
Disastrous 50's soiree

Jun 23rd, 2017
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  1. Covet: [So I just want to say...I love how Eli managed to match Bliss without even seeing...]
  2. Tsaaq: ((Hilarious.))
  3. Alexithymiaa: -Steph stood inside the living room fussing with the stereo as she pumped the 50's themed playlist she'd made through the speakers in the house. She brought her hand up to cup the bottom of her curls, stupidly worried about far too many things tonight and partly just wanting this party to be over already. Letting out a sigh, she stepped up through the kitchen, grabbing a cup and beginning to pour herself half a cup of rum to mix with something. // Adam stood over the pool table in his nerdy bowling shirt, a pool stick in his hands as he angled it for the cue ball. Pushing the stick through his fingers, he shot it into the white ball, watching it bounce into the others and send them flying around the pool table. // Brad stood in the kitchen with a beer in one hand, a handful of pretzels that he was popping into his mouth one at a tiime in the other. He turned to look at Steph when she came into the kitchen, bobbing his head a bit to the music. "This music is kind of cool."- ( )
  4. Tsaaq: Bliss was in the kitchen, organizing the cups, drinks and ice. "This way it's a system. First a person will pick up a cup then some ice then juice or soda, then an optional alcoholic beverage." She pointed at the order of the items on the counter just before Steph picked up a cup and skipping her steps. Bliss pouted and crossed her arms. "But there was a system." She sighed, looking over to Brad. "I do agree, the music is pretty good." // She attempted to flatten her large skirt as she leaned against the wall, watching Adam as he played pool. // Remy drove up to the AGD house, smoking his cigarette as he pulled his lambo into park. "Welp. I did my best." He said, glancing at himself in the rearview mirror. He looked over to Cadence and smiled. "You look goregous as usually babe."
  5. Covet: Eli was hanging out with Adam by the pool table, playing pool with him, his head jamming to the music, while he sipped a beer in his free hand. I imagine there was a good amount of people from the school that were still around and all that, because summer party shit, college life. He smiled and waited for his turn to go, "Nice shot man." // Kelsey came out of the bathroom, having been touching up her make up and giving herself a chance to cool off because the leather jacket was a little warm. She put it back on and made her way out to where Brad was at in the kitchen enjoying pretzles, seeing Steph, " I love this idea for a party.It's probably one of my favorite that we've done." She turned to Brad and gave him a smile, " Hey can you make me something sweet for a drink?" // Felix had been outside smoking a cigarette, putting it out in an ashtray out there, he walked in and found Steph getting herself a drink. He smiled and looked around for a soda to drink for himself. "How are you feeling Red?" He asked her taking a drink of an orange soda to get the taste of tobacco out of his mouth a bit, before he leaned down to give her a kiss. // Cadence was sitting in the passengerseat and looked over at him with a smile taking his hand she gave it a squeeze. "Thanks, Stud Muffin. I think you look pretty good too." She looked at the house, knowing a handful of people that were there, were also at the party at Bliss's house, so that added a little pressure to the situation to her. She bit the inside of her cheek then opened up her door and climbed out of the Lambo.
  6. Alexithymiaa: -Steph grabbed for the cranberry juice, tipping it over to just splash a bit into her cup enough to make the beverage pink. "I prefer to add alcohol first so I know how much is in the cup. I'm sorry I messed up your system." She spoke gently to Bliss, flashing a smile to Kelsey. "Right? I think I'd have preferred a 40's themed party, but 50's is a lot more popular." She turned when Felix walked over for a beverage, returning the kiss. "How am I feeling? Like I need a drink. Fortunately, I have one. So I guess I'm set." She brought the cup up to her lips to take a long drink, swallowing hard. // Adam leaned up and stood the pool stick beside him, his hand still wrapped around it as he watched Eli go. "Thanks. I havent played pool in a really long time. I should practice more." He turned to glance at Hayley, holding the stick out toward her. "Want to try?" // Brad smiled to Kelsey and nodded, grabbing a cup to fill with ice and trying to follow Bliss' system since she voiced that there was one. He added pineapple juice and fruitpunch to the cup before filling it the rest of the way with vodka, passing it to Kelsey. "You'll probably like that. And if there's too much vodka, we can just add more pineapple juice. Let me know what you think."-
  7. Tsaaq: "Oh damn it." Bliss sighed, crossing her arms. "I guess that is a method too." She said to Steph. "Have we ever had a fifties party in the history of NWSU?" She asked with a raise of her eyebrow. // Hayley rose an eyebrow then waved her hand. "I don't want to mess up my pretty dress." She said, faking an airy voice. "I'm fine with watching for now." // Remy smirked. "I look okay." He shrugged. He got out of the vehicle and held her hand before he closed the doors. "So before we go in, everything is okay. You're fine. Don't worry." He told her gently as he went to kiss her forehead.
