
Recruit Handbook

Aug 5th, 2014
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  1. First of all, go to and register there. That's the forum.
  5. Welcome to the Reapers.
  6. This handbook is going to be your best friend; you can refer back to this whenever you are unsure of something. This will guide you through your first couple days in the Reapers, and aims to summarize everything you need to know.
  8. General Rules:
  9. -No driving on runways under any circumstances
  10. -Always be respectful of your superiors (This includes saluting), and they will respect you in turn. Earn their trust.
  11. -Always ask for permission to take vehicles from HQ
  12. -Never ask for promotions. You may ask for guidance to get one, but use good judgement and don't be annoying. Everyone is recognized for their effort in time.
  13. -Do not buy any explosive weapons or sniper rifles unless given prior permission from an R3 or above or if your role designates otherwise
  14. -Before heading to a mission, heed instructions given relative to a mission, and if you are unsure of them, just ask
  15. -Do not go to the HQs of other factions, especially those of enemy factions, without prior permission from your superiors and the leaders of the faction with the HQ in question
  16. -Unless duly threatened, do not harm civilians, and if they are at HQ, ask their intentions
  17. -Generally, unless at a trade mission or otherwise ordered, enemy faction members may be shot on sight.
  18. -Have common sense
  20. Chats:
  21. IC (In Character) and OOC (Out Of Character)
  22. Local
  23. IC- Whisper: /l [message] Say: /s [message] Shout: /sh [message]
  24. OOC- /b [message]
  25. Faction
  26. IC- /f [message]
  27. OOC- /fb [message]
  28. Frequency (Join-able radio channel)
  29. -Join command /freq [00.0]
  30. IC- /r [message]
  31. OOC- /rb [message]
  32. IC Encrypted (Only readable to members of your faction)- /rx [message]
  33. Email (Messages to specific people)
  34. IC- /e [TheirName] [message]
  35. OOC- /eb [TheirName] [message]
  37. *All messages sent have a 25% chance of "leaking," meaning that they would be seen by people who may not have been meant to see it, although emails can only be leaked to R5s, and leaked encrypted messages are unreadable to members of another faction*
  39. Roles: (From which you may choose)
  40. Guard-The guards are our main defence and vital to the faction, they will defend our points against enemy attack, keep the defences high and use powerful ground vehicles to eliminate attackers- such as Tanks and Apcs.
  41. Hunter-Hunters are the infantry of the Reapers. They are expected to have outstanding abilities to survive on their own and adapt to seemingly impossible situations. Besides helping at missions and capture of important locations, they are tasked with hunting important enemies of our faction. A hunter is expected to be instantly available for high priority missions as well as being dedicated and loyal to our faction.
  42. Scout-Scouts are the eyes of the faction. They are expected to be able to scan area at a moment's notice. Scouts will always risk their lives to gather info that will greatly benefit the Faction. Scouts will also be doing routine scouting runs during free times to have good piloting skills as they will be the one to take over the pilot's duty when pilots are not avalible.
  43. Sniper-These elite marksmen will often be the backbone of our attack force, holding locations and eliminating key targets before lurking back into the shadows. Their skills with a Sniper Rifle are unmatched.
  44. Scavenger-The Scavengers are the suppliers of the faction. They are the backbone of the group, since they are the ones that need to take care of every need we have. They are specialized in the art of smuggling, and are experts in not only negotiating with our villagers when needed, but also reaching to the frontline to secure vital shipments of parts to supply our troops. Although not often, they are also called upon sometimes to take their place in battle. The Scavengers are also in charge of keeping our soldiers moving, which means that they also need to secure all kinds of transportation for the faction. They also specialize in the mythical scavening trips, where everything can happen, and where, risking their own lifes, they act as merchants, securing the best deals to support our needs. The Scavengers are known as the men of 1000 talents, since they pretty much can do it all.
  45. Mechanic-W.I.P.
  46. Medic-W.I.P.
  47. Sailor-W.I.P.
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