8. >wife was kind of skeptical at first, but warms up to the place
  9. >about a week after the move, kids start having nightmares
  10. >they stop after a few days
  11. >one day, the school calls you and the wife for a meeting with the principal
  12. >one of your kids beat the shit out of a classmate
  13. >teacher says the kid mentioned the "incident" that took place before you moved in
  14. >wife asks, "What incident?"
  15. >oh shit
  16. >principal tells her about a series of otherwise unrelated murders and suicides that took place in your new house
  17. >wife looks at you, furious
  18. >"Did you know about this?"
  19. >you're a shit liar, so you spill it
  20. >you knew the whole time, and actually wanted the house because you thought it would inspire you to write a great new novel
  21. >wife gets fucking pissed
  22. >she takes the kids and the car and fuckin drives away, leaving you at the school
  23. >you hoof it home
  24. >hours later, you get home
  25. >wife is packing up her shit and the kids' shit
  26. >tells you she's had enough of the stupid horror bullshit
  27. >drives off with the kids and like half of your shit
  28. >you go inside and pour a glass of whiskey
  29. >start hearing spooky shit in your spooky murder-house
  30. >stringy-haired ghost girl comes walking down the stairs from your bedroom
  31. >you drink your whiskey and ignore her
  32. >she starts trying to get your attention with her ghostly moans and shit
  33. >eventually she drops the act and asks you what the hell is up
  34. >seriously why aren't you even kind of pissing yourself at the very sight of her
  35. >you fill her in on all the shit that just went down
  36. >she flops down into a chair next to you
  37. >"fuck, man, that's rough,"
  38. >whatever, you know you fucked up this time
  39. >"I don't get her hang-up about horror shit, though"
  40. >yeah, what the hell is wrong with your wife anyway, horror shit is the best
  41. >you pour a glass for the onryo and decide to pop in a DVD to distract yourself from the shitty feels
  42. >"Saturday the 14th? I love this shit,"
  43. >spooky ghost girl cuddles up to you while you watch
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