  8. Covet: "You realize there's a pool table at the OCH, if you want to practice?" Eli said with a chuckle as he went about taking his shot aiming for the solid colored BALLS." If it makes you feel any better, I haven't played in forever either. I should take a break after this round though, so I can dance a little with Bliss." He said getting a ball in, then took a drink from his beer. // Kelsey watched as Brad made her a drink and took it from him to give it a sip, "mmm perfect. I don't think so, at least not to my memory, but maybe before I got here?" Kelsey said because I can't remember. // Felix looked at Bliss, "So wait, you mean to tell me you guys do these theme party thing often? That's kind of awesome." He chuckled, then watched Steph swallow down the booze, doing his best to hide his concern because he wasn't sure drinking went well with not eating ever. // Cadence wrapped her arms around Remy and gave him a hug, "I'll try not to. I got this..." She said trailing off then made her way towards the house, not letting go of his hand. She walked inside and kept her eyes open for Bliss, since she had a mission tonight.
  9. Alexithymiaa: (BALLS. All I saw was balls.)
  10. Tsaaq: ((Oh lord.))
  11. Covet: [I knew you would anyways... that's why I highlighted it]
  12. Alexithymiaa: (LOVE YOU)
  13. Covet: [My god... the ass on this dress.. ]
  14. Covet: [She's definitely not wearing underwear.. that's for sure. ]
  15. Alexithymiaa: "Pretty sure we havent. At least none of the ones I've been in charge of." She gave a quick sip of her drink again, glancing at Felix. "We try anyway. There's an AGD event every month whether it be a party or something else. Which reminds me, annual AGD car wash is next month so..." She trailed off, pointing her finger between Brad and Felix. "Show up. Bring cars. Fund our donations to the animal shelter." She gave Felix's jacket a pat. "So James Dean, plan on dancing?" // "I know, but that doesnt change the fact that I never play. I should do it though, especially with how convenient it is. I forget it's down there most days. I walk right past it to do laundry." He cracked up and moved toward Hayley. "How would you mess up your dress?" He asked with a bit of a laugh, holding the stick out to her. "Just one try." // Brad nodded to Steph, sipping his beer. "I wouldn't miss it. The chance to watch a bunch of sorority girls wash my car? I'm all over it. Do we get the opportunity to reserve specific girls for our cars? You should take appointments." He smirked, nudging Kelsey.-
  16. Tsaaq: "That's what I was thinking." Bliss said with a nod. "Oh right, the car wash. I'll definitely be in attendance. What's the stratgey to earn a lot of money this year?" She asked then shook her head at Brad. // "It's poofy." Hayley said, waving her hands over the dress She shrugged and took the pool cue. She leaned over and lined up the shot then carefully hit the ball, making the other balls scatter but not sinking any holes. "I suck." She frowned. // He squeezed her and kissed her head again. "Want me to stick near you?" He asked Cadence as they stepped into the house. He looked around the then the group in the kitchen.
  17. Artificer: ((Jesus, itll load eventually))
  18. Covet: [-pats-]
  19. Covet: "You've got this Hayley, You might even be better than Adam at it." He said with a smile, waiting for Hayley to take the shot, "I'm sure Adam can help you line up your shot if you need." He said, looking down the hall to see Cadence show up, "Oh.. I might need to take a break earlier than I thought. In case things get a little intense." He said then rested his stick on the wall. // Kelsey rolled her eyes, "Of course you would. I don't think it works that way, but you're cute." She told him with a laugh, shaking her head. "You either get a carwash from us all, or not at all. If we could afford it, we'd just spring to get you a new car, you can't wash off lemon." She teased. // Felix put his hands up, "I'll even go out and get the Jeep nice and dirty, make you ladies work for your donations." He said then nodded his head, "Yeah, I'll dance with you. It's just not going to be dancing that fits the time. If you're done updating everyone, we can go now?" He suggested offering an arm to her. // "Yes, please... Actually...I think it might be better that way." Cadence said taking a deep breath, "But I need to wait until Steph's not around her, because... I can only handle one conflict resolution tonight." She told him squeezing his hand, and leaned up to give him a kiss on the cheek.
