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реальные жанры fb2

a guest
Apr 17th, 2018
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  1. religion_rel,878
  2. russian_contemporary,657
  3. short_story,606
  4. foreign_love,409
  5. popadanec,333
  6. psy_personal,287
  7. management,238
  8. foreign_contemporary,220
  9. fantasy_fight,193
  10. marketing,188
  11. beginning_authors,154
  12. foreign_business,151
  13. foreign_psychology,151
  14. foreign_detective,148
  15. foreign_edu,141
  16. foreign_home,139
  17. foreign_publicism,134
  18. psy_social,125
  19. adv_western,118
  20. proce,117
  21. foreign_fantasy,115
  22. love_fantasy,114
  23. upbringing_book,114
  24. foreign_sf,97
  25. pedagogy_book,95
  26. humor_fantasy,87
  27. magician_book,86
  28. sci_business,83
  29. narrative,80
  30. city_fantasy,79
  31. sketch,70
  32. psy_sex_and_family,69
  33. psy_theraphy,67
  34. comp_programming,66
  35. foreign_religion,64
  36. romance_sf,64
  37. psy_childs,62
  38. foreign_adventure,61
  39. roman,61
  40. visual_arts,60
  41. foreign_dramaturgy,59
  42. psy_generic,58
  43. aphorism_quote,49
  44. essay,44
  45. accounting,41
  46. cinema_theatre,41
  47. personal_finance,41
  48. stock,40
  49. historical_fantasy,39
  50. romance_fantasy,37
  51. job_hunting,33
  52. sociology_book,31
  53. comp_soft,30
  54. small_business,28
  55. foreign_poetry,26
  56. det_cozy,25
  57. vampire_book,25
  58. comp_osnet,24
  59. sf_fantasy_irony,23
  60. slash,23
  61. unrecognised,22
  62. dragon_fantasy,20
  63. industries,20
  64. essays,19
  65. literature_short,19
  66. music_dancing,19
  67. thriller_mystery,18
  68. child_4,17
  69. entert_humor,17
  70. ya,16
  71. psy_alassic,15
  72. AU,14
  73. foreign_language,14
  74. prose_sentimental,13
  75. horror,12
  76. litrpg,12
  77. thriller_legal,12
  78. epic_poetry,11
  79. nsf,11
  80. professional_law,11
  81. geography_book,10
  82. literature,10
  83. literature_classics,10
  84. nonfiction_law,10
  85. Action,9
  86. child_animals,9
  87. literature_adv,9
  88. sagas,9
  89. history_russia,8
  90. literature_history,8
  91. mystery,8
  92. paper_work,8
  93. sf_space_opera,8
  94. POV,7
  95. biogr_historical,7
  96. foreign_comp,7
  97. foreign_desc,7
  98. foreign_humor,7
  99. global_economy,7
  100. literature_war,7
  101. romance,7
  102. sf_irony,7
  103. Humor,6
  104. comp_hard,6
  105. histor_military,5
  106. in_verse,5
  107. military,5
  108. newspapers,5
  109. nonfiction_politics,5
  110. outdoors_nature_writing,5
  111. religion_spirituality,5
  112. scenarios,5
  113. sci_biochem,5
  114. travel_spec,5
  115. Romance,4
  116. foreign_action,4
  117. literature_western,4
  118. military_arts,4
  119. nonfiction_philosophy,4
  120. religion_buddhism,4
  121. thriller_medical,4
  122. travel_africa,4
  123. История,4
  124. Adventure,3
  125. biography,3
  126. child_9,3
  127. child_characters,3
  128. fantasy_alt_hist,3
  129. horror_usa,3
  130. literature_fairy,3
  131. love-contemporary,3
  132. outdoors_conservation,3
  133. real_estate,3
  134. science_history_philosophy,3
  135. thriller_techno,3
  136. travel_guidebook_series,3
  137. travel_lat_am,3
  138. Эзотерика,3
  139. Comedy,2
  140. General,2
  141. Parody,2
  142. biogr_arts,2
  143. biogr_professionals,2
  144. biz_beogr,2
  145. dissident,2
  146. extravaganza,2
  147. fanfiction_het,2
  148. femslash,2
  149. health_psy,2
  150. health_rel,2
  151. health_sex,2
  152. history_europe,2
  153. literature_sea,2
  154. literature_su_classics,2
  155. literature_usa,2
  156. nonfiction_social_sci,2
  157. prose_epic,2
  158. romance_romantic_suspense,2
  159. science_earth,2
  160. sf_cyber_punk,2
  161. sport,2
  162. travel,2
  163. travel_europe,2
  164. Попаданцы,2
  165. Фантастика,2
  166. Фэнтези,2
  167. история,2
  168. (network_literature,1
  169. Angst,1
  170. Crossover,1
  171. Detective,1
  172. Drama,1
  173. Economics,1
  174. History,1
  175. SF,1
  176. Science Fiction,1
  177. biogr_leaders,1
  178. biogr_sports,1
  179. biz_economics,1
  180. biz_management,1
  181. business,1
  182. child_3,1
  183. experimental_poetry,1
  184. family_relations,1
  185. fantasy,1
  186. foreign_novel,1
  187. geo_guide,1
  188. health,1
  189. health_men,1
  190. health_women,1
  191. history_ancient,1
  192. history_australia,1
  193. history_usa,1
  194. history_world,1
  195. "home_health, religion_self",1
  196. horror_fantasy,1
  197. horror_vampires,1
  198. literature_antology,1
  199. literature_drama,1
  200. literature_erotica,1
  201. literature_essay,1
  202. literature_rus_classsic,1
  203. literature_women,1
  204. literature_world,1
  205. none,1
  206. nonfiction_social_work,1
  207. nonfiction_true_accounts,1
  208. prose_root,1
  209. religion_occult,1
  210. riddles,1
  211. romance_historical,1
  212. samizdat,1
  213. sci_biophys,1
  214. sci_history История,1
  215. sci_physchem,1
  216. science_archaeology,1
  217. science_medicine,1
  218. science_psy,1
  219. "sf_humor,sf_fantasy",1
  220. sf_writing,1
  221. teens_health,1
  222. teens_social,1
  223. travel_asia,1
  224. Боевая фантастика,1
  225. Деловая литература,1
  226. Драма,1
  227. ЛитРПГ,1
  228. НФ,1
  229. Недвижимость,1
  230. Повседневность,1
  231. Публицистика,1
  232. Публицистика: прочее,1
  233. Фанфик,1
  234. Экономика,1
  235. вестерн,1
  236. психология,1
  237. религиозная литература,1
  238. современная зарубежная проза,1
  239. юмор,1
  240. языкознание,1
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