
5th Episode

Sep 26th, 2017
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  1. 5th Episode
  2. [Morning]
  3. [Monday]
  4. [3rd day on the journey]
  6. -Today's the day of the 2nd Gym Challenge for Jay and Rin, with Lucina long gone towards GoldenRod City, Rhiannon shakes her head of her thoughts regarding the blue haired girl and follow Jalen to the Gym. Inside the gym, they help Oboro down a tree(Who's actually super scared of heights) and battle her in a 2v1 with her using 3 Pokemon. Rin tell Jalen to save their Starters(Them being their strongest mon) for Oboro's last Pokemon and after Flaaffy takes down Butterfree, Rin's right as Oboro's final Pokemon is Scyther, who takes down Flaaffy despite the Type disadvantage and with Beedrill, take down Phanpy as well.
  8. -It's all up to Totodile and Quilava who take down Beedrill. The 2 Pokemon struggle to meet up with Scyther's speed with his Fury Cutter picking up steam....Eventually, Totodile get hit and is so mad that he evolves to Croconaw, and deliver a Bite strong enough to make Scyther flinch, and eat an Ember to the face from Quilava, winning the battle for Jay and Rin. Oboro congrats the 2 and hand them the Hive Badge, with the 2 MCs heading out and to the PKMN Center, they miss out on a disguised Severa with Inigo and Owain(Here using their real names) with Severa starting her Gym challenge.
  10. -Back from the PKMN Center and the PKMN Mart after saving enough money, the 2 MCs set out to the Ilex Forest before being confronted by a cancerous person that is Dio. Dio ask them do they know about what happened with Team Rocket here, Jalen WAS gonna say they beat them, but Rin answers with a lie and tell them no. Dio assumes they are lying and challenge Jalen to a battle. With Dio's Meowth and Gastly falling to Croconaw, Rhiannon comment on where his Chikorita is at, and Dio lie about him putting her in his PC Account for the time being as he head to the PKMN Center, pissed about losing to Jalen. Rin don't believe him and assume the worst...Jalen is concerned for the Chikorita and questions why would Professor Reflet give someone like Dio an Pokemon. Rhiannon comments on people like Dio who are sociopaths and are very charming when needed to be.
  12. -As Jay and Rin enter the Forest, The Terrible Trio leaves the Azalea Gym, Severa barely getting her 1st Gym badge. Proud of the win, her mood deflates when Owain comment on backtracking to Violet City for the 1st Gym badge, Meaning she won't see Jalen(And Inigo bemoans that they can't see Rin either). Inigo cheers himself(And the other 2) up and tell them to use the TR secret Underground system to head to Violet City and then make their way to Goldenrod City, where they can meet with Admin Aversa for their next mission. The 3 do so by heading to a top secret house...unaware of Dio watching them.
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