  20. Alexithymiaa: (KELSEY YOU BITCH)
  21. Covet: [XD I have a plans now.. bahaha]
  22. Alexithymiaa: "Shut up, Bradley. If you want to give Kelsey extra money to fund the puppies, by all means. But you're not stealing her from my car wash." She tipped her cup back and downed the rest of her drink before placing it on the counter, and turning to take Felix's arm. "Dancing that fits the time? Is someone insecure in their dance moves? How cute." She smirked, starting to move out of the kitchen with him to walk down into the living room where space to dance was. // Adam nodded to Eli, letting out a laugh. "Hey, be nice. I'm not that bad." His eyes dropped down to watch Hayley take her shot. "See, that wasn't bad. You had good direction, you probably just need a little more power. Why don't you try again?" He asked, putting his hand on the small of her back. // "Ow." Brad clasped a hand over his heart at Kelsey's comment, shaking his head as Steph walked away with Felix. "What is this, shit on Brad night?"-
  23. Tsaaq: Bliss frowned as she watched Steph walk away. "Oh uhm... Okay." She said forcing a smile. "We'll touch base later!" She called out before looking over to Brad and Kelsey. "Well." She let out a high pitched huff. "I need a glass of wine." She whispered, turning to the fridge. // She shrugged her shoulders at Eli. "I don't want to use that pool table my brother and her girlfriend screwed on that." Hayley scrunched up her face. She smiled at Adam bashfully and swayed about. "Um. Okay." She laughed a bit and went to lean over to line up her shot again. // "Got it." Remy said to her softly, waiting for Felix and Steph to go elsewhere since he knew thats what would probably happen. He sighed and began to lead Cadence up the small set of stairs. "Look, they're gone. Let's get over there." Remy told her before nodding to Brad and Kelsey. "That outfit is so you." He said to Kels before whistling at Bliss. "Hey. Pay attention!" He called out to her.
  24. Covet: [I forgot Cadence and Remy boned on that XD]
  25. Alexithymiaa: (GOD DAMMIT GUYS.)
  26. Tsaaq: ((lmaoooo.))
  27. Tsaaq: ((his girlfriend***))
  28. Artificer: Ben swayed back and forth along the pavement as he made his way to the party, puffing on a cigarette as he went. He reached the house where the party was and stood in front of it for a bit, taking long drags of his cigarette. "Fuuuuuck." He sighed to himself, not looking forward to this party as much as he should. "Aight, lets do this." He said, amping himself up. He stomped out his cigarette and flicked his board up into his hand. He went up and stashed the board in a nearby bush before heading to the front. He made his way inside, walking aimlessly around the house he'd never been too, full of people he wasnt thrilled to run into. Everything about this was starting to feel like a bad idea. He somehow ended up in the kitchen, which is good cuz he needed a beer. He waited watching someone already occupying the fridge. He was just going to swoop in grab something alchoholic then go outside to smoke.
  29. Alexithymiaa: (Hey punk ass get over here so I can take a look at you)
  30. Covet: "Oh.. Oh...well, maybe the flood washed some of that off of there?" He said with a hopeful laugh, then walked off to meet up with Bliss who was getting into the fridge, "Hello My Love, I think Remy's calling to you?" He said because who just whistles at people, Remy, then watched Cadence walk up to them at the Fridge, he turned around to see Ben, which he vaguely remembered had dated Hayley, but he couldn't pin point him exactly because he did look different. // "Well, we haven't done it in a while, we have to make up for that, but it's okay, You'll live." She told him giving him a kiss on the cheek, then looked at Remy, "Why thank you. It's not my normal fancy get up, but Brad and I decided to do End credit Danny and Sandy." // "Considering I dance to EDM, not fifties jive music, Yes, you could say I might be doubting myself. His ears perked up hearing Shout. "But this song.. I got this song." He told her then started jumping up and down throwing his arms up, while he jumped up and down, kicking his feet out. // Cadence stood with him, then nudged Remy, "Don't whistle, at her, that's not nice, she's a person not a pet." She took the steps over to Bliss and took a deep breath, "Bliss.. Can we maybe talk over by the stairs away from everyone?" She asked,in a humble manner.
  31. Alexithymiaa: "Stop complaining, James." She laughed, jumping up and down and throwing her arms up to dance along with the vibe of the song. She spun around quickly to twirl her dress because tell me you can wear a dress like this and not twirl around. She reached out and grabbed his hands, pulling herself into him before sliding backwards and spinning again. "Maybe someone needs dance classes." // Adam raised his brows at Hayley, kind of just gawking at her for a second. "Wait, what? They did what? On the pool table? Really?" A pained expression formed over his face, clearly in distress. "Why would they do that?" // Brad smirked and hooked his arm around Kelsey's waist, giving her a little tug. "You're such a pain in my ass. You know that right? If you weren't hot, this wouldn't work out. Thankfully you have great legs."-
  32. Tsaaq: "What was that?" Bliss asked after hearing the whistle. Turning in a circle with the bottle of wine then grabbed a cup. She glanced over at Ben and stared a little too long. "Um." She smiled at Eli and went to kiss his cheek. "Hello darling." She said then saw Remy and Cadence. "Oh hello! You made it." She greeted them. She rose an eyebrow at Cadence then shrugged her shouders. "Sure. Let's talk." She said with an innocent shrug. // Hayley stood up straight, rolling her eyes. "Because when people get horny they fuck. That's usually what happens. We've been over this already." She said with a small shake of her head. "Anyways..." She trailed off. // Remy shook his head. "You shut your face. I just gave you a compliment." He pointed at Kelsey. He waved at Eli. "Hey Amy, how goes it?"
  33. Artificer: Ben moved to the fridge, grabbing a beer before he turned and made his way outside. He found an empty table and sat down. He was looking out at the pool as he lit his cigarette, taking a slow drag, closing his eyes and enjoying the feeling. He glanced back inside, to his horror he saw Hayley, and Adam on the otherside of the glass playing pool. His stomach dropped, but he just sat there and watched, thinking, praying they couldnt see him outside in the dark.
  34. Covet: "Hey guys." He said with a friendly smile, then looked at Bliss as Cadence asked to speak to her. "How's it going?" He asked Remy as Cadence walked off with Bliss. "Are.. they going to be okay?" He asked a little concerned because of the party stuffs.// Kelsey shook her head as Remy cut her off, "Oh Remy." She turned her attention to Brad, "The feeling is mutual at times. Bradley." She smirked at him "I'm glad that there are parts of me that keep you around, I suppose. C'mon... let's go dance!" She said then finished the rest of her drink off before dragging him to the floor. // "I thought you said I couldn't ever be James? Bet you're eating those words now aren't you red?" He told her as he spun her around because yay twirly dresses. "If you think I'm getting in on some ballroom dance floor shindig shit, You're going to have to talk to my mother to even get me to consider it." // "Thank you, Yeah. I needed to come to talk to you at least." She said then walked away from the people for a second, looking down at her hands, "I wanted to say I'm sorry for my whole meltdown at your place the other night. I was in a really bad place, and I hadn't been taking my meds because of Cheerleading...and I thought I was doing fine without them. If there's any damage, or any way I can make up for that, I am happy to do anything." She said explaining as she looked at her.
  35. Covet: *Red.]
  36. Alexithymiaa: -Steph laughed as she spun around, her head swimming pretty hard from the alcohol in her system. "You know what? Shut up. I made it work and now you look hot and I did it so you're welcome. But I really didn't mean ballroom at all. I'd still be willing to talk to your mother though just because apparently we have so much in common. One being that we've both resisted killing you thus far." She laughed and leaned backward, a little unsteady in her heels because alcohol and the no food and bad. // Adam shifted a little uncomfortably, walking around the opposite side of the pool table to grab the pool stick Eli had leaned against the wall. "Well... neither of them live there..." He started in, shifting on his feet again. He leaned over the pool table, taking his shot and aiming at a single striped ball, knocking it into the pocket. // Brad followed Kelsey off into the living room to dance, holding his beer up over his head so he didnt run into anyone and spill it. No party fouls here. He started to move along with Kelsey, glancing to Steph and Felix. "So that car wash? When is that? I need to make sure I mark it on my calendar."-
  37. Tsaaq: Bliss sipped from her cup and listened carefully to Cadence. She gave her an understanding nod of her head. "Oh honey." She sighed before frowning. "It's fine really. We cleaned up the mess. My grandmother doesn't even know it happened." She said gently. "Don't worry yourself over it. The only thing I want you to do is feel better, why in the world would you stop taking your medications?" She asked with her eyebrows furrowed. // She shrugged again. "It doesn't really matter." Hayley said, taking a deep breath. "You know, most people when they like each other a lot. Pretty much hump everywhere they can. But that's only most of the time." She said sarcatically. She watched him and sighed a little and went to lean over and line up her shot once more when she saw him in the darkness. She furrowed her eyebrows and froze. She stared at Ben for way too long before she stood up, throwing her pool cue. "I don't want to play anymore." She declared, hurriedly walking away from the room. // Remy went to grab a bottle. He shook his head as he put it back down then grabbed a cup so he could mix his drink. "Oh Remy." He imitated Kelsey then looked to Eli. He shrugged. "They will be. Cay's just going through some shit. Don't be worried. She just really feels bad about the shit with the party." He told him.
  38. Artificer: Ben had been staring the wall, totally lost in his own head before he noticed Hayley spot him. "Fuck." He hissed as she threw her stick and stormed out. He tossed his cigarette on the ground and stomped it out as he ran inside, calling out from the pool room. "Hayley!" He looked over at Adam. "God dammit." He sighed, taking another chug of his beer.
  39. Covet: "Ah, Gotcha. Well that's nice of her, I'm sorry she's going through that, Is there anything Bliss or I can do for you guys?" He asked and offered because he's a nice guy like that. //"I don't know, But don't worry I'll make sure to let you know." She told him, dancing all up on him in her skin tight leather pants."How much are you going to be donating? Hmm?" //Felix "I don't know how to do this "Shut Up" you speak of. And if you're going to be excited by this, that just makes me more hesitant to make it happen, Woman." He told her then noticed her fumbling a bit, "Hey there I think we've done a few too many twirls, maybe we should sit down and take a break, maybe get some water?" He said suggesting to her. // "I'm getting there." She said with a soft smile, "Thank you, I'm thankful it wasn't too terrible to clean up." She said then looked down, then paused a moment before looking back at Bliss, "They kind of make me feel a little foggy, and I didn't want to feel like that for our competition, because I needed things to be.. well. Perfect. And things just got out of hand from there. It was a really bad decision on my part."
  40. Alexithymiaa: -Steph's dancing slowed, narrowing her eyes on his face. "Do you remember what happened last time you called me Woman? Don't think that just because I think you're good looking, I won't kick your ass." She threatened, quickly reaching out to grab his arm to keep herself from stumbling again. "I'm good on water. It's the shoes. They have to come off. I'm surprised they lasted this long." She stumbled over toward the couch, basically falling onto it and sticking her feet out. // "Halo?" He asked after her small outburst and disappearing act, just kind of gawking at her back for a second until Ben walked in. He stared at him like he'd seen a ghost before slowly starting to speak. "Ben? What are you doing here?" // Brad smirked and looped his arms around Kelsey's hips, holding her against him as he started of just rocked to the music. It was mostly about her dancing on him and he didnt care about anything else. "That depends on how much of your body you intend to wash my car with. The more you use, the bigger the donation. See how that works?"-
  41. Tsaaq: She frowned a bit and put her hand on her shoulder. "Well, if you need anyone to talk to I'm always available." She told Cadence softly. "I don't want you to feel so bad that you have to resort to that type of action, you know?" She tilted her head. // "I'm gonna wait in the truck." She called out to Adam. She walked angrily through the living room. "Fuck you!" Hayley yelled at Ben as she went outside towards where the pool was. // Remy nodded his head, looking a little awkward. "Uh..." He trailed off before shrugging. "I don't know. I just want her to be happy." He said softly.
  42. Artificer: "Good fucking question Adam." He said, chugging the rest of his beer and tossing it on the ground. "I was just asking myself the same thing." He headed back outside, jogging a bit to catch up to Hayley. "Hayley! Wait up!" He began walking again once he got close enough to her to not have to yell. "Listen, I'm sorry." He said getting closer.
  43. Covet: "I understand that. I feel the same in regards to Bliss. It's not easy, but definitely worth it." He said looking at him, "If you need to talk or whatever, get a beer sometime. Let me know. It's nice that you care about Cadence that way, but you should neglect yourself, either." he said giving him a pat on the shoulder. //"Oh Really? I don't know if I should feel insulted, or if you're just fitting in with the time period here." She said with a laugh, "Are you going to take me to the hospital if I get tetanus from rubbing up against a rust spot?" She said teasing him while she dance teased him. Contain yourself Kelsey. //Felix watched Steph then laughed as she flopped onto the couch, reaching down to pull her shoes off her feet. "Which time, because there was one time where it was bad, and one time where it was as bad." He asked her. "You sure you're okay, Steph?" He asked her sitting down next to her. // "I'll keep that in mind, Thank you BLiss. It's not so easy to remember all that when you're used to being independent. Everyone has their own lives and all, and I'm not much on being a burden to people. Which.. is kind of Ironic." She said with a short laugh, "Speaking of.. we can get back to the party now, I just didn't want to leave you out on a line after doing something like that."
  44. Alexithymiaa: "Both times." She shot back at him, letting out a sigh when her shoes were off her feet. She tipped her head to the side to look at him, a lazy drunken smile slipping across her face. "You called me Steph. Are YOU okay, James?" // "Hey wait..." Adam called after the two, moving through the house and weaving around people to walk out the front, heading toward the pool in the direction Hayley and then Ben had gone. His eyes shifted between the two, stepping over to Hayley and addressing Ben. "If she doesnt want to talk to you, she doesn't have to talk to you. Or accept any kind of apologize. Or anything else she doesn't want to do." // Brad narrowed his eyes down at Kelsey, grabbing her by the butt hard to pull her against him. "Hey... that car has seen some shit, okay? And that car has picked your ass up on more than one occasion so maybe you better start respecting the car a little more, huh?" He asked her, moving his hand to push her hair back from her face so he could wash her.-
  45. Tsaaq: Bliss began to sip from her cup of wine as she smiled at her "Well, I assure you. I'm always fine with being an ear and just listening." She told her before turning to go towards the kitchen once more. "It was very upsetting at the time but I assumed something was haappening. It was very out of the ordinary.
  46. Tsaaq: ((NOOOOOO ENTER BUTTON.))
  47. Covet: [BETRAYAL!]
  48. Tsaaq: Bliss began to sip from her cup of wine as she smiled at her "Well, I assure you. I'm always fine with being an ear and just listening." She told her before turning to go towards the kitchen once more. "It was very upsetting at the time but I assumed something was haappening. It was very out of the ordinary."// She crossed her arms over her chest and paced a moment. "I don't care." Hayley said softly. "Or, I don't know. Don't apologize. I don't care. Just, go. Don't worry about it." She waved him away before Adam came. Hayley went to hide behind him. // Remy considered it a moment. "I guess that doesn't sound too bad." He said. "I might hold you to that-" He began to say then looked over to Bliss and Cadence as they approach. "Oh, see, they're fine."
  49. Artificer: "Yeah no shit Adam, thanks. Can you move now?" He said looking passed him to Hayley. "Look, I don't expect you to forgive me. I just want you to know, I didn't leave you on purpose. I didn't want to leave at all, but.." He trailed off then dug into his pocket to grab his cigarettes. He placed another one in his mouth and lit it, his hands were shaking a bit. He took a drag and exhaled quickly. "Some shit happened, and I just couldnt come back."
  50. Covet: "Sure thing man, Just hit me up whenever if you need." He said with a nod then smiled seeing Bliss come back around the corner with Cadence, "Welcome back Ladies, Glad to see everything is good with you both." He said then gave a soft smile at Cadence before he moved to put an arm around Bliss, "My Love.. I do have to say it's been far too long since we've shared a dance together.Shall we?" He asked her sticking out his elbow in his square as fuck get up. //Kelsey gave a bit of a squeal, then looked at him, "Bradley..." She blushed then laughed, "Fine fine, I'll respect the car, only because it means so much to you." She said reaching out to pat him on the head. "You know...for being Danny Zuko, you aren't moving your hips like Travolta did." //"I'm just concerned and making sure you're okay, Red" He told her then put an arm around her pulling her in close to himself. "I want you to enjoy yourself tonight, that's all." He said giving her a smile.// "Yeah, I really don't like when I get like that. It's kind of disturbing for everyone." She said then walked over to Remy and tucked heself up under his arm, wrapping herself around his waist. "Thanks Eli. Enjoy your dance" She said to him then gave a wave at Bliss.
  51. Alexithymiaa: -Steph returned his smile, leaning in close to his face, definitely having rum breath. "I'm with you, arent I?" She asked before leaning in and pressing her lips to his. She ran her hand over the side of his face before leaning back and jumping up from the couch, turning to offer a hand down to him. "C'mon, I want to show you something." // "Not if she doesnt want me to." He spoke sharply in return to Ben, putting his arm behind him to keep Hayley close. "And judging by her reaction, she doesn't want me to. Nor does she want to talk to you. So maybe you should just go back inside to the party and leave her alone." // Brad scoffed loudly, shaking his head. "Oh sweetheart, I am no Travolta. I might be pretty full of myself, but I have to admit defeat on that one. My moves in other areas are much more my speciality rather than the disco fever dancing." He moved his hands over her butt and to her thighs, lifting her up off her feet and holding her against him, spinning her around. "This might be the only move I've got that he pulled off."-
  52. Tsaaq: She sighed a moment. "But don't get down on yourself about it." She told Cadence then smiled. She linked her arm with his and walked to the dancing area. "Have a good night you two" She called out before turning to face Eli. She drapped her arms on his shoulders. "This is nice." She sighed. // She frowned as she looked over to Ben while he spoke. "I said it was fine! Just go away!" Hayley called out hurriedly. She leaned her head on Adam's back as she began to whimper. "I just want to go home now." She sobbed. // He waved at Eli and Bliss and went to handover the rest of his drink to her. "I'm taking that as that went well?" He asked before going to pet her head.
  53. Artificer: Ben took another long drag of his cigarette, the sight of Hayley sobbing was crushing him inside. "I just... I want you to know I didnt want to hurt you Hayley." He said chewing on the inside of his cheek, trying to keep from crying. He turned around and began to pace, sucking hard on his cigarette, trying to keep himself together. "You are the last person I wanted to hurt." He said to her, his back to them now as he hid his crying.
  54. Covet: He smiled and put his arms around her, resting them just above her butt, as he leaned in to give her a kiss on top of her head, "Indeed, we haven't danced in a while. I apologize, because dancing with you has always been one of the things I've enjoyed the most."// She watched him as he got all fucking handsy and shit on the dancefloor and bit her lip, "Soooo...There's rooms here....We can just stay here tonight right?" She asked getting all bothered by the grinding and what not.//Felix kissed her back then scrunched his face up at her booze breath, but she put up with his cigarette breath so he wasn't going to complain too much about it. He watched her get up and stood up to follow her, putting his hands at her waist while she walked because this bitch was already stumbling around.// "Mhhm. It did, I feel better after that too." She said then looked down at the cup, then shook her head, "Thank you, but I'm good. I really shouldn't mix my meds with alcohol, and I'll have to take them when we get back home." She told him then rested her head against his chest, closing her eyes just listening to the music play.
  55. Alexithymiaa: -Steph walked through the crowded house to the staircase, starting to ascend and stumbling on the stairs, letting out a bubbling laugh and leaning her hands down to graze the stairs and find her balance. Once she reached the second floor, she walked down the long hallway to the bedroom that held all of her old furniture, stepping inside and looking around. "This is all my old stuff so this is sort of my room." Waiting until he was inside the room, she pushed the door closed and then shoved him back against it, closing her mouth over his and pawing at his jacket in an attempt to get it off and stuff, but she was sloppy so the struggle was real. // "I'll take you home." Adam spoke in a calm voice, turning around so he could face Hayley, trying his best to ignore Ben altogether. He put his hand on Hayley's shoulder, peering down into her face. "Do you need anything before we leave? Do you want to tell anyone we're leaving?" He moved his fingers to tuck her hair back behind her ear, his face soft. // Brad's smirk spread across his face, his eyes instantly darting around the room to figure out what direction they should go in. "We will find one. Right now." He spoke quickly, keeping a firm hold on her and walking off out of the living room with her still held against him. He walked down the hallway and turned into the first open door he saw, kicking the door closed behind him and thankful it was an empty bedroom. Making his way to one of the empty beds in the room, he leaned Kelsey down on top of, covering her body with his.-
  56. Tsaaq: Bliss jumped up a little the giggled. "Aw. Elijah." She cooed. "I do love dancing with you." She smiled and leaned her head on his chest as she moved in circles, getting lost in the dancing. // Hayley shuffered as Ben kept talking. "Ben just go. I can't do this right now." She said, her tears became more prominent. She looked up at Adam while she sobbed and shook her head. "Can we please just leave?" She answered. "We can apologize later or something." Hayley wiped her eyes. // Remy rose an eyebrow at her then nodded his head. He kept petting her head with his free hand. "Well, let me know when you want to go home." He said.
  57. Artificer: Ben clenched his free hand into a fist, taking another drag off his cigarette. He clenched his teeth and began walking away, going around to the otherside of the pool. He would go inside, but the cigarette was much needed. "Fuck!" He yelled, throwing his cigarette in the pool before he stepped off the edge letting himself drop into the pool. He screamed at the top of his lungs underneath the water, letting out his air causing himself sink to the bottom.
  58. Covet: [Get a hold of yourself Steph XD]Eli smiled at Bliss and continued to dance with her in the circles, humming along to some of the music because he's obnoxious like that, but he was trying to be sweet at the same time. // Kelsey laughed as Brad took her down the halway almost instantly, and into the bedroom. She was totally into the hanky panky sex things, because this was the same room they had their first threesome in too, she'd remind him of that later. As for now she was distracted. // Felix followed her and made sure she didn't fall down the stairs and walked into her room to see all of her stuff, he didn't get much of a look before he was pushed back against the door and had his mouth being molested. He wasn't going to complain because he also knew what was under that dress, because he'd bought her lingerie and was totally going to get his fill of enjoyment of it tonight. // Cadence looked up at him and looked around, "We can go home now. I'd rather do this at home, where I can do it out of this fancy get up." She told him, "Unless you want to stay longer?"
  59. Alexithymiaa: -Steph molested pretend James Dean, shedding clothes before pulling him over to her old bed. Which I love. And doing the things and the stuff. /// Adam nodded, slipping his arm around Hayley's shoulders to lead her around the side of the house so they could avoid going through it with all the peoples and stuff, hearing the splash behind him and not turning around because fuck you Ben, he just needed to get Hayley home. Pulling his keys from his pocket, he unlocked the truck, offering Hayley a hand to help her up and inside before climbing in himself so they could head back to the house. // Brad was far too much in the moment to remember that this was where their first threesome happened. He quickly started pulling off Kelsey's jacket and then her pants and the sex. Im tired.-
  60. Tsaaq: Hayley looked over her shoulder once she heard the splash. She turned away quickly and lowered her head. She took Adam's hand and got inside, quiet the whole ride home. // Remy shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know. It's up to you really." He said. "I might look like a douche right now so maybe we should bail..." He trailed off and began to walk out of the house while holding her hand. He walked past the pool and furrowed his eyebrows since it looked like someone was inside. "Oh. nope. None of that." He whispered.
  61. Covet: [We good all around here?]
  62. Artificer: Ben floated back to the top climbing out of the pool, relieved that once he emerged the house seemed to be dying down. He got up and took his shirt off, heading to the bush where his board was hidden so he could skate back to his car.
  63. Covet: [XD]
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